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Sub Code & Name : – CS 404 /Priciple and Application of Embedded System Devel

Unit syllabus:I Hardware Concepts

Embedded Computi: Introduction, Complex Systems and Microprocessor; Embedded
System Design Process, Formalisms ng for System Design, Design Examples, The 8051
Architecture:Introduction, 8051 Micro Controller Hardware, Input/Output Ports and
Circuits, External Memory, Counter and Timers, Serial data Input/Output, interrupts.

Topics to be covered
Classes Books Teaching
Sl No
Referred Method

Embedded computing:introduction,computing
systems and microprocessor
1 2

Embedded system design process

2 2

3 Formalism for system design 2

2 BB

4 Design example:The 8051 Architeture 2

5 Instruction set:preliminaries,Arm prcesor. 2

Embedded system on a chip (SOC) and use of VLSI

6 1hr
designed circuit.

Unit syllabus: -II Embedded Application Development

Basic Assembly Language Programming Concepts: Assembly Language Programming Process,

Programming Tools and Techniques, Programming the 8051, Data Transfer and Logical

Arithmetic Operations, Decimal Arithmetic, Jump and Call Instructions, Further Details on

Time Teach
Allocat Books ing
Sl No Topics to be covered
ion Referred Meth
(min) od
Programming Input and output
7 2

8 Supervisory mode,Exception and trap 2

Co-processor,Memory system mechanism,cpu
performance,cpu power consumption 2

Computing platforms:basic computing

17 platform,the cpu bus 2
2 BB/P
Memory devices & systems,consumer electronics
18 architecture 2
19 Platform-level performaneanalysis,design example 2

Unit syllabus:-III Real time operating system

Real-Time Task Scheduling: Some important concepts, Types of real-time tasks and their
characteristics, Task scheduling, Clock-Driven scheduling, Hybrid schedulers, Event-
Driven scheduling, Earliest Deadline First (EDF) scheduling, Rate monotonic algorithm
(RMA). Commercial Real-time operating systems: Time services, Features of a Real-time
operating system, Unix-based Real-time operating systems, POSIX-RT, A survey of
contemporary Real-time operating systems, Microkernel-based systems.
Time Teach
Alloca ing
Sl No Topics to be covered tion
Referr Meth
(min) od
Types of real-time tasks and their characteristics,
23 2

24 Task scheduling 2

25 Clock-Driven scheduling, Hybrid schedulers 2

I/O subsystems-Interrupt routines handling in RTOS 2

27 Earliest Deadline First (EDF) scheduling, 2

2 BB
Rate monotonic algorithm (RMA) 2

Shared data problem-Use of semaphore(s)-Priority

29 inversion problem and deadlock situations 2

Inter process communications using signals-Semaphore

30 2
flags or mutex as resource key
Message queues-Mail box-Pipes-Virtual(Logical)Sockets-
31 Remote procedural calls(RPCs) 2

Study of micro COS II or VX works or any

32 2
other popular RTOS

RTOS system level functions, Task service

33 2
function – Time delay functions

Memory allocation related functions,

34 2
Semaphore related function

Mail box related function and queue related

35 1 2 BB/ PPT

36 Case studies of programming with RTOS 1

Understanding case definition – Multiple tasks

37 1
and their functions

38 Creating a list of tasks – Function and IPCS 1

39 Exemplary coding steps . 1

1. Wayne Wolf, ”Computer as Components – principles of Embedded Computing
System Design”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Harcourt India private ltd First
Indian Reprint, 2001.
2. RajKamal, “Embedded System Architecture – Programming and Design” , Tata
McGraw – Hill ,First reprint, 2003
1. Steve Heath, “Embedded System Design “, Newnes , 2 Edition, 2003.
2. David E. Simon , “An embedded software primer”, Pearson Education, First
Indian reprint, 2003 .
3. Frank Vahid and Tony Givargis, ”Embedded System Design – A unified
hardware /software introduction” ,John Wiley, 2002.
4. Heath, “Embedded System Design “, 2 Edition , Elsevier India private Ltd.

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