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N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

Your Name: Julia Binder Date of Activity: 2/26/2020 Faculty name: Rajni Parmar

Describe the community service/professional activity/s you attended or participated with (be
specific about the purpose and your role):

For my professional activity I decided to become ACLS certified. The purpose of being ACLS
certified is to better care for patients who experience adverse events such as cardiac arrest. For
this course, I had to get a book and read prior to attending class. A pre-test was also required
before attending class. In class we were taught by video and face-to-face teaching. We practiced
performing chest compressions and bagging on mannequins. We also practiced how to insert an
ET tube.

Where was this held and what was was program/activity length?

This was held at Eclipse CPR Training in Tucson, AZ. The ACLS training and exam lasted for 6
hours. The total time it took to prepare for this activity was about 2 hours, totaling 8 hours
dedicated to learning ACLS.

Discuss the value of this experience to you (be specific).

This experience was valuable to me because I hope to pursue a career in critical care nursing.
Most critical care nursing positions require ACLS certification, so this gave me a head start. In
addition, I am interested in understanding how to best care for a patient experiencing adverse
events in the hospital. I want to be as prepared as I can be when I enter the nursing profession.

How would you continue to use this experience throughout your nursing career?

Throughout my nursing career it is likely that I will utilize the information learned in my ACLS
training. Unfortunately in the ICU, it is not uncommon to experience a patient adverse event. My
ACLS training helps me to be prepared and have the knowledge to best provide care to patients
in these situations.

Would you recommend this specific communnity/professional experience in the future; why or
why not? (Describe)

I would recommend this professional experience to students in the future. I found it to be very
informational and pertinent to our careers. I also really enjoyed eclipse CPR. The instructor made
the class fun and interactive. He kept us engaged for the entire duration of the class.

Brochure or proof of attendance obtained if applicable? Yes Signature on validation of

clinical hours form obtained? Yes

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