Introduction To HRM

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MATRIC NO. : 2018428184

1. Explain 3 roles of HR department

i) Recruit suitable workers and ensure the workers receive the appropriate training.
ii) Introduce and maintain systems designed to engage workers and ensure their
commitment to achieve the organization’s goal.
iii) Monitoring the effectiveness of the change and reporting to senior management to
ensure smooth flow of performance

2. Describe all major functions of the HR department

1. Employment : Recruiting sufficient staff.
2. Training and development : Ensuring that all employees are provided with
training, so that they are productive, and preparing them furfure change in
their jobs.
3. Payment/reward system : Establishing rates of pay, implementing payroll
systems system and setting up reward for high-level performers.
4. Health and safety : Ensuring that the organization complies with the laws
relating to safety and health at work.
5. Employee services/welfare : Providing a range of services and benefits which
will assist in attracting and retaining employees.
6. Productivity improvement scheme : Introducing and maintaining
programmes which are expected to improve the productivity of the workforce.
7. Industrial relations : Establishing and maintaining a harmonious relationship
with trade unions.
8. Employee communication : Drafting and disseminating policies on
employee-related matters as well as other documents such as handbooks and
letters of appointment.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having separate HR department?

i) Advantages
- Strategy becomes more of a focus for HR.
- The employee experience is positively impacted.
ii) Disadvantages
- The cost savings don’t always materialize.
- The technology doesn’t always meet the centralization criteria.

4. Briefly outline any 3 reasons why HR department is important.

a) Training and Development
- Providing the required training and also ensuring overall development in the
organization is yet another major role of the HR department.
- Companies in the beginning or during their growth phases can benefit a lot
from identifying training needs for their existing staff.
b) Cost Savings
- The cost to hire new employees, training them, providing the required time,
can lead to high cost for employees, especially small businesses.
- However, if there exists a proper, well-planned recruitment and selection
process, the human resource function can minimize expenses to a considerable
c) Sustaining Business Success
- The company identifies employees with the promise and requisite capabilities
to eventually transition into leadership roles with the company.
- Can guarantee the organization's stability and future success.

5. Draw an HR organizational structure based on the functions of the newly set up



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6. a) Workforce diversity
- Employees at workplace consists of different age groups that will going to have
different expectation.
- Therefore, company has to meet these different generations’ needs.
- Example: Generation X, Y and baby boomers

b) Decentralization
- Way in which HR operates is quite different. Activities are more spread out in a
decentralized system
- Each business unit or store HR manager oversees its own HR processes as opposed
to having a centralized human resources department managing all activities for the

c) Empowerment
- The process of enabling employees to set their own work-related goals, make
decisions and solve problems within their spheres of responsibility and authority.
- Invest people with authority
- Sharing varying degrees of power lower-level employees to serve better
performance to customer.
d) Globalization
- Products and services may be produced in any country considered by the company
concerned, labor is not so mobile.
- Open businesses in other countries and wish to employ their own nationals in the
key positions to look after their interest.

e) Technological changes
- Employees need to upgrade and develop their skills and knowledge.
- It is the job of HR department to provide training to employees.

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