Assignment Strategic Management

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Name- Sukanja Pandey

ID- 6271900068

Personal Assessment Assignment.

Review the slides explaining the 4 components of Emotional intelligence and their associated
competencies. What do you believe are your areas of strength? Your areas of vulnerability?

Ans:- Self Awareness:- Self-awareness refers to the capacity to recognize and understand emotions
and to have a sense of how one’s actions, moods and the emotions of others take effect.

It involves keeping track of emotions and noticing different emotional reactions, as well as being
able to identify the emotions correctly.

Social Awareness: - Your organizational awareness, focus on service, and level of empathy compose
your social awareness. Improve your organizational awareness by fine-tuning your radar for the
emotional climate in groups, and recognizing power dynamics.
Improve your service orientation by fine-tuning your radar for your customers’ or clients’ needs. Do
this by first and foremost, always taking personal responsibility even when things aren’t going well.
Other strategies to enhance your service orientation include being as available and responsive to
your customers as possible, and coming up with a system to regularly gather feedback.

Self-Management:- Self-management is your ability to control your emotions. This component also
includes your transparency, adaptability, achievement, and optimism.  A key factor is whether you
react or respond to situations. Answer these questions:
 When you get an irritating email, do you write back right away?
 Do you sometimes find yourself regretting how you handled yourself, wishing that you had
been calmer and more poised?
 Do you lose patience or rush others?
If you said yes to any of these questions, you may be in the habit of reacting rather than responding.
When you react, you do what comes naturally, which is going with the emotional part of your brain.
When you respond, you act against what is natural, which is why it is difficult. You engage the
rational part of your brain and select the best response.

Relationship Management: - Developing others, serving as an inspiring leader and catalyst for
change, collaborating with a high-performing team, and managing conflict are part of relationship
You are high on this characteristic if others perceive you as likeable and you’re able to work well
with diverse groups, even in the face of stress and conflict.
Areas of Strength: -Every person, no matter their profession or stage in life, should be
developing their strengths and their emotional intelligence together in order to make the most
out of their opportunities in life. For example, you may discover that your strengths include
being competitive, strategic, and forward-looking; but if you have no self-awareness and no
ability to self-manage, you will have a difficult time mobilizing these strengths into personal or
professional success.

Areas of vulnerability: - Emotional weakness may be seen as showing strong emotions that people

consider unnecessary eg. soft-heartedness, meanness, feebleness, vengefulness, prettiness,
excessive sentiment and anger. It is the state or quality of being emotionally weak.


Interactions with Boss / Colleague

1. Think of someone you work with / have worked with, who you would do anything for? Why?

Now am working in Lebua Hotel and Restaurant and my boss is a great person He is my inspiring
leader who would create good bond and have friendly nature, and always ready to listen to our
problems, guide us to resolve our disagreements and influence us to pursue the goals. I would do
anything for my boss because as a potential employee, my duty is to respect his orders and maintain
the trust upon me and give my full commitment to align with the goals of the organization.

2. Think of someone you work with/have worked with, who you would not do anything for
(would do little as possible for)? Why?

This one would be my team leader while I was working in a Travel company because though he was
our team leader, he was not an appropriate one. He did not show an effort in teamwork and lacked
empathy as well.

3. What are the differences between these people?

The difference between these people are that my boss possesses good emotional intelligence skills
and knows how to utilize and develop emotional intelligence in the workplace which helps to
improve both job performance and social capabilities of others whereas the another one i.e. my
team leader lacks empathy and is not emotionally intelligent like my boss.

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