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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 340–362

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From lignocellulosic biomass to levulinic acid: A review on acid-catalyzed T


Shimin Kanga, Jinxia Fub, Gang Zhanga,
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Distributed Energy Systems, Dongguan University of Technology, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA


Keywords: Catalytic conversion of renewable biomass to “green” chemicals and fuel additives has been extensively in-
Levulinic acid vestigated in the past few decades. Interests on two top platform intermediates for biofuel production, i.e.
5-hydroxymethylfurfural levulinic acid (LA) and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), have increased significantly. These two chemicals are
Biomass generally produced from biomass through acid hydrolysis. This review summarizes the discoveries of the most
recent studies on acid-catalyzed hydrolysis, including (i) biomass pretreatment, (ii) glucose production from
cellulose hydrolysis, (iii) fructose formation from glucose isomerization, (iv) HMF formation from glucose/
fructose dehydration and (v) LA production from HMF rehydration. Humins, the main byproducts, are also
discussed in the aspect of their influence on the hydrolysis process, structure, formation mechanism, and ap-

1. Introduction various C10–C15 oil products [25,26]. In addition, the furfural upgraded
products can be used as gasoline replacement or blends for diesel
With the depletion of fossil fuels and the growth of concerns over [25,26]. Glucose is a good material for production of bioethanol, an
climate change, bioenergy and green chemicals derived from biomass important component of oxygenated gasoline [27]. HMF can be up-
have attracted significant attention in recent years. Thermochemical graded to C9-C11 low oxygenate diesel range fuels (e.g., 1-ethox-
processes initially developed for fossil fuel conversion have been em- ynonane) [28], and C13–C15 hydrocarbons [29]. LA, a chemical bridge
ployed for producing value-added chemicals and biofuels from biomass. connecting biomass and petroleum processing, has also been regarded a
These processes include pyrolysis [1–3], hydrolysis/alcoholysis [4–8], desirable feedstock for liquid fuel production [30]. One well-estab-
hydrothermal liquefaction [9–13], gasification [14–16] and carboni- lished way is hydrogenation of LA to γ-valerolactone and further to
zation [17–19]. Acid-catalyzed hydrolysis, a process generally con- liquid alkenes with eight or more carbons [31]. Alternatively, LA can be
ducted at a relatively mild temperature (100–250 °C), has been re- converted to a family of valerate esters (e.g., methyl, ethyl, and propyl
garded as an essential step for bioenergy production, and furfural, valerate) using as gasoline additive [30,32,33]. In addition to the up-
glucose, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and levulinic acid (LA) are grading as renewable biofuels, HMF and LA are also promising basic
regarded as key intermediate platform chemicals [7,20–24]. The chemicals for other applications (see Fig. 2) [7,20,37–54]. Both LA and
roadmap for acid catalytic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass to HMF can be converted to resins, solvents, polymers and chemical in-
bioenergy is shown in Fig. 1 [25–34]. The hemicellulose can be con- termediates. LA is also an important source for spice, cosmetic, phar-
verted to xylose and furfural, while cellulose can be hydrolyzed to maceutical, pesticide, and fungicide production. The biomass hydro-
glucose, HMF, and LA. The lignin and humins are solid residues left lysis process also produces formic acid byproduct [55–58], which has
from hydrolysis of biomass. The furfural, glucose, HMF and LA obtained been utilized for synthesizing formaldehyde, plasticizers, rubber, tex-
can be further upgraded to biofuels and biofuel additives, and the solid tiles and pharmaceutical products. [7,44]. Formic acid can also be used
residues can be used for heat generation and aromatic bio-oil produc- as a hydrogen donor for LA hydrogenation to produce fuel additive,
tion [34–36]. For instance, furfural has become a platform for special such as γ-valerolactone. [59].
biofuel production, including methyltetrahydrofuran and methylfuran, To produce the intermediate platform chemicals (e.g., glucose,
ethylfurfuryl and ethyltetrahydrofurfuryl ethers, valerate esters, and HMF, LA), acid catalytic hydrolysis has become a conventional

Abbreviations: LA, levulinic acid; HMF, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (G. Zhang).
Received 29 March 2017; Received in revised form 7 June 2018; Accepted 7 June 2018
1364-0321/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Kang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 340–362

Fig. 1. Roadmap for acid catalytic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass for production of bioenergy.

Fig. 2. The potential applications of HMF and LA.

technology promoting the production of biofuel in a more sustainable regarded as one of the top 12 bio-based platform chemicals by the
way. Thus, studies on the acid catalytic hydrolysis process, especially United States Department of Energy (DOE) [23]. Interest on the ap-
for production of HMF and LA, have become a research hotspot. The plications of HMF and LA has led to an extensive study on tailored acid-
earliest paper published on HMF production was in 1875, in which acid catalyzed hydrolysis of biomass, and this interest continues to increase
catalyst was employed for conversion of sugar [60]. HMF derived from in the recent years. A few review papers have also been published fo-
biomass, however, didn’t gain much attention until 1980s. Teong et al. cusing on the preparation and application of LA and HMF. Chang et al.
[61] reviewed the history of HMF production process and summarized [64] summarized the development of solid catalysts for LA and deri-
that the development of HMF production process have three main vative alkyl levulinates production from biomass. Zheng et al. [65],
stages, i.e.(i) early stage before 1980, (ii) developing stage from 1980 to Zakrzewska et al. [66] and Teong et al. [61] reviewed the production
2000 and (iii) active stage after 2000. LA was brought to attention by pathways of HMF and LA in terms of reaction mediums (e.g. aqueous,
Mulder in the 1840 [62] and characterized as a platform chemical with solvents, ionic liquids). Hu et al. [67], Tang et al. [68] and Zhang et al.
high potential in 1956 [63]. LA was first synthesized by heating fruc- [69] outlined the recent advances in catalytic transformation of HMF
tose with hydrochloric acid [62]. In 2004, LA and HMF were both and LA to the fuels and chemicals. In addition, Mood et al. [70] and

Rferences are very important

S. Kang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 340–362

Fig. 3. The hydrolysis mechanism from cellulose to LA.

Verardi et al. [71] reviewed the biomass hydrolysis pretreatment composition, (3) the impact of lignocellulosic biomass pretreatment
methods focusing on bioethanol production. techniques, (4) the cellulose acid hydrolysis process to produce glucose,
It has been widely accepted that the reaction pathways for LA and (5) the reaction pathways and conditions on HMF production from
HMF production are quite similar, and HMF is a key intermediate for LA glucose, (6) the reaction process and condition on LA formation, (7) the
formation in the biomass hydrolysis process (shown in Fig. 3). This characteristics, formation routes and application of humins byproduct
reaction is consecutive and usually includes 5 steps: (i) pretreatment of and (8) summary of the key findings and future prospects of research.
lignocellulose biomass, (ii) hydrolysis of cellulose into glucose, (iii)
isomerization of glucose to fructose, (iv) dehydration of hexoses (glu-
cose and fructose) to HMF, and (v) rehydration of HMF to LA 2. Influence of lignocellulosic biomass composition
[22,72,73]. Humins, a class of unavoidable byproducts in the acid-
catalyzed hydrolysis process, can significantly affect the yield of bio- Lignocellulosic biomass has been recognized as an attractive feed-
mass [23,74–77]. Therefore, it is also essential to discover reaction stock for large scale production of LA and HMF due to its sustainable
pathways and optimize reaction conditions to prevent the formation of characteristics and comparable low costs [58]. The lignocellulosic
humins. The goal of this article is to provide a critical review on HMF biomass is mainly composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin and a
and LA production, focusing on the acid catalyzed hydrolysis of lig- small amount of inorganic salts [9]. The composition of biomass de-
nocellulosic biomass. This paper is organized as follows: (1) a brief pends on the species, e.g., the cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin con-
overview of this paper, (2) the influence of lignocellulosic biomass tents are 40–55 wt%, 24–40 wt%, and 18–25 wt% in the hardwood
stems, while 45–50 wt%, 25–35 wt%, and 25–35 wt% in the softwood

S. Kang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 340–362

stems, respectively [8,9,78,79]. These major components also have reactions between furfural and C5 sugars in a one-pot batch reaction
different fates in the acid-catalyzed hydrolysis process [58]. Hexoses, system [132]. The hemicellulose (or C5 sugars), however, can be used
usually derived from cellulose and a small part of hemicellulose, can be for LA production through a three-step reaction: (i) acid-catalyzed de-
converted directly to HMF and LA, whereas lignin, inorganic salts and hydration of hemicellulose (or C5 sugars) to produce furfural, (ii) fur-
majority parts of hemicellulose cannot directly contribute to the HMF furyl alcohol formation through hydrogenation of furfural, and (iii) LA
and LA production. Lignin, xylan and inorganic salts even have negative production through acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of furfuryl alcohol
impacts on the LA and HMF formation, which is discussed below. [49,133]. Although ~ 70–80 wt% of the biomass constitutes (cellulose
and hemicellulose) can be used for LA production, it is still impossible
2.1. Surface accessibility to co-process cellulose and hemicellulose considering the difference of
their reaction pathways.
The surface accessibility is a critical factor for cellulose hydrolysis
[80]. The three major organic components of lignocelluloses, i.e. cel- 2.5. Catalyst deactivation
lulose, hemicellulose and lignin, are generally linked by hydrogen
bonding, chemical bonding, and covalent linkages. Hydrogen bonding Inorganic metal salts (e.g., K salts, Ca salts, Mg salts) present in
exists between all these substances, while chemical bonding and natural biomass can be leached into aqueous solution [134,135]. The
covalent linkages only exist between hemicellulose and lignin [81] and existence of these leached metal ions in the biomass hydrolysis process
between cellulose and lignin [82–85]. The hydrogen bonding and results in catalyst deactivation, as the protons on the solid acid catalysts
possible chemical linkages result in the cellulose and hemicellulose can be replaced by these metal ions [136,137]. The Ca salts in raw
densely packed by layers of lignin [85]. Therefore, the surface of cel- biomass also have negative impacts on homogeneous catalyst H2SO4
lulose is blocked by hemicellulose and lignin, which prevents hydrolysis [74], one of the most widely used homogeneous catalysts for biomass
process of cellulose through acid catalysts. hydrolysis [42,138], as insoluble calcium sulfate can precipitate even in
dilute H2SO4 and result in reactor clogging in the biomass hydrolysis
2.2. Low concentration process [42].
In summary, the presence of lignin, xylan and inorganic salts in
The concentration of raw biomass for LA production in aqueous lignocellulosic biomass has destructive impacts on HMF and LA pro-
solution is usually in a range of 100–200 g/L (listed in Table 1). The duction from cellulose and it is crucial to develop a process that could
initial concentration of hexoses derived from cellulose, however, is low convert the major components of lignocellulosic biomass to value-
in the reaction solution, 50–100 g/L, owing to the existence of lignin added chemicals and/or fuels in order to reduce the production cost and
and hemicellulose. As one LA molecule (molecular weight: 116 g/mol) waste generation.
is formed by one hexose molecule (molecular weight: 180 g/mol), the
theoretical yield of LA from hexoses is 64.4 wt%. The high LA yield 3. Impact of pretreatment
from raw biomass is usually limited to 50–60% of the theoretical yield
[42,56,103,105]. The LA concentration after reaction, therefore, is One of the methods to increase the LA and HMF production yield is
roughly 16–40 g/L disregard of the solvent volume change. Actually, it to isolate cellulose from biomass before the hydrolysis. This has been
has been reported that a maximum LA concentration, 16.14 g/L, was widely employed for enzymatic hydrolysis of biomass in bio-ethanol
obtained through the FeCl3 catalytic conversion of corn stalk [118]. The production [80,139–142]. Various pretreatment methods have been
low LA concentration results in relative higher cost in the LA down- developed, including mechanical communication, steam explosion, CO2
stream processing, indicating that direct hydrolysis of raw biomass is explosion, ozonolysis, acid hydrolysis, alkaline hydrolysis, pyrolysis,
not desirable. Similar issues were also observed in HMF production, organosolv and biological pretreatment processes [80,139–142].
which is discussed in Section 5.3. For LA and HMF production from lignocellulosic materials, effective
pretreatment methods have to meet the following requirements: (i)
2.3. Humins formation removal of soluble inorganic salts, xylan and/or lignin and recovery of
products derived from xylan or lignin; (ii) improvement on surface
Different from cellulose and hemicellulose, lignin, a phenolic accessibility of cellulose as well as avoiding the degradation or loss of
polymer, requires much severer conditions for decomposition in acid- hexoses; (iii) direct utilization of the pretreated solids for subsequent
assisted hydrothermal process. Most of lignin remains in solid state acid hydrolysis processes and (iv) minimizing the amount of reagents
during LA production [56,58], and only a small portion of lignin dis- used in pretreatment and subsequent neutralization process to reduce
solves in the reaction solution as acid soluble lignin [109,124]. How- the overall production cost.
ever, it has been reported that the presence of lignin facilitates the Among all the above mentioned pretreatment methods, the dilute
humins formation and results in a lower LA yield [125]. In addition, the acid pretreatment is one of the most widely used methods for bio-
existence of chemical reactions and/or physical interactions between ethanol production [143–145]. Although the removal of lignin by the
lignin and LA also induces a lower LA yield in the hydrolysis process dilute acid treatment is insignificant and most lignin remains in solids
[58]. phase after the pretreatment [145], the dilute acid pretreatment is still
regarded as a potential technology for the LA and HMF production for
2.4. Decomposition of hemicellulose-derived monosaccharides following reasons:

Hemicellulose is easier to be hydrolyzed and form monosaccharides (1) Most of the sugars in hemicellulose can be released as sugar
(e.g., xylose) in comparison with cellulose owing to its branched and monomers by the dilute acid pretreatment, and these sugar mono-
amorphous structure [126,127]. Under dilute acidic hydrolysis condi- mers are usually recoverable [143,146–149], whereas most of the
tions, the rate of the monosaccharides decomposition has the following glucan (glucose) remains in the pretreated solids [58,143]. A small
order: xylose > arabinose > mannose > galactose > glucose [128]. fraction of the glucose can be removed due to the release of the
Therefore, the formation of furfural derived from xylose decomposition glucose in hemicellulose and the hydrolysis of the amorphous cel-
is inevitable in the lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysis process. Furfural lulose. The acid pretreatment of the raw biomass results in the
is often very unstable in the acidic solution and can react with sugars to formation of acid salts (e.g., potassium sulfate, sodium bisulfate,
form humins [129–131]. Runge and Zhang reported that the direct and magnesium bisulfate in sulfuric acid as the acid reagent), which
hydrolysis of hemicellulose and cellulose reduces the LA yield owing to makes the removal of metal ions from the biomass body to aqueous

S. Kang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 340–362

Table 1
LA production from acid catalyzed hydrolysis of biomass derived feedstocks.
Feedstocks Catalyst Reaction conditions LA yield Reference

0.1 M glucose 1 M H2SO4 140 °C, 2 h 60 mol% [57]

73 g/L olive tree pruning 37% HCl, 11.5 meq 200 °C, 1 h 20.1 wt% [74]
73 g/L poplar sawdust 37% HCl, 11.5 meq 200 °C, 1 h 29.3 wt%
73 g/L paper sludge 98% H2SO4, 8.3 meq 200 °C, 1 h 15.4 wt%
73 g/L paper sludge 37% HCl, 11.5 meq 200 °C, 1 h 31.4 wt%
0.1 M HMF 1 M H2SO4 98 °C, 180 min 94 mol% [86]
0.1 M fructose 1 M H2SO4 140 °C 74 mol% [87]
1 M D-glucose 0.01 M H2SO4 180 °C, 6 h 27 mol% [88]
1 M D-fructose 0.055 M H2SO4 180 °C, 6 h 31 mol% [88]
5% fructose 1.5 g/L InCl3 180 °C, 45 min 45 mol% [89]
5% fructose 6.7% Amberlyst 15 140 °C, 8 h 56 mol% [90]
10 wt% fructose 0.1 M HCl + 0.9 wt% CrCl3 140 °C, 250 min 46 mol% [91]
20 g/L glucose 20 g/L Fe/HY 180 °C, 3 h 62.0 mol% [92,93]
33.3 g/L glucose GaHPMo/glucose= 1/5 150 °C, 10 h 56 wt% [94]
0.35 M glucose 5.8 M H2SO4 98 °C, 12 h 38 mol% [95]
0.35 M glucose 7.2 M HCl 98 °C, 6 h 35 mol%
1% glucose CrCl3 and HY zeolite (1:1) 160 °C, 180 min 62 mol% [96]
0.0556 mol/L glucose H3PO4 (0.02 M) - CrCl3 (0.02 M) mixture 170 °C, 4.5 h 49.8 mol% [97]
1% glucose 0.75% MFI-type zeolite 180 °C, 8 h 35.8 mol% [98]
30 g/L glucose 2 g/L S2O82-/ZrO2-TiO2-Fe3O4 190 °C, 2 h 70.2 mol% [99]
0.0556 mol/L glucose 0.015 M In(CF3SO3)3 180 °C, 5 h 15.8 mol% [100]
0.0556 mol/L glucose 0.015 M C7H8O3S 180 °C, 5 h 32.0 mol%
0.0556 mol/L glucose 0.015 M In(CF3SO3)3 and H2C2O4 180 °C, 5 h 41.6 mol%
3.2% cellulose 0.045 g/ml SO2 210 °C, 45 min 45 mol% [101]
2% cellulose 0.02 M CrCl3 200 °C, 3 h, 300 rpm shaking 67 mol% [102]
99.6 mM cellulose 0.927 M HCl 180–200 °C 60% of theoretical [103]
1.7 wt% cellulose 1 M H2SO4 150 °C, 2 h 60 mol% [104]
2% cellulose 2% ZrO2 180 °C, 3 h, 600 rpm stirring 53.9 mol% [105]
5% cellulose 4% aluminium-modified mesoporous 180 °C, 24 h 52.9 mol% [106]
niobium phosphate
10% sugar cane bagasse (with 69% of sugar 0.55 M H2SO4 150 °C, 8 h 63 mol%, [107]
9.1% pretreated rice husks 4.5% (v/v) HCl 160 °C, 56 bar and 70 min 54.5% in terms of cellulose [108]
9.1% pretreated rice husks 4% (v/v) H2SO4 170 °C, 60 min 45.7% in terms of cellulose
1 wt% water hyacinth (C6-sugars is 26.3 wt 1 M H2SO4 175 °C, 30 min 53 mol% based on the amount of [109]
%) C6-sugars
9% Miscanthus (40.7% glucan) 0.10–0.53 M H2SO4 160–200 °C 58–72 mol% based on the [110]
amount of glucan
10% sorghum flour 8% H2SO4 200 °C, 30 min 32.6 wt% [111]
6% wheat straw 3% H2SO4 210 °C, 42 min 41 wt% based on cellulose [112]
5% cotton 1 M HCl 150 °C, 2 h 44 mol% [113]
120 g/L glucosamine 4% H2SO4 188 °C, 49 min 25.3 wt% [114]
2.5% chitosan 0.06 M SnCl4·5H2O microwave irradiation 200 °C, 23.9 wt% [115]
30 min, 17–19 bar
corn stalk 0.05 mol/L FeCl3 230 °C, 10 min 48.73 mol% [116]
62.5 kg/m3H. tuberosus L. H2SO4 (2 kg/m3) 160–200 °C, 10–35 min 32.3 wt% [117]
10 wt% corn stalk 0.5 M FeCl3 180 °C, 40 min 48.89 mol% [118]
14 wt% pennisetum alopecuroides 8% H2SO4 190 °C, 60 min 50.49% theoretical [119]
100 g/L furfural residue 2% H2SO4 180 °C, 2 h 66.6 mol% [120]
6.25% wheat straw 3% H2SO4 210–230 °C, 30 min 19.2 wt% [121]
0.056 M glucose 32.3 mol% Fe-NbP 180 °C, 3 h 64.2 mol% [122]
50 g/L cellulose 20 g/L cellulase-mimetic solid acid 180 °C, 12 h 51 mol% [123]
10 g/L glucose 20 g/L cellulase-mimetic solid acid 180 °C, 12 h 61 mol%

solution easier [149]. T − 100 ⎞

Severity factor = log ⎛t × exp ⎛ ⎞ − pH
(2) The dilute acid pretreatment assists to increase the cellulose per- ⎝ ⎝ 14.75 ⎠ ⎠ (1)
centage in the feedstocks. For example, after the pretreatment of
eucalyptus by 0.1 M H2SO4 at 150 °C, the pretreated wood has a where T is temperature, t is time, and pH is the solution acidity. The
glucan content of 63.8 wt%, about 1.4 times increase than that in severity factor has been widely used for biomass hydrolysis evaluation
original eucalyptus [59], indicating that pretreatment is essential [151–153]. In the dilute acid pretreatment of corn stover process, the
for improving the LA yields. severity factor is in a range of 1–2, which is much lower than that for LA
(3) The pretreated solids can be directly used for HMF or LA production production, severity factor > 3 [56,149,154,155], indicating that the
without neutralization, as the pretreatment and subsequent hy- pretreatment can be conducted in the hydrolysis reaction system
drolysis processes both use acid catalysts. without further investment.
(4) The reaction condition for the dilute acid pretreatment is mild in Regarding to the overall production cost, it is more desirable to
comparison with that of cellulose acid hydrolysis, which can be develop a method that (i) requires less investment, (ii) has lower en-
reflected by the severity factor shown in Eq. (1) [150], vironmental impacts and (iii) can utilize all cellulose, hemicellulose and
lignin for chemical and fuel production [156]. Fig. 4 shows the process

S. Kang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 340–362

catalysts play a critical role in the process of converting glucose to HMF

and LA. Plenty types of catalysts have been developed in the past 15
years. It has been reported that approximately 100 inorganic and or-
ganic chemicals are identified as catalysts for the HMF synthesis [166],
and these chemicals can be classified to five types, i.e. organic acids
(e.g., oxalic acid, p-TsOH), inorganic acids (e.g., H2SO4, HCl), salts
(e.g., (NH4)2SO4/SO3), lewis acids (e.g., AlCl3, ZnCl2) and the others
(e.g., ion-exchange resins) [167]. Ionic liquids and ionic liquid metal
Fig. 4. Acid pretreatment and hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass.
salts were mainly employed for solvent reaction systems except for
aqueous solution [168–171]. Organic acids, such as formic, acetic and
lactic acids, can be used for dehydration of fructose to produce HMF,
of dilute acid pretreatment followed by acid hydrolysis for LA and/or but cannot be used for glucose conversion [172], illustrating that the
HMF production. In this process, hemicellulose is decomposed to xy- isomerization of glucose to fructose or direct catalytic dehydration of
lose, furfural etc., while cellulose is used to produce HMF, LA and glucose to HMF is much more difficult in comparison with the catalytic
formic acid. The remaining solid residues (humins and lignin) can be dehydration of fructose to HMF under the weak organic acid conditions.
used for combustion [58]. Similarly, Jeong et al. proposed a two-step
acid-catalyzed treatment of Quercus mongolica to obtain C5 sugars and 5.1. Reaction pathways
LA [157]. The C5 sugars were released from hemicellulosic through
acid-catalyzed pre-treatment, and the LA was produced through acid- Two reaction pathways were identified for HMF production from
catalyzed hydrolysis of cellulose in solid residue under more severe glucose depending on whether the fructose is formed as intermediate
conditions. Ji et al. developed a process to produce furfural and LA from (see pathway B and F, and E in Fig. 3). For reaction with the HCl cat-
corncob in a batch reaction incorporating distillation using step tem- alyst but without an isomerization catalyst, HMF was directly formed
perature profiling. The distillation not only reduced furfural loss to from glucose without forming the fructose intermediate [20,173,174].
humins, but also resulted in a fairly pure and concentrated furfural Pedersen et al. demonstrated that the rate of HMF formation during
solution [158]. Giuliano et al. also developed an integrated process to glucose dehydration with HCl catalyst cannot be explained by a
produce LA, succinic acid, and ethanol from hardwood biomass [159]. pathway with the formation of fructose intermediate [174]. It has also
been reported that HMF was formed from glucose dehydration by a
4. Hydrolysis of cellulose to produce glucose carbocation involved reaction [20,175]. In this reaction, the open-chain
structure of glucose is dehydrated at the C2 position by forming a C2
Although cellulose is a hygroscopic material and is able to absorb carbocation. The C2 carbocation then reacts with the C5 hydroxyl
8–14% water under atmospheric conditions, it is insoluble in water group to form tetrahydro-3,4-dihydroxy-5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-fur-
[78]. The initial stage of cellulose hydrolysis under mild conditions is a aldehyde, which further dehydrates to HMF (path E in Fig. 3).
heterogeneous reaction, and homogenous proton catalysts (e.g., H2SO4 The HMF yield from direct conversion of glucose is usually low
and HCl) are usually effectively enough, as they can penetrate into the owing to the glucose's stable pyranoside ring structure [176], whereas
heterogeneous matrix of cellulose. The catalytic hydrolysis of cellulose the dehydration of fructose (step F in Fig. 3) usually results in higher
by heterogeneous catalyst is, however, preferred owing to its green HMF yield and faster reaction rate [177–181]. Thus, a potential
characteristics [160]. pathway to improve the HMF production is to replace the glucose based
Acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of cellulose to produce glucose generally raw material with fructose-containing polysaccharides, such as inulin, a
has three steps: (i) protonation of glycosidic oxygen, (ii) scission of natural polysaccharide consisting of linear chains of fructose units with
glycosidic linkage and (iii) nucleophilic attack of water (path (A) in the polymer chains terminated by a glucose unit [182]. It is, however,
Fig. 3) [161,162]. After protonation of the glycosidic oxygen, the challenging to realize large-scale production of inulin due to the feed-
neighboring anhydroglucose unit connected to the glycosidic oxygen on stock limitation [183,184]. For example, inulin is often rich in edible
the C1 position undergoes a half-chair rotational conformation change. stalks or roots competing with food production.
The half-chair rotational conformation change is hindered by both
intra- and inter-chain hydrogen bonds [161,162]. Although the clea- 5.2. Glucose/fructose isomerization
vage of β-1,4-glycosidic bonds of cellulose is a rate-determining step
[163], the degree of crystallinity is the critical factor that affects the As fructose usually has better performance for HMF production in
reaction rate. With higher crystallinity, the accessibility of the β-1,4- comparison with glucose, glucose/fructose isomerization is more de-
glycosidic bonds is restricted, which results in a slow hydrolysis rate. sirable for the hydrolysis process. In this process, glucose is first con-
For example, the reaction rate of ball-milled cellulose with low crys- verted to fructose and the HMF is formed through fructose dehydration
tallinity index is faster than that of commercial cellulose substrates with (path B and F in Fig. 3). The reaction mechanism of fructose dehydra-
higher crystallinity [163]. In addition, a steam explosion combined tion has been investigated, and two main pathways were identified, i.e.
with superfine grinding can also effectively enhance the accessibility of (i) acyclic pathway via the intermediate of enol and (ii) cyclic pathway
cellulose and result in increased LA yield [163]. via the intermediate of frutofuranosyl (path G and H in Fig. 3, respec-
tively) [185,186]. The isomerization reaction becomes a rate de-
5. From glucose to HMF termining step for the HMF formation, when Lewis acid salts are used in
catalytic conversion of glucose [187]. The isomerization process of
The hydrolysis of cellulose to glucose and decomposition of glucose glucose to fructose can be accelerated by three types of catalysts, i.e.,
usually occurs simultaneously, but the reaction rates are highly affected enzyme, base and Lewis acid.
by the reaction conditions. Sasaki et al. reported that the glucose de-
composition rate was much faster than its formation rate in hydrolysis 5.2.1. Enzymatic isomerization
process at a relative low temperature (290–350 °C), whereas the cel- Immobilized enzymes were employed for the isomerization reaction
lulose hydrolysis rate was faster than that of glucose decomposition in industrial scale processes [188,189], even though the fructose pro-
when the temperature is > 350 °C [164,165]. The yield of HMF, duction cost is relatively high [190–192]. Enzymatic isomerization is
however, is low (~ 11%), and few LA were obtained when operating at attractive owing to its high selectivity and mild reaction conditions
high temperature (> 350 °C) without acid catalyst [165]. Thus, acid (e.g., 60 °C, pH = 8.2) [179]. Glucose/fructose solutions containing

S. Kang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 340–362

Table 2
Production of HMF from glucose and fructose.
Hexoses Concentration Catalyst Temperature Reaction time Yield Measured /estimated HMF Reference

Fructose 1%wt HCl (pH=1) 150 °C 2h 27% ∽0.3 g/L2 [172]

5 wt% NbOH 180 °C 18% ∽0.2 g/L2
100 g/L 0.1 M H3PO4, 1 wt% CaP2O6, 1 wt% a-Sr 200 °C 5 min 22–39% 22-39 g/L [178]
2 wt.% TiO2 (half of the substrate) 200 °C 1 min 17.8% on C basis ∽0.2 g/L2 [180]
3 min 34.8% on C basis ∽0.5 g/L2
5 min 38.1% on C basis ∽0.5 g/L2
ZrO2 (half of the substrate) 1 min 6.10% on C basis ∽0.1 g/L2
3 min 19.6% on C basis ∽0.3 g/L2
5 min 30.6% on C basis ∽0.4 g/L2
none 5 min 13.2% on C basis ∽0.2 g/L2
NaOH (half of the substrate) 2.75% on C basis < 0.1 g/L2
H2SO4 (half of the substrate) 47.0% on C basis ∽0.7 g/L2
100 g/L 0.1 g/mL TiO2 200 °C 5 min ∽22% on C basis ∽15.4 g/L2 [181]
0.1 g/mL ZrO2 ∽14% on C basis ∽9.8 g/L2
10 g/L 0.1 g/ml Nb0.2–WO3 120 °C 1-3 h 27-30% 2.7-3 g/L2 [203]
30 wt% 0.25 M HCl 180 °C 2.5-3 min 25.5 mol%1 60 g/L [219]
50 wt% 14.3 mol%1 64 g/L
0.05 mol/L - 350-400 °C 0.14-0.78 s 0.6-7.7% < 0.7 g/L2 [220]
0.5% HCl (pH=1.5-1.8) 210-270 °C 0.5-300 s - - [221]
10 g/L 10 g/L titanate nanotube 120 °C 0.5 h 16% ∽1.6 g/L2 [222]
6 wt% VOPO4·H2O/TiO2 80 °C 1h 35.0 mol% ∽1.5 g/L2 [223]
VOPO4·H2O 41.9 mol% ∽1.8 g/L2
Cr-VOPO4·2H2O 48.5 mol% ∽2.0 g/L2
Fe-VOPO4·2H2O 37.0 mol% ∽1.6 g/L2
10 wt% niobium phosphate (NP4) (substrate to 85 °C 1h 24.6 mol%1 ∽1.7 g/L2 [224]
6 wt% niobium phosphate (NP2) (substrate to 33.0 mol%1
∽1.4 g/L 2

0.05 M HCl (PH=1.5-5) 240 °C 120 s 9.0-44.7 mol% 0.6-2.8 g/L2 [225]
H2SO4 (PH=1.5-5) 14.9 −40.6 mol 0.9-2.6 g/L2
H3PO4 (PH=1.5-5) 7.2 −65.3 mol% 0.5-4.1 g/L2
citric acid (PH=1.5-5) 0.5 −49.3 mol% 0.03-3.1 g/2
maleic acid (PH=1.5-5) 1.5-60.0 mol% 0.09-3.8 g/L2
PTSA (PH=1.5-5) 2.0-37.0 mol% 0.1-2.3 g/L2
oxalic acid (PH=1.5-5) 0.70-18.2 mol% 0.04-1.1 g/L2
none 18.08 mol% ∽1.1 g/L2
6 wt% 33 g/L (α-ZrP)HF 100 °C 2h 9.4 mol%1 ∽0.4 g/L2 [226]
33 g/Lγ-ZrP 26.4 mol%1 ∽1.1 g/L2
33 g/L α-L-ZrP2O7 19.3 mol%1 ∽0.8 g/L2
33 g/Lγ-L-ZrP2O7 22.3 mol%1 ∽0.9 g/L2
33 g/L C-ZrP2O7 43.0 mol%1 ∽1.8 g/L2
H3PO4 treated niobic acid (catalyst/ 2h 21.6 mol%1 ∽0.9 g/L2 [227]
niobium phosphate (catalyst/glucose=1.4) 3h 32.4 mol%1 ∽1.4 g/L2
1 wt % various ZrPs (catalyst/glucose=1:1 − 1:4) 240 °C 120 s 18.6-50.2 mol% ∽0.1 g/L2 [228]
10 g/L 10 mmol/L H2SO4 180 °C 600 s 28 mol%1 2 g/L [229]
(continued on next page)

S. Kang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 340–362

Table 2 (continued)

Hexoses Concentration Catalyst Temperature Reaction time Yield Measured /estimated HMF Reference

Glucose 1%wt HCl (pH=1) 220 °C 2h 26% ∽0.3 g/L2 [172]

1%wt 5 wt% NbOH 200 °C 16% ∽0.2 g/L2
100 g/L 0.1 M H3PO4, 1 wt% CaP2O6, 1 wt% a-Sr 200-230 °C 5 min 4–21% 4-21 g/L2 [178]
2 wt.% TiO2 (half of the substrate) 200 °C 1 min 6.1% on C basis ∽0.1 g/L2
3 min 14.1% on C basis ∽0.2 g/L2
5 min 18.6% on C basis ∽0.3 g/L2
ZrO2 (half of the substrate) 1 min 2.1% on C basis < 0.1 g/L2
3 min 7.1% on C basis ∽0.1 g/L2
5 min 10.0% on C basis ∽0.1 g/L2
none 3 min 3.4% on C basis < 0.1 g/L2
NaOH (half of the substrate) 4.9% on C basis ∽0.1 g/L2
H2SO4 (half of the substrate) 2.4% on C basis < 0.1 g/L2
100 g/L 100 g/L TiO2 200 °C 5 min 20% on C basis ∽14 g/L2 [181]
100 g/L ZrO2 6% on C basis ∽4.2 g/L2
10-100 g/L 0.1 g/ml Nb0.2–WO3 120 °C 3h 12-34% 3.4-12 g/L2 [203]
10 g/L 0.1 g/ml Nb0.2–WO3 1-6 h 16-36% 1.6-3.6 g/L2
0.055 M 100 g/L Nb2O5·nH2O 120 °C 3h 12.1 mol%1 ∽0.8 g/L2 [211]
100 g/L Na+/Nb2O5·nH2O 12.4 mol%1 ∽0.9 g/L2
100 g/L H3PO4/Nb2O5·nH2O 47.9 mol%1 ∽3.3 g/L2
0.05 mol/L none 350-400 °C 0.2-1.7 s 0.1-6.1% < 0.6 g/L2 [220]
10 g/L 10 g/L titanate nanotube 120 °C 3h 14 wt% ∽1.4 g/L2 [224]
1 wt % amorphous ZrP (catalyst/glucose=1:1 − 1:4) 240 °C 60-240 s 3.2-23.5 mol% < 0.1 g/L2 [228]
10% 1% AlCl3 130 °C 360 min 11.2 wt% ∽1.1 g/L2 [230]
10% 1% CrCl3·6H2O 130 °C 360 min 13.0 wt% ∽1.3 g/L2

The yield is calculated based on the conversion ratio and selectivity.
The HMF concentration is estimated based on the initial hexoses concentration and the HMF yield, with a hypothesis that the volume of the solvent is not changed.

53–60% of fructose can be obtained with the presence of immobilized and acids would be needed to neutralize the alkaline catalysts dissolved
enzymatic isomerases [193–195]. Alipour and Omidvarborna reported in the glucose/fructose solution. Heterogeneous catalysts with solid
an enzymatic and catalytic integrated approach for high yield LA pro- bases are a potential choice [195,201,202]. Lima et al. [203] reported
duction from saccharified biomass hydrolysate [196]. In this approach, that the fructose yield and selectivity in glucose isomerization was
the glucose in the hydrolysate was first isomerize to fructose by the GXI 20–39% and 62–84%, respectively, with the presence of metallosilicate
enzymes, and then the fructose was transferred to an acidic ionic liquid solid bases. Similar results were obtained by Moreau et al. that the
and aqueous mixture reaction medium for LA production. The con- glucose conversion ratio and fructose selectivity were 7–42%, and
version process of fructose to produce HMF and LA usually conducts in 60–86%, respectively, with the existence of cation-exchanged zeolites
strong acidic solutions under elevated temperature conditions (see and hydrotalcites [195]. Moreau et al. concluded that the high se-
Tables 1 and 2). The difference in operation conditions require the lectivity to fructose can only be achieved, when the glucose conversion
enzymes to be separated from the glucose/fructose solution before rate is lower than 25% [195].
starting the dehydration process, as the enzymes can be deactivated at Amphoteric heterogeneous catalysts containing both the base sites
the high temperature under acid conditions. The enzymatic iso- and acid sites were also employed for isomerization [183]. The glucose
merization process also has some disadvantages, such as low turnover can be isomerized with the presence of base sites and the fructose
rates, high cost for large loading of enzymes and difficulty in catalyst formed can be further dehydrated with the existence of acid sites. The
separation from aqueous solution [162]. High production cost, there- synthesis of the heterogeneous amphoteric catalyst has to prohibit the
fore, is expected for the enzymatic isomerization followed by acid- mutual interaction between the acid and base sites. Amphoteric cata-
catalyzed reaction. A challenge on future work is to develop a con- lyst, therefore, has a limitation that both base sites and acid sites are
secutive and effective process integrating the enzymatic isomerization weak, or hard to dissociate. The weak acid sites have negative effects on
with acid-catalyzed thermal conversion. the fructose dehydration, for which stronger Brønsted acidity is pre-
ferred [203].

5.2.2. Alkali catalyzed isomerization

The alkali catalyzed isomerization of glucose to produce fructose 5.2.3. Lewis acid catalyzed isomerization
was first developed in the 1890s [197], also known as Lobry de Bruy- Lewis acid is one of the most widely used catalysts for isomerization
n–Alberda–van Ekenstein transformation (path C in Fig. 3). In this reaction, in which intramolecular hydride shift transforms from the
process, the aldose–ketose isomerization occurs by proton transfer with open form of glucose to the open form of fructose (path D in Fig. 3)
the presence of a base. The aldose is deprotonated and forms a series of [20,175,204,205]. Unlike the base and enzyme catalysts, the advantage
enolate intermediates, followed by re-protonation of the enolate inter- of the Lewis acids is that their catalytic activity stays constant even with
mediates [198,199]. Mannose is also formed in the fructose iso- the presence of strong Brønsted acids.
merization process. Thus, the product is a mixture of glucose, fructose, The widely used Lewis acidic metal chlorides (e.g., AlCl3, CrCl3,
and mannose after the isomerization of glucose, and saccharinic acids etc.) are classified as either “water-compatible” or “water-sensitive,”
and oligomeric acids are also produced in this process [193]. depending on their hydrolysis constant [174]. According to Eq. (2), the
Furthermore, it has been reported that weak base sites were more water-sensitive Lewis acidic metal chlorides (e.g., AlCl3) can produce
important than strong base sites [200], and only a small amount of both Lewis and Bronsted acidity in aqueous solution [187],
weak/neutral base sites were needed for the isomerization process xM3 + +yH2 O = Mx (OH) y (3x − y) ++yH+ (2)
[195]. Homogeneous alkaline catalysts, such as NaOH, are not pre-
ferred, as the conversion process of hexoses usually uses acid catalysts where “M 3+
” is the trivalent Lewis acid metal ions, such as Al 3+

S. Kang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 340–362

Cr3+. The water-sensitive metal chlorides improve both the glucose/ solubility of HMF in acid aqueous solutions could also lead to low HMF
fructose isomerization and the hexoses dehydration. The loss of the selectivity and difficulties in HMF isolation. This has become a limita-
water-sensitive metal chlorides, however, is unavoidable. Thus, metal tion for the application of simple aqueous phase system [61]. It has
chlorides are preferred in ionic liquids or organic solvents [206–210]. been reported that the separation cost could account for 50% or more of
High ratio of Lewis acid catalysts (mass ratio of catalyst to glucose the whole process [232,233], which become the main impediment for
reached 10) are also needed to perform effective glucose isomerization large scale HMF production. In fact, the industry scale production of
[210,211], which is usually not desirable for large scale environment- HMF directly from raw biomass has not been realized yet. The recent
friendly processes. Thus, the water-compatible metal chlorides are HMF application mainly focuses on the production of downstream bulk
preferred for accelerating the isomerization process considering the chemicals, such as adipic acid [234,235], 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid
recyclability and environmental impacts. These metal chlorides, how- [236–238], 2,5-Dimethylfuran. [239]. Interestingly, Gao et al. [237]
ever, could result in lower HMF selectivity in the fructose dehydration and Wang et al. [238] found that the pure HMF can be directly oxidized
process [187]. to 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid with the presence of catalysts in the
Beside the metal chlorides, solid Lewis acids, such as zeolities (e.g., aqueous solution. Direct conversion of the raw HMF from biomass hy-
Fe-ZSM-5, Cu-ZSM-5, Al-ZSM-5, zeolite Y, and mordenite), were also drolysis to the furandicarboxylic acid is, therefore, a potential way to
employed for the catalytic dehydration of glucose to produce HMF solve the HMF isolation and purification problem. Systematic works on
[91,195,212,213]. The hydrothermal instability, however, is a dis- related research area are still needed in the future.
advantage in zeolities application, as dealumination and collapse of
framework occur at high temperature under water vapor environment 5.4. Technics for increase the HMF yield
and result in quick deactivation of the zeolites [91,214,215]. Gardner
et al. also reported that salts naturally existed in biomass can sig- Two types of technics have been developed to improve the HMF
nificantly affect the hydrothermal stability of zeolite catalysts, even yield by preventing the side reactions: (i) adjusting the process para-
when highly diluted [91]. meters, such as pH (or acidity), temperature, pressure, reaction time
Interestingly, the presence of Brønsted acid can facilitate the Lewis and (ii) conducting in situ extraction.
acid catalyzed isomerization and improve the reaction selectivity [216].
Thus, the design and application of bifunctional catalysts with appro- 5.4.1. Reaction temperature and pressure
priate amount of stable Lewis acid and Brønsted acid sites were also As shown in Table 2, the reaction condition for the HMF production
explored. Yue et al. suggested a strategy that combines Lewis acidic varies. The reaction temperature is usually 80–240 °C with the reaction
transition metal oxides with weak Brønsted acid sites for the catalytic time from seconds to hours and the hexose dosage spans in a range of
isomerization of glucose to fructose and dehydration of fructose to a 1–50 wt%. In comparison with reaction conditions for LA formation,
partially dehydrated intermediate with subsequent rapid dehydration relative higher temperature and shorter reaction time are preferred for
of intermediate to HMF utilizing mineral acid HCl [203]. They found HMF production [240]. Supercritical water is regarded as a good re-
that glucose can be isomerized in water on the Lewis acid surface sites action medium in order to decrease the reaction time and inhibit the
with WO3. Nb substitution on the WO3 surface facilitates the sugar HMF side-reactions [225,241], although unsatisfying yields of HMF
deprotonation and results in an overall lower activation barrier for from dehydration of D-fructose was also observed [229]. The influences
isomerization [203]. Su et al. developed a bifunctional catalyst MIL- of water density, and reaction temperature and pressure on HMF pro-
101(Cr)-SO3H to improve glucose conversion for HMF production, and duction were investigated. Aida et al. reported that high reaction
found that the best catalytic activity occurs when the molar ratio of temperatures and water densities, and short residence times can im-
Brönsted acid site to Lewis acid site on the bifunctional catalyst is 1.1 prove the 5-HMF selectivity by kinetically preventing the formation of
[217]. 1,2,4-benzenetriol byproduct [242]. They also found that the dehy-
dration reaction and the hydrolysis of 5-HMF were both accelerated due
5.3. Problems of HMF yield and isolation to the increase of water density at 400 °C, when the pressure was in-
creased from 40 to 70 MPa and at 80 MPa [220,242]. The reaction
Table 2 summarizes the reactions for HMF production from glucose pressure, however, would not affect the glucose decomposition reac-
and fructose in aqueous phase. The reactions in ionic liquids, organic tions under relative low pressure conditions (4–15 MPa) [211]. It
solvents and biphasic systems are not included here. Apart from the should be noted that the retro-aldol, dehydration and hydration reac-
fructose and glucose, acid-catalyzed conversions of raw biomass or tions can be accelerated under high temperature and pressure condi-
polysaccharides for HMF production were also investigated tions and result in the formation of water soluble byproducts, such as
[20,33,117,218]. HMF yields, however, were generally low regardless furfural, formaldehyde, erythrose, glycolaldehyde, glyceraldehyde,
of the type of acid catalysts used in the water solution [21]. The HMF pyruvaldehyde, lactic acid, dihydroxyacetone, 1,2,4-benzenetriol, LA,
yields from glucose in most of the study are < 30 mol% or 30% on formic acid and soluble polymers, which could reduce the HMF yields
carbon basis, and only one study reaches 47.9 mol% [211]. The HMF [210,211,242]. Another obstacle to industrialize the supercritical water
yield from fructose is slightly higher than that from glucose, but the technology is the relative high cost of equipment and operation [172].
yields are still < 50 mol% in most of the work listed in Table 2. It is
worth noting that the HMF yield is also affected by the glucose/fructose 5.4.2. Effects of catalyst
dosage, e.g. high initial glucose concentration can induce low HMF Acid is usually required for the catalytic dehydration of glucose/
yield [203]. To improve the efficiency of biomass conversion and in- fructose, and lower acidity or acid concentration can increase HMF
crease the yield of HMF, new methods need to be developed to over- yield [87,243]. Takeuchi, et al. studied the impacts of three mineral
come the technical difficulties, such as the further rehydration reaction acids (i.e. HCl, H2SO4, and H3PO4) on catalytic dehydration of glucose,
of HMF to LA and the formation of large molecular weight humins. The and identified that low acidity improves the HMF formation, while
formation of humins in the aqueous phase is inevitable [74,231]. The increased acidity boosts the LA formation [243]. The pH range for HMF
recent studies on humins formation, methods to prevent humins for- formation was also investigated. Kuster and Temmink found that no
mation and application of humins were discussed in Section 7. HMF was formed when pH is > 3.9 and no LA was formed when pH
The HMF concentrations through the conversion of glucose and is > 2.7 at 175 °C [244]. de Souza et al. found that relative high 5-HMF
fructose are both very low based on measurement or estimation listed in yields can be obtained when the pH is in a range of 1.5–1.9. New cat-
Table 2, and this could result in high cost of HMF separation and alysts have also been developed to inhibit the rehydration of HMF (e.g.
purification in the downstream processing. The poor stability and high the lanthanide (III) (La3+–Lu3+)). It has been reported that the

S. Kang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 340–362

lanthanide(III) (La3+–Lu3+) can effectively accelerate the dehydration LA owing to the side reactions of formic acid [55,58,257]. Carbon di-
of hexose to produce HMF and prevent the subsequent hydrolysis re- oxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen and water were even formed
action to form LA [245]. In addition, Gupta et al. found that potash- through the thermal degradation of formic acid at high temperature
alum is an effectively catalyst for HMF production from mono-sugars (> 180 °C) [55]. Interestingly, Yang et al. reported that excess formic
[246]. The potash-alum was also regarded as a promising catalyst for acid can be obtained from glucose at high temperatures through ret-
dehydration of C6 sugars owing to its low-cost and relatively non-cor- roaldol reaction on the C6 of glucose [266].
rosive characteristics [247].
6.1. Influence of reaction conditions
5.4.3. In situ extraction of 5-HMF
The in situ extraction of 5-HMF from the aqueous phase is a desir- According to the data listed in Table 1 and Table 2, the LA pro-
able pathway to prevent the rehydration and oligomerization of HMF. duction requires higher temperature and acid concentration, and longer
Dumesic's group has made big contributions by developing a series of reaction time in comparison with the HMF production, and the reaction
water-organic solvent biphasic systems for the HMF production through condition varies with biomass. For instance, the reaction temperature
carbohydrate dehydration in order to inhibit the humins formation and and catalyst concentration have more impacts on LA production than
increase HMF yield [177,219,248–250]. High yield of HMF (62%) was reaction time when Helianthus tuberosus L. is employed as feedstock
achieved from catalytic conversion of glucose in the water/2-sec-bu- [104], whereas the influence of substrate concentration, temperature
tylphenol biphasic systems [177], and high selectivity of HMF (80%) and time is more crucial than that of catalyst concentration in the
was also obtained when converting fructose in the water/methyliso- conversion process of glucosamine [114].
butylketone biphasic system [219]. In addition, 2-sec-butylphenol,
methylisobutylketone and other water immiscible solvents (e.g., tetra- 6.1.1. Catalysts
hydrofuran, alkylphenols, valerolactone) were also employed in the HMF conversion rates and LA yield are correlated to the H+ con-
biphasic systems for HMF extraction [251–254]. Owing to the high centration in mineral acid catalyzed reaction, while the influences of
aqueous solubility of HMF, large volumes of organic solvent are often anion is negligible [262]. A high concentration of acid catalyst is usu-
needed for the in situ extraction, which would result in cost, separation sally preferred for the conversion of D-fructose [87], corn stalk [118]
and environmental issues. In fact, the extraction of HMF from the and Gelidium amansii [267], and increased HCl concentration can also
aqueous phase is the major factor that affects the final yield of HMF and improve the LA selectivity in fructose dehydration process [265]. Acid
is regarded as a barrier for industrializing the HMF production [255]. concentration, however, does not have significant impacts on the LA
selectivity in glucose dehydration, and glucose dimers and anhy-
6. LA formation droglucose is usually formed when glucose serves as reactant. [265]

LA is regarded as the final product during the biomass hydrolysis Homogeneous catalyst. Strong Brønsted homogeneous acid
process in dilute acid solution. Although LA can be converted to uni- catalysts are often used in biomass hydrolysis to produce LA, and
dentified chemicals, the reaction rate is over 500 times lower than that H2SO4 and HCl are two of the most widely used and most effective
of HMF conversion [256]. LA is generally protonated and can form a catalysts [86]. It is hard to state which catalyst is more efficient, as their
very stable protonated dihydro-5-hydroxy-5-methyl-2(3H)-furanone efficiency depends on reaction condition and biomass type
according to results obtained from quantum chemistry calculations [95,101,243]. For example, HCl is more desirable in the catalytic
using GAMESS [256]. LA can also be converted to other byproducts in conversion of biomass with high concentration of calcium salts, such as
more severe reaction conditions, such as higher catalyst concentration paper-mill cellulose and tobacco chops [74]. Calcium sulfate (CaSO4) is
and temperature, and longer reaction time [103,110,116,257–259]. For formed when H2SO4 is employed to convert paper-mill cellulose and
example, during the conversion of Pennisetum alopecuroides, the de- tobacco chops, and the precipitation of calcium sulfate can result in
composition rate of LA is faster than its formation rate when a sulfuric reactor clogging. In addition, the activation energy of H2SO4 in the
acid concentration is > 10 wt%.[119] High acid concentration can also dehydration process of D-fructose is slightly lower than that of HCl
convert LA to gas products, such as H2, CH4, CO [260]. [268], indicating that the dehydration of D-fructose catalyzed by H2SO4
In the rehydration process, water is added to the furan ring C2-C3 is relative easier than that catalyzed by HCl.
bond of HMF with the presence of acid catalyst, and LA and formic acid Since Lewis acid accelerates the isomerisation of glucose to fructose
are formed as final products (path I in Fig. 3) [261]. It has been re- and Brønsted acid improves the reaction of fructose to LA, combination
ported, however, that acids with a pKa > 2 (such as LA and formic of Lewis acid and Brønsted acid for the conversion of glucose to LA is
acid) are poor catalysts for the rehydration reaction, indicating that preferred. Choudhary et al. reported that a high yield of LA (~46%)
HMF rehydration is not an auto-catalytic reaction [262]. Yang et al. was obtained in a reaction catalyzed by both CrCl3 and HCl, and
found that the essential step for LA production from glucose is the identified the complex interaction between the two catalysts, i.e.
dehydration process of protonated glucose [263]. Assary et al. also Brønsted acid inhibits the aldose-to-ketose isomerization, while Lewis
reported that the dehydration steps are highly endothermic and the acid increases the conversion rate of fructose and HMF by accelerating
whole process from glucose to LA is dominated by the dehydration steps the side reactions [91]. Yang et al. developed a mixed-acid system with
[264]. Garcés et al. identified a general trend that higher selectivity to Lewis acids and Brønsted acids to produce LA from glucose, and the
LA are achieved when fructose is used as reactant. [265] In contrast, CrCl3 −H3PO4 system developed was proven to have a strong synergic
glucose dehydration leads to the formation of byproducts, such as an- catalytic activity for converting glucose to LA [97]. The mixed-acid
hydroglucose and glucose oligomers [265]. Thus, a process combining system exhibited the highest synergic catalytic activity when the con-
isomerization of glucose to fructose and dehydration is preferred for LA centration of CrCl3 in the CrCl3 −H3PO4 system was 0.4–0.5 [97]. In
production. Girisuta et al. reported that the LA yields from D-fructose addition, it was also reported that the activation energy of LA formation
are substantially higher, approximately 10 mol%, than that from D- from glucose dehydration catalyzed by the CrCl3 −H3PO4 mixed-acid
glucose when sulfuric acid was employed as catalyst [109]. The iso- system was lower than those reactions catalyzed by homogeneous
merization of glucose to fructose with the existence of Bronsed acid, Brønsted acid or Lewis acid [269], indicating that the mixed-acid cat-
however, appears to have negligible contribution to the glucose con- alyst system may be able to lower the reaction temperature. The
sumption [266]. chromium salt, however, is not a desirable catalyst considering its
Theoretically, the molar yield of formic acid should be equivalent to toxicity and cost. Besides Brønsted acids and Lewis acids, homogeneous
that of LA. The yield of formic acid, however, is often lower than that of transition metal salts were also employed. Cao et al. found that Cu2+

S. Kang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 340–362

and Fe3+ can accelerate the hydrolysis reaction of cellulose to glucose increase the LA yield according to their study on catalytic conversion of
at 200 °C, and high efficiency of converting cellulose to LA can be corn stalks [118]. Similarly, Jeong and Park reported that elevated
reached [270]. temperature is crucial for LA production from Gelidium amansii [267].
Fachri et al., however, found that low temperature, high acid con- Heterogeneous catalyst. The development of environmental- centration and low initial D-fructose concentration are preferred for the
friendly heterogeneous acid catalysts for LA production has attracted conversion of D-fructose [268]. Hydrolysis time also plays an essential
much attention recently. Many types of heterogeneous catalysts, role for LA production in the acid-catalyzed conversion process of
including solid catalyst consisted of both the Bronsted acid and Lewis Pennisetum alopecuroides, and the yield of LA increases linearly with
acids sites, have been developed. For example, Fe/HY zeolite and Fe- reaction time at the first stage of the reaction [119]. Similar phenomena
NbP (Fe-doped niobiumphosphate) was employed as catalyst for were also observed in the acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of Gelidium amansii
converting glucose to LA [112,271]. It is worth noting that catalyst [267].
with excess Lewis acidity can also convert glucose into humins, and The integrated impacts of reaction time, temperature and catalyst
consequently decrease LA yields [260]. concentration can be reflected by the severity factor. Relative high se-
The efficiency of solid acid catalysts is also affected by many factors. verity factors can improve the LA production until the yield reaches a
The primary factor is the limited contact between the solid acid with maximum [56,114,115]. Kang et al. identified that the LA yield can
the solid feedstocks (e.g., cellulose and raw biomass). As hydrogen ions reach 50 mol% in the hydrolysis process of cellulose when the severity
mainly locate on surface of solid catalyst, only a small portion of them factor is above 3.9 [56]. Further increase of the severity factor (e.g.
can be dispersed into the solution [272]. The key to solve this issue is to from 3.9 to 4.5), however, cannot increase the LA yield due to the
improve the mass transfer between the solid catalyst active sites and formation of humins and other byproducts [56]. Gwitaek reported that
feedstocks. It has been reported that NaCl can be added into the reac- the highest LA yield was achieved when the integrated severity factor
tion solution to improve the LA yield, as NaCl interrupts the hydrogen was 3.28, and the LA yield stayed almost constant at higher factors in
bonding of cellulose and increases the cellulous solubility under hy- the conversion process of Helianthus tuberosus L. [117]. The highest 5-
drothermal conditions [273]. HMF yield was achieved when the factor was in a range of 2.1–2.4, and
Another major factor is the deactivation of solid catalysts caused by the HMF yield decreased linearly with the increase of severity factor
inhibition and/or leaching of active sites on the surface of the catalyst when the value was > 2.4 [117]. Similarly, the total reducing sugar
[136,274–276]. Depending on the characteristics of the deactivated yield in the conversion of Helianthus tuberosus L. decreases linearly
catalysts, several regenerating methods have been developed. For ex- with the increase of severity factor when the value is above 2.1 [117]. It
ample, dilute acid soaking treatment can be employed to recover the is worth noting that LA production generally requires a higher severity
hydrogen ion through ion exchange with metal cations, or to release the factor in comparison with that of HMF production.
hydrogen ion through ester formation (e.g., sulfonic esters)
[136,276,277]. When the catalyst is covered by solid byproducts, cal- 6.1.3. Other parameters
cination at high temperatures (e.g., 500 °C) can also be utilized to re- The reactor type also affects the LA production. It has been reported
move the organic deposits [105,278]. Many acid catalysts (e.g., acidic that the LA yield obtained in a continuous reactor was greater than that
resin catalysts), however, can only be treated at a relative low tem- in a batch reactor [43]. Fachri et al. even demonstrated that continuous
perature (e.g., < 200 °C). To remove the deposits on these solid acid ideal-stirred tank reactor is the most desirable sysetem for LA produc-
catalysts, organic solvent washing is preferred. Organic solvents, e.g. tion from fructose [87].
ethanol, methylene chloride, methanol and acetone, have been em- Concentration (or solid-liquid ratio) is also an essential factor that
ployed for this process [56,279–281]. In addition, H2O2 solution was affects the LA yield. High solid-liquid ratio usually causes swelling and
also used to regenerate the deactivated solid acid catalysts for LA agglomeration problem [119]. In general, a high ratio of biomass
production, as H2O2 solution can effectively remove humins from solid loading inhibits the formation of LA [57,104]. For example, when the
acids. [123,282,283]. As most of the above treatments cannot recover solid-liquid ratio is > 1:6, the LA yield decreases in the acid-catalyzed
the catalyst caused by leaching of the active sites, it is also essential to conversion of Pennisetum alopecuroides [119].
improve the catalyst stability by developing solid acid catalysts with Polarity of the solvent usually affects the distribution of sugars and
locked-in active sites. As the LA yield is influence by both surface area products in the sugar conversion process. Hu et al. reported that LA
and accessibility of acid sites on solid acids [284,285], designing het- yields varied significantly in different solvents, e.g. water > THF with
erogeneous catalysts containing higher surface area and more acces- wet Amberlyst 70 > THF with dried Amberlyst 70 in toluene [272].
sible acidic moieties are crucial for future catalyst preparation. They also found that the molecular size of sugars does not affect the
formation of insoluble polymer and LA [272].
6.1.2. Temperature and reaction time
Due to the inter- and intra-molecular hydrogen bonding, cellulose is 6.2. LA separation and recovery
insoluble in water when the temperature is below 320 °C [286]. The
increase of temperature can improve the cellulose hydrolysis process, Although many investigations have been done in order to increase
but also result in side reactions. Chen et al. reported that the formation the LA yield, LA separation from the acidic aqueous solution is still
of insoluble humins is significantly accelerated with the increase of challenging. Downstream processing is even regarded as an obstacle for
temperature when converting vegetable waste, and lead to decreased the large-scale production of LA through hydrolysis, as approximately
yield of the total soluble products [287]. The impact of reaction tem- 50–70% of the total cost for LA production was generated by down-
perature also varies with biomass. Yuan et al. reported that the pre- stream processing [288]. The yields shown in Table 1 are usually
ferred reaction temperature is 190 °C for the acid-catalyzed conversion measured directly by HPLC or GC after reaction, regardless of the loss in
of Pennisetum alopecuroides [119]. Zhi et al. found that high tem- the isolation process. Therefore, the actual yields obtained in the pro-
perature can reduce the reaction time in FeCl3 catalyzed conversion of cess are even lower [289].
corn stalk, but the maximum LA yield (reached with 0.5 mol/L FeCl3 Efficient isolation methods are needed to increase the recovery rate
solution) does not change with temperature, indicating that tempera- and purity of the product. The cost of the downstream processing for LA
ture increase accelerates the reaction rate without affecting the che- isolation highly relates to the reaction condition. High LA yield are
mical equilibrium [116]. In addition, Zheng et al. identified that LA usually obtained in a solution with low concentration of feedstocks, but
yields highly relies on the reaction temperature and acid concentration, low LA concentration results in high isolation cost. Thus, it is essential
and high reaction temperature and acid concentration are preferred to to consider both LA yield and concentration when developing an

S. Kang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 340–362

integrated process. Kang and Yu developed an intensified reaction Several commercial-scale plants have been developed for the LA
process that can achieve high LA concentrations from lignocellulosic production. Biobased chemical company GFBiochemicals (Caserta,
biomass with a decreased isolation cost [58]. In this process, eucalyptus Italy) is the first company that produces LA directly from biomass using
was first pretreated in a mild condition to hydrolyze hemicellulose and the Biofine two-step hydrolysis process at commercial scale [22,310].
recover xylose and furfural. The pretreated wood with a high content of Segetis, Inc. (Minnesota, USA) developed a system for LA production
cellulose was then treated under relatively severe conditions to produce from corn syrup and cellulosic sugars [311,312], and announced that
LA and formic acid. The reaction solution was then reused for proces- they have successfully started a pilot scale plant with a capacity of 80
sing the pretreated wood, and high concentrations of LA (105 g/L) and metric tons/year [311,313]. Incitor (New Mexico, USA), a bio-based
formic acid (39 g/L) was obtained [58]. chemical and fuel company, produces energy-dense fuels, fuel additives
Methods have also been developed for the LA separation and pur- and commodity, and specialty chemicals from various biomass [314].
ification based on the characteristics of LA and acid catalysts. The key Incitor is working on a plant with a capacity of processing
for these methods is to achieve a high recovery rate of LA with high 160,000–240,000 metric tons of biomass per year to produce com-
purity and to recycle the acid catalysts simultaneously. Solid acid cat- modity chemicals, such as ethyl levulinate, ethyl formate, LA, lactones
alysts are preferred in the separation process. As LA is a stable organic and the Alestron fuel [314].
acid with a boiling point of 245 °C, LA can be easily recovered through
distillation of the solution to achieve a simple solid (heterogeneous 7. Humins
catalyst)-liquid (LA solution) separation. The separation process is,
however, more complex when homogeneous inorganic acids are used. 7.1. Impacts of humins
For instance, flash separation is required to separate volatile HCl from
LA [44], and organic solvent extraction is used to separate H2SO4 (an The formation of humis is inevitable in LA and/or HMF production
acid with high boiling point, 337 °C) from LA and the remaining H2SO4 [74,231], due to thermodynamics characteristics of the acid-catalyzed
was left in water solution [290]. The candidate extraction solvent in- reaction [263]. The formation of humins is more severely affected by
cludes methyl isobutyl ketone [291], 2-methyltetrahydrofuran [292], the initial concentration of feedstock than that of the targeted products.
furfural [293] and 1-octanol [294]. To improve the extraction effi- This can be reflected by the reaction orders, as a higher reaction order
ciency, reactive extraction, an improved solvent extraction process, was ususally indicates greater impacts of feedstock concentration on the
also developed to recover LA, in which both extractants and organic reaction rate. For instance, in cellulose conversion process, the reaction
solvent diluents are required. Various new reactive extractants were order of glucose and HMF in the main reaction is 1.09 and 0.88, re-
also developed, e.g. aliquat 336, alamine 308, trioctylamine, tripropy- spectively, which are both lower than their value in the undesired side
lamine, and amberlite LA-2 [295–299]. Generally, large volumes of reactions, 1.30 and 1.23, respectively [104]. Similarly, in a glucose
extraction solvents are required owing to the high solubility of LA in the reaction, the reaction order for humins production (1.30) was higher
water solution, and this would result in high manufacturing cost and than that for HMF production (1.09) [57]. Tarabanko et al. found that
increased energy input. Other challenges associated with the solvent the humins formation is a second order reaction and is related to the
extraction process include the extraction of byproducts along with LA initial concentration of carbohydrate [315]. Although the reaction
and the toxicity and vapor pressure characteristics of the solvents used. order of humins formation varies with reaction systems, it is generally
Other methods developed for LA separation include membrane se- accepted that a high initial concentration of feedstock results in a high
paration [300], chromatographic separation [293,301] and adsorption yield of humins [56,244,315–319].
[288,302,303]. Adsorption is the simplest and most widely applied In general, humins are regarded as undesired products owing to the
method. Various adsorbents have been employed for LA separation, following reasons.
such as active carbon and special adsorption resins (including ion-ex-
change resins) [302,304,305]. Lin et al. investigated the recovery rate (1) Cellulosic carbon is wasted in the form of humins and causes low
of LA from actual biomass hydrolysate by a microporous hyper-cross- efficiency of valuable platform chemical production in bior-
linked polymer, SY-01 [306]. The SY-01 resin exhibited good properties efineries. Table 3 summarized the yields and characteristics of hu-
for LA recovery, including quick adsorption, ease of desorption and mins under different types of reaction. The humins yield is usually
regeneration, as well as relatively stable capacity. Datta and Uslu found 20–50% with a carbon content of 55–65%, indicating that ~
that the maximum adsorption capacity of LA on commercial adsorbent 30–80% of the glucose carbon (40%) is not used for targeted che-
amberlite XAD-4 at 318 K was 35.98 mg g−1 [307]. The low absorbent micals production. The relative high yield of humins, however, can
capacity, however, usually limits its application in industry scale pro- not be avoided in pilot or industrialized scale plants. Approximately
duction of LA [43]. The use of activated carbon as the adsorbent also 25–30 wt% of carbohydrate materials ends up as humins byproduct
has low LA selectivity. For ion exchange resin, the pretreatment and in the Biofine process [325]. About 20 mol% of fructose forms hu-
regeneration process restrict its application, as this process produces mins through oxalic acid-catalyzed reactions in the pilot scale
wastewaters with acid and alkali [288]. production of HMF [326]. It should be noted that the humins yield
are highly affected by the types of feedstocks, and it was reported
6.3. LA production industry that the humins yields is fructose > xylose > glucose [88].
(2) Humins can deposit on the inner wall of the continuous tube re-
The LA consumption is estimated to be increasing in the next few actor, and result in reactor clogging, increase of pressure and de-
years and the amount may reach 3820 t in 2020 [308]. Nowadays, LA is crease of the heat transfer efficiency. To avoid the safety problem
mainly produced from maleic anhydride and furfural, and the price of it caused by increase of pressure, better materials are needed for the
is a relative high, 5–8 $/kg in 2013 [73,308]. The use of biomass is reactor manufacturing.
considered as a potential way to decrease the LA price. It has been (3) The formation of humins decreases the efficiency of solid acid
reported that a low price, 0.09–0.22 $/kg, can be realized through catalyst, as solid acid catalysts can be deactivated by humins
Biofine process [309], one of the most recommended technologies for through blocking acidic active sites [284].
LA production from biomass [22]. This process generally involves two (4) LA, HMF and carbohydrates can be absorbed by humins [315,327].
major steps: (i) depolymerization of biomass to HMF and mono- Hoang et al. reported that these active products (e.g., LA, formic
saccharides at a temperature of 210–220 °C with ~ 12 s reaction time, acid and sugar intermediates) graft to humin matrix through con-
and (ii) production of LA at a temperature of 190–200 °C with a reac- densation [327]. Homogeneous catalyst, such as H2SO4, can also be
tion time of 15–30 mins. absorbed by the humins. It was reported that only ~ 90.5% of the

S. Kang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 340–362

Table 3
The yield (selectivity) and elemental analysis of humins.
Feedstock Catalyst Temperature Time Yield (%) Selectivity (C%) Elemental analysis Reference

C wt% H wt% O wt%

0.1 M HMF 1 M H2SO4 98 °C < 4h 61.2 4.5 [86]

7.7 wt% cellulose 0.05 M H2SO4 150–200 °C 0–1000 min – 55.2 4.9 [104]
0–1 M fructose 0.1 M H3PO4 240 °C 120 s 65.5 4.4 [318]
~5% of D-glucose 0.5% H2SO4 175–180 °C 2h 21 wt% 66.4a 4.7a 28.9a [319]
1% glucose – 100–200 °C 0–240 min – 48.65 5.78 45.57 [320]
200 g/L glucose 0.05 M H2SO4 170 °C 6h 58.2 4.5 37.3 [321]
33.3 mM glucose butyric acid and H3PO4 (pH 4.0) 190 °C 20 min 10 C% [322]
33.3 mM glucose butyric acid and H3PO4 (pH 2.0) 190 °C 70 min 7 C%
100 g/L cellulose 0.2 M H2SO4 170 °C 240 min 25 wt% [57]
200 g/L glucose 0.2 M H2SO4 170 °C 5h 21.0 wt% [58]
100 g/L HMF 0.2 M H2SO4 170 °C 5h 11.1 wt%
0.1 M glucose 0.1 M H2SO4 125 °C 5h 29 wt% [75]
0.1 M fructose 0.1 M H2SO4 125 °C 2h 24 wt%
0.1 M HMF 0.1 M H2SO4 125 °C 2h 18 wt%
10 wt% glucose Amberlyst 70 (0.1 M total acid sites) 150–180 °C 10–240 min 35–55 C% [77]
29 wt%. cellulose none 220 °C 30 min 35.3 C%
10 wt% glucose Amberlyst 70 (0.1 M total acid sites) 150–180 °C 10–240 min 35–55 C%
1.5 M glucose 0.055 M H2SO4 180 °C 6h 36 wt% [88]
2 M glucose 0.01 M H2SO4 220 °C 6h 35 wt%
10% glucose none 180 °C 5–150 min 54–65 C% [240]
0.25–0.5 M HMF 0.5–2 M HCl 95 °C 0.25–24 h 0–23 wt% [317]
0.25–1 M fructose 0.5–2 M HCl 95 °C 0.25–24 h 0–52 wt%
0.05 M HMF – 350 °C 400 s about 23 wt% [323]
50 g/L glucose 0.05 g/L ZrPO4 135 °C 6.5 h 29 wt% [324]

acetone-insoluble fraction of humins.

H2SO4 catalyst was left in the aqueous solution after removing and aromatic alcohols [75,76]. These furan rings are connected by
humins by filtration [58]. Washing with water is, therefore, re- ether and acetal bonds, and humins usually consist of 60% of furan
quired to achieve the complete recovery of targeted chemicals, such rings and 20% of aliphatic linkages [319]. According to the 1D 13 C
as LA and H2SO4 catalyst. Otherwise, part of the final products and solid-state NMR, IR and pyrolysis analysis, the furan rings in the humins
catalysts would be lost due to the adsorption effects of humins. are, however, connected by ethylene and methyl linkages with ketone
groups [337]. As 2-acetyl furan or 2-acetyl, 5-methyl furan usually
exists in humins pyrolysis product, it was proposed that furan rings are
7.2. Structure of humins also linked by an acetyl group via αC, and αC connects with βC of other
furan ring by CH2 linkages [337]. The structure of humins was also
Methods, such as FT-IR/ATR-IR, C13 NMR, H1 NMR, SEM, element analyzed and reported (shown in Fig. 5A) [337]. van Zandvoort et al.
analyzer, pyrolysis GC-MS and Raman spectrum, have been utilized to demonstrated that humins are mainly composed of furanic rings with
analyze the morphology and structure of solid humins linkages of aliphatic groups [88]. With the help of 2D 13 C solid-state
[140,319,323,328–330]. These methods were first developed for ana- NMR analysis, they identified four types of linkages, i.e. Cα–Cα,
lyzing hydrocarbons produced from biomass hydrothermal treatment Caliphatic–Cα, C–O–C, and Cβ–Cβ linkages, and found that Cα–Cα and
[18,331–333]. The solid humins, in fact, are special hydrocarbons Caliphatic–Cα are the main linkages [338]. They further reported the
formed through acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of biomass. Recently, dy- molecular structure of glucose-derived humins (shown in Fig. 5).
namic light scattering (DLS) was employed for investigating the acti- Most of the humins used for morphology and structure analysis
vation energy of humins formation, and the value is 18–55 kJ/mol derive from pure raw materials, such as HMF, glucose, fructose and
[334], which is lower than the activation barriers of humins formation, cellulose. Although the yields of humins are highly affected by the re-
90–120 kJ/mol [76,86,335]. Orella et al., demonstrated that this dif- action conditions and feedstocks, it is generally accepted that humins
ference was mainly caused by disturbance of the humins formation are furan-rich polymers comprised of various oxygen functional groups
during the DLS measurement, which significantly limits the light scat- [75,76,88,319,323,339–341]. The only difference is that a FTIR peak at
tering [334]. 1670 cm−1 exists in humins derived from HMF, and this peak dis-
Water soluble humins were also identified in the reaction solution, appears in humins derived from glucose and fructose. This peak is as-
which can continuously grow and precipitate [88,336]. These soluble cribed to the C˭O stretching of the aldehyde group in HMF-type units,
humins derived from the C6 sugars had molecular weights of and the difference results from the low concentration of HMF in mixture
300–500 g/mol [88], about 2–3 times higher than that of C6 sugars or reaction conditions designated to convert glucose or fructose [336].
(180 g/mol) and about 2–5 times higher than that of the intermediate Interestingly, the humins characteristics can also be affected by
HMF (126 g/mol). These soluble humins are, therefore, oligomers phenolics. It was reported that adding 1,2,4-trihydroxybenzene (TB) to
containing 16–27 carbon atoms assuming that they had a carbon con- the reaction solution increases the particle size of isolated humins, and
tent of 65 wt%. Approximately 20 wt% of the precipitated humins can spherical particles are formed when the ratio of TB in the feedstock
be isolated by acetone [231]. The structure of acetone soluble fraction, reaches 20 mol% [88]. When lignocellulosic biomass was used in the
however, is similar to that of the insoluble humins, indicating that this hydrolysis reaction, the humins formed have a more complex structure
soluble fraction may be regarded as shorter and less dense oligomers of and morphology due to the existence of unconverted lignin and mixing
insoluble humins. of humins derived from cellulose and hemicellulose hydrolysis. In the
The recent studies have found the preliminarily structure of solid conversion process of pretreated eucalyptus wood, the humins in-
humins, and humins generally have a conjugated network structure and corporated with the unconverted lignin and formed a solid residue with
contain furan rings with functional groups, such as ketones, aldehydes,

S. Kang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 340–362

Fig. 5. The proposed humins structures (A and B), and the proposed structure of hydrothermal alkaline catalyzed humins (C).

high carbon content, 63.8–67.6 wt%, and relatively high heating value, the HMF can be protonated and form a carbocation, which can attack
25–27 MJ/kg [58]. the methylol group of other HMF and form ether and/or acetal inter-
mediates [319]. The intermediates containing carbonyl groups can in-
7.3. Mechanism of humins formation duce polycondensation reactions and form humins with branched
structure (see Fig. 6C) [319]. According to this reaction mechanism
Dehydration occurs during the formation of humins, as oxygen and investigation, Sumerskii et al. further concluded that adding a small
hydrogen were lost during the conversion of hexoses to humins [88]. amount of mercaptan HMF can prevent formation of humins [319], but
The polymerization via aldol addition/condensation is a possible no experimental data were provided. Tsilomelekis et al. demonstrated
pathway for humins formation based on the Gibbs free energy changes that the humins formation mechanism involves nucleophilic attack of a
of intermediates formation in the conversion of HMF to LA and humins HMF carbonyl group on the α- or β-position of the furanic ring [336].
[328]. Self-condensation of HMF for humins formation is impossible, as The nucleophilic attack can be suppressed with the presence of di-
there is no α H-atom on HMF [342]. Several reaction pathways on methyl sulfoxide (DMSO), which is reflected by the small humin par-
condensation reactions between hexoses, HMF, and intermediates were ticles observed in SEM images [336]. Aldol addition/condensation also
proposed, such as humins formation from fructose through inter- occurred owing to the C˭O stretching of humins [336].
molecular condensation [250,317,343,344] and acetalization reaction In general, LA is considered as a relative stable compound in acidic
between hydroxyl groups of fructose and aldehyde group of HMF hydrolysis solution and does not form humins through polymerization.
[219,317,344]. It has also been reported that the humins formation Kang and Yu [58] and Tarabanko et al. [315], however, found that
could result from side reactions between all intermediates [345]. The adding LA in the reaction solution at the beginning of the test can
mechanisms of HMF as an essential precursor for humins formation are significantly increase the humins formation and decrease the LA yield.
summarized below. Tarabanko et al. also proposed that LA behaves like proton acceptor in
As the stretching vibration of C˭C bonds of furanic rings exists in all the reaction and forms the corresponding carbocation, which further
the HMF-, glucose- and fructose-derived humins, humins can be mainly reacted with target product and results in the increase of product mo-
formed through HMF (or another furanic components) as an inter- lecular weight, oligomerization and humins formation [315].
mediate [336]. Patil et al. concluded that the humins formation in-
volves an aldol condensation reaction of HMF with 2,5-dioxo-6-hy- 7.4. Inhibition of humins formation
droxyhexanal (DHH) [75,76]. Theoretically, like LA, DHH is an
intermediate derived from HMF through 4, 5 acid-catalyzed addition of Many methods have been developed to prevent the formation of
water, even though it was not detected in the reaction mixtures humins. One of the desirable ways is to adjust the reaction parameters.
(Fig. 6A) [261]. Thus, the rehydration of HMF on C˭C position is a key Low biomass concentrations, high acid concentrations and low reaction
factor affecting the selectivity of humins and LA. temperatures usually can inhibit the formation of humins
Another identified key intermediate for humins formation from [76,86,104,109,211,307,317]. For example, a high acid concentration
HMF is 1,2,4-benzenetriol, which is generated by opening of the furan (e.g., 0.2 M H2SO4) can increase the selectivity of LA formation from
ring of HMF, followed by other steps as shown in Fig. 6B HMF in the acid-catalyzed rehydration process [76]. The influence of
[323,346,347]. The 1,2,4-benzenetriol is very reactive and can con- lowered reaction temperature can be reflected by the activation energy,
tinue to react with the reactive intermediate from the dehydration of as the activation energy for humins formation is much higher than the
glucose or HMF and form large molecular weight compounds or humins other activation energies for the formation of target products in the
[323,346]. acid-catalyzed conversion from glucose to LA [57].
Sumerskii et al. suggested that methylol and/or carbonyl groups on Replacing the reaction water solution with other special mediums is

S. Kang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 340–362

Fig. 6. Proposed mechanisms of humins formation.

also an option. The special mediums include organic solvents, ionic 7.5. Application
liquids and biphasic systems (e.g., aqueous/organic solvent, ionic li-
quids/organic solvent) [20,41,47,175,250,278,346–351]. The utiliza- As the formation of humins is unavoidable in the acid water solu-
tion of these special medium, however, can cause other issues, such as tion, value added applications of humins by economic- and environ-
high production cost and potential environmental risks when large ment-friendly methods are essential for the biomass hydrolysis in-
amount of ionic liquids or organic solvents are used. dustry. Currently, humins are mainly used as fuel for heat generation
The humins formation can also be prohibited by protecting the ac- owing to its carbon rich characteristics. The possible applications of
tive functional groups of the main intermediates (i.e., glucose and humins to produce value-added products have been investigated, in-
HMF). Alcohols are regarded as one of the most efficient agents. The cluding thermochemical decomposition of humins to obtain oils and
presence of a large amount of methanol causes the reaction to generate synthesis gas. The thermochemical methods include hydrothermal de-
mainly methyl glucosides and methoxymethyl-2-furaldehyde inter- gradation [330], pyrolysis [358], wet oxidation [311], gasification and
mediates, and results in a very low yield of humins but high yields of steam reforming [344,345].
levulinates (LA and methyl levulinate) [56,331,352–355]. Although
methanol is essential to protect glucose from quick conversion to me-
7.5.1. Catalytic hydrothermal degradation/pretreatment
thyl glucosides, it cannot inhibit the humins formation from HMF [56].
Alkaline catalyzed hydrothermal degradation was preferred, as it
The use of methanol is also challenging, as methanol can be consumed
can completely dissolve humins in aqueous solution [321,340]. High
by side reactions. For example, approximately 61.4 mol% of methanol
temperature (e.g., 200–240 °C), long reaction time (e.g., 6–2 h) and
was consumed when glucose reacted in a solution with 90 vol% me-
high alkali concentration (e.g., 0.5–2 M NaOH) accelerate the de-
thanol at 170 °C for 2 h [56].
gradation of humins to low-molecular-weight products [321,340]. The
Furthermore, concentrated hydrochloric acid/ dichloromethane
combination of reduction in humins molecular weight and formation of
systems can convert cellulose and sugars to (chloromethyl)furfural in-
polar functional groups increases the solubility of humins. In addition,
stead of HMF [356,357]. The hydroxyl group of HMF was protected by
the alkali-treated humins have increased contents of aromatic and
the formation of chloromethyl group that inhibited the humins for-
carboxylic acid groups, by sacrificing the furan groups [340]. Fig. 5C
mation and resulted in a total high yield of (chloromethyl)furfural
shows the molecular structure of alkali-treated, glucose-derived humins
(70–90%) and LA (5–9%) [357]. The (chloromethyl)furfural can also be
[340]. New application of humins was also explored based on their
efficiently converted into HMF and LA through further hydrolysis
solubility in alkali solution. Kang et al. found that humins can be
[356,357]. However, the utilization of concentrated hydrochloric acid
converted to acetic acid through wet oxidation after completely dis-
and dichloromethane can cause environmental and operation issues,
solved through alkaline catalyzed hydrothermal treatment [321]. Fur-
and increase production cost. In summary, humins formation is a cru-
thermore, the alkaline pretreatment improves the oil production from
cial factor that affects the acid-catalyzed conversion of carbohydrates. It
humins by aqueous reforming, and approximately 8 wt% of humins-oils
is essential to develop efficient and simple technologies to prevent the
can be obtained by reformation of the alkali-treated humins [231]. In
formation of humins in biorefineries.
the heating process to reach the reforming temperature, de-volatilisa-
tion and aromatization/graphitisation of humins also occurs [327]. The

S. Kang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 340–362

humins oils formed usually consisted of phenolics, aromatic ketones,

aliphatic carboxylic acid, and paraffins [231]. Only 3 wt% of oil was
formed, however, through the direct aqueous reforming of humins
without prior alkaline pretreatment [231]. Supported ruthenium cata-
lysts were also employed for catalytic hydrothermal conversion of hu-
mins in mixtures of formic acid/2-propanol at 400 °C [313]. The con-
version ratio can reach 69% with the existence of Ru/C and formic acid,
and the obtained humins oils were mainly alkyl phenolics and oligo-
mers [359].

7.5.2. Pyrolysis, gasification and steam reforming

The pyrolysis process can also be used for humins-oils production.
Rasrendra et al. reported that 30 wt% of the humins can be converted to
low molecular weight products, including gas and liquid products Fig. 7. Recent studies on humins application.
[358]. The liquid products include furanics and organic acids, but the
concentration of these compounds is very low (< 1%). Bubbling flui- research is still needed. The application of humins may be similar to
dized bed was also employed for humins pyrolysis and gasification that of lignin, as they are also carbon-hydrogen-oxygen based polymers.
[360]. Humin pyrolysis yields predominantly to aqueous liquid (20 wt For lignin, studies have been done with a focus on investigating its
%), whereas the subsequent steam gasification of the pyrolysis char structure and chemical properties [367–369], pretreatment and de-
(35 wt%) can be used to generate hydrogen, which can serve as reactant composition process [4,11,19,124,370–372], and modification and
for other processes [360]. applications [367,372–376]. Therefore, several potential applications
As coal and biomass, humins are also potential material for syngas of humins may be expected, such as for soil amendment [377,378],
production owing to its high carbon content [361]. Gasification at high utilizing as substitute or precursor in carbon sequestration [379–382],
temperature and steam reforming process were developed for syngas adsorbents [14,383,384], container nurseries [385], carbon black [386]
production from humins [325,339,362]. Dry reforming of humins and for other special carbon-based material production [374]. It is
without catalyst, however, is very difficult, as the graphitic type worth noting that lignin is a phenolic high polymer, whereas humins is
structure was formed prior to the gasification [88,339,362]. A high mainly comprised of furans. The difference in molecular structure of
gasification temperature (above 1000 °C) is, therefore, required due to lignin and humins may result in difference in their conversion and
the low reactivity of graphitic humins towards steam/CO2 reforming application. For example, under similar pyrolysis conditions, the ga-
[88]. Adding alkali metal carbonates (e.g., sodium carbonate) can im- s–liquid yields of humins are lower than that of kraft lignin [358].
prove the conversion of humins by lowering the gasification tempera-
tures (e.g., to 700 °C), but the loss of sodium carbonate catalyst was 8. Conclusion and future prospects
observed due to its decomposition [362].
LA and HMF are valuable platform chemicals that can be used for
7.5.3. Composites or materials producing numerous value-added chemicals and fuels. Lignocellulosic
Humins can be modified to produce valuable composites or mate- biomass is a desirable feedstock for large scale production of LA and
rials. Mija et al. reported that humins can be used as a reactive semi- HMF through acid-catalyzed hydrolysis. Acid catalyst participates in
ductile thermoset matrix to impregnate cellulosic fibers [363]. They the whole reaction, including (i) initial pretreatment, (ii) hydrolysis of
further found that humins can be employed to enhance the modulus cellulose to glucose, (iii) isomerization of glucose to fructose, (iv) de-
and tensile strength of pure polyfurfurylalcohol resins [363]. Pin et al. hydration of glucose/fructose to HMF and (v) rehydration of HMF to
implanted large quantities (55–75 wt% of the initial feedstocks) of LA. Humins, an unavoidable byproduct formed in acid-catalyzed reac-
humins to a polyfuranic thermosetting network to form a thermosetting tions, are the crucial factor that affects the hydrolysis efficiency. Based
furanic composite [364,365]. The humins-based matrix exhibits a two- on the discussion of this review, five summarized viewpoints are listed
fold higher tensile strength in comparison with other composites tested, below.
but the incorporation of humins decreases the brittleness of the furanic
composites [364]. Kang et al. [366] employed humins as a phenol re- (1) The initial dilute acid pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass is
placement for synthesis of modified phenol-formaldehyde adhesives essential, as it increases the efficiency of biomass utilization and
through a two-step process. In this process, humins were firstly hy- improves hydrolysis process of cellulose.
drothermal treated to obtain alkaline soluble products, which were (2) Isomerization of glucose to fructose is desirable for HMF production
further reacted with phenol and formaldehyde to produce humin- through hydrolysis, and Lewis acid may be the most promising
phenol-formaldehyde adhesive. The properties of the adhesive were isomerization catalyst owing to its high stability in acidic aqueous
measured, and the key indexes (dynamic viscosity, bonding strength, solution.
pH value, free formaldehyde level, free phenol level and solid content) (3) The conversion of cellulosic biomass to produce HMF in aqueous
of the humin-phenol-formaldehyde adhesive meets the Chinese Na- solution in an industrial scale has two major challenges: (i) low
tional Standard of phenolic adhesive. These results exhibit an en- HMF yield, and (ii) difficulties for isolation due to its high boiling
couraging application direction of humins, i.e. production of green and point, low concentration, instability and high solubility in acidic
valuable composites from humins. In addition, LA and sulfonated water.
carbon were obtained with a total carbon utilization ratio of 70% in a (4) In comparison with glucose and HMF production, the LA produc-
reaction that p-toluenesulfonic acid catalyzed the conversion of glucose tion requires much severer reaction conditions. The good stability
with limited water [277]. In this reaction, the humins were converted of LA in the acidic aqueous solution, however, is an advantage in
to solid catalytic material (sulfonated carbon), which has good catalytic comparison with that of HMF, and it keeps an acceptable LA yield
activity in the esterification reaction. Based on the above discussion, the in the reaction and makes the commercial-scale production devi-
recent applications of humins are summarized in Fig. 7. sable.
(5) Humins formation is inevitable in the biomass hydrolysis for HMF
7.5.4. Other applications and LA production. Humins, however, have the potentiality to be
Though works have been done on the application of humins, more

S. Kang et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 94 (2018) 340–362

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