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College of Arts, Sciences, and Education




AUGUST 17, 2019


1. Are you more of a listener or a talker? Which social skills do you think you need to develop? In what
ways can you develop it/ them?

I am more Listener in a sense that I would love to listen the stories of different people. I am fund
of listening of different experiences and perspective of others. For me, being a listener is one of the best
weapons to learn and to have a long - term memory. When I listen, I always assure that it will be
inculcated that into my mind in which It helps me to reflect and understand a situation. I think I would
develop my speaking skills because I am a very shy type person. I fear committing mistakes in front of
other people. I think the easiest way to develop my weakness is to be participative into the class in that
simple way I can overcome my weakness.

2. If you were a parent at this time, what would you teach your children on social literacy? How would
you teach them?

If I were a parent at this time, I would teach my children about the importance of human values
in our society. Because having values starts at home. As a parent I would teach my children on how to
behave and act appropriately in the society. In that way my children will become more aware and
knowledgeable in different social aspects.

3. If you were an employer, what would you look for an aspirants or applicants to your company?

I f I were an employer I would choose an applicant that is respectful, neat, and witty one. As an
employer you don’t need much too look for an intelligence employee. Because intelligence can gain in
work, school, and home, but the attitude is not. It takes years to develop that

4. How teachers educate children of social literacy nowadays? What specific content and learning
experience are there curriculum that develop social literacy

Teachers educate the children social literacy nowadays through indoor and outdoor activities in
which it is a student-centered activity where in the students are learning by doing. The children develop
their skills through recitation, reporting, group discussion, team building and playing team sports.
Through that, the children of today’s generation are more exposed in different aspects.

1. How do computer technology and social media affects your social skills and that of your
peers? Cite positive and negative impact of digital technology to communication.
Computer technology and social media affects my social skills in a sense that it is a
substitute for learning. It helps me to communicate with the different people around the globe,
gaining knowledge through the help of educational sites. The positive impact of communication
is it helps me to keep in touch with my love ones from different country, giving informative
information and it gives people an entertainment. The Negative side of social media is other
people use it as a medium of crime. We can easily access some confidential files of a person,
cyberbullying, child trafficking, and sharing of pornographic sites.

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