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5 MARCH 2015
(FOREWORD) — Insert the following at the end of the foreword:

‘This standard type testing electricity meters (normal meters), being used indoors and outdoors in large quantities. It
does not deal with special implementations (such as metering-part and/or displays in separate housings)’

This standard distinguishes between meters intended to be used indoors and outdoors

(Page 1, clause 1.2) — Insert the following at the end of the

‘and intended for indoor and outdoor application’

[Page 1, clause 1.3(b)] — Substitute the following for the existing:

‘b) Portable meters;’

(Page 4, clause 6.1, Note) — Insert the following at the end:

‘All parts which are subject to working condition. Outdoor meters shall withstand solar radiation’.

(Page 5, clause 6.4) — Substitute the following for the existing clause;

‘6.4 Terminals, Terminal block(s) and Protective Earth Terminals

Terminals may be grouped in (a) terminal block (s) having adequate insulating properties and mechanical strength. In
order to s atisfy s uch r equirements when c hoosing i nsulating materials for th e terminal block ( s), ad equate t esting o f
materials shall be taken in to account.

The m aterial o f which t he t erminal b lock i s made s hall b e cap able of p assing t he t ests given i n I SO 7 5-2 f or a
temperature of 135 ÛC and a pressure of 1.8 MPa (Method A).

The ho les i n the in sulating material which form a n e xtension o f th e te rminal h oles s hall b e of s ufficient s ize to a lso
accommodate the insulation of the conductors.

The manner of fixing the conductors to the terminals shall ensure adequate and durable contact such that there is no risk
of loosening or undue heating. Screw connections transmitting contact force and screw fixings which may be loosened
and tightened several times during the life of the meter shall screw in to a metal nut.

All p arts o f e ach terminal shall b e such t hat t he r isk o f corrosion r esulting from contact with a ny o ther metal p art is

The current circuit connections ca n b e terminated o r guided t hrough the measuring el ement o f meter. T he
cable/conductor in such a d esign shall be held firmly i n p osition b y s uitable guiding and fixing arrangement and that
contact pressure is not transmitted through insulating material. For current circuits, the voltage is considered to be the
same as for the related voltage circuit.

The Voltage circuit c onnection can b e directly terminated on a suitable terminal ar rangement or tapped by s uitable
arrangement which shall not cause burnouts and corrosion due to outdoor usage.

Terminals with d ifferent p otentials which ar e g rouped cl ose t ogether s hall b e p rotected ag ainst acci dental s hort-
circuiting. Protection may be obtained by insulating barriers. T erminals of one current circuit are considered to be at
the same potential.

Price Group 3
Amendment No. 5 to IS 13779 : 1999

The terminals, the conductor fixing screws, or the external or internal conductors shall not be liable to come in to
contact with terminal covers (If made of metals).

The protective earth terminal, if any:

a) shall be electrically bonded to the accessible metal parts;

b) should, if possible, form part of meter base;
c) should preferably be located adjacent to its terminal block;
d) shall accommodate a conductor having a cross section at least equivalent to the main current conductors but
with a lower limit of 6 mm2 and an upper limit of 16 mm2 (for copper conductors)
e) shall be clearly identified by the earthing symbol.

After installation, it shall not be possible to loosen the protective earth terminal without the use of a tool’.

(Page 6, clause 6.6) — Substitute the following for the existing table:

The phrases ending with Table 4 shall be read as Table 4a and 4b.The existing Table 4 shall be replaced with
following Table 4a.

Table 4a Clearance and Creepage Distances for Indoor Meter

(Clause 6.6)
Sl No. Voltage Phase-to Earth Minimum Clearances Minimum Creepage
Derived from Rated System (mm) Distance
Voltage (mm)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) Not exceeding 100 0.8 1.4
ii) Not exceeding 150 1.5 1.6
iii) Not exceeding 300 3.0 3.2
iv) Not exceeding 600 5.5 6.3

Table 4b Clearance and Creepage Distances for Outdoor Meter

(Clause 6.6)
Sl No. Voltage Phase-to Earth Minimum Clearances Minimum Creepage
Derived from Rated System (mm) Distance
Voltage (mm)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) Not exceeding 100 1.5 3.2
ii) Not exceeding 150 3.0 5.0
iii) Not exceeding 300 5.5 10.0
iv) Not exceeding 600 8.0 20.0

(Page 6, clause 6.9, line 4) — Substitute the following in place of ‘IP 51 but without suction in the meter’
‘IP 51 for indoor meters and IP 54 for outdoor meter, but without suction in meter’

(Page 8, clause 8) — Substitute the following for the existing Table 7

Amendment No. 5 to IS 13779 : 1999

‘Table 7 Temperature Range

Sl No. Parameter Temperature Range Temperature Range
for Indoor meter for Outdoor meter
(1) (2) (3) (4)

i) Specified operating range 0°C to +55° C -10°C to +55° C

ii) Limit range of operation -10°C to +60° C -10°C to +70° C

iii) Limit range of storage and transport -10°C to +70° C -10°C to +70° C

Note 1. For Special applications other temperature values can be used according to agreement between manufacturer and purchaser,
2. operation and storage and transport of the meter at the extremes of this temperature range should be for a maximum period of 6h.

(Page 11, Table 17, Sl No. vi) col 3) — Sustitute ‘0.5Ib” Ib” 0.5Imax’ for ‘0.5Imax.’

(Page 11, Table 17, Note 5) — Substitute the following for the existing Note:

‘5 The test shall be carried out at 0.5Ib, 0.5Imax and any one value in the range of these two values of current. The test
conditions are given in Annexure D. Test is not applicable to transformer operated meters.’

(Page 12, clause 11.7, line 1) — Substitute ‘5 percent’ for ‘10 percent’

(Page 13, clause 12.5) — Substitute the following for the existing:

‘12.5 Test of Protection Against Penetration of Dust and Water:’

The test shall be carried out according to IS/IEC 60529 under the following conditions:

a) Protection against penetration of dust:

i) Meter in non-operating condition and mounted on an artificial wall.

ii) The test should be conducted with sample lengths of cable (exposed ends sealed) of the types specified by the
manufacturer in place.
iii) For indoor meters only, the same atmospheric pressure is maintained inside the meter as outside (neither —
under nor over pressure).

First characteristic digit: 5 (IP 5X).

Any ingress of dust only be in a quantity not i mpairing the ope ration of the meter, a nd not i mpairing its dielectric
strength (insulating strength).

For testing, see

b) Protection against penetration of water

i) Meter in non-operating condition

Second characteristic digit:

1 (IP X 1) for indoor meters

4 (IP X 4) for outdoor meter

Any ingress of water must only be in a quantity not impairing the operation of the meter, and not impairing its
dielectric strength (insulating strength).

For testing, see

Amendment No. 5 to IS 13779 : 1999

(Page 13, clause 12.6.2) - Insert the following at the end of the clause:

‘a) Meter in non operating condition

b) Temperature: -25°C to ± 3° C for outdoor meters
c) Duration of the test: 16 Hours for outdoor meters.’

(Page 13, clause 12.6.3, line 8) — Substitute following for the existing:

Upper temperature: +40°C ±2°C for indoor meters

+55°C ±2°C for outdoor meters

(Page 13, clause 12.6.3) — Insert the following new clause:

‘12.6.4 Protection against solar radiation — The meter for outdoor use shall withstand solar radiation. The test shall
be carried out according to IEC 60068-2-5, under the following conditions:
a) For outdoor meters only;
b) Meter in non-operating condition;
c) Test procedure A (8 h irradiation and 16 h darkness);
d) Upper temperature: +55 °C;
e) Duration of the test: 3 cycles or 3 days.

After the test the meter shall be visually inspected. Enclosure shall not have any crack/s after this test. The appearance
and, i n p articular, the le gibility o f markings, d isplay visibility s hall not b e altered. The dielectric strength ( insulating
strength) of the meter shall not be impaired — For testing, refer`

(Page 16, clause 12.9.3) — replace with-Test for Immunity to Electromagnetic HF Fields:

‘The t est s hall b e car ried o ut acco rding t o I EC 6 1000-4-3 ( 1998) ‘ Electromagnetic c ompatibility ( EMC) — Part 4 :
Testing a nd measurement t echniques — Section 3 : R adiated, r adio f requency, el ectromagnetic f ield i mmunity t est’
under the following conditions;
a) Voltage and auxiliary circuits energized with reference voltage.
b) Frequency band: 80 MHz to 1 000 MHz with sweep of frequency steps of 1 percent logarithm.
c) Unmodulated field : 10 V/m.
d) Test severity level : 3.

a) Without any current and the current circuit should be open .

The application of the HF field shall not p roduce a change in the register o f more than 0.01 kWh and the test output
shall not produce a signal equivalent to more than 0.01 kWh. These values are based on the rated current of 5A and 100
V of the meter. For other voltage and current ratings the value 0.01 kWh has to be converted accordingly.

b) Test with current:

i) Meter in operating condition:

ii) Voltage and auxiliary circuits energized with reference voltage;
iii) Basic current Ib and cosØ=1

During the t est, t he b ehaviour o f t he e quipment shall not be p erturbed a nd t he va riation o f e rror s hall b e within t he
limits as specified in table 17. Frequency at which the meter is affected shall be reported.

(Page 17, clause 12.10.1) — add the following after condition e -

‘f) The accuracy of the meter at reference conditions shall remain within accuracy class after completion of any type
test , irrespective of the variation allowed during the particular type test.’

(Page 19, clause 12.17) — insert at the end of the clause:

‘Requirement fixed under 11.7 shall be satisfied.’

Amendment No. 5 to IS 13779 : 1999

(Page 20, Annex B) — Delete

(Page 20, Annex D) — Substitute the following for the existing annex:

(Table 17. Note 5)


1. The balancing impedance shall be equal to the equipment under test (EUT) to ensure the measurement accuracy.
2. The balancing impedance could most conveniently be a meter of same type as the EUT.
3. The rectifier diodes shall be of the same type.
4. To i mprove t he b alancing c ondition an a dditional r esistor o r R B can b e i ntroduced i n b oth p aths. Its v alue should b e approximately
10 times the value of the EUT.
5. The influence of the dc components and even harmonics in the ac current shall be checked at 0.5Ib, 0.5Imax and any current between
0.5Ib and 0 .5Imax. Current in t he r eference s tandard is 2/¥2 times t he cu rrent i n m eter u nder t est. [e.g. f or 0 .5Ib i n m eter u nder t est,
current in reference standard will be (2/¥2)0.5Ib]

Amendment No. 5 to IS 13779 : 1999

(Page 26, Annex J, clause 7.2, see also Amendment No. 1 ) — Insert ‘FIG. G T HREE P HASE F OUR W IRE
METER FOR DIRECT CONNECTION (ALTERNATE CONNECTION`applicable only for Imax > 100 A) at the end
of ‘FIG F’

(refer diagram at the end)


(ALTERNATE CONNECTION — applicable only for Imax > 100 A)

(ETD 13)
Publication Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India

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