4.9 TE and TM Waves in Circular Waveguides PDF

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$8.06 Wave Guides 281 \ ‘As p becomes very large Ihe) > (8-29) (8-30) N&e) > Figs. £-5(a) and (6) show Bessel functions of the first and second kinds “for the higher orders. A further discussion of these functions is given in ‘Appendix TI. \ 2.06 Solution of the Field Equations: Cylindrical Co-ordinates. ‘The method of solution of the electromagnetic equations for guides of Gireular cross section is similar to that followed for rectangular guides. However, in order to simplify the application of the boundary condi- tions (elctric field tangential to the stirface equals zero), itis expedient to express the field equations and the wave equations in the cylindrical ‘co-ordinate system. Teylindrial co-ordinates in a nonconducting region (and again assuming the variation with z to be given by ¢-”), Maxwell's equations are (31) see 4-4) - mo ‘These equations can te combined to give we2E, _ oH. Pp & WH, * je ss _ ¥ OH: | ee ee) 2E, _ pat, (8-32) mg, = 92% — pe , a 78 WE, _ OE, 2H, ap th Fp Ft otpe 258 Wave Guides $8.06 The wave equation in cylindrical co-ordinates for E, is HE, PE, AE, 1B Sat tp ag + Gt SB a ote (633) Proceeding in a manner similar to that followed in the rectangular case, let E, = Pp) Qe" = Ete* 34) where P(p) is a function of p alone and Q($) is a function of $ alone. Substituting the expression for E, in the wave equation gives oe + Oe + EEL + Por + otro =0 do Divide by PQ, 1@P dP, a a 2 Far + Past Opa t ° (835) ‘As before, eq. (35) can be broken up into two ordinary differential ‘equations Pd =-nr'Q (8-36) @P, 1dP yan tae (kt -%)P=0 (637) where n is a constant. The solution of eq. (36) is O =(A,cos nf + B, sin m$) (838) Dividing through by #, eq. (37) is transformed into d' P ie nt a ata * amatgy * |! ~ Gay] ?=9 ) This is a standard form of Bessel's equation in terms of (ph). Us only the solution that is finite at (ph) = 0, gives ie 3 Pooh) = Jeph) (8-40) where Jy(ph) is Bessel’s function of the first kind of order n. Substituting the solutions (38) and (40) in (34), E, = Jeph Ay cos m5 + By sin np)e-?* (41) The solution for H, will have exactly the same form as for E, and can therefore be witten H, = J{ph)(Cy 008 nd + Da sin np)e-* (8-42) For TM waves the remaining field components can be obtained by inserting (41) into (32). For TE waves (42) must be inserted into the set corresponding to (32). aan Wave Guides 259 8.07 TM and TE Waves in Circular Guides. As in the case of rectangular guides, it is convenient to divide the possible solutions for circular guides into transverse magnetic and transverse electric waves. For the TM waves H, is identically zero and the wave equation for E, is used. The boundary conditions require that E, must vanish at the surface of the guide. Therefore, from (41) Jha) = 0 (8-43) where a is the radius of the guide. There is an infinite number of possible TM waves corresponding to the infinite number of roots of (43). As before f= 7 + "ye, and, as in the case of rectangular guides, W# must be less than ote for transmission to occur. This means that ‘h must be small or else extremely high frequencies will be required. ‘This in turn means that only the first few roots of (43) will be of practical interest. The first few roots are (hay, = 2.405 (ha), = 3. | (ha)oz = 5.52 (ha), = 7.021 ‘The first subscript refers to the value of m and the second refers to the roots in their order of magnitude. The various TM waves will be referred to as TMo, TMu, ete. Since 7 = VF? — oF7, this gives for 8 Ban = Sa pe Fem, The cut-off or critical frequency below which transmission of a wave will not occur is (8-44) B fi end where haa = Ode @ The phase velocity is 0-8 Tone ie From eqs. (32) the various components of TM waves can be com- puted in terms of E,. The expressions for TM waves in circular guides are Et = AnJu(hp) cos nb 260 Wave Guides $207 [Auer A on sin np LES 10h) 008 mi (6-45) The variations of each of these field components with time and in the direction are shown by multiplying each of the expressions of (45) by the factor eM!-# and taking the real part. In the original expres- sion (41) for £,, the arbitrary constant B, has been put equal to zero. ‘The relative amplitudes of 4, and B, determine the orientation of the field in the guide, and for a circular guide and any particular value of m, the $ =O axis can always be oriented to make either 4, or By equal to zero. For transverse electric waves E, is identically zero and H, is given by ea, (42). By substituting (42) imo eqs. (32), the remaining feld ‘components can be found. The expressions for TM waves in circular guides are Coda(hp) €08 mo 1H; = Bay. (4p) cos mb = MCs sin mp B= m B= — ‘The boundary conditions to be met for TM waves are that Ey=0 at p= a, From (32) Ey is proportional to 2H./ép, and therefore to Ja(hie). where the prime denotes the derivative with respect to (hp). Therefore, for TM waves the boundary conditions require that Jha) = 0 (@-41) and it is the roots of (47) which must be determined. The first few of these roots are wR (8-46) (halo, = 3.83 (hay, = 1,84) (hag = 7.02 (hay, = 5.33) ‘The corresponding TE waves are referred to as TE,,, TE,, and so on. (g-48) $807 Wave Guides 261 ‘The equations for f-,.%, and 8 are identical to those for the TM seat understand, of course, that the T00s of eq, (47) are to be used in connection with TE waves only. Side view TE. igure £6. TE and TM waves in cireular guides.

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