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Chapter 8 WAVE GUIDES 8.01 Rectangular Guides. Pracical wave guides willy take the form ofrecicasiat_ or circular cylinder "Other ressecional, shapes ‘re posible, but in general these other shape fer no let! fdvaniages ove the simpler forms In use and. ate ‘more expensive 0 Imabulctre In order to determine the eletromagnetis ld configuration within the guide, “Marvels equations are soked sabjet to the propria toundary conditions atthe wall of the guide. Arain sscoming pero conductivity for the. walls of the guide, the Bounday conditions se ‘simply tht E. and Hany wil be 20 the surface of the conducos For recanglar guides Maxwells equations andthe wave equnios ar exprned in recungularcoardiates thd the toaion flowy snot ‘xaclly as for waves between parallel plans. Astning that vars {he = resion may be exreted a8 @", where jf Maxwells equntion become (for the louie region within tbe gue) Bs tym pt, i 98, = nit, Bettas, Beem, en eM at Nm nt, le rr ies Ko eee rn lee BH 28 9 tut, oe Equations (1) can be combined into the form a ont nn BREF ms es a ey IRE ere) na Heth = Bete a eS oS Je al Dos Tpemeayeiaer coocdes sew oa a OSE ere a ea oe aa et a are eee Saar =e os st y= 0 and yd at r= 0 and x=. ewe 81. A rune de 18.02 Tronsverse Mognetic Waves in Rectonguler Guides. The wave equations (2) ae paral diflretal equation that cane solved by the naa technique of assumiag © peductsouton ‘Th procure leads 10 two ordinary difereatial equation, the salon of which ate sown, Noting that, 6,312) = Blade” mex on 6 Ware Guides wn whee X is «function of x alone, and Y is a function of y alone Tsering 0) in 2) gives. rE px8¥ i pxr-—a GE xQh i pry -apexr Potig = 7 + ole as befor, tis becomes eX, 721 Sh 4x83 sear =0 oo, en ‘A tottion of 6, (6) = Cees Br + Gysin Be wee wae nw “The sation of eg (1) is Y= Crees Ay + Cusin ay This gives l= XY = C,Cyems Bros 4y + C,C,coe Brin Ay + C.C,sin Bros dy + C,Cysin Bsn Ay ww ‘The conan CC Cy Cy A, ad B must now be selected 10 At the oundary condo ve, Ela0 when x=O.x=07 IE x= 0, the goeal expresion (8) bacon Bim Ceo Ay + Cy For B10 vanish (for all values of») i evident that C, mast be zero ‘hen the general expression for E; wil be 1Cysin Bros Ay + CC, sn Benin dy (89) When y = 0, eg.) reduces to Baa se Wave Gulder 2 For this tobe sero forall valet of x iti posible 1 have either Cy ‘oe Cy egal to aero (atsaming B= 0) Puting Cy =O in (9) would make {F Menteally nro, oo insted C, wll be put oqul to ere. Then the evra exresion (8) for Ez redaces to A= CCsia Brin dy #10) In addon 10 she amplitude constant C= CjCy thee are stil two Utkowa contaats, 4nd 2. However, there are two more boundary ‘ondion to be apie. i Fi Chin Basin dy In onde for tht to vanish for all values of (and amoming A #0, ‘0 would make By dency zr) the constant Bust have BAM when m= 12,3, nab ‘and for this 19 vais for all values of x, A mst ave the value A= TE where 123, ‘hector the final expression for Ei B1= Coa xsi" y on Making use of qs: (3) and puting 7-=J8 (as in se. 702) for ftegunses above the cutoff frequency, the following expeesions are ‘sie en ey 28 Wave Guides a2 ‘These expressions show how eich of the components of elects and Imapaec eld sreagth varie with x andy. The vacaon wil ine find along the ano of the guide, that iri th # direction, is shows by ‘ating back into each of thee expresions the factor e°* and then ofthe lds it was found secetary to rei the onsets 4 and B 10 the value given by expeesions (12) ta thee fxpesions aod b are the width tad bight ofthe guide, and a's fe integers. Now, by deinition Ai tee ad Wee tote ‘Theron, oer Re ‘Equation (14) defines the propagntion constant for a rectangle guide or TM waves For low frequecien, whee wna i smal, wil be ‘eal number. The propgstion omtaat met wih ia ordaary vans slondie theory is © complex number, tht is = 448, where @ is {he ateuntionconstan atesuation per wit Ings) and isthe pase: shit constant (phase shift per ni length). 107 is ral, must be zo, And there can Be no pase shit along the tube. This ments there cad be no wave motion along te tube for low frequencies. Howere, as the Ifequeny is Increase, «value for «wll be reached that wll make the ‘xpresion under the raical In (14) equal to zo. Mf thi alte of Caled then forall values of w gener than the propagation eon tame wil be lnaglany and ill have te form 9 = J. For the coe ‘under omideratin (prety conducting wall) the attenuation conta Fis zero fot al frequencies sich that © >a, For these freguescis An fem) @) ws) Te oe iy VSS) oy ‘The cutoff Fequacy, tat i the froquncy Below which wave propags aa ae 2 Sere sn ee eal = ray 7 Ve+®) from which i is clear that ein inne “The velcty of wave popagnton wil be given by E-e- ge ae. eee scrren Se etsreen es aces Re Bemrpa a eee Pe ee ere Sere ae sr Aeron eed gine py on ep ax len PT =) In the shore eagreions te ony etn on mand i that hey te ings Howere from ee (1) and (1) sen that harm Sr ikrito te Bods isl be ienaly zea. Therfore the Iver eanbl we for erm oe n fr TM wave) uni, From e 7) Fined th the owe calf frequency leaf m= Sobuting thee ver in eu (3) ives the fede forthe lowes frouuncy TM weve wach can be prosanted through the gude. This uct wave ince th TM, weve for obviow rnom, Higher ‘Ties Cege an of mand) regu higher fequencs In 6 0 Wegner longs ge of gen dimensions 8 ranoere Hee Waves n Raton eid, THe tons for teaorone sa wave (2-0) cam be dvd in manee Siar fo tt for ranwerse agate wavs. Thi eas 08 eee forte stden 1 wil be fond to have the sme general forme (Gh Ts freind wih pect nod y to find 5 Hand Sit Toe toondry coro are ten appind 0 Et aed E} Bie Ge ‘esting exe: a 20 Wave Guides a cos Bron Ay m= fain Brea ty 11, —lheaem bendy =P chem Brainy m= ep casin avon bam 4m In the above expesion 7 has bees put equal 1 2, whichis valid for equenis above cut. For TE waves the equations for fof, and \ are found 10 be ‘Weal to thos for TM waves However, ia ge (2) for TE waves ‘il be found posible to make eter or n (bt set both) equal to ao without causing all the Bes to vanish. That i a lover onde it posible than inthe TM wave cate, The lovestorder TE. maven rx {angular guides is thcfore the TE» wave. This wave which hes the lowest cutoff fequncy is elle the dominant wave 1 is sen thatthe subscripts mand n repent the numberof half ‘tiod variations of the Seld along the x sad y coordinates repel By convention” the x cordate ix sumed to colmid with the larger teanmene dimension, s0 the TE wave ha lower uf frequency tan the TE, For practical reatons in most experimental work with secangular ‘mids the dominant TE, wave a used For this wave subtitling m= od n= 0, the lds are Mi Coos palin ae on & Ren, fn soe= -Datalion of Terms Has 0 Wve Qsies” RE Saderds o Rie Wie Prmpaon 8 a1 no For the TE. wave the eucof fegueney i that fequency for which the oveipnding Wieespce) hal wavelegit is equ to the width ofthe 0 ‘s82,Bcie (wit nd mae set) fl oaaration fr te lowe (erenie fos vcnpr se Ty Move

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