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Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (1984) 20:318-325

© Springer-Verlag1984

Dissociation of cephamycin and clavulanic acid biosynthesis

in Streptomyces clavuligerus
J. Romero, P. Liras, and J. F. Martin
Departamento de Microbiologfa,Facultad de Biologfa, Universidadde Le6n, Le6n, Spain

Summary. Streptomyces clavuligerus produced simul- Production of different metabolites by a single

taneously cephamycin C and clavulanic acid in strain is controlled by intracellular effectors that
defined medium in long-term fermentations and in respond to changes in the concentration of nutrients
resting-cell cultures. Biosynthesis of cephamycin by in the medium (Martin and Demain 1980). For
phosphate-limited resting cells was dissociated from example, Streptomyces cattleya forms sequentially
clavulanic acid formation by removing either glycerol melanin, cephamycin C and thienamycin. Onset of
or sulphate from the culture medium. In absence of melanin, cephamycin C and thienamycin biosynthesis
glycerol no clavulanic acid was formed but cepha- occurred when glucose, ammonia and phosphate, in
mycin production occurred, whereas in absence of that order, become growth-limiting (Lilley et al.
sulphate no cephamycin was synthesized but clavu- 1981; Bushell and Fryday 1983).
lanic biosynthesis took place. Sulphate, sulphite and Biosynthesis of penicillin N, cephalosporin and
thiosulphate were excellent sulphur sources for cephamycin C in Streptomyces clavuligerus occurs
cephamycin biosynthesis while L-methionine and through a common biosynthetic pathway that appears
L-cysteine were poor precursors of this antibiotic. to be strongly regulated by the carbon and nitrogen
Increasing concentrations of sulphate also stimulated sources present in the media (Aharanowitz and
clavulanic acid formation. The biosynthesis of clavu- Demain 1978), but weakly regulated by phosphate
lanic acid was much more sensitive to phosphate (Aharonowitz and Demain 1977). For Acremonium
(10-100 mM) regulation than that of cephamycin. chrysogenurn and Penicilliurn chrysogenum there is a
Therefore, the formation of both metabolites was great deal of information concerning the regulation of
pertially dissociated at 25 mM phosphate. By con- cephalosporin and penicillin biosynthesis at the
trast, nitrogen regulation by ammonium salts or sulphur precursors level (Drew and Demain 1975;
glutamic acid strongly reduced the biosynthesis of Treichler et al. 1979). However there is no informa-
both cephamycin and clavulanic acid. tion on the regulatory mechanisms controlling sul-
phur metabolism in Streptornyces clavuligerus in
relation to cephamycin biosynthesis.
The biosynthetic pathways leading to the for-
mation of cephamycin and clavulanic acid proceed
Introduction through different intermediates (Elson et al. 1982)
and might be suject to control by different effectors.
S. clavuligerus produces at least four different /3- The possibility of dissociating cephamycin C biosyn-
lactam antibiotics: cephamycin C, penicillin N, thesis form clavulanic acid production by manipulat-
clavulanic acid, 7-(5-amino-5-carboxyvaleramido) ing the concentration of effectors is an attractive
-3-carbamoyloxymethyl-3-cephem-4-carboxylic acid approach.
(Nagarajan 1972; Brown et al. 1976) in addition This paper deals with the regulation exerted by
to the unrelated substances holomycin (Kenig and phosphate, carbon, nitrogen and sulphur sources on
Reading, 1979) and R022-5417, a methionine anti- the production of cephamycin C and clavulanic acid
metabolite (Pruess and Kellet 1983). by S. clavuligerus and the conditions required to
dissociate cephamycin biosynthesis from clavulanic
Offprint requeststo: J. F. Martin acid production.
J. Romero et al.: Dissociation of cephamycin and clavulanic acid biosynthesis 319

Materials and methods Glycerol in the culture medium was determined as described
by Burton (1957) and sucrose by the glucose oxidase method after
hydrolysis of sucrose with invertase.
Microorganisms. These studies were carried out with Streptomyces
clavuligerus NRRL 3585, a producer of clavulanic acid and Chemicals'. Clavulanic acid was a gift of Beecham (England),
cephamycin C. Escherichia coli Ess 22-35, a supersensitive strain Cephalosporin C, deacetoxycephalosporin C and deacetylcepha-
to fl-lactam antibiotics, was a gift of A. L. Demain. Klebsiella losporin C were provided by F. Salto (Antibirticos, S.A., Spain)
pneumoniae ATCC 29665, a penicillin-resistant strain, was used for and penicillin N (98% pure) was supplied by J. Nuesch (Ciba
the assay of clavulanic acid. Micrococcus luteus ATCC 9341 was Geigy, Switzerland). Invertase and other reagents were obtained
used for determination of penicillin N. Bacillus cereusUL-1 was used from Sigma.
as a source of penicillinase lacking cephalosporinase activity.

Production media and culture conditions. S. cIavuligerus was

maintained in 20% glycerol at - 2 0 ° C. Two ml of thawed cell Results
suspension were used to inoculate 50 ml of seed medium (malt
extract 10 g • 1-1, Bacto peptone 10 g • 1-1, glycerol 20 g • 1-1, pH
7) in 250 ml baffled flasks. After 48 h, 2.5 ml of seed culture were Time course of cephamycin and clavulanic acid
centrifuged, washed twice and used to inoculate 50 ml of formation in defined medium. D e f i n e d m e d i u m
production medium GSPG containing (in g. 1-1), glycerol 15, G S P G w a s f o u n d to s u p p o r t o p t i m a l p r o d u c t i o n o f
sucrose 20, proline 2.5, glutamic acid 1.5, NaC1 5, K2HPO4 2, both cephamycin C and clavulanic acid among several
CaC12 0.4, MnC12 • 4H20 0.1, FeC13.6H20 0.1, ZnCI2 0.05,
m e d i a t e s t e d . G l u t a m i c a c i d (1.5 g . 1-1), w a s u s e d
MgSO4 • 7 H20 1 and destilled water, at pH 7 (O'Sullivan et al.
1979) in 250 ml triple-baffled flasks. Incubations were carried out r a p i d l y d u r i n g t h e first 24 h o f f e r m e n t a t i o n . A p h a s e
in an orbital incubator (New Brunswick Scientific) at 30 ° C. MYE, of rapid utilization of glutamic acid coincided with the
containing, in g - 1-1, maltose 10, yeast extract 4 and at pH 7.0, was onset of both cephamycin and clavulanic acid bio-
used for detection of biosynthetic intermediates.
s y n t h e s i s . P r o l i n e is t h e n u s e d as t h e n i t r o g e n s o u r c e .
Phosphate-limited or sulphate-limited resting cell cultures
were prepared by collecting 50 ml of cells grown in GSPG medium G l y c e r o l (15 g - 1 - 1 , w a s d e p l e t e d at 72 h, t h e r e b y
for 24 h. Cells were washed twice with saline solution and l i m i t i n g g r o w t h a n d also a n t i b i o t i c b i o s y n t h e s i s .
suspended in 15 ml of GSPG medium without phosphate or S u c r o s e w a s u t i l i z e d v e r y slowly.
sulphate (about 5 mg of dry weight - ml-1). Resting cell cultures Biosynthesis of cephamycin and clavulanic acid
were incubated at 30° C in an orbital incubator as indicated before.
o c c u r r e d in p a r a l l e l w i t h g r o w t h a n d b o t h a n t i b i o t i c s
In some experiments (see text) resting cells were also prepared in
100 mM MOPS buffer at pH 7.0. r e a c h e d m a x i m u m l e v e l s b e t w e e n 48 h a n d 72 h (Fig.
1). O n l y t r a c e l e v e l s o f t h e b i o s y n t h e t i c i n t e r m e d i a t e s
Determination of clavulanic acid. The fl-lactamase inhibitory penicillin N and deacetoxycephalosporin C were
activity of clavulanic acid was assayed in plate tests using 15 mi of d e t e c t e d t h r o u g h o u t t h e f e r m e n t a t i o n in this m e d i -
TSA agar containing 10 ~g • m1-1 of penicillin G and 1 ml of a u m . B y c o n t r a s t , d e a c e t o x y c e p h a l o s p o r i n C was
penicillin-resistant KlebsielIapneumoniae ATCC 29665 suspension
(OD = 1.0 at 600 nm). Samples (30 ul) of centrifuged broth of a c c u m u l a t e d in c o m p l e x M Y E m e d i u m . C l a v u l a n i c
S. clavuligerus cultures were placed in wells (6 mm diameter) in the a c i d t i t e r s d e c r e a s e d a f t e r 48 h, w h e r e a s t h e l e v e l s o f
agar. After diffusion for 4 h at 4° C the plates were incubated for cephamycin remained more stable during the fer-
16 h at 30 ° C. Samples of pure clavulanic acid (Beecham) were mentation.
used as standards.

Biosynthesis o f cephamycin and clavulanic acid by

Determination of cephamycin, penicillin N and deacetoxycepha-
losporin C. Cephamycin was assayed in filtered broths of resting cells o f S. clavuligerus. P h o s p h a t e - l i m i t e d
S. clavuligerus against E. coli Ess 22-35 as described by Aharo- r e s t i n g cell s y s t e m s o f S. clavuligerus p r o d u c e d lin-
nowitz and Demain (1978), using cephalosporin C as standard. e a r l y b o t h c e p h a m y c i n C a n d c l a v u l a n i c a c i d f o r at
Cephamycin titers are given as ~tg of cephalosporin C per ml. l e a s t 30 h ( w i t h o u t i n c r e a s e in cell d r y w e i g h t ) ,
Penicillin N was detected as indicated by Zanca and Martin (1983).
r e a c h i n g l e v e l s o f 2 0 - 5 0 ~tg • m1-1 ( 4 - 1 0 ~tg - m g d r y
Deacetoxycephalosporing C was detected by HPLC using a Varian
5000 chromatograph equipped with a Microbondapak INCH10 w e i g h t -1) o f e a c h a n t i b i o t i c d e p e n d i n g o n t h e
column (30 × 4ram) using 10raM acetate buffer at pH 4.7: nutritional conditions used. Carbon-, nitrogen- and
acetonitrile (99 : 1 v/v) was used as solvent. A flow gradient was p h o s p h a t e - l i m i t e d r e s t i n g cells ( s u s p e n d e d in 100 m M
applied to the column as follows; t = 0, F = 0 ml. min 1; t = 3.5,
M O P S b u f f e r , p H 7) s y n t h e s i z e d b o t h c e p h a m y c i n C
F = 2 ml • min-1; t = 8, F - 3 ml • min-1; S = 0.02. Pure samples
of deacetoxycephalosporin C showing a retention time of 3.4 min a n d c l a v u l a n i c acid, r e a c h i n g a s i m i l a r l e v e l o f
were used as standards. p r o d u c t i o n as in t h e p h o s p h a t e - l i m i t e d m e d i u m .

Determination of amino acids, glyceroland sucrose. Amino acids in Dissociation o f clavulanic acid and cephamycin
the media were separated and quantified by HPLC after biosynthesis by glycerol limitation. S. cIavuligerus
derivatization with 0-phthaldialdehyde (OPA) accoring to the u t i l i z e d g l y c e r o l , g l u t a m i c acid, p r o l i n e o r s u c r o s e f o r
procedure of Jones et a1.(1981). Solutions (1 raM) of pure amino
acids were used as standards. Proline was derivatized after growth. In the absence of glycerol, no formation of
hydrolisis for ten minutes at 60°C with 0.2% sodium hypochlo- c l a v u l a n i c a c i d o c c u r r e d (Fig. 2). T h e m a x i m a l r a t e o f
rite. f o r m a t i o n o f c l a v u l a n i c a c i d w a s o b t a i n e d at 110 m M
320 J. Romero et al.: Dissociation of cephamycin and clavulanic acid biosynthesis

A B 6

9 o

. ~ . i . j t L - - i n
x 1"
r~ 7 =. Q
G 1:36
<{ 6 G
U I_ u
20--E E z 3u_
U z
I- 4 >. <
:i ..J
I- <
~I0 "r F w ta
z 3 <
O ~ z _1
0 10 ~) "~ w
10 U
g,e¢ >- Q.
w {3

o_ 10 20 0 10 20
6 B
TIME (h)
a Fig. 2. Effect of glycerol on production of cephamycin C (A) and
clavulanic (B) by phosphate-limited resting cells of S. clavuIigerus.
Glycerol addition: None (O); 55 mM (A); 110 mM (A); 165 mM
([]); 220 mM (m)
L) U
~2 Z

A_ - ~ _
48 96
Fig. 1 A, B. Time-course of fermentation parameters and anti-
biotic production by S. clavuligerus grown in defined GSPG
medium. A Dry weight (n); pH (m); residual glycerol (O) and
sucrose (e); residual glutamic acid (A) and proline (A). tJ
B Cephamycin C (©), calvulanic acid (e), penicillin N (A) and Z
deacetoxycephalosporin C(A) 0
glycerol. Concentrations above this level reduced the LU
biosynthesis of clavulanic acid (Fig. 2B).
In the absence of glycerol, 50% cephamycin was D
still produced (Fig. 2A). U n d e r these conditions the
biosynthesis of cephamycin C was dissociated from
that of clavulanic acid. The optimal rate of cepha-
mycin synthesis was obtained at glycerol concentra-
tions in the range of 5 5 - 1 1 0 mM. Higher concen- P
trations produced a small reduction of cephamycin
biosynthesis. 2
Nitrogen regulation of the biosynthesis of cephamycin Z
C and clavulanic acid. Optimal production of cepha- .J
mycin by resting cells required the addition of ,,¢
"J 0
glutamic acid or a-ketoglutarate (10 mM). There- U 8 16 0 8 16
fore, resting cell cultures were always carried out in
TIME (h)
G S P G containing 10 m M glutamic acid.
Addition of higher concentrations of glutamic Fig. 3. Effect of glutamic acid (A, C) and ammonium chloride (B,
D) on biosynthesis of cephamycin (A, B) and clavulanic acid (C,
acid or NH4C1 resulted in a clear concentration-de- D) by phosphate-limited resting cells of S. clavuligerus. Additions:
pendent reduction in the biosynthesis of both cepha- None (O); glutamic acid 20 mM (A); glutamic acid 40 mM (A);
mycin and clavulanic acid. Both glutamic acid and NH4C120 mM ([~); NH+C140 mM (m). Note that GSPG medium
a m m o n i u m appeared to exert a stronger inhibitory contained an additional 10 mM glutamic acid
J. Romero et al.: Dissociation of cephamycinand clavulanic acid biosynthesis 321

© ©

Fig. 4 A - C . Regulation by
:I,., phosphate of clavulanic acid
Q ot o ~ l c /~~ ~ biosynthesis by sulphur-limited
resting cells of S. clavuligerus. Cells
< were grown in GSPG supplemented
with 0 mM (A) or with 10 mM (B)
(,9 or 100 mM (C) phosphate.
r, Sulphur-limited resting cell were
..A ~D incubated without phosphate (©)
D or with 10 mM (0) or 100 mM (A)
phosphate. Insert: Effect of
_1 phosphate in short-time incubations
O _ ,-,4"~ 0 A.-,-~'~ I . . . . (conditions as in panel A)
"t0 20 0 10 20 0 10 20

TI ME (h)

effect on cephamycin than on clavulanic acid bio- Table 1. Effect of phosphate on cephamycin C biosynthesis by
synthesis (Fig. 3). No change of pH occurred after carbon and nitrogen-limitedresting cells of S. clavuligerus
addition of the nitrogen sources. In cells supple- Phosphate concentration Cephamycin C
mented with either 20 or 40 mM glutamic acid, there (mM) (~xg. mg 1 cell dry weight)
was a delay in the onset of both cephamycin (Fig. 3A)
and clavulanic acid (Fig. 3C) production, until the Incubation time
glutamic acid had been depleted (as shown by
12 h 25 h
quantification of the residual glutamic acid by TLC or
HPLC). 0 1.6 4.6
10 3.1 4.7
25 3.8 6.5
Dissociation of the biosynthesis of cephamycin C and
clavulanic acid by phosphate regulation. The effect of Cells grownfor 24 h in GSPG mediumwere washedand suspended
phosphate on the biosynthesis of clavulanic acid and at 5 mg cell dry weight • m1-1, in 100 mM MOPS buffer supple-
cephamycin was studied in sulphur-limited resting mented with the phosphate concentration indicated
cell systems and in MOPS buffer. Resting cells
without phosphate supplementation were prepared
from GSPG cultures grown under different phos- when the resting cells were also supplemented with 10
phate concentrations. Alternatively, dells grown in or 100 mM phosphate (Fig. 4B, C).
GSPG medium without phosphate addition were Both cephamycin and clavulanic acid were pro-
supplemented with phosphate during the resting cell duced by cells suspended in MOPS buffer. Addition
system (Fig. 4). Sulphur-limited resting cells were of phosphate at concentrations up to 25 mM stimu-
unable to synthesize cephamycin (except in MOPS lated cephamycin C biosynthesis by cells suspended in
buffer, see below), but produced clavulanic acid at a MOPS buffer (Table 1). Higher phosphate concen-
normal rate. trations were slightly inhibitory. Since the biosynthe-
Addition of 10-100 mM phosphate to sul- sis of clavulanic acid was much more sensitive to
phur-limited resting cells prepared form cultures phosphate than that of cephamycin, experimental
grown in unsupplemented GSPG medium resulted conditions were set up (nitrogen-limited resting cells
in a drastic concentration-dependant reduction of supplemented with 25 mM phosphate and 4 mM
clavulanic acid biosynthesis at concentrations above sulphate) in which the formation of both antibiotics
10mM (Fig. 4A). In short-term experiments the was partially dissociated by phosphate regulation.
phosphate effect on clavulanic acid biosynthesis was
already seen at 5 h after addition of phosphate (Fig. Dissociative effect of sulphate limitation on cephamy-
4A, insert). Cells grown in GSPG supplemented with cin and clavulanic acid biosynthesis. A sulphur source
10 mM (Fig. 4B) or 100 mM phosphate (Fig. 4C), was required for cephamycin biosynthesis. In absence
and then collected, washed and suspended in phos- of sulphate, clavulanic acid was synthesized by
phate-free medium, showed a reduced rate of phosphate-limited resting cells but no cephamycin
clavulanic acid synthesis that was further decreased was formed (Fig. 5). A threshold concentration of
322 J. Romero et al.: Dissociation of cephamycin and clavulanic acid biosynthesis

A E ] ~ D ~ ~ B 3

0/U ~W~_A
oJ []
Q z
<{2 4U
_v Z 1

o ,i

° ~ , ~ .,j ~ o
5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20

Fig. 5. Effect of increasing sulphate concentrations on cephamycin Fig. 7. Utilization of different sulphur sources for cephamycin
C (©) and clavulanic acid (A) production by phosphate-limited biosynthesis (A) and its effect on clavulanic acid production (B} by
resting cells of S. clavuligerus. Samples for cephamycin and phosphate-limited resting cells of S. clavuligerus. Additions: None
clavulanic acid determination were taken after 24 h of incubation in (©); MgSO4 (O); methionine (A); cysteine (A); MgSO4 plus serine
the resting cell system ([])

elm At low concentrations (e.g., 0.5 mM) sulphate was

/(,..~. 0

=k. o....M preferently used for growth (60% of maximum
a growth at 0.5 raM) rather than for cephamycin or
clavulanic biosynthesis (Fig. 6). Sulphate concentra-
_u tions above 1 mM produced only a small increase in
..I both dry weight and cephamycin. Clavulanic acid
titers on the contrary increased steadily at increasing
concentrations of sulphate, as occurred also in resting
w cell system (Fig. 6).
Z 2~
/ O
Utilization of different sulphur sources for cephamy-
cin biosynthesis and their effect on clavulanic acid
production. Since cephamycin biosynthesis by phos-
t 0 phate-limited resting cells was dependent on the
SULFATE ImM~ addition of a sulphur source (Fig. 5), this system was
Fig. 6. Sulphate requirement for growth (D), and for cephamycin used to study the utilization of different sulphur
C (©) and clavulanic acid (A) biosynthesis by S. cIavuligerus in sources for cephamycin biosynthesis and at the same
long-term fermentations in GSPG medium. Samples for cell dry
weight, cephamycin and clavulanic acid determinations were taken
time to establish their effect on clavulanic acid
at 48 h of incubation production.
The results shown in Fig. 7A indicate that
sulphate (4 raM) was a better precursor for cepha-
1 mM sulphate was required to get normal levels of mycin biosynthesis than L-methionine or L-cysteine
cephamycin. Higher sulphate concentration did not (4 mM). L-cysteine caused extensive lysis of the
produce a further increase in cephamycin titer (Fig. resting cells after 24 h of incubation (up to 75% at
5). Clavulanic acid was formed in absence of 4 mM cysteine). There was no lysis in L-methionine
sulphate. However, addition of increasing concen- or sulphate-supplemented cultures. D-methionine
trations of sulphate (up to 4 raM) stimulated clavu- produced the same effect as L-methionine. Substitu-
lanic acid biosynthesis, despite the lack of sulphur in tion of cysteine by its precursors serine and sulphate
the molecule of this compound. (4 mM each) stimulated cephamycin biosynthesis
To compare the sulphate requirements for growth while avoiding lysis of the culture. Methionine and
and for cephamycin biosynthesis, long-term fermen- specially cysteine were strongly inhibitory of clavu-
tations were run in GSPG medium containing lanic acid biosynthesis, whereas sulphate (4 raM) was
increasing concentrations of sulphate (0.5-10 raM). stimulatory (Fig. 7B).
J. Romero et al.: Dissociation of cephamycin and clavulanic acid biosynthesis 323

Sulphite and thiosulphate (at 0.5 and 4 m M each) Discussion

were efficiently utilized for cephamycin biosynthesis
(Table 2). Thiosulphate on a millimolar basis gave Formation of cephamycin C by Streptomyces clavu-
even better yield than sulphate. The sulphonic acid ligerus was dissociated from that of clavulanic acid in
residue of M O P S buffer was itself used as sulphur the absence of glycerol. Glycerol was indispensable
source for cephamycin biosynthesis (Table 1). for biosynthesis of clavulanic acid (Fig. 2B). These
Methionine analogs are known to increase cepha- results suggest that glycerol is a direct precursor of
losporin biosynthesis by Acremonium chrysogenum. clavulanic acid. Elson and Oliver (1978) reported that
Ethionine ( 3 0 - 6 0 mM) in presence of sulphate as the carbon skeleton of 1,3-(13C) glycerol was incor-
sulphur source stimulated cephamycin biosynthesis porated intact into the three carbon atoms of the
(Table 3). In absence of sulphate, ethionine itself was fl-lactam ring of clavulanic acid. By contrast, pro-
used as sulphur source. The antibiotic formed in duction of cephamycin occurred in the absence of
cultures supplemented with ethionine was shown to glycerol, suggesting that enough precursor amino
be cephamycin C by H P L C analysis, and no deme- acids for cephamycin biosynthesis (a-aminoadipic
thoxy or ethoxy-derivatives were detected. Ethionine acid, cysteine and valine) were formed from the other
at 3 0 m M produced also a small stimulation of carbon sources existing in the medium. Glycerol (up
clavulanic acid biosynthesis. Norleucine, a non-sul- to 110 raM) stimulated cephamycin production (Fig.
phur analog of methionine did not exert any stimu- 2A). A t concentrations above 110raM, glycerol
latory effect (Table 3). exerted a small inhibitory effect on cephamycin
biosynthesis, which is in agreement with the results of
Aharonowitz and D e m a i n (1978). This effect of
Table 2. Utilization of sulphate, sulphite and thiosulphate as glycerol at high concentrations does not, however,
sulphur sources for cephamycin C biosynthesis by phosphate-lim- resemble the well established carbon catabolite
ited resting cells of S. clavuligerus
regulation of penicillin and cephalosporin biosynthe-
Sulphur source Cephamycin C sis (Zanca and Martin 1983; Martin et al. 1982).
Both glutamic acid and its deaminated derivative
gg. mg-1 cell % a-ketoglutarate were excellent carbon sources for
dry weight
cephamycin biosynthesis, which was to be expected,
None 0 0 since feeding experiments had established that glu-
Magnesium sulphate (0.5 mM) 3.9 74 tamic acid provided the carbon skeleton for carbons
Magnesium sulphate (4.0 mM) 5.3 100 2, 3, 8, 9, and 10 of clavulanic acid (Elson et al. 1982).
Sodium sulphite (0.5 mM) 4.2 80
Sodium sulphite (4.0 mM) 5.4 102 However, addition of high concentrations of glutamic
Sodium thiosulphate (0.5 mM) 4.5 86 acid or a m m o n i u m chloride exerted a concentra-
Sodium thiosulphate (4.0 mM) 6.4 120 tion-dependant reduction of the biosynthesis of both
cephamycin and clavulanic acid (Fig. 3). The
Cells grown in GSPG medium for 24 h were washed and suspended
in phosphate-free GSPG medium at 5 mg cell dry weight • m1-1. clear-cut delay in the onset of production of both
Cephamycin was determined after 20 h of incubation in the cephamycin C and clavulanic acid until glutamic acid
resting-cell system was depleted, strongly suggested that this result is due

Table 3. Effect of methionine analogs on cephamycin C and clavulanic acid production by phosphate-limited resting cells of
S. clavuligerus
Methionine analogs added Cephamycin C Clavulanic acid

gg- mg 1 cell % ~g • mg 1 cell %

dry weight dry weight
None 0 0 2.4 50
Magnesium sulphate (4 mM) 5 100 4.8 100
Ethionine (30 mM) 5.2 104 4.7 98
Magnesium sulphate (4 raM) + Ethionine (30 mM) 7.0 140 6.1 127
Magnesium sulphate (4 mM) + Ethionine (60 raM) 6.0 120 4.6 95
Magnesium sulphate (4 mM) + Norleucine (2 raM) 3.0 60 3.0 62
Magnesium sulphate (4 mM) + Norleucine (6 mM) 1.2 24 4.4 41
Magnesium sulphate (4 mM) + Norleucine (12 mM) 0.4 8 O.48 10
Phosphate-limited resting cells were prepared as in Table 2. Cephamycin was determined after 20 h of incubation in the resting cell
324 J. Romero et al.: Dissociation of cephamycin and clavulanic acid biosynthesis

to a nitrogen catabolite regulation of the biosynthesis Summing up, the results shown above indicate
of both antibiotics, as occurs in other /3-1actams that it is possible to dissociate the formation of
(Martin and Aharonowitz 1983; Aharonowitz and cephamycin and clavulanic acid in S. clavuligerus
Demain 1979). Dissociation of the formation of either by limiting the culture supply of glycerol and
clavulanic acid from that of cephamycin could not be sulphate or by phosphate regulation.
achieved by nitrogen regulation.
Inorganic phosphate exerted a concentration- Acknowledgements. This work was supported by a grant of the
Comisi6n Asesora de Investigaci6n Cientffica y Tdcnica (Madrid).
dependent inhibitory effect on the biosynthesis of J. Romero was supported by predoctoral fellowships of CONA-
clavulanic acid (Fig. 4A). Cephamycin biosynthesis, CYT (Mdxico) and the Direcci6n General de Relaciones Cultur-
on the contrary, showed little sensitivity to phosphate ales, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores (Spain). We are indebted to
regulation which is in agreement with the report of L. Vara for typing the manuscript and to J. M. Castro and
J. Cort6s for valuable discussions.
Aharonowitz and Demain (1977) and with the results
in other/%lactams (Martin and Aharonowitz 1983).
However, no complete dissociation of cephamycin
and clavulanic formation was obtained because
complete inhibition of clavulanic acid synthesis by References
phosphate could only be obtained in sulphur-limited
Aharonowitz Y, Demain AL (1977) Influence of inorganic
medium (Fig. 4) but not in sulphur-supplemented phosphate and organic buffers on cephalosporin production by
medium (sulphur supplementation is required for Streptomyces clavuligerus. Arch Microbiol 115:269-273
cephamycin biosynthesis). Aharonowitz Y, Demain AL (1978) Catabolite regulation of
Dissociation of the biosynthesis of cephamycin and cephalosporin production in Streptomyces clavuligerus. Anti-
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