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NPM : PK 115 017 032


1. What is the name of the virus that is currently an epidemic in many countries in the
2. COVID-19 was first discovered in which country?
3. What is the name of the animal that is suspected to be the spreader of COVID-19?
4. What are the characteristics of the place where COVID-19 is distributed?
5. Mention the symptoms of people affected by COVID-19?
6. How many days is the COVID-19 incubation period?
7. What materials can be used to make your own hand sanitizer?
8. What materials can be used to make your own disinfectant?
9. What are the herbs that can prevent COVID-19?
10. What are the names of Personal Safety Equipment (PPE) used by doctors and nurses
when handling COVID-19 patients?
11. What are some of the names of the hospitals referred to by COVID-19 patients!
12. What is the safe distance between one person and another in social distancing?
13. What positive and productive things can be done if residents are required to carry out
independent quarantine at home to prevent COVID-19 circulation?


1. Corona Virus
2. First discovered in the city of Wuhan, China.
3. Bat
4. The characteristic of the Covid-19 spot in disinfecting is a dense and unclean market
enivironment where there is the sale of wild animals and it is not uncommon for
5. generally there are 3 common symptoms that can identify a person with a corona
virus, namely: fever (body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius), cough, shortness of
6. Studies show that the symptoms of covid-19 appear within 2 days to 2 weeks after
being exposed to the corona virus.
7. The tool I used to clean
 Dish soap
 Water to rinse
 Tissue or towel
8. The ingredients i use to make a disifectant aer aloevera and bleach solution and water
9. The plant, in turn, considered a potential antidote to corona's herbal remedy, is the
guava. Because according to researchers from the UI and ipb, the guava has a
component that is sufficient to counteract corona virus infections. These include
hesperidin, rhamnetin, kaempferol, careful, and myricetin. But since this study has
never been done directly with humans, it would take longer to determine the guava's
10. The items from doctors and nurses to covid patients 19 were that of n95 or equivalent
masks, special dresses, boots, eye glasses, face shields, sterile rubber - surgery gloves,
and disposable coverings, head and apron,"
11. Covid-19 hospital reference to central sulawesi
 122 Undata County general Hospital. Street trans Sulawesi tondo,palu.
 123 Anutapura general Hospital. street .Kangkung, donggala Kodi, Palu
Telphone: (0451) 460570
 124 Luwuk Banggai County general Hospital Street Imam bonjol no. 14,
Luwuk. Telephone: (0461) 21820
 125 Mokopido Toli-toli general Hospital. Street. Lanoni no. 37. Telephone :
( 0453) 21300
 126 Kolonedale County general Hospital, Street . W. Monginsidi no. 2
Kolonedale. Telephone: (0465) 21010
12. Minimum 1 meters.
13. Positive thing to do
 Cleaning furniture
 Watching movie
 Cooking
 Readbook
 Taking care of yourself
 Exercise
 rest

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