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Electrical Circuits & Machine - BE Civil II/I

1. List out the energy source in Nepal. Explain the Hydroelectric power generation with suitable diagram.
2. Prove that maximum power transfer theorem with suitable example.
3. Prove that Thevnins theorem with suitable example.
4. Prove that superposition thereom with suitable example.
5. Write the laws of Kirchhoff’s with suitable example.
6. Prove that the Current lags the Voltage by phase angle Φ in RL Circuit.
7. Prove that the Current leads the Voltage by phase angle Φ in RC Circuit.
8. What do you mean by Transformer? Find out the Emf Equation of Transformer?
9. Explain the Fardays law of electromagnetic Equation. A 3- phase induction motor has 4 pole ,having rotor speed
is 650 rpm. Calculate a) slip, b)Synchronous Speed.
10. Write down the operating principle of synchronous motor
11. Write down the operating principle of synchronous generator.
12. Short Notes on.
a. Earthing
b. V & Inverted V
c. Incandescent & Fluorescent Lamp
d. Induction Motor.
13. Question Bank Solution of
a. 2016 year
b. 2017 year
c. 2018 year
d. 2019 year

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