Mahogany Mahgy

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Mahogany Willow - “Mahgy” 

Class​: Fighter

Race​: Human

Birthday: ​September 13th - Harvest Moon

Hometown: Ehler

Ehler is a small forest village where only humans live. The main occupation is
lumber work and woodworking. They were once a mighty people but their
numbers have dwindled over generations. People have left the town for bigger
and better things and only a few core families remain. They are a very tight knit
group and are very loyal to their remaining members - 70 people or so.

The village sits in a large forest littered with large

redwood sized trees called the “Great Trees.” The
trees hold significance to the divination
magic that the village is loyal to. There
were once many of these trees, but the
village has cut many down to use for
divination readings. Now the trees are
dwindling and so is their magic. Buildings
are built on the base of these trees. Many
of the important buildings are rounded -
built on the tree stumps or sections of the
largest trees.

Mahgy has a father and mother and no siblings. Her family is well-off in
the town and they are close to the leaders of the village.

Clio Willow​ (name comes from Greek muse of history and

heroic poetry) - Mother - Clio is from a neighboring town that
organizes markets for surrounding towns and villages. One of
the market attendees are the lumber workers in Ehler. She grew
up in a privileged station in her community and was well on her
way to living a comfortable life there- marrying another young
man from the town and raising children as her ancestors had
before. But as she helped her mother with monthly trade deals
between her community and Ehler, a young man caught her
eye. Worn and burly even as a young man - Booker Willow surprised her with his gentleness
and warm nature. Booker was one of the only men who would not only trade lumber and meat
at the monthly meets, but also intricate pieces of art carved out of stumps with his
woodchopping axe. Month after month Clio looked forward to the markets to talk to the large
man with worn hands. It wasn’t long before Clio was packing up her things and leaving her
comfortable station to move into the forest with her new husband.

Clio loves Booker but misses her village and her old life. She feels out of place. Her station in
her village has been filled and she must carve her own path here in the unfamiliar forest town.
The community of Ehler is warm but somewhat naive. Clio is ambitious and cunning. She has
seen the blind faith these people have in the prophecies of Picus and she can see her way to
something like the life she left behind. The prophecies are vague and she sees openings where
she can insert herself or her husband. Soon they begin climbing the meager social ladder in
Ehler, although Booker seems none the wiser. And when she hears about the prophecy of a
champion - a savior to the people - arriving under the Harvest moon, she knows ​exactly​ when
her child will be born.

Clio is thin and whispy with long dark hair. Her features are long, somewhat elf-like although she
holds no elf heritage. She does not blend in with other village women, who are often worn with
the force of years of physical labor. She speaks with the methodical voice of a politician and
does not share the accent of the village. People often gossip about her cold nature. It is said
that only Booker holds the secret to making Clio laugh.

Clio’s expectations of Mahgy are high. She wants the best for her but her motives can often
become muddled between maternal love and her need for power. Clio often focused on the
political nature of Mahgy’s chosen status. In between Mahgy’s rigorous training schedule, Clio
would try to teach Mahgy how to speak as a leader and uphold herself in social situations.
These lessons did not as easily to Mahgy and so she did not enjoy them. Mahgy and Clio were
close when she was younger but as she moved into her teen years Mahgy’s confident and
outspoken nature started to buff against Clio’s need to maintain the reputation she had tried so
hard to establish.

Booker Willow​ - Booker Willow is the second of six children and the only
boy. His parents were both common lumber workers, well liked by their
neighbors but not especially extraordinary. The Willow family is one of the
oldest in Ehler, with heritage going back many generations.

Booker has a loud, booming voice and a deep infectious laugh. He has
absolutely no filter, which would get him into trouble if he wasn’t so well
liked by everyone in Ehler. He is one of the strongest and toughest men
in the village but is also known as the baby soother. He is the undefeated
arm wrestling champion in Ehler, but he is also one of the most gifted
Booker carves intricate figures of animals from the forest out of logs. When he met Clio he was
selling these figures at the monthly community market in her home city. She was cold when they
first met and did not laugh at any of his jokes. Booker saw this as a challenge and returned
month after month with a new joke to try out. And when that didn't work he returned the next
month with another. When finally him stubbing his toe on one of the log rabbits made her smile,
Booker knew he was in love. She was quick witted and cunning, something he was never. She
made him work for every smile and every giggle, but Booker never was afraid of hard work and
he definitely was not one to shy away from a challenge.

When Clio became his wife and she moved back to Ehler with him, Booker hardly noticed the
little changes in his life. His wife suggested things for him to do to help out his neighbors. Help
the Spruces with a new addition to their house? Sure! Help out Mrs. Palm with a pest problem?
He was happy to! Make a sculpture for the village leaders wife? Of course! Why hadn’t he
thought of it himself? Before Booker had connected any of the dots between these good deeds
and the good reputation the newly married Willows were gaining, they had moved into the
house right in the center of town and were having the village leaders over for dinner every week.
And then after years of Booker begging for children, Clio announced she was pregnant. (Oddly,
only a month after Eudora had prophesied about the chosen child who would lead Ehler into a
new era of greatness.)

The months after Mahogany was born you could not talk to Booker without him turning the
conversation to something his daughter had done. His daughter, the child of prophecy, was
amazing and as she grew older he told her this daily. When he got home from his work as a
logger, he would spend the evenings teaching her everything he knew. And when she had
mastered that, well Clio actually had already set up lessons with a trainer, a master fighter who
could teach her techniques Booker had never heard of.

Clio often warns him that Mahogany still has a lot to learn, but Booker isn’t worried. Picus chose
his daughter because she is strong and fearless. Nothing is too big a challenge or too hard a
fight and she will make Ehler proud. He just knows it.

Mahgy wants to make her family proud, especially her dad. His great expectations for her loom
over her. Her mother’s criticisms only make her dig her feet more into her ways. She’s always
been right in Ehler. She has always won when it mattered in Ehler. But out in the world she may
find that her mom was more right than she would like to admit.

When she was born she fulfilled a village prophecy. Born with dark hair, under a harvest moon,
the child would be riches, fame, and most importantly magic to the village -
-but Clio induced labor on that night. She wasn’t waiting around a couple more years for the
fulfillment to the prophecy to be born. Mahogany /was/ the only kid to be born on that night but
does she really fulfill the prophecy? Clio never tells her any of this.

From a very young age she was told she would be great. She is a self-fulfilling prophecy story-
she was told she would be great and so she is a great fighter - but only on in comparison to
others in the village (other human craftsmen and fighters).

She starts off her adventuring journey very cocky and self assured. She thinks she can do
anything and a lot has come easy to her. She works hard and trains well but a lot has been
handed to her her whole life. (General cocky teenage attitude)

Magical Background:
The village is ruled by divination magic. One old woman tells and interprets the “story of the
village” Because of the dwindling supply of “Great Trees” the magic of the village is dying too.
Mahgy has been prophesied to bring back the magic and the riches of the village. Mahgy has no
experience in magic but is very curious - regards divination magic in high regard. Believes all
prophecies or readings at face value.

Magical item kleptomaniac - any magical item may be the solution to the prophecy

Physical Appearance:
AfroLatina - Long, dark curly hair which she normally
will braid back for fighting. These tight braids only
make the puffy, curly texture even more pronounced
when she takes the braids out. It is a mop of hair when
left out.

Round features and childlike appearance.

5 foot 2 inches - stocky, muscular build of an

athlete. When others see a small human girl,
they will often underestimate her strength.

Fulfilling the prophecy! - She was born for it

Finding family/friends who will appreciate her for her and not the “chosen one” label

Learning more about magic - She is genuinely curious about the world outside Ehler but also
immensely clueless.
Horses - does not like them from a young age. (Maybe was bucked once?) Her village uses
horses to carry carts to the area market to sell goods/buy supplies. Mahgy has never been on
these runs because she does not like the /beasts/.

Letting others down - Her people/family have set high expectations for her. She does not want
to let them down.

Magic and magic users - less of a fear and more of an uneasiness

Start to Adventuring:
Before meeting our party - she was sent off by her village at age 18
to bring back treasures and magic for her people (fulfill the
prophecy). She has only been on her own for a couple weeks. She
wants to make everyone proud of her so bad. The village has a lot
riding on her.

The first town she stopped at, she introduced herself and was met
with wayyyyy too many wood jokes for her liking. She immediately
changed her name to Mahgy. No one in our party knows her as
Mahogany (it’s a secret).

Battleaxe with mahogany handle intricate design carved in it. Each
person in her village put a notch in it. It is very special to her and
represents her reason for adventuring.

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