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My teaching unit was based on the end-of-year writing test that the student were going to

have to take. The principal and I discussed a plan of action after the student had a practice

writing test, and we decided that I needed to take a week to teach informational writing. The next

week was going to be persuasive writing, as some students would have a persuasive writing

prompt at the end of the year. Compared to the students’ practice writing tests, I was very

pleased with their writing during this unit. I was disappointed that we were not able to finish the

unit or move on to the persuasive writing unit as a result of the pandemic which halted the school

year in its tracks. I know that with more time, I would have been able to make more progress

with my students. I had several smaller lessons in mind after teaching this unit that I would like

to have gotten to. Instead, I will have to keep what I learned from teaching this unit in mind for

next year so I don’t make the same mistakes.

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