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10/17/2019 1C: macOS P thon Installation

C macOS P hon Ins alla ion

Before o s ar o ill need o program o r drone o fl Yo ll be sing P hon hich is a e based
programming lang age This lesson ill alk o hro gh ins alling P hon on o r machine If o are on a PC go
o lesson B Windo s P hon Ins alla ion


P blic Make Pri a e

Channels Robolink


CoDrone i h P hon


Se Teacher reso rces

Click here for he PDF ersion of his orial

Se Wha is P hon

H mans and comp ers do no speak he same lang age if o ried o alk o a comp er sing o r e er da
lang age i o ldn be able o nders and o H mans need o ri e code or programs o be able o
comm nica e i h comp ers P hon is one of he man programming lang ages ha has been de eloped for his
p rpose

Se Wh P hon

https://ed . orkbenched ists/pre ie /37932 1/4

10/17/2019 1C: macOS P thon Installation

P hon i ea o learn for fir ime programmer I readable and mod lar hich mean ha block of code can
ea il be ran ferred acro program o re e P hon i al o er e icien Yo can ri e comple program ih
fe er line han in man o her lang age

P hon al o ppor man o her lang age and ea e comm nica ion be een ario componen Yo can ha e
an LCD creen a co ple of b on and an Uno Ard ino board and hen combine a librar ha ork i h he
creen he b on and he board in o a ingle code o crea e a de ice

S den of all age and backgro nd are e ploring ha o can do i h P hon I ha man applica ion from
eb de ign o home a i an I gro ing ne ork of ppor for learner j like o make P hon a pop lar

Step 4 - In alling P hon Par

Follo hi o do nload P hon for Mac

Under he Do nload ab click on Vie he f ll li of do nload

From here choo e he la e P hon relea e
Yo ho ld ha e he bo om gra area pop p ho ing a P hon e e file
When i done do nloading click on i

Step 5 - In alling P hon Par

Go o o r Do nload folder and find p hon o r er ion here maco pkg

Do ble click on i o open he in aller
https://ed . orkbenched ists/pre ie /37932 2/4
10/17/2019 1C: macOS P thon Installation

Introduction click Continue

Read Me click Continue
License Continue and Agree
Destination select our hard drive and Continue
Installation T pe review the information and click Install
Summar now that ou are finished click close You ma delete the installer and Move to Trash
Although ou will not need to open it for the rest of the tutorial ou can find the P thon folder in our
Applications folder

You have completed downloading P thon

S ep Related Lessons

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10/17/2019 1C: macOS P thon Installation

Previous lesson- 1A: Build CoDrone

Next lesson- 1E: macOS Jupyter Installation

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