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PBL Checklist
1. Attach a copy of your PBL lesson plan/worksheets
2. Complete the check list, including comments where applicable. Note: this is an exhaustive list, do not
worry if your PBL lesson does not have all the components!
3. Answer the following question: How has this checklist contributed to your understanding of PBL?
Yes No n/a Goals/design Comments
X Is the project focused on teaching students Yes, not only does it have students
important knowledge and skills? apply a series of skills (covalent
bonding, Lewis structures, Naming
organic compounds) that align with
core standards for chemistry, it also
has socioscientific focus of teaching
students how to do their own
research on drugs or medicines they
may be currently using or may
potentially use in the future and
make informed decisions about
whether or not they should take
those drugs/medicines.
      Are the learning expectations challenging  See above.
X and in alignment with my curriculum
X   Have I broadened the project to an Multiple representations were
interdisciplinary focus? employed, especially with respect
to the research poster, but other
disciplines were not directly or
purposefully tied into the project.
X      Will the final product be engaging for my  Yes, once students created their
students to create and present? research posters, we held a gallery
walk that simulated a research
poster expo and had students walk
around with postits and leave
X     Can my students be successful at this  Yes, the project is heavily chunked,
project? so that students are comfortable and
successful in completing the small
increments of the project vs. the
entire project at one time, and
receive immediate feedback (both
quantitative and qualitative). This
certainly encouraged students to
buy in.
X     Will this project build my students’  Yes, students had to read and
literacy skills? digest scientific articles online in
order to write their papers. A
PBL Checklist
paraphrasing activity was done to
help support them in this process.
 X     Have I built in both formative and  Yes, see lesson plan and
summative assessments? subsequent project documents.
   X   Have I built in academic language goals Research papers had to be in APA
for all students, including English format, but I don’t feel that I
Language Learners? pushed them enough towards using
academic language and formatting.
Something I would like to do
differently is to do some drafting,
peer editing, and one on one
conferencing with students about
their papers to potentially push
students to reflect and revise.
X Have I shared learning goals with my Yes, the goals for the project were
students? made clear at the end of the
introductory lesson.
 X     Have I designed a rubric that is consistent  See rubrics.
with project process and goals?
 X     Is my rubric developmentally appropriate  See rubrics.
and flexible enough to accommodate all
students in my class?
 X     Have I clarified project expectations with Each step of the way, students had
my students? access to rubrics and they were
discussed in class at the start of
every part of the project. Looking
back, clearer expectations should
have been set for the summary of
the chemistry of the drug.
   X   Have I established a partnership with This is certainly something I’d like
fellow teachers, library media specialists, to do in the future with this project.
and technology specialists?
   X   Have I involved cultural and scientific This is certainly something I’d like
institutions in the City, such as public to do in the future with this project.
libraries, museums, and science agencies?
 X     Will I be following best teaching practices I got the opportunity to show
by using such techniques as setting high students a research poster I had
expectations, modeling, guiding individual created in college as an example of
PBL Checklist
practice, structuring learning activities what an academic research poster is
around active engagement by students, and supposed to look like; would like to
employing the use of critical questioning to have provided more examples, such
push the level of thinking? as a good paper and poster, but now
that the project is done, I will have
access to good student work
examples for future classes.
 X     Will my skills instruction build coherently  
on previous instruction and experience by
my students?
 X  X   Have I provided enough opportunities for Though students were provided
feedback to the students? with almost immediate feedback, I
don’t feel I provided enough
opportunity for iteration (reflection
and revision).
      Resources and Technology  
 X     Will my students be able to access and use  Almost all parts of the project were
the resources they need? done in class with access to laptops,
printers and everything that they
needed. The research paper was the
only part of the project that allowed
time outside of class besides time
already given in class.
   X   Have I collaborated with the library media  This is certainly something I’d like
specialist to identify the most valuable to do in the future with this project.
resources, both in print and online?
  X   Do my students know how to evaluate  No all; would like to push for this
resources to find the best information? more in the future
 X     Will my students have access to the  
technology they will need? Do they need
instruction in the skills to navigate
databases and online resources?
 X     Do my students need instruction or This was the secondary purpose of
reminders to access information ethically, the paraphrasing activity. There’s
legally, and responsibly (e.g., copyright, been a lot of copying work among
fair use, plagiarism, illegal downloading, students and plagiarism when it
diverse points of view). comes to papers.
 X     Will the learning environment be  
structured to support the project focus and
 X     Is the climate conducive to learning?  
PBL Checklist
      Final Presentation and Evaluation  
 X     Have I arranged for an opportunity for  Gallery walk
students to share their learning with fellow
students, parents, the community, or other
 X     Have I used the rubric to fairly and  
accurately evaluate students' work?

Adapted from: Project Based Learning: Inspiring Middle School Students to Engage in Deep and Active Learning. Accessed

How has this checklist contributed to your understanding of PBL?

Project-based learning is a lot more multi-faceted and pervasive than I originally thought.
Furthermore, because of its complexity, a lot of time and thoughtful planning need to go into it.
This Drug Project took weeks to appropriately plan and multiple iterations before it was ready to
roll out for the kids and even then, I found myself continuously adjusting. Another I notice is
how much of PBL is supporting the whole student so they are in a position to develop their own
thoughts and ideas (to be independent thinkers). The one thing I felt was seriously lacking in this
project is opportunities for an iteration loop (Feedback, Reflection, and revision).

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