Passive Voice For Past

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The passive voice is used when focusing on the person or thing affected by an action.
When the subject of a sentence does something, i.e. some action, we say that the sentence or
the verb of that sentence is in Active Voice.
When the subject of a sentence does not do anything, i.e.
but allows the Object of the preposition to do something to it, we say that the sentence or the
verb of that sentence is in PASSIVE VOICE.

Active vs. Passive Voice

A sentence is written in the active voice when:
The subject of the sentence performs the action.
The person/thing performing the action is named before the verb.

My grandfather took me to my first horse show.
NOT: I was taken to my first horse show by my grandfather.
Active voice:
My mother taught me to fish almost before I learned to walk.
Passive voice:
I was taught to fish by my mother almost before I was taught to walk.

The nurse injected the patient ( ACTIVE VOICE)
The nurse = Subject
Injected = verb
The patient = the object
Now , who inject whom ?
“ The nurse” the subject of the sentence injected “ the patient” the object of the verb .
We say that this sentence or the verb of this sentence is in Active Voice because the subject “
the nurse “ does the injecting.
 The patient was injected by the nurse. ( PASSIVE VOICE)
The patient = subject of the sentence
was injected = verb of the sentence
The nurse = the object of the preposition “by”
In the passive, the object of an active verb become subject of the passive verb
Mary helped the boy ( Active)
The boy was helped by Merry (Passive)
 Active : S + V2+O+Compliment
 Passive : S(penderita)+was/were+V3+by O(pelaku) + Complement
Passive voice for past

+ Object Was /were V3

- Object Was/were V3
+ not

? was /were object V3

Change into the passive !

1. Shekespeare wrote the play.
2. Dona suggested the new idea.
3. Tim opened the door.
4. Bill invited Anna to the party
5. Dr. Jacky examined the patients.
6. Someone handed Ann a menu at the restaurant.
7. They sent you a bill.
8. Nurse Jane wrote the report of the patient.
9. Someone sent an invitation to a wedding.
10. Someone made that hat in Mexico.

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