Keane Recommendation

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JENNIFER KRIEGER-COEN, EXT 1012  (319) 753-2211  ZACHARY SHAY, EXT 1044 
FAX (319) 753-6634   

April 3, 2020

To whom it may concern:

I have had the pleasure of working with Mr. David Ruehs over the past three school years. I currently serve as the
high school principal for Burlington Community School District. In his position as associate high school principal, he has
been heavily involved in an effort to transform a struggling school into one our community can be proud of. Mr. Ruehs’s
responsibilities have included leading our ninth grade team, assisting in the design and delivery of professional development
for the entire staff, and leading district wide initiatives in systemic literacy and the rebranding of our district.

As the leader of the ninth grade team, David was able to establish a schedule that includes a team time that is highly
structured and has resulted in a drop in freshman failures from 246 to 82 failures in just two years. In other words, this team
has moved freshmen from a 86.7% success rate to 95.3%. This is even more impressive when looking at grade distributions
and see that the biggest gains are in Bs and As. This has occurred as we have increased the rigor of our courses by improving
our assessment practices. He has also cooperated with our counselors and Southeastern Community College in the
development of a ninth grade guidance program, Steps to Success. This program combines activities that take place both at
the high school and the local community college which assists students in strengthening their career and academic plans. This
is a major undertaking that requires a great deal of coordination. As a leader in our district literacy initiative he guided the
development of an open response protocol that contributed to Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress scores being
higher than anticipated.

David has proven himself to be a lifelong learner. Mr. Ruehs brought with him a wealth of knowledge in effective
instructional strategies and has added expertise in the areas of curriculum and assessment. His work with teachers in the
design of new courses and the redesign of others has led to increases in rigor, relevance and engagement in our classrooms.
Mr. Ruehs is a perfect example of a servant leader. He jumps in the trench with his troops providing them the resources and
support they need then when data has prompted a celebration, he has prepared his team with what they need to present to our
staff, district administrative team and school board. As they present, he can be found right behind them poised to add praises
to the more humble individuals.

Our school has experienced more than its share of challenges over the past three years. David has demonstrated the
ability to establish and strengthen relationships with staff, students, and parents even when dealing with extreme cases of
misbehavior or misconduct that have required extreme disciplinary measures. It is not often that at the end of long term
suspension or expulsion hearing a child and parent offer a handshake or hug to the administrator making the
recommendation. I have witnessed these being offered to Mr. Ruehs on more than one occasion. David allows individuals to
maintain their dignity and leave truly feeling that it is the behavior, not the person exhibiting it, that is disapproved of. They
understand that consequences are in no way personal attacks on an individual and that he does not take any comments or
criticisms personally. Staff and students, even those who have been disciplined, have a great deal of respect for Mr. Ruehs
and go out of their way to show it.
David Ruehs has demonstrated leadership skills that have been recognized at our central office. He was transferred
to our intermediate school during the month of February this year to assist the principal there address a lack of progress on
culture development and engagement of teachers in the district wide literacy initiative. When an elementary principal
resigned, David was then asked to assume the role of building principal for that building. Mr. Ruehs is extremely versatile
due to experiences at multiple levels of academic development. He has been very successful in this new role as elementary
principal. His skills are missed at the high school but he continues to assist the new assistant high school principal as he
assumes David’s responsibilities. Mr. Ruehs is exceptionally intelligent and has demonstrated a wide range of skills including
the use of technology to maintain, analyze and present data. He has expanded the building and district’s use of our current
student management system, increased communication with students, their parents and the community via the use of social

I would highly recommend David for an administrative position in your district. He has demonstrated success as a
leader at all levels of our organization. He has experience leading district wide initiatives as well as serving as an extremely
effective administrator at the elementary, middle and high school levels. His vision and passion for the success of those he
works with make him a leader worth following. If you would like to speak with me personally, I may be reached at


David W. Keane

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