Long Quiz No. 1 in English, Grade 10

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Matag-ob National High School

Matag-ob, Leyte

Long Quiz No. 1 in English, Grade 10

Name: ______________________________ Grade & Section:_____________ Score: _______

Date: ________________

I. Direction: Give what is asked.

_______________1. A traditional story that serves to III. Determine whether each underlined words is used as an
explain natural phenomenon. intensive or reflexive pronoun.
_______________2. It refers to words or phrases that appeal
to the senses. __________21. John sent himself a copy.
_______________3. A type of imagery that pertains to flavors ______22. Even Hera, the jealous wife herself could be feared.
and taste. __________23. The Greeks themselves felt at home with
_______________4. A type of imagery that pertains to odors human Gods.
and scent. __________24. They knew how they amused themselves
_______________5. A kind of pronoun that is usually used even in banquets.
when the object of a sentence is the same as the subject __________25. She sees herself.
_______________6. A type of imagery that pertains to sound, __________26. I gave myself plenty of time to get to work.
__________27. The children are able to dress themselves.
music and noises.
__________28. We treated ourselves to pizza
______________7. A type of imagery that pertains to graphics.
__________29. Jam bought herself a shirt.
______________8. A kind of pronoun that can be removed
without changing the meaning of the sentence. IV. Enumeration
Enumerate the five (5) types of imagery.
II. Identification. ( From the story, “Daedalus and Icarus” ) 30. __________________
_______________9. She is the wife of King Minos. 31. __________________
_______________10. He is the Athenian hero who killed the 32. __________________
minotaur. 33. __________________
_______________11. It is a maze designed to imprison the 34. __________________
_______________12. The sea where Icarus fell and died Three (3) creations of Daedalus:
_______________13. It is constructed by Daedalus for the 35. __________________
queen to satisfy her longing for a white bull. 36. __________________
“The Gorgon’s Head”
37. __________________
_______________14. She wrote the story, “The Gorgon’s
_______________15. He is the fisherman who took care of Three (3) priceless things needed by Perseus in his quest
Danae and her child. 38. __________________
_______________16. He is the father of Perseus 39. __________________
_______________17. She is the lady love of Perseus. 40.__________________
_______________18. He is the cruel King of Argos who shut
his daughter and grandson in a box.
_______________19. She is a terrible monster who can turn
Parent’s Signature: _____________________________
anyone into a stone.
_______________20. He is Andromeda’s uncle who wanted to
marry her.

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