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BUS 308 Handout 4


A Overview of the survey research process

Step 1 Preliminary investigation of topic

This can be done in two ways: (1) speak to experts, (2) or a focus group

Step 2 Identify key issues and draft questionnaire

Step 3 Conduct a pre-test of the questionnaire

Goal is to test (1) clarity, (2) comprehensiveness, (3) acceptability
Test sample can be small, and roughly representative of desired population.

Step 4 Revise the questionnaire, and check for errors

B Introducing the survey

Introduce yourself and the study before asking questions. It is ethical, and
improves response.

Introduce yourself and organization conducting the study

Basic goals and objectives of study
Basis of sample selection
Assure the respondent that responses are valued, and confidential
Ask permission to ask questions’

Example of an In-Person Introduction

“Hello, my name is Balu (interviewer name). ULAB (organization name) is

conducting a survey of university students (applicable respondent) concerning how
often students shop for clothes, and how much they spend (goals of study).

You were selected randomly (basis of selection) to provide information and opinions
about student purchases of clothing (topic of study).

Would you be willing to answer a few short questions (time/permission) on this

important issue for the local economy (participative value)? Please feel free to
express your opinions; there are no right or wrong answers (responses neither right
or wrong).

The questionnaire is not marked in any way that would identify you

BUS 308 Handout 4

The order in which questions are presented can affect the study quite

1 Introductory Questions
Purpose: To obtain basic information and engage the respondent
Location: Place at beginning

2 Group Related Questions

Purpose: Combine questions that belong in the same category into groups, to
help the respondent focus better and answer more clearly.
Warning: Grouping can lead to patterned responses. So sensitize the
respondent to subtle differences between the questions in each group.
Location: in the body of the questionnaire

3 Within Group
Use a clear and logical order for a series of questions within a group e.g. time
(from most recent to last).

4 Filter or Screening Questions

Purpose: Some questions only apply to some respondents, so others have
must be screened out before the next question can be asked.
Location: Place before relevant question, within the group

5 Sensitive Questions
Some information requires questions that touch on religion or ethnicity or
personal matters, that some may be less comfortable answering.
Location: Place at end of survey, so that if respondent refuses to answer, or
terminates the interview, most of information has already been obtained.

6 Reliability Checks
This is a question that repeats an important question, but in a different
manner, to see if the answer is consistent, and therefore reliable.
Purpose: to check truthfulness of response to sensitive or controversial
Location: Later on within the survey, to check response to an earlier

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