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Nallely Mateo

Professor Wolfe

ETEC 424.01W

23 January 2020

Comparison of Face to Face and Online Learning

As technology has advanced throughout the years, also the way of learning has evolved.

Now students have the choice to take online classes or traditional classes. Online learning

provide flexibility to students who cannot attend traditional classes. According to studies,

distance learning is not new, traditional printed material and communication via post and

telephone was used as way of not traditional classroom (Southworth, Flanigan, Knezek, 1981).

There has been debate between instructors and students such confliction attitudes about online

learning. Online courses are rated equal or lower in quality than traditional classes taught on

campus (Inman, Kerwin & Mayes, 1999).

Online classes are generally more flexible since it’s not the traditional learning. Online

learning requires discipline and time management. Time management because an online class

usually have deadlines that tells you when assignments need to be completed. The primary

benefit of taking classes off campus is that it saves time traveling, students do not have to travel

to campus and can work directly from home (Wheatley & Greer, 1995). Another benefit is that

students can work on the class according to their own schedule. Usually in online classes, you

are in charge to remind yourself when an assignment is due. Discipline within itself because if a

student knows how to balance their work and social life, it would help them be successful in the

class. In order to be successful in an online class, students need to make an effort to incorporate

those two factors in their lifestyle. Furthermore, online classes can benefit students depending on
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their situation. Some students cannot attend traditional classes due to employment,

responsibilities, distance or expenses. This is how online classes benefit those students

depending on their situation. Since distance learning programs are designed to serve students off

campus, they will be more likely enthusiastic to this type of learning than traditional (Bisciglia &

Monk-Turner, 2002). Students prefer online classes because it allows them to balance their other

responsibilities easier.

The evolution of technology has brought a new way of learning. Online learning which is

still a debate for students and instructors. Online classes are a convenient way for many students

to achieve higher education by saving time and money. Although online classes are a convenient

for some students’ others prefer their normal traditional class. However, both have their

advantages and disadvantages, students choose what works better for them and can benefit them

in their learning. Engaging good habits, managing time and schedule would help the student

become successful in online learning.

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Bisciglia, M. & E. MonkTurner (2002). Differences in attitudes between onsite and distance site

students in group teleconference courses. The American Journal of Distance Education,

16 (1), 3752.

Inman, E., Kerwin, M. & L. Mayes (1999). Instructor and student attitudes toward distance

learning. Community College Journal of Research & Practice: 23 (6), 581592.

Southworth, J.H., Flanigan, J.M., & G. Knezek (1981). Computers in education: international

multimode electronic conferencing. The Printout: 813.

Wheatley, B. & Greer, E. (1995). Interactive television: a new delivery system for a traditional

reading course. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education 3 (4):343350.

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