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Canadian Geese
- Immediately, when the geese start to migrate
from the Canadian waters, they quickly form a
V-pattern in the sky
- Leading goose’s beak breaks the wind in front, it
forms two imaginary rays from the break
separated by an acute angle
- Interior of the angle formed by the rays will Fibonacci Sequence (Squares)
have less air resistance as they are covered by
12,12,2 2,32,5 2,82,13 2,21 2,34 2, . . .
the imaginary waves that the rays created on
the side


- with a given of a perimeter of 12 units, Golden Ratio

hexagons can cover more area than - If we take the ratio of two consecutive terms
rectangles or triangles of the Fibonacci sequence, right over left, that
- hexagons tessellate while high order regular
polygons don’t

- the limit is the golden ratio or the divine ratio

Petals in flowers
- follows the Fibonacci sequence Fractals
- 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55, 89. … - comes from the Latin word, “fractus”, -
broken or fractured
- Benoit Mandelbrot to extend the concept of
theoretical fractional dimensions to
geometric patterns in nature
- Considered as models of structures which
similar patterns recur at progressively smaller
scales and describing partly random and
chaotic phenomena
1. Rabbits do not die
2. A newly-born pair of rabbits start to bear a pair
of rabbit exactly after two months
3. A pair always consists of a male and a female
4. A pair of rabbits that has bore a pair will
continue to bear a pair every month
5. Rabbits do not mind being born out of incest

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