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Jenny Juniora Ajoc CN 2
12 - Agnesi February 27, 2018

Controlling Electrical Hazards

1. What basic principles should be observed to stay safe when dealing with electricity or working
with electrical equipment?
- One should be careful when handling things that involve electricity as when poorly
handled, it could result in death. Electricity could result in shocks, burns, severe muscular
contractions, etc. With the right insulator, we can protect ourselves from being shocked because
they help stop or reduce the flow of electrical current but only if it is in optimum condition.
Authorized or liable people should also practice guarding which involves locating or enclosing
electric equipment to make sure people don't accidentally come into contact with its live parts.
Grounding is also another method to reduce the risk in situations such as blackouts. Circuit
protectors also play a significant part in reducing the risk of electrical accidents. Every good
safety and health program provides measures to control electrical hazards, so one should not take
for granted what a simple booklet or person tells you. It all comes down to being very careful
and being aware of what we are handling.

2. Which among these principles are you familiar with? Do you practice these principles? Which
ones are you not aware of?
- I am familiar with all of these principles except for guarding. Yes, I do practice these
principles because I do not want to accidentally harm myself in any way or die prematurely. I am
aware that while activities related to electricity are very common, it does not make it less
dangerous. We should always recognize it as a hazard and be very careful whenever handling it.
Many people have died due to electrical accidents so there is a reason why manufacturing
companies or the government constantly remind everyone through conferences or lectures,
advertisements, and in the labels itself.

3. Why should you be very careful with electricity?

- Handling electricity, especially when the current is very high, is dangerous business.
Just as electricity travels through cords and power lines, it can also travel through water and
through our bodies. It could affect bodily functions and even result in death when poorly
handled. In our times today, electricity easily surrounds us as technology is readily available. It is
important that we always keep in mind the practices mentioned in the booklet to minimize the
risk because awareness of the principles helps increase our knowledge about the proper safety
measures. We should also tell other people about these practices so that they won’t be harmed as
well or accidentally harm someone because of carelessness.

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