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Virtual and Physical Prototyping

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Powder characterisation techniques and effects

of powder characteristics on part properties in
powder-bed fusion processes

Austin T. Sutton, Caitlin S. Kriewall, Ming C. Leu & Joseph W. Newkirk

To cite this article: Austin T. Sutton, Caitlin S. Kriewall, Ming C. Leu & Joseph W. Newkirk (2016):
Powder characterisation techniques and effects of powder characteristics on part properties in
powder-bed fusion processes, Virtual and Physical Prototyping

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Powder characterisation techniques and effects of powder characteristics on part

properties in powder-bed fusion processes
Austin T. Suttona, Caitlin S. Kriewallb, Ming C. Leua and Joseph W. Newkirkb
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, USA; bDepartment of
Materials Science and Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, USA


Powder-bed fusion is a class of Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes that bond successive layers Received 17 October 2016
of powder to facilitate the creation of parts with complex geometries. As AM technology transitions Accepted 17 October 2016
from the fabrication of prototypes to end-use parts, the understanding of the powder properties
needed to reliably produce parts of acceptable quality becomes critical. Consequently, this has Selective laser sintering;
led to the use of powder characterisation techniques such as scanning electron microscopy, laser powder characterisation;
light diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and differential thermal analysis to study the powder-bed fusion; rapid
effect of powder characteristics on part properties. Utilisation of these powder characterisation manufacturing; material
methods to study particle morphology, chemistry, and microstructure has resulted in significant properties
strides being made towards the optimisation of powder properties. This paper reviews methods
commonly used in characterising AM powders, and the effects of powder characteristics on the
part properties in powder-bed fusion processes.

industry where, for example, Fraunhofer Institute of

1. Introduction
Technology used selective laser melting (SLM) to create
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a layer-based approach a turbocharger with reduced weight (Additive Manufac-
used for the creation of parts directly from Computer- turing Technologies 2014). Although many AM process
Aided Design files. Rather than utilise subtractive variations exist (Kumar 2003, de Gans et al. 2004, Mel-
methods to remove material from a larger piece, parts chels et al. 2010, Selcuk 2011, Karunakaran 2012,
are built by bonding successive layers of material typically Espalin et al. 2014), the aforementioned studies in
through heat input, a binder, or by chemical means (Kruth addition to the existing literature indicate that many of
1991, Kruth et al. 2007, Guo and Leu 2013). This new the successful attempts to produce functional AM com-
approach facilitates the production of components with ponents stem from using powder as the raw input
high geometrical complexity that would otherwise be material (Simchi 2004). This is due to the advantages
impossible to create through conventional manufactur- that powdered material has when compared to liquid
ing processes (Hull 1986, Wohlers and Gornet 2011). and solid starting materials. One of the major benefits
With nearly three decades of research, AM is now reaching is its ability to serve as a support during part production
a stage of maturity where the properties of the products (Guo and Leu 2013), especially in the EBM process where
produced are comparable to those by well-established powder is sintered before being melted thereby redu-
methods. Therefore, AM has evolved from a class of man- cing the amount of structural supports necessary.
ufacturing techniques focused on the production of pro- Although powder can also mimic a support structure in
totypes to those of end-use components. SLM, it is only possible for lightweight parts since the
One such area where these AM components are powder is not sintered prior to melting. Other advan-
appealing is in biomedical applications. Here, the geo- tages of powder stem from its flexibility in mixing differ-
metrical flexibility provided by additive fabrication is ent powders to produce parts of various chemical
attractive for the manufacture of orthopaedic implants. composition (Gu et al. 2011, Olakanmi et al. 2012,
In order to highlight this capability, a study was per- Zhang et al. 2012, Attar et al. 2015, Sing et al. 2016c),
formed by Parthasarathy et al. (2011) who used the elec- and the potential for direct recycling (Dickens et al.
tron beam melting (EBM) process to produce a porous 1994, Dotchev and Yusoff 2009, Seyda et al. 2012,
titanium implant for repair to damage of a human Ardila et al. 2014) to yield little to no waste material (Man-
skull. Another area of applicability is in the aerospace fredi et al. 2013).

CONTACT Austin T. Sutton

© 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Due to the above reasons as well as the overwhelming In fact, powders that are often flowable in one apparatus
desire to produce functional components, a great deal of may behave differently when placed in another (Prescott
focus in the AM research community has been centred on and Barnum 2000, Kulkarni et al. 2010). Therefore, when
the use of metallic powders in the SLM, EBM, and considering flowability of powders in AM, extensive
Directed Energy Deposition processes. Among others, testing should be completed to ensure that the
Ti-6Al-4V (Thijs et al. 2010, Ahsan et al. 2011, Ahuja et al. powder properties harmonise with the recoating
2014), 316L stainless steel (Li et al. 2010, Tolosa et al. process. Other influences of powder properties can
2010, Simonelli et al. 2015), 17-4 PH stainless steel (Aver- cause issues with the underlying physics of particle to
yanova et al. 2012, Murr et al. 2012, Gu et al. 2013), IN625 particle consolidation (Kruth et al. 2007) causing the infa-
(Paul et al. 2007, Dinda et al. 2009, List et al. 2014), and mous balling phenomena and degrading part properties.
IN718 (Zhao et al. 2008, Wang et al. 2012, Yan et al. The impact of particle size, shape, and surface rough-
2012) are some of the most commonly studied materials. ness in powder-bed fusion processes has been observed
The use of Ti-6Al-4V is prominent in aerospace and in several studies (Simchi 2004, Spierings et al. 2010, Bart-
medical applications where the combination of its kowiak et al. 2011, Spierings et al. 2011, Olakanmi 2013,
strength and lightweight properties prove extremely Parteli and Poschel 2016) to conclude that morphologi-
attractive for components such as gas turbines and air- cal properties of powder influence the density of
foils (Ardila et al. 2014) as well as hip joints and bone powder after deposition onto the build platform, sinter-
plates (Sing et al. 2016b). IN718 is also used in aerospace ing kinetics between particles, and the surface roughness
applications in addition to pumps and tooling where high and density of manufactured parts. Thus, it is critical that
temperatures and fatigue are often encountered (Wang powder properties be studied and controlled to ensure
et al. 2012). Due to its versatility, 316L stainless steel is reliability and repeatability of the components that are
used in a large variety of areas including aircraft, automo- produced. Although many studies have been conducted,
tive, and medical industries (Tolosa et al. 2010). a lack of understanding regarding the effects of initial
Even more common than metals is the use of poly- particle characteristics on the properties of parts still
meric powder. Many studies utilise polyamide 12 exists. As the AM industry matures and the desire to
(PA12) in the Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) (Ajoku produce functional AM components increases, the
et al. 2006, Zarringhalam et al. 2006, Dotchev and need to close this knowledge gap becomes clear (Jain
Yusoff 2009, Salmoria et al. 2009, Yan et al. 2011) pro- et al. 2006, Kruth et al. 2007, Slotwinski et al. 2014b, Slot-
cesses due to its semi-crystalline structure producing winski and Garboczi 2015).
desired melt characteristics (Kruth et al. 2007). Although Accomplishing the task of understanding the effects of
other plastics are being used and investigated such as particle characteristics warrants the use of powder charac-
polyamide 6 (PA6) (Kim and Creasy 2004, Salmoria terisation techniques. Table 1 gives a listing of some com-
et al. 2012) and polyamide 11 (PA11) (Chung and Das monly used powder characterisation methods in AM, and
2008, Lao et al. 2010), PA12 continues to dominate in organises them into three categories: particle morphology,
terms of its widespread use for laser sintering (Goodridge particle chemistry, and particle microstructure. When
et al. 2012, Schmid et al. 2014). With AM poised to revo- selecting and/or optimising a powder for any given
lutionise the future of manufacturing through the use of process, it is imperative that each of these areas is con-
complex geometries and functionally gradient materials, sidered. The selection of characterisation techniques for
the applications of the aforementioned materials as well predicting behaviours of bulk solids is dependent upon
as others will inevitably increase. the properties of the powder and the information that is
Although the use of powder in AM is quite common, desired. In the case of AM, laser diffraction instruments
optimisation of both extrinsic and intrinsic powder prop- are often employed due to the large applicable size
erties to yield desired performance characteristics has range as well as the accuracy and repeatability of the
posed a serious challenge to researchers. One reason results. However, these devices often assume that the par-
for this is due to the amount of particle properties that ticles are spherical in order to calculate the respective
can be altered when optimising a powder for a given diameters, which could prove troublesome for powders
application (Figure 1). Each property contributes to the that are non-spherical. Therefore, microscopy is typically
characteristics of the bulk mass including flowability, used to obtain micrographs for both a qualitative and
packing density, optical penetration depth, and thermal quantitative understanding of particle shapes present
conductivity, which affect the properties of the parts within a given sample. Among the available microscopy
that are produced. Complicating the process further is techniques, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is most
the tendency of powder flow behaviour to depend common with its ability to capture high-resolution
upon interactions with the AM system (Sun et al. 2015). images and measure chemical information through

Figure 1. Classification of powder properties into three main categories: morphology, chemistry, and microstructure.

energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Since SEM/EDS characterisation of powders in AM, and to highlight the
systems require the samples to be conductive, size and research that has been performed which utilises these
chemical information of metallic powders are easier to methods to quantify and predict powder performance
obtain than polymers with this technique, where poly- characteristics in powder-bed fusion processes.
meric particles must be coated with a conductive layer of
material during sample preparation. Surprisingly, rather
than focus on the morphology of polymer powders,
2.1. Particle size characterisation techniques
most of the research regarding the process ability of ther-
moplastics in laser sintering involves microstructural When beginning to measure particle size, it is important
characterisation through differential scanning calorimetry to realise that such measurements are highly dependent
(DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and the melt upon the technique as well as the particle shape
flowability index (MFI). To our knowledge, insight into (German 2005). For instance, consider Figure 2 which
microstructural influences of metal powders on the final shows an SEM image of a 304L stainless steel powder
products is rarely ever discussed, and complete character- sample. Most of the particles shown are spherical
isation of powders through morphology, chemistry, and (Figure 2(b)) with a diameter no greater than 50 µm.
microstructure is almost never done in AM. Instead, a The size of spherical particles is rather easy to describe
powder that is deemed suitable is chosen whereby the since only the diameter of the particle is needed.
process parameters are then optimised to yield parts of However, deviation from a spherical shape (Figure 2(c))
acceptable quality. However, it must be realised that if immediately complicates the measurement procedure
AM processes are ever to rival traditional manufacturing as no single dimension can completely describe its
methods, tuning of powder properties must also be size. To simplify the problem, irregularly shaped particles
regarded as necessary. This can only be accomplished are generally treated in one of the following ways:
through the use of powder characterisation methods to
correlate powder characteristics to material properties. In (1) The particle shape is ignored, which is common prac-
this paper, a comprehensive review of the powder charac- tice in sieving with only masses of accumulated
terisation efforts in AM of metallic and polymer com- powder on mesh screens being of primary concern.
ponents aimed at understanding the effects of material (2) An equivalent diameter is calculated based upon a
characteristics on part properties is given. physical aspect of the particles, such as volume,
surface area, or projected area. In microscopy, pro-
jected area is often extracted from micrographs and
2. Powder morphology transformed to a diameter assuming a spherical shape.
(3) Each of the particles is assumed to be spherical so
Particle morphology refers to the size, shape, and surface data obtained through laser light diffraction can be
roughness of particles. In AM, it is well known that all of used to calculate equivalent diameters (Jillavenka-
these characteristics play a significant role in powder per- tesa et al. 2001).
formance including flowability and packing efficiency,
and thus impact the final component properties. There-
fore, the focus of this section is to first discuss the Therefore, particle size determination is somewhat
most commonly used techniques in the morphological subjective leading to many different available methods.
Table 1. Overview of powder characterisation techniques commonly used in AM.
Technique Materials Resolution Particle size range Advantages Disadvantages
Particle Sieve analysis Solids Bin size dependent on the 20 µm–125 nm Applicable to broad size range, minimal No insight into particle shape, longer
morphology size of separation of sample preparation, low cost measurement time, prone to blinding, particles
sieves with large aspect ratios can produce large
Microscopy Dependent on 0.61 l Determined by system Allows qualitative and quantitative Cost increase with decreasing particle size, SEM
microscope NA resolution observation of particle shape, flexibility and TEM sample preparation require more
d – resolution distance for particle size and shape analysis effort than optical microscopy
λ – light source wavelength
NA – numerical aperture
Laser diffraction Solids Dependent on instrument 0.04–8000 µm Short analysis time, does not require Errors can result from irregular particles,
design and data analysis skilled labour, highly repeatable results measurements dependent on instrument
algorithm design, agglomeration detection is difficult
Particle XPS Conductive solids 1 µm Any conductive particles Determination of overall compositions Sputtering through spherical particles can be
chemistry larger than the X-ray and chemical bonding allows depth difficult, requires a skilled user, cannot detect H
spot size profiling
AES Conductive solids 0.5–2 µm Any conductive particles Elemental analysis at a lower penetration Destructive
larger than the electron depth compared to XPS
beam size
EDS Conductive solids 2 µm Any conductive particles Very fast, allows for point scans, line Semi-quantitative
larger than the electron scans, and mapping elemental analysis
beam size
Fourier transform IR Organic materials, >15 µm <1 µm Able to determine the functional groups Generally qualitative, must grind particles in
spectroscopy some use with present in that material quickly and order to allow transmittance of IR radiation
metals easily
Inductively coupled Primarily used for 20–50 µm Particles must be Quantification of multiple elements at a Destructive and expensive, unable to detect C, N,
plasma – atomic metals completely dissolved in wide concentration range O, F, and H
emission spectroscopy a liquid
Inert gas fusion Solids Dependent on resolution of Any Allows for detection of O, N, and H Destructive
cells used to analyse H, N,
and O
Particle XRD Solids Phases must have Best when powder Able to determine crystal structures of Only able to measure phases present >5%
microstructure concentrations ≥5% particles are <150 µm phases
FIB Conductive solids 1 µm Any conductive particles Allows for direct visualisation of powder Redeposition of milled material
larger than the ion microstructure, aids in TEM sample
beam spot size preparation and cross-sections
Transmission electron Electron Atoms If particles are larger than Offers imaging and diffraction Difficult sample preparation, requires a skilled
microscopy transparent 500 nm, they must be capabilities user
conductive solids thinned
Thermal analysis Solids and liquids 1–2°C Any Allows insight into the endo- and Destructive
exothermic transitions associated with
the sample

Figure 2. 304L stainless steel powder: (a) micrograph of 304L stainless steel powder, (b) spherical particle, and (c) irregularly shaped

The goal of this paper is not to describe all of the avail- drastically increases yielding inaccurate results (Mikli
able techniques, but rather highlight the ones that are Valdek et al. 2001). The problem of agglomeration can
most applicable and therefore most employed in AM. cause blinding of mesh apertures where particles
smaller than a given mesh size are no longer able to
2.1.1. Sieve analysis pass through due to clogging of the mesh. If this
Size determination by sieving is one of the oldest problem persists unbeknownst to the operator, a large
methods to measure particle size, albeit it is one of the quantity of powder can be collected on a single mesh
most widely used due to its simplicity and low cost. In where its weight can potentially increase the size of
practice, a stack of sieves with decreasing mesh size the mesh openings thereby causing erroneous results
from top to bottom is manually shaken or mechanically (Jillavenkatesa et al. 2001).
vibrated. Depending on the size of the particles, each Due to these limitations coupled with the common
mesh will retain powder comprising particles larger use of fine powder in powder-bed fusion processes,
than the mesh size. In order to extract particle size distri- sieve analysis is not as commonly used as other size
bution data, the mass of powder on each mesh is determination methods, such as microscopy and laser
measured and reported corresponding to the size diffraction. However, it is more likely to be utilised in
range, or bin size, in which it was found (ASTM B214- EBM and SLS with typical particle size ranges of 45–
15 2014). 106 µm and 20–150 µm, respectively, rather than SLM
Although this method is simple requiring minimal (15–80 µm) since the particle size ranges are typically
sample preparation, it is important to note that there coarser.
are inherent drawbacks with the overall approach. First
and foremost, the resolution of the particle size distri- 2.1.2. Microscopy
bution curves generated is determined by the differ- Microscopy is a powerful tool that is commonly used in
ences between adjacent mesh sizes. Therefore, if it is AM due to its capability to quantitatively measure par-
desired to increase the accuracy of particle size distri- ticle size. This is accomplished by the use of
bution data obtained through sieving, the bin size microscopy-based instruments such as optical light
must be decreased. This will not only increase the cost microscopes, scanning electron microscopes, and trans-
of the measurement process, but also the time necessary mission electron microscopes (TEMs) (Jillavenkatesa
to perform the size analysis. Exacerbation of this problem et al. 2001) to directly observe particles. Due to this
also occurs when particle size ranges are below 50 µm very reason, this technique is often treated as a reference
where meshes become considerably more expensive method to other size distribution methods when study-
and the propensity for particles to agglomerate ing powder morphology (Vigneau et al. 2000). In terms

of electron microscopes, care must be taken to avoid sample. Deconvolution of the obtained data is then per-
beam-induced damage with regard to polymer materials formed by various algorithms including Mie Theory,
(Goldstein et al. 2003). Fraunhofer approximation, and Rayleigh scattering
Typically, the images obtained are post-processed to which are all based on the solution to Maxwell’s
calculate equivalent diameters of particles based upon equations for electromagnetic radiation for a perfect
the two-dimensional projected area of the particles in sphere. The specific algorithm utilised depends on the
the collected micrographs (Figure 3). Although a two- relative size of the particles in the sample with respect
dimensional approach to calculate particle size may not to the wavelength of the incident light (Jillavenkatesa
be very accurate, it is widely accepted in the AM industry et al. 2001). Although this method provides the ability
because it provides the most versatile approach in par- to measure a large number of particles in a relatively
ticle analysis. This is due to the ability to study powder short amount of time to obtain a statistically significant
particles not only in terms of size, but shape and particle count, its assumption of the sample being com-
surface roughness (Schade et al. 2014) both qualitatively prised of perfect spheres can be misleading in the case of
and quantitatively. Due to the sizes of particles used and highly irregular particles or those with high aspect ratios.
the reliability of the method, analysing particles from However, this is rarely a problem in powder-bed fusion
SEM micrographs is a widely used method in AM to processes since highly spherical particles are most com-
determine particle size distributions, although post-pro- monly used.
cessing of the images can be very time-consuming.
However, SEMs equipped with automated feature analy-
2.2. Reporting of particle size distribution data
sis do exist and have offered the advantage of reducing
the time for analysing these micrographs. One such As previously mentioned, each particle size measure-
machine is built by ASPEX Corporation, an affiliate of ment technique determines the size of particulates in a
FEI. The device is able to measure the size, shape, and slightly different approach. Therefore, measurements
chemistry (Figure 4) of thousands of particles with an will differ from method to method even with identical
average analysis time of less than five hours. Yet, it is samples, possibly leading to large differences in the gen-
important to note that there is a general lack of agree- erated particle size distribution curves. Such an outcome
ment on the minimum number of particles needed in is inevitable, but it is important to know when comparing
order for these results to be considered reliable size distribution data across various methods. As AM
(Vigneau et al. 2000). moves towards the qualification of powders for manufac-
turing, accuracy, and repeatability of particle size infor-
2.1.3. Laser light diffraction mation will become ever more crucial, especially when
Another widely used particle size determination tech- communicating this data to other personnel. With par-
nique is laser diffraction, which is a class of non-image ticle size measurements varying based upon the tech-
based instruments that analyse the diffraction pattern nique, reporting the method of size characterisation is
of laser light when passed through a dispersed
medium of particles (Figure 5). In order to process the dif-
fraction pattern, it is assumed that the scattering pattern
on the detectors is comprised of the superposition of
scattering patterns formed by each particle in the

Figure 4. ASPEX SEM equipped with automated feature analysis

for size, shape, and chemical analysis of every particle specified
Figure 3. Method of projected area for particle size determi- within a region on a sample.
nation by microscopy. Note: (1) Area of analysis split into smaller sections for determination of size,
Note: The micrographs containing the particles under observation are con- shape and chemistry, (2) automated analysis of projected area and perimeter
verted to binary where the projected area for each particle is measured by of particles in a specified location on a sample, (3) EDS is performed for each
the amount of black pixels present. particle giving insight into bulk chemistry.

the two curves is rather drastic; the number distribution

shows a large amount of particles less than 15 microns
while the volume distribution appears to depict only a
small amount of fines present. Since the volume of
each particle is proportional to the cube of the diam-
eter, the fines equate to only a small fraction of the
total volume occupied by the powder for a given
sample. Therefore, volumetric distributions can be mis-
leading when the presence of small particles is of par-
ticular interest. As will be discussed in Section 2.4,
various issues may arise in AM due to fines in the pro-
cessed powder. Rather than use one distribution form
for representing particle size data as is common prac-
tice in AM, particle size data should be viewed in mul-
Figure 5. A typical schematic of a laser diffraction system. A laser
source is directed through a dispersed medium of particles tiple forms if possible in order to gain a better
where the diffracted light is used for calculation of the particle understanding of the sizes of the particles within a
size distribution. powder. Following such a practice often requires
measuring particle size by more than a single method
necessary. Such a practice is sometimes not followed; in to compare the techniques in regards to accuracy
these cases, it is often assumed that the data were and effectiveness in determining minute differences
obtained through laser diffraction unless otherwise noted. between powder samples.
Not only do different size characterisation techniques
differ by the way that data are collected, but also by the 2.3. Measurement and prediction of powder
form in which these data are represented. Some of the flowability
most common ways to report size data are by a mass,
number, or volume basis. A mass basis is typically used Flowability is often viewed as the ability of a powder to
in sieving, whereas number and volume distributions flow (Prescott and Barnum 2000). Although the flowabil-
are commonly employed in microscopy and laser diffrac- ity of powder is highly dependent upon the properties of
tion, respectively. It is, however, possible to transform the particles, it is important to realise that powder flow is
one data type to another through assumptions about also a function of its interaction with the environment. In
the shape of the particles as well as the particle material fact, it is well known that powder may flow well in one
properties. apparatus, but not another. Therefore, powder flow is
In order to emphasise the differences that can occur considered to be a multi-dimensional problem where
when size information is transformed from one form to powder characteristics are studied in conjunction with
another, consider Figure 6. Both of the particle size dis- the geometry of an application to predict flowability.
tribution curves shown are from a single analysed This complexity makes it nearly impossible to fully under-
sample of 304L stainless steel powder. Microscopy stand flow behaviour with only a single flowability test,
was initially used to generate the distribution on a thereby warranting multiple characterisation approaches
number basis where these data were later translated to be considered.
to a volume representation. The difference between In powder-bed fusion processes, the need to deposit
uniform layers across the build area in a repeatable
manner is a necessity to ensure uniform properties
for all parts manufactured. Accomplishing this goal
not only demands minimal variability in the mechanical
motion of the recoater for each layer, but also consist-
ency in the powder feedstock. Consequently, flowability
is often studied in order to gain insight into how the
powder will behave during the recoating process. As
a whole, there are numerous techniques that attempt
to quantify and predict the flowability of powders,
Figure 6. Particle size distribution of a single sample of 304L which are commonly used in the powder metallurgy
stainless steel represented by both a number and volume (PM) and pharmaceutical industries. However, it is still
distribution. unknown if these well-established tests, such as the

Hausner ratio and Hall flow test, are sensitive enough orifice (ASTM B213-13 2014). The flow time is then
to detect minute differences in powder feedstock in expressed in terms of mass per unit time, and can be
the virgin and recycled states. Lacking the ability to readily compared to other powders for a quick assess-
accurately determine the flowability of a material will ment of powder flowability.
inevitably lead to inaccurate characterisation of feed- Another common flow characterisation method is the
stock and the inability to strictly control the build angle of repose where a powder is allowed to free-fall in
process. a controlled manner, typically with the aid of a funnel,
One of the most commonly used methods to quan- and deposit onto a smooth surface (ASTM D6369-99
tify flowability in AM is by the Hausner ratio, a term 1999). The angle of repose, α, is defined as the angle
coined by Grey and Beddow (1969). Defined by the between the horizontal surface and the slope of the
ratio of the tapped density over the apparent density powder, as schematically shown in Figure 7. Just as
(Hausner 1967), its widespread use is due to both its with the Hausner ratio, the angle of repose is related to
ease of measurement and correlation to flow behav- the interparticle friction. A large angle of repose suggests
iour. The apparent density is defined as the mass per that a powder has a greater cohesivity than those that
unit volume of a powder after being subjected to form a smaller angle (Chi-Ying Wong 2000, Krantz et al.
free-fall. Particle packing depends on the manner in 2009).
which the granules fall; thus, standard experimental Although many other flow characterisation tech-
setups have been established to minimise measure- niques exist, it is important to understand that the afore-
ment variability, including the Hall flowmeter (ASTM mentioned methods often result in over generalisation.
B855-11 2011) and the Carney funnel (ASTM B417-13 Therefore, subtle differences between seemingly identi-
2013). Tapped density is the mass per unit volume of cal powders may go unnoticed. Realising this issue,
a powder after being vertically agitated until no more Krantz et al. (2009) proposes that in order to fully under-
visible settling occurs (ASTM B527-15 2015). Since stand the flow characteristics of powders, characteris-
both the apparent and tapped densities are related to ation techniques that mimic the application should be
the interparticle friction of a powder, the Hausner used. This is due to the heavy dependence of powder
ratio is an indication of interparticle friction which has flow behaviour on its stress state caused by the inter-
a direct impact on flowability. Table 2 shows the action between the powder and its contact with external
relationship between the Hausner ratio and the pre- media. Thus, the common use of Hausner ratio for the
dicted flow of a powder. In general, it is considered prediction of powder flowability in AM may not be
that a value of less than 1.25 is required to have free- directly applicable. Instead, it is recommended that
flowing powders. However, it has also been shown other flow characterisation methods be developed that
that the Hausner ratio can be deceptive for powders
with high adhesiveness, or with a broad size distri-
bution and irregular shape (Li et al. 2004). Therefore,
caution should be practised when using only the
Hausner ratio for flowability characterisation (Kulkarni
et al. 2010, Clayton et al. 2015).
In addition to using the Hall flowmeter for determi-
nation of apparent density to calculate the Hausner
ratio, it is also possible to measure the flow time using
the same apparatus. This flowability characterisation
technique measures the amount of time it takes for
50 g of powder to discharge through the Hall flowmeter

Table 2. Description of powder flow

behaviour in terms of Hausner ratio.
Hausner ratio Flow description
1.00–1.11 Excellent
1.12–1.18 Good
1.19–1.25 Fair
1.26–1.34 Passable
1.35–1.45 Poor Figure 7. A schematic illustrating the angle of repose where
1.46–1.59 Very poor powder falls under gravity onto a smooth and flat surface creat-
>1.60 Non-flowable
ing a pile of material with angle α.

better simulate the motions the bulk mass undergoes a given powder (Simchi 2004). Abd-Elghany and Bourell
during the recoating process. (2012) describes this interaction between the wiper
and powder particles and ultimately its effect on the
density of 304L stainless steel parts produced by SLM.
2.4. Effect of particle morphological
The results showed that an increasing layer thickness
characteristics on part properties
leads to a decrease in the density of manufactured
The morphological study of powders is an extremely rich parts which was attributed to a reduction in the
topic encompassing the size, shape, and surface rough- density of each powder layer as illustrated in Figure 8.
ness of particles. In-depth characterisation can ultimately It was also found that an increased layer thickness led
lead to insight into the flow, packing efficiency, and con- to rougher surfaces on parts due to the larger particles
solidation behaviour during processing. Although much that were located in the powder bed and were unable
of the work in AM is focused on process parameter devel- to be fully melted.
opment and testing of part properties, there is some Another side effect of large particles is their tendency
work regarding the influence of morphological charac- to increase part surface roughness. Shi et al. (2004)
teristics of powders on the quality of the final products. showed this relationship by qualitatively observing the
The focus of this section is to review this research and increased staircase effect on SLS Nylon-12 parts printed
the key results from these studies. with particle sizes greater than 150 µm compared to
those below 75 µm. Other researchers (Spierings and
2.4.1. Particle size and size distribution Levy 2009, Liu et al. 2011) have also observed the same
In any powder-based manufacturing process, the deter- trend for the case of metals in the SLM process.
mination of an optimal particle size and size distribution Problems encountered with larger powder particles
is essential since these powder characteristics have a have led to a general consensus that finer powders (typi-
large effect on the properties of the parts built including cally less than 100 µm) are more desirable in powder-bed
the mechanical strength, porosity, and surface finish. fusion AM; however, issues can also arise with smaller
While the chemistry and microstructure of powder can powder particles warranting constraints to be imposed
influence part quality as well, powder morphology is on the minimum particle size as well. Although a
typically the most studied in AM when initial input decreasing particle size can have advantages in regards
material characteristics are correlated to the manufac- to increased particle packing (Bierwagen and Sanders
tured component properties. 1974, Hoffmann and Finkers 1995, Zheng et al. 1995, Kar-
The selection of particle size for any given powder- apatis and Egger 1999), reduced surface roughness
based manufacturing process stems from the desired (Spierings and Levy 2009, Liu et al. 2011), and the
properties of the components that are to be produced. ability to manufacture small features (Cooke and Slot-
In powder-bed fusion processes, some of the most winski 2012), one of the major drawbacks of fine
sought-after part properties are near 100% relative powders is its propensity to agglomerate (Nichols et al.
density, smooth surface finish, and high dimensional 2002, Shi et al. 2004, Simchi 2004, German 2005, Good-
accuracy, all of which are directly dependent upon the ridge et al. 2012). This can prove to be detrimental in
size and size distribution of the particles used (Cooke powder-bed fusion processes since agglomerates can
and Slotwinski 2012). In order to choose an optimum par- increase the average particle size of the powder yielding
ticle size range to meet all of these requirements, it is the problems previously discussed. Agglomerates can
instructive to consider the effects of large (greater than also impede the flow behaviour (Krantz et al. 2009,
150 µm) and fine (less than 10 µm) particles separately Delancy 2014) of powder by increasing interparticle fric-
on part properties in the context of powder-bed fusion. tion during the recoating process. Both a decreased
When seeking to determine an upper threshold on a density and inhomogeneity in each of the layers can
particle size range in AM, one of the biggest factors in therefore result where more material may be deposited
the decision-making process concerns the layer thick- in one region than others. Such an effect can cause
ness. If the layer thickness is greater than the balling of the melt pool in regions where there is
maximum particle size, all of the powder particles regard- locally more powder leading to an increased likelihood
less of size will be deposited into the build volume. Con- of undesired part porosity (Kruth et al. 2004, Tolochko
versely, a layer thickness that is smaller than the et al. 2004, Gusarov et al. 2007, Zhou et al. 2009, Gu
maximum particle size leads to a preferential deposition and Shen 2009a, 2009b, Gu et al. 2013, Lee and Zhang
of a finer distribution of particles. Therefore, the desired 2015, Zhou et al. 2015). This phenomenon has been
layer thickness serves as one of the limits to the encountered by many researchers, and has been found
maximum particle size that should be specified within to be dependent on more than just the layer thickness,

Figure 8. Influence of layer thickness on the density of powder in the powder bed: (a) Layer thickness of 30 µm corresponding to a high
density of powder particles and (b) layer thickness of 70 µm corresponding to a low density of powder particles.

including a reduced laser power and scan speed, low redeposited elsewhere in the powder bed. These par-
packing of particles in the powder bed, and material- ticles have been proven to be chemically different from
related issues causing a high surface tension of the the base powder (Simonelli et al. 2015), and could poten-
melt pool. tially alter the properties of the parts if redeposited and
Since agglomerates can assume irregular shapes, the processed. Moreover, condensate forms as a result of the
interaction between the laser and these bodies is inher- vaporised material above the melt pool rapidly conden-
ently different when compared to spherical particles. In sing (Ferrar et al. 2012, Ladewig et al. 2016). As such, the
fact, it was demonstrated by Olakanmi (2013) that pore majority of these particles are small and responsible for
formation in the SLS of Al, Al–Mg, and Al–Si powders sticking to the surfaces within the build chamber,
was increased by the appearance of irregularly shaped which can cause fogging of optics and heating elements
particles as a result of differences in the laser–material (Goodridge et al. 2012). However, due to their small size
interaction of irregularly shaped particles compared to agglomeration can occur leading to the formation of
spherical particles. This difference in laser–material inter- larger particles (Ladewig et al. 2016) heavy enough to
action was also observed by Simchi (2004) who found settle inside the powder bed. If not properly removed,
that decreasing particle size does not always lead to condensate can also interact with the laser beam
higher densification of as-built parts as what is most causing attenuation and scattering (Ferrar et al. 2012,
commonly believed; in addition to agglomeration of Shcheglov et al. 2013, Zhang et al. 2013, Liu et al. 2015,
powder, it is apparent that the reflectivity of the Ladewig et al. 2016), both of which can have negative
powder bed increases with decreasing particle size impacts on the part quality. Figure 9 illustrates these
causing less absorption of laser power. different laser byproducts through a schematic of a
Finer particles are also more likely to evaporate when typical pool of molten metal during processing.
being heated due to their lower mass. This conclusion is Redeposition of laser spatter and condensate into the
drawn from rigorous heat transfer and fluid flow simu- powder bed can ultimately alter the properties of met-
lations carried out by many researchers for the SLS/ allic powder compromising its reuse. One of the most
SLM processes (Nelson et al. 1993, Verhaeghe et al. commonly noticed differences of recycled powder
2009, Gusarov and Smurov 2010, Dai and Gu 2014, Khair- when compared to its as-received state is a particle
allah and Anderson 2014). In these simulations, it has size distribution that has coarsened (Seyda et al. 2012,
been observed that the melt pool is a complex environ- Ardila et al. 2014, Slotwinski et al. 2014a, Strondl et al.
ment with fluid flow driven by Marangoni convection as 2015). Of course, this causes other effects including
a consequence of steep thermal gradients. It is also increased surface roughness (Seyda et al. 2012), and
evident that a certain amount of vaporisation of volatile decreased flowability of material (Strondl et al. 2015).
elements and potentially small particles takes place due However, studies regarding recycling of metallic
to a high energy input. This vaporisation leads to two powders are quite sparse in the literature and warrants
types of powder formation which have been studied more investigation.
for metallic powders: laser spatter and condensate. The recyclability of polymer powder has also been
Laser spatter is a direct result of the upsurge of vaporised studied. Particle morphology has been shown to alter
gases through the melt pool causing molten material to only slightly with reuse (Pham et al. 2008), whereas
be ejected as a result of melt pool instabilities (Zhang surface roughness of parts have generally increased in
et al. 2013, Liu et al. 2015, Simonelli et al. 2015). Once the form of an ‘orange peel’ texture (Gornet et al. 2002,
ejected, solidification of the molten material occurs Kruth et al. 2007, Pham et al. 2008, Dotchev and Yusoff
while in the chamber atmosphere, where it is later 2009, Goodridge et al. 2012, Bourell et al. 2014, Schmid

decrease interparticle friction and maximise flowability

while also retaining high apparent densities (Clayton
et al. 2015, Murphy 2016).
Other necessary considerations when maximising the
flowability of a powder stem from the influence of
humidity and electrostatic charge. Effects of humidity
on powder flow become more pronounced at high
humidity conditions due to the increase in capillary
forces and thus interparticle friction (Emery et al. 2009,
Karde et al. 2015). Electrostatic forces also increase inter-
particle friction and tend to intensify with a decreasing
particle size (Karner and Anne Urbanetz 2011), producing
agglomerates and impeding flow.
In the SLM process, Liu et al. (2011) observed the
effect of particle size distribution on the mechanical
properties of parts including solid density, surface rough-
ness, and ultimate tensile strength, some of which were
created from a narrow (15–60 µm) particle size distri-
bution and others from a wide (1–60 µm) particle size
Figure 9. A typical pool of molten metal and the byproducts
encountered during processing. These byproducts can interfere distribution. It was found that parts made from the
with the laser and reduce the energy at the powder bed. narrow size distribution have a higher ultimate tensile
strength and hardness while those with the wide size dis-
tribution have higher density and reduced surface
et al. 2014). Moreover, the microstructure of the polymer roughness. Spierings et al. (Spierings and Levy 2009,
powder changes more drastically as a result of the bed Spierings et al. 2010) also found that the particle size dis-
temperature being heated to just below the melting tribution ultimately determines the density of the devel-
temperature. Recognising this change has resulted in oped parts, and has a major impact on the mechanical
generalised procedures for the recycling of polyamides properties. In particular, powders containing more fines
where new powder is mixed with used powder in pre- correlated to smoother part surfaces while those with
scribed ratios to mitigate the effects of recycled larger particles showed higher elongations during
powder (Dotchev and Yusoff 2009). The impacts of the tensile testing. Simchi (2004) also studied the effect of
evolving crystallinity of polymer powders is discussed differing particle size distributions of iron powder on
in Section 4.7.2. the properties of SLS parts. It was found that particle
Although small particles can be detrimental in terms size has a profound effect on the porosity of SLS manu-
of flowability and evaporation effects, one upside is factured iron parts with an optimum mean particle size
their ability to yield higher packing efficiencies. In existing to produce parts with the highest fractional
powder-based AM, the density of each layer should be density.
as high as possible to reduce residual stresses and Finally, the particle size distribution has a considerable
warping in parts. One way to optimise powder-bed effect on the dimensional accuracy of the built parts
density is through tailoring the particle size distribution when the parts are small, whereas with larger parts the
of a powder so that the smaller particles can fill the dimensional accuracy is generally acceptable. When
voids between the larger particles. However, optimis- smaller (<1 mm) features are created, the surface rough-
ation of particle size distribution to yield superior ness is inherently tied to and correlated with the dimen-
packing characteristics ex situ of the build environment sional accuracy of the part. Several studies have been
does not directly translate to a maximum powder-bed conducted on lattice structures manufactured by the
density (Karapatis and Egger 1999). This is a direct SLM process (Santorinaios et al. 2006, McKown et al.
result of the interaction between the powder and the 2008, Pattanayak et al. 2011, Van Bael et al. 2011, Yan
recoater during the layering process. Although et al. 2012, Sing et al. 2016a). Sing et al. (2016a)
powders with wide particle size distributions can showed that their titanium lattice structures produced
increase the packing efficiency, it is known that they by SLM were undersized due to their scan strategy and
also have decreased flowability (Bodhmage 2006). There- had relatively thick layers of partially bonded particles.
fore, when compared to conventional PM processes, Other researchers (Van Bael et al. 2011, Yan et al. 2012)
narrow particle size distributions are used in AM to also manufactured lattice structures using SLM and

found that there was dimensional inaccuracy due to the Table 3. Various shape factors used for particle shape
partially bonded particles. characterisation.
These studies reported that the features were over- Name of shape factor Equation Reference
sized; however, the thickness of the features was Circularity 4pA
Cox (1927)
measured differently in that Sing et al. did not count par- Aspect ratio l
Schneiderhöhn (1954)
tially bonded particles as part of the feature while other L  
Elongation a
researcher’s work did. These studies are generally in log2 Mikli Valdek et al. (2001)
Dispersion log2 (pab)
agreement that the presence of these bonded particles Mikli Valdek et al. (2001)
was a result of partial melting and not balling, due to Roundness r1
R Wentworth (1922)
the size and shape of the adhered particles being con- Flatness r2
Wentworth (1922)
sistent with the starting powder. These studies did not R
Perimeter to area ratio P2
look at multiple particle size distributions and related A
Janoo (1998)
the thicknesses of the partially bonded particle layers Notes:
to the process parameters. However, as previously dis- A – Projected area of particle
P – Perimeter of particle
cussed, smaller particle sizes will lead to a decrease in l – Minor axis length perpendicular to major axis
surface roughness and an increase in dimensional accu- L – Major axis length connecting two most distant points on the projection
area A
racy for small parts. Therefore, smaller particle sizes, a – Major axis length of Legendre ellipse of particle
while still maintaining flowability considerations, b – Minor axis length of Legendre ellipse of particle perpendicular to a
r1 – Radius of curvature of sharpest developed edge of particle
should be utilised for builds that incorporate submilli- r2 – Radius of curvature of most convex direction of particle
metre features (Yan et al. 2012). R – Mean radius of particle
To summarise, the optimal size distribution of
powders is not only dependent on the machine, but
also on the interaction of the powder with the effect of particle shape on the flowability of bulk
process parameters. Overall, a significant amount of powder in both the SLM and EBM processes. It was deter-
work still needs to be completed in tuning size distri- mined that a more spherical particle shape yielded less
butions as well as understanding the ramifications of internal friction in the powder, allowing it to be more
powder alterations induced by the supplier and easily deposited to obtain higher layer densities. By con-
during processing. tinuously recycling powder and tracking its evolving
shape characteristics after reuse, it was also found that
2.4.2. Particle shape and surface roughness even slight changes in the aspect ratio of the particles
The size of particles is not the only morphological factor can drastically change the flow behaviour and degrade
when looking to achieve high-density parts through the properties of the manufactured parts.
powder-based AM; rather, it is also a combination of Similarly, Sun et al. (2015) used the circularity shape
the particle shape and surface roughness. Describing factor to study the evolving morphology characteristics
the shape of particles both qualitatively and quantitat- after continual reuse of powder in the EBM process. It
ively can be challenging, especially if the particles are was found that the average circularity of the powder
highly irregular and show no resemblance to primitive decreased due to the appearance of agglomerates
shapes. Nevertheless, qualitative descriptions of after successive build iterations. This resulted in more
powder particles have been standardised (ASTM B243- interparticle friction, decreasing the flowability of the
13 2013) and are used as a means to describe the recycled titanium powder. Additionally, an external
general shape of powder particles. On the other hand, powder deposition system was created to study the
quantification of particle shape still proves to be a chal- influence of the recycled powder on its deposition in
lenge. Many researchers approach this problem by for- the powder bed. Virgin powder was determined to
mulating equations that yield dimensionless ratios, provide the most uniform layers while the recycled
more commonly known as shape factors. Throughout powder showed density irregularities in the build
the literature, there exist numerous shape factors area. The results of the aforementioned studies imply
(Barrett 1980, Blott and Pye 2008), some of which are that powder-bed based AM processes can be very sen-
listed in Table 3. sitive to irregularly shaped particles since they directly
Although it is common knowledge that particle shape affect how the particles interact and flow together.
and surface roughness influences part properties, the Therefore, highly spherical particles with smooth and
exact effects of these initial powder characteristics on dry surfaces (Karapatis and Egger 1999) are desired
AM components are still not fully understood. To as these are known to provide the least amount of in-
combat this issue, Strondl et al. (2015) studied the terparticle friction equating to the best flowability

characteristics (Hausner 1967, Chi-Ying Wong 2000). of fines often present. These fines are difficult to
Consequently, the circularity and aspect ratio are by remove from these powders since the small sizes nullifies
far the most commonly used shape factors in powder- any conventional sieving procedures, although sedimen-
based AM. Consequently, the circularity and aspect tation is a viable option. Therefore, the fines are often not
ratio are by far the most commonly used shape removed when gas-atomised powders are used in AM,
factors in powder-based AM. which could produce adverse effects as previously men-
It is important to note that the degree of circularity tioned. To produce a powder without fines, plasma ato-
depends on the powder manufacturing process. Atomisa- misation is a potential candidate with narrow particle
tion is one of the most common methods of metal size distributions often being the result. Yet, this
powder production in AM due to the high circularity process is costly making it not as attractive for AM.
that results from this production method. In general, a Other powder manufacturing methods include cen-
material is liquefied and then extruded through an trifugal atomisation and the plasma rotating electrode
orifice where either water or gas is impinged on the process (PREP). Centrifugal atomisation generally pro-
melt to separate it into particles that solidify during free- duces powders with a more coarse distribution when
fall. During solidification, the melt droplets form into compared to the aforementioned methods, but gives
spheres so as to minimise surface energy. Overall, differ- low oxide formation. One limitation is possible tungsten
ent atomisation processes exist which vary in the physical contamination from the electrode that melts the input
method used for powder production, thus producing material. Elimination of this contamination led to the
powders of different morphology, purity, and microstruc- development of the PREP process where plasma is
ture. However, all of these powder production methods used to melt material.
have a very low energy efficiency, which has been esti-
mated to be around 3–4%. This is one of the reasons
3. Powder chemistry
why AM-ready powders are more costly than those used
in PM applications. Table 4 gives an overview of these ato- Powder chemistry refers to the elemental composition of
misation processes as well as a few others that are com- the powder. Characterisation of powder chemistry is
monly used to produce metal powders for AM processes. essential as the chemistry can have a significant effect
Of all the atomisation processes, water-atomised on the properties of the final part. Powder chemistry
powders are typically more irregular in shape due to can be broken down into surface chemistry and bulk
the high cooling rate, which shortens the time available chemistry. Since powders interact through their surfaces,
for surface tension forces to shape the melt droplets into studying surface chemistry allows insight into interparti-
spheres. Due to oxide formation, water atomisation cle friction and consequently the flowability of powders.
cannot be used for highly reactive materials. However, Furthermore, the surface chemistry is seldom the same
water atomisation is cheaper making it attractive to as the bulk chemistry, making its accurate determination
some researchers. Conversely, gas atomisation is able critical to comprehensive powder characterisation.
to process a wider variety of materials due to the inert Surface oxides on powder particles have been tied to
gas used in the process while yielding a higher circularity increased porosity formation in built parts by increase
than water-atomised powders. However, both processes of balling in the SLM process (Zhou et al. 2015). Bulk
are well known to produce powders with satellites with chemistry validation is necessary to accurately character-
wide particle size distributions due to the large amount ise the chemistry of powder. This becomes exceedingly

Table 4. Powder characteristics observed from various manufacturing processes.

Powder manufacturing process Particle size range Advantages Disadvantages
Water atomisation 0–500 µm High production rate Irregular particle shape
Large particle size range Satellites present
Lower capital cost than using gas Wide particle size distribution
Cannot process highly reactive materials
Gas atomisation 0–500 µm Suitable for reactive alloys Satellites present
High throughput Wide particle size distribution
Large particle size range
Spherical particles
Centrifugal atomisation 50–400 µm Narrow particle size distribution Difficulty in making fine powder
Low oxide formation Possible tungsten contamination
PREP 0–100 µm High purity powders Low productivity
Highly spherical particles High cost
Plasma atomisation 0–200 µm Wire or powder feedstock High cost
Highly spherical particles
Narrow particle size distribution

important when undertaking powder recycling studies time. The sputtering time can then be correlated to a
or using processes that can change the bulk chemistry sputtering depth and the oxide layer thickness can be
of powder. Bulk chemistry validation is needed to determined. Although XPS analysis is complicated with
ensure that the recycled or tailored powders stay the use of alloys and non-flat surfaces, the method has
within their alloy designations or have acceptable still seen use with powders (Oikonomou et al. 2014).
purity. Many techniques are available to determine the
chemistry of the surface layers as well as the bulk of 3.1.2. Auger electron spectroscopy
the powder. The choice of an appropriate technique is Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) is another surface-
made in regards to the required data accuracy as well sensitive, quantitative measurement technique that has
as the chemical elements present that need to be been applied to metal samples (Turner and Schreifels
detected (Samal and Newkirk 2015). 2000). In AES, an electron beam or X-ray source is used
to probe the surface of the sample, where a series of
electron transitions results in the ejection of an L shell
3.1. Surface chemistry characterisation
electron, i.e. the Auger electron. Figure 11 shows the
difference between the electron that is analysed in AES
3.1.1. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy versus XPS. AES is primarily used to determine elemental
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), also known as information about the sample. AES offers the ability to
electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis, is a surface quantitate all elements apart from hydrogen and
elemental analysis spectrographic technique. In an XPS helium where the analysis depth is typically less than
analysis, a sample is bombarded with X-rays causing K 2 nm (Samal and Newkirk 2015). Traditionally, both XPS
shell electrons (see Figure 10) to be ejected and the and AES can be used as a means to determine the thick-
kinetic energy of these resultant photoelectrons are ness of the oxide layer by depth profiling and they are
measured. The binding energy of the photoelectron is often used in conjunction (Hedberg et al. 2012, Oikono-
determined and it is characteristic of the element, mou et al. 2014).
orbital, and chemical environment from which the
photoelectron originated (Skoog et al. 2007). A survey
3.2. Bulk chemistry characterisation techniques
spectrum is taken that scans a wide range of energies
in order to quantify the elements that are present in 3.2.1. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
the sample. In addition to XPS’s ability to acquire quanti- Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS or EDX) is a
tative information about the atomic concentrations, it widely used technique as a semi-quantitative elemental
can also give quantitative information about the oxi- analysis for a variety of materials and samples, including
dation state of those elements. This requires acquiring powders (Pinkerton and Li 2005, Hedberg et al. 2012,
a high-resolution spectrum that scan a much smaller Miche 2013, Roy and Cullinan 2015). Polymers are more
range of energies that are specific to the element of difficult to analyse with this technique due to beam-
interest. Peak fitting is done to quantify the chemical induced damage where a rapid mass loss can be associ-
species present as the peak positions of many chemical ated with the acquisition of EDS spectra (Goldstein et al.
species are known. However, peak fitting of high-resol- 2003). Therefore, the examples where this technique is
ution spectra is not always straightforward and some used are mainly for metallic powders.
species, such as iron (II) oxide and iron (III) oxide, Commonly, EDS instruments are inside an electron
cannot be resolved due to peak overlap (Hedberg et al. microscope, meaning samples must be polished and
2012). XPS is able to detect all elements except hydrogen etched prior to the analysis. During an EDS analysis,
and helium, and allows for simultaneous detection of either an electron beam (electron microscope) or an X-
elements if the peaks can be resolved. Due to the detec- ray beam (X-ray fluorescence) is used to excite the
tion of photoelectrons, the depth of analysis is generally sample surface. The resulting ejected X-rays are detected
1–3 nm (Samal and Newkirk 2015). that can be assigned to specific elements (Goldstein et al.
XPS is typically used in conjunction with other tech- 2003). EDS serves as a qualitative elemental analysis
niques in order to perform comprehensive studies. XPS when using the peak locations to determine the
instruments are equipped with an ion sputtering elements present. Semi-quantitative information can be
system to remove surface contamination, which also determined by measuring the peak heights while quan-
allows for ion sputtering to a particular depth for analy- titative information requires the use of a standard of
sis. A depth profile can be constructed where spectra known chemistry. EDS offers several advantages includ-
are taken sequentially after set times of sputtering, yield- ing their relatively simple construction and ease of use.
ing a graph of elemental composition versus sputtering However, EDS is generally seen as an estimation tool

Figure 10. A schematic of the electronic energy levels referred to in surface-sensitive spectrographic techniques.
Note: Electron shell designations are derived from the principal quantum number (Skoog et al. 2007, Brown et al. 2009).

and more rigorous techniques are required if accurate of the IR radiation that causes these molecular vibrations
elemental analysis is needed. This technique also has corresponds to a peak in the IR spectra. These peaks are
been found to work better for flat surfaces, making accu- then correlated to specific chemical bonds and func-
rate chemistry determination on powders difficult to tional groups (Mohrig et al. 2010).
achieve. IR has seen use by researchers characterising the SLS/
SLM products, although widespread use of the technique
3.2.2. Infrared spectroscopy for powder characterisation is not noted (Salmoria et al.
Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is a common technique to 2007, Salmoria et al. 2009, Salmoria et al. 2011). Typically,
organic chemists and enables the identification of func- researchers use techniques that are aimed at probing the
tional groups in organic molecules. IR analysis can be microstructure and melt characteristics, such as DSC and
carried out on solids, liquids, and thin films. In traditional MFI (see Sections 4.5 and 4.6). However, IR spectroscopy
solid analysis, the material is dispersed in Nujol and is a primary way to determine the chemistry of powder
placed between two salt plates, where the salt plates particles, so it could find use in comprehensive character-
do not absorb any IR radiation. The sample is then isation with the reuse of powders. IR spectroscopy has
placed in an IR beam and the intensity of the transmitted also been used in the characterisation of surface oxides
beam is recorded as a function of energy of the incident on metal specimens (Jasinski and Iob 1988). This tech-
IR radiation. Interaction of the IR radiation with the nique, however, has not seen widespread use on metallic
sample causes molecular vibrations in the form of powder characterisation since the wavenumbers needed
stretching and bending of covalent bonds. The energy to detect oxides are much lower than what typical IR
instruments are capable of measuring.

3.2.3. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission

Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spec-
troscopy (ICP-OES, ICP-AES, or ICPS) is a spectrographic
technique that uses plasma as the excitation source.
Plasma is used as it offers significantly better quantitative
data compared to other excitation sources, such as arcs
or flames. For an ICPS analysis, metallic samples must
Figure 11. The photoelectron emission during (a) XPS and (b) be dissolved in an acid solution and fed into the
AES. In XPS (a), the incident X-rays cause the ejection of a K plasma where the sample is converted into free atoms
shell electron and the resulting photoelectron is detected. In
(Fassel 1974). Due to the high temperature of the
AES (b), an electron is excited (by an electron beam) to a
higher energy level and the transition of the L shell electron to plasma, most elements can have good emission
the open K shell position causes an Auger electron to be spectra under a single set of conditions, offering simul-
emitted (Skoog et al. 2007). taneous detection of these elements. ICPS measures

the intensity of the emission lines of the elements in the 3.3. Effect of powder chemistry on part properties
plasma and is able to produce quantitative elemental
It is well known that different alloying elements can have
data. It can also detect all metal elements and because
advantageous or detrimental effects to a material under
elements generally have several emission lines, specific
certain processes. Consider stainless steel, a ferrous alloy
emissions lines for different elements can be used to
that was developed specifically for corrosion resistance.
avoid overlapping of peaks. ICPS is also able to concur-
The main alloying element that is added to stainless
rently measure major and trace elements. Typically, an
steel to improve the corrosion resistance is Cr. Chromium
internal standard is used to further improve the accuracy
allows for passivation, meaning that at certain conditions
of this technique, where concentrations can be deter-
an oxide layer forms on the surface that inhibits further
mined up to three decimal places (Skoog et al. 2007).
corrosion. However, at high temperatures, this chromium
However, there are several elements that cannot be
can react with carbon at grain boundaries, which leaves
accurately detected with this technique, most notably
the surrounding material to be depleted in Cr and there-
C, O, N, H, and F (Samal and Newkirk 2015). ICPS is also
fore reduced corrosion resistance is observed. Intergra-
a relatively expensive and complex instrument, requiring
nular corrosion occurs that causes the grains to
a skilled operator to run the instrument and analyse the
virtually fall out. This process is known as sensitisation.
Combatants to sensitisation include changing the chem-
Several researchers have used ICPS to determine the
istry by reducing the carbon content (Jones 1996).
bulk chemistry of their powders (Kirihara et al. 2000, Sor-
With any new process, chemistries specifically
delet et al. 2002, Choi et al. 2007). Typically, these
designed for the particular application are developed
researchers are adding alloying elements to their
in order to optimise the process. Some work has been
material (such as bulk metallic glasses and high
done on finding additives that aid the laser-based AM
entropy alloys) and characterise the tailored powders
process. For example, Fe3P has been found to have
prior to their use in a particular process. This is in contrast
several beneficial effects. Iron phosphide forms a eutec-
to most characterisation work with powders, where the
tic with iron, therefore the addition results in a lower
manufacturer (or an outside testing laboratory) usually
melting point and consequently a lower input energy
performs the bulk chemistry analysis and the consumer
is required. It has also been shown to improve the
performs a simple analysis for quality control using a
surface finish and density due to the fact that it lowers
less rigorous technique such as EDS. For future recycling
the surface tension of the melt pool (Kruth et al. 2003,
studies of powder however, the verification of the chem-
Kruth et al. 2004, Rombouts et al. 2006).
istry of the powders at each recycling step will be necess-
Averyanova et al. (2012) performed a study on 17-4 PH
ary, where a more accurate instrument like ICPS should
steel with a powder of slightly different chemistry. They
be employed.
showed that this change in chemistry had a significant
effect on the final part’s microstructure and therefore
their mechanical properties (Averyanova et al. 2010).
3.2.4. Inert gas fusion Another study involving 17-4 PH steel and cobalt
Inert gas fusion is a quantitative technique used to chrome was by Slotwinski et al. (2014b) who aimed to
measure the contents of hydrogen, nitrogen, and study powder differences from the same production lot
oxygen in metal samples (Holt and Goodspeed 1963). and with recycled use. XPS was used to reveal high oxi-
Samples are first weighed and placed in a graphite cruci- dation on the stainless steel particles that had been
ble where they are heated to a molten state. At this point, used in various AM processes, although the effects of
hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen molecules are released such were not investigated. In regards to metal
from the sample. These released gases are separated powder-based AM, oxidation is viewed as a contaminant
and analysed to yield a weight percentage of each of and should be avoided due to its ability to increase part
the elements. Inert gas fusion is often used in conjunc- porosity. Simchi (2004) observed this phenomenon by
tion with ICPS to get a comprehensive determination correlating the initial oxygen concentration in the form
of the chemistry of a sample (Sordelet et al. 2002). The of oxides on the powder to the parts that were built.
use of an inert gas fusion instrument is often found in The results indicated that an increase in the initial
studies where new powder chemistries are being evalu- oxygen content in the powder led to higher porosity in
ated and the chemistry has to be determined prior to the SLS manufactured components. Tang et al. (2015)
processing. Therefore, this technique may find more also observed that an increase in the oxygen content
use in AM when the chemistries of powders are being of Ti-6Al-4V in the EBM process due to powder reuse
optimised to maximise part quality. can force the material to accrue oxygen to the point of

exceeding the maximum specifications for oxygen As previously mentioned, polymer researchers do not
content. Due to this reason, it was found that the increas- typically use chemistry characterisation to study their
ing oxygen contaminant creates a situation where the powders, as they focus more on studies of the thermal
powder cannot be used more than four times. Further- characteristics and viscosity of the material. However,
more, Hedberg et al. (2012) showed that different examples of IR use on polymers can give insight into
oxides have different effects by studying the oxides on the influence of processing parameters, particularly
the surface of gas and water-atomised 316L stainless absorption of laser energy. Salmoria et al. (2007) used
steel using XPS and AES. The XPS analysis was able to IR spectra to study a commercial polyamide and a
detect oxidised Si on the surface of the water-atomised high-density polystyrene (HDPE) SLS material after pro-
powder, while the gas-atomised powder had Mn oxide. cessing. They investigated the absorbance of radiation
The results of the XPS analysis also revealed a depen- at the CO2 laser wavelength of 10.6 µm. When compar-
dence on size, where the elevated concentrations of Si ing the IR spectra, the polyamide polymer had an absor-
and Mn increased with decreasing particle size. AES bance peak at 10.6 µm, while the HDPE polymer did not.
depth profiles revealed the thickness of the oxide layer This was due to the increased laser power needed to
and the presence of an Fe-rich oxide on the outermost process HDPE even though it has a lower melting point
surface and a Cr-rich oxide further into the particle. The than polyamide. This study has illustrated that a detailed
stability of the Mn oxide phase in the gas-atomised study of the particle chemistry can lend insights to the
powder was ultimately linked to enhanced corrosion processing of material.
resistance of these powders.
Ardila et al. (2014) used the EDS technique to track the
evolving chemistry of IN718 powder as it was recycled in 4. Powder microstructure
the SLM process. It was concluded that the chemistry of
Powder microstructure corresponds to the phases
the powder does change with continual reuse, although
present in the powder samples and inevitably effects
only slightly. In the end, no significant change was
part characteristics. Since porosity influences the for-
observed in the measured fracture toughness of the
mation of certain crystallographic phases, it is often
parts manufactured. However, it is important to note
studied in conjunction with microstructure. In AM, poros-
that care must be taken when using EDS solely to charac-
ity in parts is often quantified and related back to process
terise the chemical composition of a material, especially
parameters. However, porosity can also arise as a result
a powder. This technique is often thought to produce
of voids within powder particles. Therefore, it is impor-
quantitative results; yet, as previously mentioned, it is pri-
tant to identify if internal particle porosity exists in AM-
marily a semi-quantitative method unless a sample with
ready powder in addition to potential microstructure
known chemistry is used for calibration purposes. This
effects the powder has on the final component proper-
information, coupled with only the slight variation in
ties. This section reviews various methods that are com-
chemical composition observed, points to the fact that
monly used to study the microstructure of powder, and
the sole use of EDS is not able to completely detect
how these techniques have been used in AM for charac-
any minute differences between the as-received and
terisation of material properties.
recycled powder. Therefore, the chemical characteris-
ation results produced by Ardila et al. (2014) do not
provide a definitive look at the change in chemical com-
4.1. Metallography
position as a result of reuse simply because a lack of
characterisation was performed. Studying the microstructure of powder particles can be
It is important to note that the chemical composition of accomplished using traditional metallographic tech-
metals often includes upper and lower limits for the niques commonly employed on powders in PM;
amount of each element that can be present within the however, some adjustments have to be made due to
bulk material. Therefore, in order to reduce variability in the small size, spheroidicity, and smooth surfaces of
part properties, powder chemistries must be tailored AM powders (Murphy 2016). Due to these morphological
specifically for the application. Work in this area is still in powder characteristics, metallographic preparation of
its infancy in powder-based AM. It has been suggested AM powders is often challenging since particles are
that due to the similarities of AM and welding (intense more likely to be removed from decreased interlocking
power source and high cooling rate) that materials with the mounting material. Dislodged particles as a
working well with welding or weld wire chemistries may result of grinding and polishing can result in the for-
be a good place to begin the testing for AM alloys. More mation of undesirable scratches rendering a sample
studies are necessary to pinpoint these materials. useless when analysing microstructure.

Figure 12(a) shows a micrograph of an ill-polished With this information and the knowledge of allowed reflec-
304L stainless steel powder sample mounted in bakelite; tions for specific lattices, the crystal structure can be deter-
here, the scratches resulted from too aggressive of a pol- mined by indexing the peak positions. XRD can also be
ishing procedure thus causing particle pull-out which used as a means to characterise the powder chemistry,
later ruined the polished surfaces of other particles. but only if known diffraction patterns of that same chem-
Therefore, the procedure for grinding and polishing of istry are in the powder diffraction library.
AM powders is inherently different from powders used XRD has been extensively used as a characterisation
in PM. Traditional mounting materials such as bakelite method for metal powders (Shanmugavelayutham and
or phthalate to hold the particles stationary during grind- Selvarajan 2004, Kumar and Selvarajan 2006, Kumar
ing and polishing may therefore prove to be less than and Selvarajan 2008, Murr et al. 2010, Murr et al. 2012),
optimal; instead, adhesive materials, e.g. epoxy, should and in some cases for polymer powders as well (Salmoria
be employed. Moreover, lightly applied forces during et al. 2007). Many powder diffraction standards are avail-
the grinding and polishing steps with 600–1200 grit able that generally enable the use of XRD for chemical
SiC paper should be used where the abrasive is not verification. However, advanced materials sometimes
larger than the particles. Following such a procedure have intermetallic compounds with complex spectra
can lead to the micrograph shown in Figure 12(b). that are not necessarily well known. In these cases,
Once a satisfactory polish is achieved, etching of the XRD can only be used as a means to determine the
surface needs to be carried out to reveal microstructure. crystal structure of the elements present. XRD has also
Additionally, during polishing the material can be shown use in the characterisation of amorphous
‘smeared’ over pores making them appear smaller. materials where it can be used to semi-quantitatively
Etching removes this smeared material and gives a and quantitatively determine the amount of crystallinity
more realistic view of the powder’s porosity and the par- in materials.
ticle’s microstructure. Detailed information on the selec-
tion of etchants is provided in ASTM E407-07 (2011). It is
4.3. Focused ion beam
necessary to use a swab/immersion etchant for the
etching of the mounted powder particles, as electrolytic The focused ion beam (FIB) is a tool that can be used for
etching has inherent problems given the separation of imaging as well as milling the surface of materials. The
the particles and the conductivity of the mounting FIB uses a beam of cations to either raster over an area
material. Observation of the microstructure is generally to form an image or remove material. Typically, for
carried out with an optical microscope rather than an powder characterisation work, a dual FIB/SEM is used,
electron microscope since the latter can cause charging where the FIB is mainly used for milling purposes. The
of the mounted particles skewing the brightness of FIB can also be used as a sample preparation technique
images. The cross-sections obtained by polishing the for TEM, where a small region of material is lifted out for
mounted particles also offer a means to determine the further analysis. This technique has been used to perform
morphology of the particles in accordance with the lift-outs on powder particles (Rea et al. 2005). The dual
methods outlined in Section 2.4.2. FIB/SEM can also be used to directly visualise the internal
grain structure and porosity of powder particles.
4.2. X-ray diffraction
4.4. Transmission electron microscopy
X-ray diffraction (XRD) is an X-ray spectrographic technique
primarily used in identification of crystal structures. During The TEM is an extremely powerful analytical tool that can
an XRD analysis, a sample is bombarded with X-rays and offer imaging as well as diffraction capabilities to
the intensity of the diffracted X-rays is measured. Construc- material characterisation. Although sample preparation
tive interference of the diffracted X-rays is needed in order is time-consuming and can be costly, the information
to have a distinguishable peak. Constructive interference that can be obtained from TEM makes it worthwhile.
occurs when the distance between points A and B in For a TEM analysis, specimens must be electron transpar-
Figure 13 is equal to the distance between B and ent, meaning that the samples must be thinned to under
C. Trigonometry yields Bragg’s law as the condition for con- 100 nm. Various methods are available for specimen
structive interference: nl = 2d sin u. Here, n is an integer, λ preparation including bulk preparation by thinning, dim-
is the wavelength of the incident radiation, d is the pling, and final polishing using an ion polisher or by elec-
d-spacing of the crystal (interplanar spacing), and θ is the tropolishing. The more modern approach to preparation
degree between the incident X-rays and the sample of a TEM sample includes using an FIB in conjunction
surface (Ryland 1958, Callister 2007, Skoog et al. 2007). with an SEM to lift out a sample from a bulk specimen

Figure 12. 304L stainless steel mounted in (a) bakelite with scratches as a result of an aggressive grinding procedure, and (b) epoxy
with a light grinding and polishing procedure.

and attach it to a copper grid that can be inserted in the characterisation studies. Hedberg et al. (2012) used
TEM equipment, which can be run in imaging or diffrac- TEM in conjunction with several other techniques to
tion mode. Diffraction mode offers the ability to deter- characterise the surface of 316 stainless steel powder.
mine the crystal structure of the material by tilting the TEM analysis was carried out specifically to measure
specimen and observing the diffraction patterns that the thickness of the oxide layer and the dislocations
are a consequence of the crystal structure of the material present in the powder.
from nanometer-sized regions. Diffraction patterns can
also indicate whether the material is a single crystal
(sharp diffraction patterns), polycrystalline (diffraction 4.5. Thermal analysis methods
rings), or amorphous (hazy rings) (Williams and Carter
2009). Thermal analysis techniques are primarily used for track-
TEM has been used extensively to study the parts built ing chemical properties as a function of temperature.
by laser-based AM processes (Chung and Das 2008, Murr Rather than offer a direct observation of the microstruc-
et al. 2010, Murr et al. 2012, Song et al. 2014). However, ture, this class of methods yields information about the
characterisation of starting powder using TEM is much exothermic and endothermic events that are occurring
less common. Choi et al. (2007) used TEM to determine in the sample. This offers the ability to determine
the amorphous nature of an Al–La–Ni–Fe bulk metallic events such as glass transition and crystallisation temp-
glass. Although XRD can be used to determine if a eratures, therefore giving information about the micro-
material is amorphous, TEM offers higher resolution structure. In general, there are three main techniques
and is considered the definitive way to verify the amor- that are used: TGA, differential thermal analysis (DTA),
phous nature of a material. TEM has also been used by and DSC.
researchers to carry out very detailed powder TGA measures the mass of a sample as a function of
temperature. Since it is often a question of how a
material behaves under elevated temperatures, this
approach allows insight into loss of volatiles and poten-
tial oxide formation. In many powder-bed fusion pro-
cesses, the temperature of the powder bed is often
raised. Thus, this technique allows ex situ analysis of
how the powder responds when subjected to increased
temperatures. DTA is a qualitative technique that
measures the temperature difference between a
sample and a reference material as a function of temp-
erature. This temperature difference is plotted against
Figure 13. Principle of constructive interference for XRD. The time and can be used to study transitions to different
black dots indicate atoms in their lattice positions, and the red phases. TGA and DTA are often coupled for simultaneous
lines are the X-ray path. analysis. DSC is a quantitative technique that measures

the difference in energy between a sample and a refer- microstructure of metal powders in AM needs to be
ence material as a function of temperature. DSC is a studied, especially since the current literature contains
popular technique in the characterisation of metallic very little knowledge in this particular area.
glasses (Hartwig and Karaman 2005, Sun and Flores As mentioned previously, the method of powder
2008) and is also one of the main analysis techniques manufacture will often determine the morphological
for the characterisation of polymer powders. This tech- characteristics of particles. However, it is important to
nique also shows promise in aiding research towards note that the powder manufacturing process also has a
the discovery of new polymers that can be fabricated significant impact on the developed particle microstruc-
using SLS or SLM methods (Drummer et al. 2010). ture (Slotwinski and Garboczi 2015). Starr et al. (2012)
proved this dependence by performing XRD on two
gas-atomised 17-4 PH powders where one was atomised
4.6. Melt flow index
in a nitrogen atmosphere and the other under argon. It
As discussed previously, viscosity of the melt pool is of was shown that the nitrogen-atomised powder con-
primary concern in SLS of polymer powders since it con- tained primarily an austenitic microstructure, while the
trols wettability of the melt to the substrate and previous other being manufactured under argon contained
layers. Since viscosity is temperature and pressure mostly martensite. In order to observe the effect of differ-
dependent, its measurement is highly dependent upon ent powder microstructure and build atmosphere on the
the state of the material. Measurement of viscosity is phase composition of as-built materials, both powders
therefore completed under certain controlled conditions. were used to build tensile specimens where XRD was
To measure the viscosity of polymers, the MFI of the performed before tensile testing. The XRD results for
material is determined. These measurements involve the as-built parts showed that the argon-atomised
the extrusion of material through an orifice at a specified powder produced fully martensitic products regardless
temperature. The MFI is then calculated by dividing the of the gas used during the build process. However, the
amount of extruded mass in a period of 10 min. This nitrogen-atomised powder showed a different behaviour
value allows for the calculation of the shear rate; this where the parts built under a nitrogen atmosphere
shear rate and the developed wall shear stress during retained more austenite than those produced in the
extrusion can then allow evaluation of the viscosity of presence of argon.
the material. Similarly, Murr et al. (2012) used XRD to determine a
The MFI is a direct indicator of the flow behaviour of possible dependence of 17-4 PH powder microstructure
the melt pool for a given material, which is dependent on the phases present in parts in both argon and nitrogen
upon its chemical structure. Long polymer chains with atmospheres. In the end, it was determined that building
complex geometry resist flow and are therefore more parts using AM under an argon atmosphere produces
viscous. Conversely, polymers comprising short chains martensitic products, whereas using nitrogen in the
have less internal friction giving them more fluidity build chamber produced microstructure in parts identical
(Pham et al. 2008). As such, quantification of flow to the precursor powder phase. This major difference was
through the MFI allows crucial insight into the melting attributed to the large difference in thermal conductivity
behaviour that will occur during processing as well as of the gas used during the build process.
tracking of material properties with continual reuse. Internal particle porosity can also have a major effect
on the microstructure of powder in addition to the
density achieved by the final part. Therefore, it is necess-
4.7. Effect of powder microstructure on part
ary to quantify this powder characteristic as well for
quality control purposes. However, this is often not prac-
4.7.1. Metals tised warranting further characterisation studies to be
In PM, it is well known that the initial microstructure of done in this particular area.
powder plays a key role in the properties of manufac-
tured components. For instance, consider the sintering 4.7.2. Polymers
of a PM compact. Not only does internal porosity and Polymer powder researchers focus heavily on the micro-
the size of the initial grains in the powder determine structure of the powder particles, as it has a clear
the rate of sintering activity of the compact, but also relationship to their process parameters and the quality
the formation of pores in the final product. The manufac- of the final parts dictating post-processing consider-
turing processes in PM, such as hot isostatic pressing and ations. The polymer powders that are used for powder-
metal injection moulding, are considerably different bed based AM are generally thermoplastics with either
from those found in AM. The potential impacts of particle amorphous or semi-crystalline structure.

Amorphous polymers contain a disordered structure of However, raising the temperature of the powder bed
polymer chains. This class of materials has a glass tran- can also lead to degradation of unused polymer powder
sition temperature where the polymer will soften and limiting its recyclability. As a polymer is heated in the SLS
exhibit more pliability when heated above this threshold. process between the glass transition and melting temp-
However, amorphous polymers do not contain a particular eratures, the length of the molecular chains increases.
melting point; instead, the material gradually softens until This growth causes the material to become more
it is fully melted. Consequently, amorphous polymers are viscous as the molecular weight of the material
viscous, but have low shrinkage and high dimensional becomes larger. Thus, the MFI will decrease thereby limit-
accuracy during processing (Kruth et al. 2007). ing the wettability of the melt pool (Gornet et al. 2002,
Semi-crystalline polymers contain both crystalline and Pham et al. 2008) and creating flaws in parts. Using
amorphous regions where the phase composition can aged powder in subsequent builds can also lead to the
vary by the crystallisation rate and the chain polymer well-known ‘Orange Peel’ texture on the vertical faces
structure (Pham et al. 2008). These materials contain of polymer parts indicating higher surface roughness
both a glass transition temperature and a narrow (Dotchev and Yusoff 2009). Another common problem
melting temperature range. Since adequate process caused by preheating the polymer bed is the hardening
ability of polymers by SLS is facilitated by a sharp of powder which supports the parts. In some cases, the
melting point, polymers with semi-crystalline structure powder may even bond to the parts compromising
(e.g. PA12) are among the most commonly used in AM. dimensional accuracy (McAlea et al. 1998).
However, one of the biggest disadvantages of using Since preheating of the powder-bed is essential for
this type of material is its inherent shrinkage giving processing of polymers, degradation of the non-sintered
way to undesirable warping (Kruth et al. 2007). powder that has been subjected to the SLS environment
Consideration of the crystallisation and melting of is inevitable, making it impossible to reuse 100% of the
semi-crystalline polymers can aid in the determination material (Goodridge et al. 2012). Due to the high cost
of new polymers that can be processed by AM. of many polymer powders, it is often not economical
Drummer et al. (2010) used DSC to track the endothermic to use virgin powder for every build. Therefore, it is
(melting) and exothermic (crystallisation) reactions that common to mix virgin and used powder to create a
occurred upon heating and subsequent cooling. In blend that is deemed suitable for processing (Gornet
order for a polymer to be a good candidate for AM, a et al. 2002, Kruth et al. 2007, Pham et al. 2008,
narrow melting range and a wide range between Drummer et al. 2010).
melting and crystallisation is desired. The narrow
melting range of the polymer indicates that a smaller
5. Summary and conclusion
laser power would be required to fully melt the material.
The wide range between the crystallisation temperature As AM approaches a stage of maturity, the realisation of
and the melting point offers a processing window where these processes for potential production becomes ever
the powder bed could be heated to this temperature more apparent. A significant amount of research has
range. As such, when a layer is cooled from the focused on the development of process parameters to
melting temperature, it will not crystallise and therefore manufacture parts having strength comparable to
not go through major dimensional changes. Polyamide wrought materials, low surface roughness, and minimal
powders were shown to be the most robust according porosity. However, both intra-build and inter-build part
to their DSC curves. variability are often noticed, forcing researchers to look
For the processing of semi-crystalline powders, the at the input powder material properties and their
powder bed is heated above the glass transition temp- effects on the build process. This has led to the use of
erature to just below the melting temperature. The different powder characterisation techniques to quantify
laser is then used to push the temperature over to and predict the behaviour of AM-ready powder.
melting where the polymer then flows to provide When characterising a powder, it is important that the
bonding to the previous layer. Since polymers are sensi- following three main areas are researched: particle mor-
tive to changes in temperature, an insufficient bed temp- phology, particle chemistry, and particle microstructure.
erature can cause a lower degree of melting thus limiting In metal powder-bed fusion processes, research is pri-
the wettability of the melt pool and increasing the prob- marily focused on the morphological characterisation
ability of flaws in the parts. A low bed temperature can of powders and their effect on part properties. Tech-
also cause a high degree of warping as a result of a niques that are typically used to perform morphological
large thermal gradient between the melted and support- characterisation of AM powders include microscopy and
ing powder (Goodridge et al. 2012). laser diffraction, although sieve analysis is occasionally

employed as well. Microscopy allows not only the charac- studies in this particular area focus on powder contami-
terisation of particle size and size distribution through nants, namely, oxides. Few studies discuss the potential
micrographs, but also shape and surface roughness. of optimising powder chemistries to yield desired part
Therefore, it is an extremely versatile tool making it properties. Furthermore, polymer materials seldom
attractive in powder-based AM. Unfortunately, the analy- have any chemistry validation.
sis times are long and the amount of particles needed to The most widely used methods to characterise
obtain statistically significant results is still under debate powder particle microstructure are XRD and thermal
warranting further investigation. Conversely, laser light analysis. As seen with powder chemistry, a lack of
diffraction is able to measure the size of a very large research is also noticed in terms of the microstructure
number of particles in a short amount of time. Due to of metal particles. Currently, most of the work aimed at
the large particle count and automation of the entire characterising the microstructure of powder uses XRD
procedure, particle size distributions are highly repeata- with cross-sectioned and polished samples. Although
ble. However, particles that deviate from a spherical this is a great first step, the exact influence of particle
shape can give erroneous results using this characteris- microstructure on as-built parts is still unknown. A few
ation method. aforementioned studies stated the importance of
As a whole, the effect of particle size and size distri- crystal structure, as well as its dependence on the type
bution is the most studied when input material proper- of gas flow during the build process and its relevance
ties are correlated to part quality. From these findings, to the microstructure of parts.
it is clear that the particle size and size distribution In regards to polymers, a significant amount of
affect the flowability of the powder thus influencing research into the particle microstructure on the proces-
layer homogeneity. Moreover, the porosity of as-built sing conditions and the part properties has been done
parts is also influenced, where the use of large particles with the main analysis technique being DSC. Researchers
and agglomerates can produce undesired voids due to have been able to relate the degree of crystallinity to the
a decreased packing density in the powder bed. Some bed temperature and the laser power used during pro-
of the same phenomena have been noticed when irregu- cessing. The degree of crystallinity ultimately dictates
lar particles are used, as this tends to cause more inter- the consolidation mechanism (full or partial melting)
particle friction and impact layer uniformity and and therefore the post-processing of the built parts.
density. In order to maximise flowability while also The limited number of polymer powders available to
increase the powder-bed density, narrow particle size produce parts with powder-bed fusion methods
distributions that contain spherical particles with suggests that there is still more work needed to identify
minimal surface deformities are often employed. new polymer powders, and DSC studies show promise in
Characterisation methods to determine the chemical determining these materials.
composition of powders fall under two categories: Overall, much more research work is still needed in
surface analysis and bulk analysis. XPS is a quantitative order to fully understand the effects of powder in
surface-sensitive technique that takes advantage of the powder-bed fusion processes. The current approximate
photoelectron effect to identify the percentages of knowledge of morphological powder characteristics
elements that are present. High-resolution spectra can coupled with an insufficient understanding of particle
even be obtained to determine binding information for chemistry and microstructure on these processes necessi-
each element in a sample. As for bulk chemistry, EDS is tates a more complete characterisation of AM-ready
commonly utilised; however, it is important to note powders. Moreover, a main focus of future research
that this is only a semi-quantitative technique, should be not only on optimising process parameters,
meaning that the results should not be interpreted as but also on the interplay between process variables and
absolute unless appropriate reference standards are powder properties. These studies will result in reducing
used for machine calibration. Unfortunately, many variability between built parts and enabling the process
studies only use EDS for chemical characterisation of to be more controllable. Only then will AM processes be
powder and treat it as a quantitative method. ICPS is a able to rival traditional manufacturing methods and be
more accurate technique that can be used to determine recognised as a viable means for the creation of reliable
the bulk chemistry of a sample. This technique paired components for many industrial applications.
with inert gas fusion can give the concentrations of all
metallic elements as well as the oxygen content in a
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