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Q1. If the variance of a variable/column is 0 then what does it mean? Can we use that variable for
our analysis?

Ans1. Variance basically tells up about how the data is spread. It helps us find the variability in the
data set. If the variance is 0,it means there is no variability in the data set and all the numbere in the
given data set are same. The data does not carry any meaningful information since all the numbers
are same, so it won’t help us in our analysis.

Q2. 2. Calculate mean, median, mode, variance and standard deviation for column A

Ans2. Mean=Sum of all Observations/Total Number Of Observations



For Median first arrange the numbers in incremental order


The number that sits in the center is 7.


Mode=Most frequent occurring number

Clearly from the data,the most frequent occurring number is 7.


Q3. In a group of 12 scores, the largest score is increased by 36 points. What effect will this have on
the mean of the scores?

Ans3. Let M be the mean and X be the highest score.

Mean=Sum of all Observations/Total Number of Observations


M= a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i+j+k+X+36/12
M= a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i+j+k+X/12 +36/12

M= a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i+j+k+X/12 +3

The previous mean will increase by 3.

Q4. Explain the difference between Data (Singular) and Data (Plural) with examples

Ans4. We can understand the difference between Data(Singular) and Data (Plural) with the help of
the following example.

S No Age
1 20
2 25
3 30
4 15
5 30

Data(Singular)-The value or variable which is associated with one element or a population is

referered to as Data(Singlular).From the above table if we consider the 1st serial number,the age 20
depicts the singular data in this case.

Data(Plural)-This basically depicts the set of values of an element. So from above all the values under
the age column depict Data Plural.

Q5. How the inferential statistics helps to make decisions out of it?

Ans5.Inferential Statistics is basically associated with making estimates,decisions or predictions for a

larger set of data.

For example before elections Exit polls are done. So, for example if in a city, there is a population of
1 lakh people, it is not possible to go to each and every individual and collect data,So, a su

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