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Optical Power Range of various interfaces and Cards

Login &Commissioning Proceduer for Nortel Mux

Login & Commissioning Procedure for ECI uSDM

Login & Commissioning Procedure for ECI XDM100

Login & Commissioning Procedure for ECI BG40

Login & Commissioning Procedure for Wimax Base Station & Customer end equipment

Login & Commissioning Procedure for Cisco Router

Comport settings for Various NEs

Login & Commissioning Procedure for Alcatel DXC & DWDM

Login Cables Details & Pin configurations

ECI NVM Loader upgradation procedures

BER meter settings for E1 Testing

Colour coding of ECI Mux PCM cables

Colour coding of Nortel Mux PCM cables

General Details of different Patchcords and Cleaning Procedures

OTDR Settings

Cable locator operations

Maintenance of Splicing Quality & Periodical Checking and Cleaning of Splicing Mechines

Tycopowerplant Vector control Settings

SDH Alarms
mer end equipment
of Splicing Mechines


Rx Power sensitivity
Interface TX power
TN1X Agg. Card-LH 0 to -5dBm -35.5dBm
TN1X Agg. Card-SH -8 to -13dBm -34.5dBm

TN4XE/16XE Agg.card -1 to +3dBm -28dBm

STM1 o Trib -8 to -15dBm -33dBm
STM4 o Trib -8 to -15dBm -28dBm
S 1.1 > -15dB -33 dB
L 1.1 > -4dB -33 dB
L 1.2 0 to –3dB -35 dB
S 16.1 1.5 to +2.8 dB -18 dB
L 16.2 1.5 to +2.8 dB -28 dB
S 4.1 -8 to –15dB -28 dB
L 4.1 -3 to +2dB -28 dB
L 4.2 -3 to +2dB -28 dB
S 1.1 -8 to –15dB -28 dB
L 1.1 0 to –5dB -34 dB
L 1.2 0 to –5dB -34 dB
I-64.1 -1 to –6dB -11dB
S-64.2b -1 to +2dB -14db
L-64.2b 10 to 12dB -14dB
S 16.1 0 to –5dB -18dB
L 16.1 -2 to +2dB -27dB
L 16.2 -2 to +2dB -28dB
S 4.1 -8 to –15dB -28dB
L 4.1(nb1) -3 to +2dB -28dB
L 4.2 -3 to +2dB -28dB
S 1.1 -8 to –15dB -28dB
L 1.1 0 to –5dB -34dB
L 1.2 0 to –5dB -34dB

ALCATEL DWDM 1626 - LOFA : Specification

LOFA Actual Measurement Monitoring Port

LOFA 1st stage I/P power -35 to +2dBm -51 to -14dBm

LOFA 1st stage O/P power 0 to +19dBm -23 to -4dBm

LOFA 2nd stage I/P power -15 to +19dBm

LOFA 2nd stage O/P +6 to +23dBm 0 to -17dBm


Rx Power sensitivity
Over load




0 dB
-8 dB
-8 dB
-8 dB
-8 dB
-8 dB
-10 dB
-10 dB




MENU - 1






TERMINATION 75/120 ohm


Kbps 2048

MENU - 2



Rx LOGIC Normal

Tx LOGIC Normal

MENU - 3



G.821 ITU - T





Log in and Commissioning Procedures for TN1x/4xe/1

Log in to NE through HyperTerminal with following Comport settings

Bits Per Second

Data bits
Stop bits
Flow control

Go to admin/config/default(ne will be in default configuration)


Select admin/user/secure

Selct config/cards/view

Equip all the cards:

1. Equip the agg cards (config/cards/equip/stm1o agg(1a)/hwf s6&s7)




4. Equip psu in slot12&slot13(config/cards/equip/psu/s12&s13)

5. Equip src (subrack controller) in slot14(config/cards/equip/src/s14)


Select config/cards/view
Compare all the cards equipped physically by looking at the equipment
if found ok, then select admin/config/impose config(ic)
Wait for 10 minuets & re loginto the equipment

Check all the cards configured config/cards/view

Check the alrms present

RSLOS should be present in S6 & S7

Then select admin/config/view



Select admin/communication/laptd link services/view

Both S6 & S7 cards sholud be in RS

Select config/communication/area address/view

Clear the old one by selecting clear1 (c1).

Take the MAK address:







The above procedure needs to be followed except some cards configuation

planning doc)

Remaining all the procedures are same as above.




Comport Settings for Login Different NEs

Comport Settings

My computer right click Properties Hardware Device Manager

Select com 'x' ports Right click Properties Port setting

Set These parameters on Portsetting window

Equipment Bits per second Data bits Parity Stop bits Flow control

Nortel TN 1x 19200 8 None 1 None

Nortel TN 1C 19200 8 None 1 None

Nortel TN 4XE 19200 8 None 1 None

Nortel TN 16XE 19200 8 None 1 None

Nortel TN16X 9600 8 None 1 None

ECI-uSDM 19200 8 None 1 None

ECI-XDM100 115200 8 None 1 None

TELLABS DXC 38400 8 None 1 None



vice Manager Comports


Procedure for XDM100 NVM Loading

Load the Software in to Laptop

Insert NVM card in to Laptop

Open NVM loader

Click on - ADD button

Type the Version name

Specify the file(w6036) & Path ((DESKTOP-V6-EMBEDED-W6036)

Click OK

OK on Version Name


Wait for files to get copied and Comparison

Click OK


Safely remove harware


ECI XDM100 Login & Commissioning Procedures

Power up the system

Connect XDM100 - F Chanel Port to system through USB port with serial cable

Configure Comport/configure Em Slip port with following parameters

Bits Per Second

Data bits
Stop bits
Flow control

Run LCT XDM sw

Type user name and Password

Go to Install window

Set IP address , subnet mask,NE ID, NE Location asper net work plan

Select mode DCC

Go to Shelf view

Right click onto the SAM4/16 card & select Install.

Repeat same for the remaining SAM cards also.

Right click on to the SIM1_4/SIM4_2/PIM2_21/PIM2_63 card & select


Right click on to the SAM/SIM cards & select open.

Right Click on to the OTR1/OTR4/OTR16 & INFO, select the proper

(actual) application code like s3/l3/l5 enter ok
Repeat same for all the remaining OTR's.

Right click on SAM CARD & select DCC Communication & set the DCC as MS
(multiplexure section)

Repeat the same for the other sam card also.

Right click on MXC100 CARD ON SLOT A & select WARM RESTART, NE will
Loose the communication

Repeat teh same for the other card also(which is in slot b).

uSDM Login & Commissioning Procedures

Power up the system

Connect uADM Port J2PC to system through USB port with serial cable

Run Virtual PC

Configure Comport/configure Em Slip port with following parameters

Bits Per Second 19200

Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow control None

Single Click on UADM

Select Installation - Click on New Installation (Installation window

will open)

1. DCC Channel mode -- IP address & IP Subnet mask

2. DCC Opertaion Mode -- East-->MS & West-->MS

3. Auxiliary-->2m22

4. Clear Channel mode --> East---West & West---East

5. Auxilary: none

6. Text type: 2m


Right click on UADM ---> Click on Active NE &

again right click on UADM---->click on reconnect NE (two to 3 times)
till UADM becomes

MicroSDM with two bell symbols.

Select Configuration:

attributes-->System title & Location--->NE time as PC time(laptop).


Commissioning Procedure for Wimax BST (Alvarion)

1.Check for polarity at the power connector when multimeter’s negative probe connected to positive pin a
probe connected to neagative pin the reading should be between -40.5 to -60 VDC

2.Power Up the BST by switching on the MCB.

3. Wait for 3 mins for the equipment to power up.

4.Check for the following LED’s on the front panel of the BST

a.Power LED on the left corner should be green if red it means Power section failure or wrong polarity us

b. Alarm LED should be off if lit indicates micro BST failure.

c.Alarm LED near ODU 1 TNC connector should be off if lit it means indoor outdoor communication failu

d.       Power LED near ODU 1 TNC connector should be green if red it means ODU power failure.

e.       When Using Mgmt. Port for commissioning the green LED of the RJ-45 Jack Port will blink indicating

f.         When BST and CPE SU is commissioned and is Connected wirelessly to each other WLINK LED will

g.       When services are configured in BST and BST is connected to the SU WACT LED will blink indicating

5.                  connect the login monitor cable to MON port on the BST and other end to COM port of the Lapto
address of laptop as and subnet mask as

6.                  Run the hyper terminal program with following settings.

7.                  The password prompt is displayed enter the password the default password for system login is : a

8.                  If commissioning the system using Mgmt. Port use a cross cable with the IP address of the laptop
and subnet mask as

9.                  If commissioning the system using data Port use a cross cable with the IP address of the laptop co
subnet mask as .

10.             Once the main menu appears select the sub menus by entering its index number and to go one step
The following screen appears on the laptop screen:

11.             Select the following options from the screen 1>3>6>2 where

a.       1 is Micro Base station

b.       3 is Configuration sub menu

c.       6 is Mac sub menu

d.       2 is update sub menu

12.             Configure the Base Station Id as specified in the Planning Sheet the default is where
Network Operator Id Next two digits are cell Id and last bit is sector Id.

13.             Press enter next option appears is ARQ enable/disable default is disable press enter again to keep

14.             Next option appears as maximum cell radius default is 10 km enter the new value as per planning

15.             Press esc key 2 times to go back to PHY sub menu and press 7 to select PHY sub menu

16.             Press 2 to select update PHY parameters as under.

a.       1 Bandwidth default is 3.5 MHz press enter to use default.

b.       2 Downlink (Tx) Frequency in MHz as specified in Planning sheet and press enter default is 3551.75 M

c.       3 Tx power enter the Tx power as specified in planning sheet default is 28 dBm .

17.             Press esc key 2 times to go back to ATPC sub menu and press 9 to select PHY sub menu

18.             Press 2 to select update ATPC parameters as under.

a.       ATPC status by default is enable

b.       Optimal RSSI as per planning sheet default value is -69 dBm.

19.             These are the specified preliminary steps for basic radio parameters configuration at the BST befor
20.             Reset the BST for the changes to take effect.

Commissioning Procedure for Wimax CPE(Alvarion)

1.        Power Up the CPE by switching on the MCB.

2.  Check for the following LED’s on the front panel of the CPE

a.       Power LED when lit green means SU IDU power is O.K.

b.       ETH LED when lit it indicates connection established with ODU.

c.       When Using Ethernet Port for commissioning the green LED of the RJ-45 Jack Port will blink indicatin

d.       After Alignment of SU with BST the Last LED i.e. LED No. 10 on Link quality Bar should be off indica

e.    After BST and SU are commissioned and aligned wireless LED will glow indicating communication be

3.        connect the Straight cable from Laptop’s Ethernet port to the CPE’s Ethernet port.

4.         when commissioning the system using Ethernet Port the IP address of the laptop should be configur
and subnet mask as

5.         Run the Telnet program and telnet to

6.        The password prompt is displayed enter the password the default password for system login is : insta

7.                  Once the main menu appears select the sub menus by entering its index number and to go one ste
The following screen appears on the laptop screen:
8.                  Select the following options from the screen 3>2 where

a.       3 is Registration Parameters

b.       2 is common Name

9.                  Configure the CPE’s common name as specified in the Planning Sheet and should be unique for th
default is No Name.

10.             Press esc key 2 times to go back to Main menu and press 4 to select Base Station Id parameters men

11.             Press 2 to set operator Id as per planning sheet default is 186.190.0

12.             Press 3 to set cell id as per planning sheet default is 0.0

13.             Press 4 to set sector id as per planning sheet default is 0

14.             Press 5 to set Base Station Id Mask as per planning sheet default is

15.             Press esc key 2 times to return to main menu

16.             Press 5 to select Radio Parameters

17.             Press 2 to set bandwidth default is 3.5 MHz.

18.             press 3 to set Uplink frequency as per planning sheet default is 3451.75 MHz. which is 100 MHz do
frequency of BST.

19.             This is the basic radio parameters to be configured at the CPE site.

20.             Reset the CPE IDU to make the changes take effect.

Connect router to console port or telnet to router






Configuring the router

router# configure terminal


New Router Configuration Process

Router#configure terminal
Personalize router identification

Router#(config)hostname RouterA

Assign access passwords

RouterA#(config)line console 0

RouterA#(config-line)password cisco


Configure interfaces

RouterA#(config)interface ethernet 0/0

RouterA#(config-if)ip address n.n.n.n m.m.m.m

RouterA#(config-if)no shutdown

Save configuration parameters to NVRAM

RouterA#copy running-config startup-config or write memory

Router Prompts – How To Tell Where You Are On The Router

Router> - USER prompt mode

Router# - PRVILEDGED EXEC prompt mode

Router(config) – terminal configuration Prompt

Router(config-if) – interface

configuration prompt

Router(config-subif) – sub-interface

configuration prompt

Router(config-route-map) – route-map

configuration prompt

Configuring Your Router

Set the enable password:

router(config)# enable password

If you see in your config file, using “show running-config”, you will see that
the enable password is displayed in clear text -- that is not safe, you have to
encrypt it.

router(config)# service password-encryption

router(config)# enable secret "your pswd"(MD5 encryption)

To configure interface you should go to interface configuration prompt

router(config) interface ethernet0 (or 0/x)


Save your configuration

router#copy running-config startup-config (or write memory)


uXDM E1 Cable Details

Brown Brown
PAIR Brown 1st E1 Tx PAIR Brown 1st E1 Tx

Red Red
PAIR Red 2nd E1 Tx PAIR Red 2nd E1 Tx

Orange Orange
PAIR Orange 3rd E1 Tx PAIR Orange 3rd E1 Tx

Yellow Yellow
PAIR Yellow 4th E1 Tx PAIR Yellow 4th E1 Tx

Green Green
PAIR Green 5th E1 Tx PAIR Green 5th E1 Tx

Blue Blue
PAIR Blue 6th E1 Tx PAIR Blue 6th E1 Tx
Single Single
Violet Bunch Violet Bunch
PAIR Violet 7th E1 Tx PAIR Violet 7th E1 Tx

White White
PAIR White 8th E1 Tx PAIR White 8th E1 Tx

Pink Pink
PAIR Pink 9th E1 Tx PAIR Pink 9th E1 Tx

Red Red
PAIR Brown 10th E1 Tx PAIR Brown 10th E1 Tx

Yellow Yellow
PAIR Orange 11th E1 Tx PAIR Orange 11th E1 Tx

Blue Blue
PAIR Green 12th E1 Tx PAIR Green 12th E1 Tx

Note : For 1 to 11 E1 last one pair will be Dummy and for 12 to 21 last two
pair will be dummy
Note : For 1 to 11 E1 last one pair will be Dummy and for 12 to 21 last two
pair will be dummy

XDM 100 E1 Cable Details

Brown Brown
PAIR Red 1st E1 Tx PAIR Brown 1st E1 Rx

Orange Red
PAIR Green 2nd E1 Tx PAIR Red 2nd E1 Rx

Blue Orange
PAIR Violet 3rd E1 Tx PAIR Orange 3rd E1 Rx

Light Grey Yellow Yellow

PAIR White 4th E1 Tx Ring PAIR Yellow 4th E1 Rx

Brown Green
PAIR Red 5th E1 Tx PAIR Green 5th E1 Rx

Orange Blue
PAIR Yellow 6th E1 Tx PAIR Blue 6th E1 Rx

Green Violet
PAIR Violet 7th E1 Tx PAIR Violet 7th E1 Rx

Light Grey White

PAIR White 8th E1 Tx Blue Ring PAIR White 8th E1 Rx

Brown Pink
PAIR Red 9th E1 Tx PAIR Pink 9th E1 Rx Grey Ring

Yellow Brown
PAIR Green 10th E1 Tx PAIR Red 10th E1 Rx

Blue Orange
PAIR Violet 11th E1 Tx PAIR Yellow 11th E1 Rx

Light Grey Orange Green

PAIR White 12th E1 Tx Ring PAIR Blue 12th E1 Rx

Brown Violet White

PAIR Red 13th E1 Tx PAIR Light Grey 13th E1 Rx Ring
Orange Red
PAIR Yellow 14th E1 Tx PAIR Yellow 14th E1 Rx

Green Orange
PAIR Blue 15th E1 Tx PAIR Green 15th E1 Rx

Light Grey Violet Blue

PAIR White 16th E1 Tx Ring PAIR Violet 16th E1 Rx

Brown Light Grey Brown

PAIR Red 17th E1 Tx PAIR Pink 17th E1 Rx Ring

Orange Brown
PAIR Yellow 18th E1 Tx PAIR Light Grey 18th E1 Rx

Green Yellow
PAIR Blue 19th E1 Tx PAIR Green 19th E1 Rx

Light Grey Blue

PAIR White 20th E1 Tx Pink Ring PAIR Violet 20th E1 Rx

Pink Violet White

PAIR Pink 21st E1 Tx Yellow PAIR Pink 21st E1 Rx Red Ring

uLAN E1 Cable Details

E1 1 - 14 Connector Bunch E1 15 - 21 Connector Bunch
Brown Brown
PAIR Brown 1st E1 Tx Grey Ring PAIR Brown 1st E1 Tx Grey Ring

Red Red
PAIR Red 1st E1 Rx Grey Ring PAIR Red 1st E1 Rx Grey Ring

Orange Orange
PAIR Orange 2nd E1 Tx Grey Ring PAIR Orange 2nd E1 Tx Grey Ring

Yellow Yellow
PAIR Yellow 2nd E1 Rx Grey ring PAIR Yellow 2nd E1 Rx Grey ring

Green Green
PAIR Green 3rd E1 Tx Grey Ring PAIR Green 3rd E1 Tx Grey Ring

Blue Blue
PAIR 3rd E1 Rx PAIR 3rd E1 Rx
PAIR Blue 3rd E1 Rx Grey ring PAIR Blue 3rd E1 Rx Grey ring

Violet Violet
PAIR Violet 4th E1 Tx Grey Ring PAIR Violet 4th E1 Tx Grey Ring

White White
PAIR White 4th E1 Rx Grey ring PAIR White 4th E1 Rx Grey ring

Pink Pink
PAIR Pink 5th E1 Tx Grey Ring PAIR Pink 5th E1 Tx Grey Ring

Red White Red White

PAIR Brown 5th E1 Rx Ring PAIR Brown 5th E1 Rx Ring

Yellow Yellow
PAIR Orange 6th E1 Tx PAIR Orange 6th E1 Tx

Blue White Blue White

PAIR Green 6th E1 Rx Ring PAIR Green 6th E1 Rx Ring

Violet Violet
White White
PAIR Light Grey 7th E1 Tx Ring PAIR Light Grey 7th E1 Tx Ring

Red Red
Brown Brown
PAIR Yellow 7th E1 Rx Ring PAIR Yellow 7th E1 Rx Ring

PAIR Green 8th E1 Tx Ring

PAIR Violet 8th E1 Rx Ring

Light Grey
PAIR Pink 9th E1 Tx Ring

PAIR Light Grey 9th E1 Rx Red Ring

PAIR Green 10th E1 Tx Red Ring
PAIR Violet 10th E1 Rx Red Ring

PAIR Pink 11th E1 Tx Red Ring

PAIR Light Grey 11th E1 Rx Ring

PAIR Orange 12th E1 Tx Ring

PAIR Violet 12th E1 Rx Ring

PAIR Pink 13th E1 Tx Ring

PAIR Red 13th E1 Rx Ring

PAIR Green 14th E1 Tx Ring

PAIR Violet 14th E1 Rx Ring

uLAN connector

PIN 34

PIN 35
PIN 68
Tx E1 no Rx
Brown Pink
Brown gray ring 1 Pink grey ring

Red Brown/white - ring

Red grey ring 2 Red/white - ring

Orange Orange/white ring

Orange grey ring 3 Yellow/white ring

Yellow Green /White ring

Yellw grey ring 4 Blue/white ring

Green Violet/white ring

green grey ring 5 Light grey/white ring

blue Red/Brown ring

blue grey ring 6 Yellow/ Brown ring

violet Orange Brown ring

violet grey ring 7 Green Brown ring

White Blue / Bvron ring

white grey ring 8 Violet / Brown ring

BG40 Login & Commissioning Procedures

1. Start

2. Set Laptop ip as

3. Open Boot Configuration tool Window

4. Reset the BG 40

5. Wait 15sec till yellow LED start flashing

6. Login BG 40

7. Go to the Basic Parameter settings

8. Set the Mux ID as per plan

9. Set Mux ip 194.194.193

10. Finish

11. Set Laptop IP as 194.194.19x

12. open LCT s/w window

13. Login the Mux with ip(194.194.193) and Password

14. Go to Security

15. Select “Request login as master”

16. Go to Configuration

17. Go to NE Configuration

18. Go to NE configuration wizard

19. Press “Next”

20. Set the day, date & Time

21. Set the attributes

22. Get physical cards & assign it

23. Press Finish

24. Go to step 16

25. Go to Communication Mode

26. Set the Mux ip as per plan

27. Set the Sync as per plan

28. Go to step 16

29. Go to DCC Communication & DCC over heads

30. Select DCC Access

31. Select Both the MS port as MS Access Mode

32. Close
gin & Commissioning Procedures

33. Go To XC

34. Select ST XC

35. Select VC4 port from Source Time slot

36. Select as “End Point”

37. Select the Corresponding VC4 port from the sink time slot

38. Select as “Start Point”

39. Press “Add XC”

40. Go to Send list

41. Select Any one of the XCs

42. Apply to Activate

43. Go to Step 33

44. Select CT XC

45. Drop down the MET-L1 card from the source time slot

46. select VC12-10

47. Apply as “Start End Point”

48. Drop down the Sub card1 OMD1 card from the sink time slot

49. Drop down the VCG3

50. Select 63rd VC12 and apply as “start point”

51. Add XC

52. Go to Send list

53. Select any one

54. Apply to activate

55. Check the status with NMS

56. Close

57. Stop

TN-1x E1 Cable Details

Turquoise Turquoise
PAIR Violet 2nd E1 Rx PAIR Violet 2nd E1 Tx

PAIR Orange 3rd E1 Rx PAIR Orange 3rd E1 Tx
Turquoise Turquoise
PAIR Violet 4th E1 Rx PAIR Violet 4th E1 Tx

PAIR Green 5th E1 Rx PAIR Green 5th E1 Tx
Turquoise Turquoise
PAIR Violet 6th E1 Rx PAIR Violet 6th E1 Tx

PAIR Brown 7th E1 Rx PAIR Brown 7th E1 Tx
Turquoise Turquoise
PAIR Violet 8th E1 Rx PAIR Violet 8th E1 Tx

In the DDF block first Eight pairs are Rx and the next Eight pairs would be

TN-4x E1 Cable Details


Orange Orange
PAIR White 1st E1 Rx PAIR White 1st E1 Rx

Green Green
PAIR White 2nd E1 Rx PAIR White 2nd E1 Rx
Eight Sixteen
Eight Sixteen
PAIR White 3rd E1 Rx PAIR White 3rd E1 Rx

Brown Brown
PAIR White 4th E1 Rx PAIR White 4th E1 Rx

Orange Orange
PAIR White 5th E1 Rx PAIR White 5th E1 Rx

Green Green
PAIR White 6th E1 Rx PAIR White 6th E1 Rx
Three Eleven
PAIR White 7th E1 Rx PAIR White 7th E1 Rx

Brown Brown
PAIR White 8th E1 Rx PAIR White 8th E1 Rx

Orange Orange
PAIR White 1st E1 Tx PAIR White 1st E1 Tx

Green Green
PAIR White 2nd E1 Tx PAIR White 2nd E1 Tx
One Nine
PAIR White 3rd E1 Tx PAIR White 3rd E1 Tx

Brown Brown
PAIR White 4th E1 Tx PAIR White 4th E1 Tx

Orange Orange
PAIR White 5th E1 Tx PAIR White 5th E1 Tx

Green Green
PAIR White 6th E1 Tx PAIR White 6th E1 Tx
Two Ten
PAIR White 7th E1 Tx PAIR White 7th E1 Tx

Brown Brown
PAIR White 8th E1 Tx PAIR White 8th E1 Tx

Orange Orange
PAIR White 9th E1 Rx PAIR White 9th E1 Rx

Green Green
PAIR White 10th E1 Rx PAIR White 10th E1 Rx
Five Thirteen
Five Thirteen
PAIR White 11th E1 Rx PAIR White 11th E1 Rx

Brown Brown
PAIR White 12th E1 Rx PAIR White 12th E1 Rx

Orange Orange
PAIR White 13th E1 Rx PAIR White 13th E1 Rx

Green Green
PAIR White 14th E1 Rx PAIR White 14th E1 Rx
Seven Fifteen
PAIR White 15th E1 Rx PAIR White 15th E1 Rx

Brown Brown
PAIR White 16th E1 Rx PAIR White 16th E1 Rx

Orange Orange
PAIR White 9th E1 Tx PAIR White 9th E1 Tx

Green Green
PAIR White 10th E1 Tx PAIR White 10th E1 Tx
Four Twelve
PAIR White 11th E1 Tx PAIR White 11th E1 Tx

Brown Brown
PAIR White 12th E1 Tx PAIR White 12th E1 Tx

Orange Orange
PAIR White 13th E1 Tx PAIR White 13th E1 Tx

Green Green
PAIR White 14th E1 Tx PAIR White 14th E1 Tx
Six Fourteen
PAIR White 15th E1 Tx PAIR White 15th E1 Tx

Brown Brown
PAIR White 16th E1 Tx PAIR White 16th E1 Tx

Inspection and Cleaning Procedures for

Fiber Optic Connections
Inspection and Cleaning are Critical

Clean fiber optic components are a requirement for quality connections between fiber opti
Cleaning the fiber optic equipment is one of the most basic and important
procedures for maintaining fiber optic systems.
Any contamination in the fiber connection can cause failure of the component or failure o
Even microscopic dust particles can cause a variety of problems for optical connections. A
· A 1−micrometer dust particle on a single mode core can block up to 1% of the light (a 0.0
A 9−micrometer speck is still too small to see without a microscope, but it could complete
These contaminants can be more difficult to remove than dust particles.
Other types of contamination must also be cleaned off the endface. Such materials includ
· Oils (frequently from human hands)
· Film residues (condensed from vapors in the air)
· Powdery coatings (left after water or other solvents evaporate away)
These contaminants can be more difficult to remove than dust particles and can
also cause damage to equipment if not removed.
Cleaning Procedures
Always wear the appropriate safety glasses when required in your area. Be sure that any l
and state regulations and are matched to the lasers used within your environment.
· Always inspect the connectors or adapters before you clean.
· Always inspect and clean the connectors before you make a connection.

Note: Wet cleaning is not recommended for bulkheads and receptacles. Damage to equipm
7. Inspect the connector, again.
8. If the contaminate still cannot be removed, repeat the cleaning procedure until the end
Figure 1 shows the connector cleaning process flow.
Note: Never use alcohol or wet cleaning with out a way to insure that it does not leave res
It can cause equipment damage.
Connector Inspection Technique
This inspection technique is done using fiberscope to view the endface.
A fiberscope is a customized microscope used to inspect optical fiber components. The fiberscope should
Provide at least 200x total magnification. Specific adapters are needed to properly inspect the endface of mos
Connector types (for example: 1.25 mm, 2.5 mm, or APC connectors).
Patch cord Related Abbrivation and Description

A fiber optic polishing style that has an

8 degree angle on the endface. This
APC (Angled Physical
connector style is typically indicated by
a green connector body or green strain
relief boot.
A fiber optic connector style with a
single−fiber 2.5 mm diameter ferrule. It
features a keyed, threaded barrel that is
used to mate the connector.
A fiber optic connector style with a
single−fiber diameter ferrule. It features
LC a distinctive plastic latch on the
connector 1.25 mm body that provides a
positive engagement when mated.
A fiber optic connector style with a
multi−fiber plastic ferrule.
A fiber optic connector style with a
single−fiber 1.25 mm diameter ferrule.
A fiber optic polishing style that has a
PC (Physical Contact)
convex, domed endface.
A fiber optic connector style with a
single−fiber 2.5 mm diameter ferrule.
A fiber optic connector style with a
single−fiber 2.5 mm diameter ferrule.
A fiber optic polishing style that has a
convex, domed endface. It is highly
UPC (Ultra−polished
polished to attain enhanced
A fiber optic connector that mates the
Backplane Connector rear of the PCA to the inside back wall
of the chassis.
The inside region of the fiber optic
endface that is made of a low refractive
Cladding index glass. This region starts at the
outside edge of the core and ends at a
diameter of 125 microns.
The center most region of the fiber optic
endface that carries and guides the
Core majority of the light. The diameter can
be 9 microns, 50 microns, or 62.5
microns depending on fiber type.
A fiber optic connector style with a

single−fiber 2.5 mm diameter ferrule.
This specialized connector uses a
metallic ferrule and has a spring−loaded
protective shutter. It is offered
exclusively by Diamond,
The mating surface of a fiber optic
connector. It consists of a glass core and
cladding, surrounded by a ferrule made
of either ceramic, plastic, or metal. It is
critical to keep this entire area protected
from damage at all times.
A fiber optic connector style with a
single−fiber 1.25 mm diameter ferrule.
This specialized connector uses a
F3000 metallic ferrule and has a spring−loaded
protective shutter. It is offered
exclusively by Diamond, Inc. and does
not fit into all LC ports.
A plastic or metal housing which allows
two fiber−optic connectors to mate.
Bulkhead Adapter
Typically these are located on the front
panel or the backplane of a PCA.
A plastic or metal housing located at the
end of a fiber−optic cable to connect
cables to a transmitter, receiver, or
another cable.
Optical fiber which transmits or emits
multiple modes of light. These fibers
Multimode Fiber
usually have a large core, typically 50 or
62.5 microns.
A fiber optic connector style with a
OGI multi−fiber plastic ferrule. It is offered
exclusively by 3M, Inc.
A packaged optical component with a
Pigtailed Device length of fiber attached to a male
Optical fiber supporting one spatial
Single Mode Fiber mode of light propagation. These fibers
typically have a 9 micron core.
onnections between fiber optic equipment.
nd important

of the component or failure of the whole system.

ems for optical connections. A particle that
ck up to 1% of the light (a 0.05dB loss).
oscope, but it could completely block the fiber core.
st particles.
ndface. Such materials include:

st particles and can

your area. Be sure that any laser safety glasses meet federal
hin your environment.


eceptacles. Damage to equipment can occur.

ning procedure until the endface is clean.

sure that it does not leave residue on the endface.

mponents. The fiberscope should
properly inspect the endface of most




test setup

Acquisition window

Laser Choose the wavelength - 1550/1310

Mode Choose the acquisition mode - MANUAL or AUTO

If AUTO the unit will automatically configure the best acquisition parame
For Manual Settings

Set the Pulse rate depends to the range

Pulse ranges for OTDR
Pulse 20km
Range Select the Range from Table
Advisable to Keep the range more the distance to be tested

Resolution Auto : the resolution is automatically chosen depending on the range

Result window

splice threshold ALL ( Can select between ALL,ONE, or any value in dB between 0 and 6.00

Reflection threshold All

Slope threshold All

Fiber end threshold Auto

It is advised to choose the AUTO option for which the end of fiber is autom

Display gost No

Slope Methode 2pt/LSA

Result on trace none

Remarks in table No

System Setup

Select OTDR
Fiber Parameters

Wavelength 1550/1310

Choose the group index N of the total fiber

Make Index
Corning SMF-2 1.46810
Index Corning-LEAF 1.46840
Corning SMF- 1.47110
Corning SMF-L 1.47000
Lucent 1.47320
Fitel 1.47000
gure the best acquisition parameters

Pulse ranges for OTDR

10 to 300ns
30ns to 1uS
100ns to 1uS
100ns to 3uS
100ns to 3uS
1us to 10us
1uS to 20uS
ance to be tested

en depending on the range

y value in dB between 0 and 6.00)

or which the end of fiber is automatically detected


Maintenance of Splicing Quality & Periodical Checking and Cleaning of Splicing Mechine

Cleaning and Checking before Splicing

Critical cleaning points and maintenance checks are described below.

Cleaning V-grooves
If contaminants are present in the V-grooves, correct clamping may not
Occur, resulting in higher splice loss. The V-grooves should be frequently
Inspected and periodically cleaned during normal operation.
(1) Open the wind protector and fiber clamps.
(2) Clean the bottom of the V-groove with an alcohol-impregnated thin
Cotton swab as shown in. Remove excess alcohol from the V groove
with a clean dry swab.
Use a high quality alcohol. greater than 99% pure
Use care not to contact the electrode tins,
Do not use excessive force when cleaning the V-groove The V-groove arm may be damaged
(3) If the contaminants in V-groove cannot be removed with an alcohol impregnated
thin cotton swab, use a cleaved fiber end-face to clean contaminants from V-groove bottom. .

Cleaning Fiber Clamp Chips

If contaminants are present on the clamp chips, correct clamping may not
occur, resulting in poor quality splices. The fiber clamp chips should be
frequently inspected and periodically cleaned during normal operation.
(1) Lift up the fiber clamps.
(2) Clean the surface of the chip clamp with an alcohol-impregnated thin
cotton swab . Remove excess alcohol from the clip clamp with a clean dry swab.

Cleaning Wind Protector Mirrors

If the wind protector mirrors become dirty, the core position may be
incorrect due to decreased optical path clarity, resulting in higher splice

(1) Clean the mirror surface with an alcohol-impregnated thin cotton swab
Remove excess alcohol from the mirror surface with a clean dry swab.

Cleaning Fiber Cleaver

If the cleave blade, clamp pads or cleave button anvil of the fiber cleaver
becomes contaminated, cleaving quality could possibly degrade, and the
fiber surface or end-face may become contaminated resulting in higher
splice loss. Clean the cleave blade, clamp pads or cleave button anvil with
an alcohol-impregnated thin cotton swab

Periodical Checking and Cleaning

In order to maintain the splicing quality of the splicer, the points of
periodical inspection and cleaning are recommended.
Electrode Replacement
Electrodes wear with use and also must be cleaned periodically due to
silica oxide buildup. It is recommended the electrodes should be replaced
after 1,000 arc discharges.
1) Execute [Electrode Replacement] in [Maintenance Menu].
(2) Instruction messages will appear on the screen to turn off the power.
Press and hold <ON/OFF> till the LED color changes from green to red.
(3) Remove the old electrodes. For the method of replacement, refer to Fig.

(4) Clean the new electrodes with alcohol-impregnated clean gauze or lintfree
tissue and install them to the splicer.
(5) Turn on the power, prepare and load fibers into the splicer and press
<ENT>. After executing the arc calibration, the splicer will repeat arc
discharge 30 times in succession to stabilize the electrodes.

(6) Upon completion of repeated arc discharge, the splicer executes arc
calibration again. Operator should repeat arc calibration until the
Test Finish message appears.

(2) Instruction messages will appear on the screen to turn off the power.
(6) Upon completion of repeated arc discharge, the splicer executes arc
calibration again. Operator should repeat arc calibration until the
"Test Finish" message appears.

Rotating the Cleaver Blade

If the cleave blade is worn or damaged, the fiber end-face quality will
degrade even if the blade is cleaned. The blade should be rotated to next
unworn position.

On the side of the cleave blade, a label is affixed to the cleaver which
identifies the twelve different blade sections. The new cleaver when
shipped is set at the No. 1 section. It is recommended the operator use
the blade section in series from 1,2,3, etc. When all of the 12 sections
have been used, replace the blade with a new one. The blade is capable of
cleaving approximately one thousand times per section, for a total of
twelve thousands cleaves. It is recommendable that the blade rotation
occur at the same interval as electrode replacement.

(1) Loosen the fixing screw of the blade unit using a precision flat-head
screwdriver. The width of the screwdriver should be -no greater than

(2) Rotate the blade to the next highest number. Then, re-tighten the
fixing screw securely.
Diagnostic Test

Diagnostic Test
The Mechine has a built in diagnostic test feature that allows the operator
to perform a simple one step evaluation of splicer performance covering
several different critical variables.

Operation Procedure
(1) Change the screen from wain Menu] to [Maintenance Menu] and
execute [Diagnostic Test]. The following checks will be made. .
1. Dust Check

If the dust check result is not good, clean the objective lenses.
In case contamination cannot be eliminated by lens cleaning,
there is a possibility the contamination may have entered the inside of
the optical path. Then we have to sent for servicing

2 The dust check and stuff check functions exist as independent

instructions in <Maintenance Menu>. It is possible to execute them independently.

Arc Calibration

Arc Power Calibration

Atmospheric conditions such as temperature, humidity, and pressure are
constantly changing which create variability in the arc temperature..
Changes in arc power due to electrode wear and glass adhesion cannot be
corrected automatically. Also, the center position of arc discharge
sometimes shifts to the left or right. In this case, the fiber splicing
position has to be shifted in relation to the arc discharge center.
It is - necessary to perform an arc power calibration to eliminate both of these
Operation Procedure


(3) Set the cleaved fibers into the splicer.
(4) Pressing <ENT> executes the following sequence:
(a) The splicer generates arc discharges before fibers enter display.
By measuring center position of arc discharge, the splicer calibrates the fiber splicing position.
(b) Fibers are spliced together with extreme axial offsets intentionally,preparing for arc power calibration.
(c) Multiple re-arcs occur as splicer measures axial offset change by surface tension movement.
(5) Upon completion of measurements,
the following result is displayed on
the screen.
" Test Finish "
This message indicates that the
calibration of arc power and splicing

Memory Check
Automatically calibrates the arc power factor
and fiber splicing position.
Checks for normal operation of the input and
output terminals of the internal circuit.
Checks the memory of the internal circuit.

Cleaning Objective Lenses

If the surfaces of the objective lenses become dirty, normal observation of
the core position may be incorrect, resulting in higher splice loss or poor
splicer operation. Therefore, clean them at regular intervals. Otherwise,
dirt may accumulate and become impossible to remove.
(1) Before cleaning the objective lenses, always turn off the splicer,
(2) Remove the front and rear electrode covers.
(3) Gently clean the lens surface with an alcohol-impregnated thin cotton swab
Using a cotton swab, starting in the center of the lens, move the swab in a circular motion until you spir
the edge of the lens surface. Remove excess alcohol from the mirror surface with a clean dry swab.

Cleaning Objective Lenses

(4) The lens surface should be clean and smudge free.
(5) Reinstall the front and rear electrode covers.
Objective Lens
(6) Turn on the power and make sure no smudges or streaks are visible on
the monitor screen. Press <VIEW> to change the screen and check the
state of the lens surface on both the X- and Y-screens. Perform dust check as well.
Complete Discharge of Battery Pack
The battery pack (BTR-05) uses NiMH cells. If the battery pack were recharged repeatedly even though
a sufficient capacity still remains, a memory effect would make it seem as if the battery capacity has decr
It is recommended that complete discharge of the battery pack should be performed every month.

Operation Procedure

Insert the battery pack inside the splicer that is intended to discharge completely, and turn on the power

Change the screen from MAIN MENU and execute BATTERY DISCHARGE

The BATTERY DISCHARGE screen is displayed and the remaining battery voltage is indicated
Complete Discharge of
(3) The [Battery Discharge] screen is Battery Pack
displayed, and the remaining battery voltage is indicated.
Upon completion of full discharge, the buzzer sounds and the power
turns off.
(5) Recharge the battery pack.
Splicing Mechines
c power calibration.
otion until you spiral to
an dry swab.

edly even though

ry capacity has decreased.
d every month.

d turn on the power





Step :1- 'RED' colour crocodile clip shall be connected with the OFC Armour

Step :2- 'BLACK' colour crocodile clip shall be connected with the earth spikes

Step :3- Switch ON the Transmitter

Step :4- Select the locate mode by using 'UP' and 'DOWN' arrow keys

Step :5- Set a frequency of 8.19KHZ

On/Off key and MENU key

Mode selection key

Frequency key




Step :1- Switch ON the Receiver

Step :2- Set a frequency of 8.19KHZ

Step :3- To find the direction of OFC

use " ''

mode(Null mode).This shows the location of the OFC approx. .

Step :4- To find the pinpoint of OFC ,.

use " ''

mode(Peak mode).This rechecks and confirms the location of the OFC

During this time Bar-graph will show the maximum level

Step :4- To find the depth of OFC , use depth measurement key

On/Off and Menu keys

Null & Peak Mode key

Frequency key

Depth measurement key


y and MENU key

Vector Controlller Setting
NUM MNEM Description Enable & Disable
1 bdtr Battery Discharge Test Results
2 bdtE Battery Discharge Test Enable (0=disable, 1=enable)
3 StYP Shunt Type (0=none, 1=plant, 2=battery)
4 SH1A Shunt 1 Size (0=disable, other=shunt rating)
5 SH2A Shunt 2 Size (0=disable, other=shunt rating)
6 FSP Plant Float Set Point
7 FCL Rectifier Float Current Limit
8 FHO High Voltage Float Threshold
9 FHFO High Float Voltage Float Threshold
10 bd Battery on Discharge Threshold
11 LLO Very Low Voltage Threshold
12 rCL Battery Recharge Current Limit
13 rCLE Battery Recharge Current Limit Enable (0=disable, 1= enable)
14 btAt Battery Thermal Alarm Threshold
15 btSt Battery Thermal Step Temperature
16 btut Battery Thermal Slope Upper Temp
17 btnt Battery Thermal Slope Nominal Temp
18 btLt Battery Thermal Slope Lower Temp
19 btuS Battery Thermal Upper Slope Per Cell
20 btLS Battery Thermal Lower Slope Per Cell
21 btLE Battery Thermal Slope Lower Enable (0=disable, 1=enable)
22 btEn Battery Thermal Compensation Enable (0=disable, 1=enable)
23 C1Ld Contactor 1 Low V Disconnect Threshold
24 C1Lr Contactor 1 Low V Reconnect Threshold
25 C1ty Contactor 1 Type (0=none, 1=load, 2=battery)
26 C2Ld Contactor 2 Low V Disconnect Threshold
27 C2Lr Contactor 2 Low V Reconnect Threshold
28 C2tY Contactor 2 Type (0=none, 1=load, 2=battery)
29 bSP Boost Plant Set Point
30 bCL Boost Rectifier Current Limit
31 bHO Boost High Voltage Threshold
32 bHFO Boost High Float Voltage Threshold
33 bAF Boost Auto Mode Factor (1-9 times BD duration)
34 bAE Boost Auto Mode Enable (0=disable, 1=enable)
35 bEn Boost Enable (0=disable, 1=enable)
36 CSP Converter Voltage Set-Point
37 CLd Converter Low V Disconnect Threshold
38 CLr Converter Low V Reconnect Threshold
39 CLdE Converter Low V Disconnect Enable (0=disable, 1=enable)
40 CFPC Converter Control Panel V Calibration
41 FPC Control Panel Voltage Calibration
42 SH1C Control Panel Shunt 1 Calibration
43 SH2C Control Panel Shunt 2 Calibration
44 rOnE Rectifiers On Engine
45 USL Update Serial Link and Clear Alarms (0=do nothing, 1=update)
46 id Identifiers Enable (0=numeric, 1=alphanumeric)
47 rEL Display Software Release
Range Standard
Error Code Error Code
0 to 1 0
0 to 2 2
0 to 9999A 800 Depending on the shunt rating
0 to 9999A 0
22 to 28V, 44 to 56V 54
30 to 110% 100
25 to 30V, 50 to 60V 57
25 to 30V, 50 to 60V 56
23 to 27.5V, 46 to 55V 51.1
20 to 25.5V, 40 to 51V 46
10 to 1,000A 1,000A Normal setting is 10% Ah Capacity.
0 to 1 1
30 to 85 Deg C 55
45 to 85 Deg C 75
30 to 55 Deg C 45
15 to 30 Deg C 25
-5 to 20 Deg C 0
1 to 5 mV/Deg C 3
1 to 5 mV/Deg C 3
0 to 1 0
0 to 1 0
20 to 26V, 40 to 52V 43.2
20 to 26V, 40 to 52V 44.4
0 to 2 2
20 to 26V, 40 to 52V 43.2
20 to 26V, 40 to 52V 44.4
0 to 2 0
24 to 30V, 48 to 60V 55.2
30 to 110% 100
26 to 30V, 52 to 60V 57
25 to 30V, 50 to 60V 56.2
1 to 9 3
0 to 1 0
0 to 1 1
46 to 57V 50 NA
20 to 26V 21 NA
20 to 26V 22.2 NA
0 to 1 0 NA
46 to 57V Converter V NA
22-28V, 44 to 56V Plant V NA
-9999 to 9999A Shunt 1 A NA
-9999 to 9999A Shunt 2 A NA
1 to 24 24, 1
0 to 1 0
0 to 1 1

DXC 1678 MCC - DCC Configuration

Connect DXC to System

Run Alcatel 1320CT

Type User name & Password



Select DXC

Show equipment

Shelf wiew will open

Select the card


Interface Configuration

LAPD configuration



click on DXC

Click on the card

Click on the port

Select MS/RS on Termination port window

Set the Local Configuration

1. Choose the Configuration - Comm/Routing - Local Configuration menu option:

The Local Configuration dialog box appears.

2. To set the Local Address area:

a ) In the P Selector. field type the Presentation Selector value ("0002" by default)
This parameter identifies a presentation entity at the location, defined by the NSAP Address.
b ) In the S Selector field type the Section Selector value ("00" by default)
This parameter identifies a section entity at the location, defined by the NSAP Address.
c ) In the T Selector. field type the Transport Selector value ("00" by default)
This parameter identifies a transport entity at the location, defined by the NSAP Address.

3. To set the NSAP Address area (mandatory):

a ) In the AFI field type Authority and Format Identifier. The possible values for this paramete
b ) In the second field of the NSAP Address area type the value of the address. Depending on

The value "39" defined the ISO-DCC format (40 characters long).
The value "47" defined the GOSIP-V2 format (40 characters long).
The value "49" defined the local format (from 16 to 40 characters long).
c ) In the System Id field type the NE system identification (12 hexadecimal characters).
This parameter identifies the NE in an area of the management network.
d ) In the N Sel. field, leave the default value "1D".
This parameter provides a distinction among the users of the network service.

4. Optionally, to set the Synonymous Area Address proceed as the NSAP address (see step 3 ). The last
5. In the System Type section area select intermediate system level: "L1" (Default value).
6. Click on OK to terminate.
N.B. After performing a local configuration change, a NE automatic restart is performed to take into consid

Set the OS Configuration

1. Choose the Configuration - Comm/Routing - OS Configuration menu option:

The OS Configuration dialog box appears
Main OS Address section contains the same graphical object of the Local Address Section in the Local C

Set the NTP Server Configuration on a WDM NE

Alcatel NTP is a system management for the date and time distribution in an Alcatel Network.
It can be enabled or disabled on WDM NEs. It shall normally be enabled.
It is based on the spontaneous emission of datagram checksum-protected messages from the client NE to th
WDM NE configuration:

1. Choose the Configuration - Comm/Routing - NTP Server Configuration menu option:

The NTP Server Configuration dialog box appears

2. In the Enabling NTP protocol, set Yes

3. In the Main NTP Server Address, set:
a.       In the AFI field type Authority and Format Identifier. The possible values for
This parameter defined the NSAP address format.

b. In the second field of the NSAP Address area type the value of the address. Depending on the AF
The value "39" defined the ISO-DCC format (40 characters long).
The value "47" defined the GOSIP-V2 format (40 characters long).
The value "49" defined the local format (from 16 to 40 characters long).
c. In the System Id field type the NE system identification (12 hexadecimal characters).
This parameter identifies the NE in an area of the management network.
d. d) In the N Sel. field, leave the default value (mandatory) "7B".
3. In the Spare NTP Server Address, proceed as the Main NTP Server Address (see 3 ) )
Unless special cases, if two SH are connected towards the NE, one is the main server and the other is th
4. Click on OK to terminate.
Set NE Time
The Set NE Time command allows to replace NE time by OS time. It is performed either by manual or pe
Manual mechanism (operator command) is possible from OS only if NTP protocol is disabled on the NE.
Periodic mechanism by SH is anyway possible with a configured periodicity but is effective on the NE onl
The NE local time of a selected NE can be visualized and/or re-aligned on the OS (craft or SH) time basis:

1. Choose the Configuration - NE Time menu option.

The NE Time dialog box appears and displays the following data:.

NE Time and OS Time

It displays (read only) the GMT time of the Network Element and of the OS.

Set NE Time With OS Time

It allows to align the NE time with the time of the OS, when the NTP is disable.

2. In the Set NE Time With OS Time area click on Set to re-align the NE time on the OS time basis.
It will force the change, with an immediate effect on the NE. However it will not have any effect on the

3. Click on Close to cancel and terminate.

If you do not want to set the NE local time, click on Close to close the dialog box.

When NTP protocol is disabled, icon NTP (on the Management control panel) is colored "Brown" and
When NTP protocol is enabled and no NTP server is reachable; icon NTP is colored "Green" and the a
When NTP protocol is enabled and at least one NTP server is reachable; icon NTP is colored "Cyan" a
Set the ETHERNET Configuration

1. Choose the Configuration - Comm/Routing - Interfaces Configuration - ETHERNET Configura

The Ethernet Configuration dialog box appears.

Ethernet Interface field allows to define or remove a Local Area Network Port for the access to the
MAC Address section allows to display the address of the Network Element in the Ethernet LAN (g
L2 only Parameter field indicates if the port shall be used for level 2 traffic only, thus avoiding tran
2. In Ethernet Interface area, set Yes
In MAC address field the only MAC address of the NE in the Ethernet LAN is displayed.
3. In OSI Section area, set L2 Only parameter Yes (specially when the NE is directly connected to an SH
The remain areas values do not need to be modified; leave the default values
4. In Metric section area,
set L1 = 20.
set L2 = 20.
The remain areas must not be modified; leave the default value.
5. Click on Apply to validate and perform a configuration change of the data.
6. Click on Close to terminate.
ng - Local Configuration menu option:

resentation Selector value ("0002" by default)

on entity at the location, defined by the NSAP Address.
ction Selector value ("00" by default)
ntity at the location, defined by the NSAP Address.
ransport Selector value ("00" by default)
entity at the location, defined by the NSAP Address.

d Format Identifier. The possible values for this parameter are: 39, 47 and 49. This parameter defined the NSAP address format.
Address area type the value of the address. Depending on the AFI, the NSAP address format can be:

at (40 characters long).

mat (40 characters long).
om 16 to 40 characters long).
system identification (12 hexadecimal characters).
n area of the management network.
ult value "1D".
n among the users of the network service.

dress proceed as the NSAP address (see step 3 ). The last two fields, System Id and N Sel, must be the same as the mandatory NS
mediate system level: "L1" (Default value).

ge, a NE automatic restart is performed to take into consideration the new address.

ng - OS Configuration menu option:

raphical object of the Local Address Section in the Local Configuration dialog box.
e and time distribution in an Alcatel Network.
all normally be enabled.
am checksum-protected messages from the client NE to the server.

- NTP Server Configuration menu option:

e Authority and Format Identifier. The possible values for this parameter are: 39, 47 and 49.
he NSAP address format.

s area type the value of the address. Depending on the AFI, the NSAP address format can be:
ormat (40 characters long).
ormat (40 characters long).
(from 16 to 40 characters long).
m identification (12 hexadecimal characters).
of the management network.
alue (mandatory) "7B".
as the Main NTP Server Address (see 3 ) )
towards the NE, one is the main server and the other is the spare one's.

E time by OS time. It is performed either by manual or periodic mechanism.

ble from OS only if NTP protocol is disabled on the NE.
ith a configured periodicity but is effective on the NE only if NTP protocol is disabled.
ized and/or re-aligned on the OS (craft or SH) time basis:

the following data:.

e Network Element and of the OS.

e of the OS, when the NTP is disable.

ck on Set to re-align the NE time on the OS time basis.

fect on the NE. However it will not have any effect on the periodic and automatic mechanism.

ick on Close to close the dialog box.

n the Management control panel) is colored "Brown" and the associated help string is "NTP protocol: disabled".
erver is reachable; icon NTP is colored "Green" and the associated help string is "NTP protocol: enabled (NTP Servers unreach
e NTP server is reachable; icon NTP is colored "Cyan" and the associated help string is:

ng - Interfaces Configuration - ETHERNET Configuration menu option:

or remove a Local Area Network Port for the access to the Data Communication Network.
he address of the Network Element in the Ethernet LAN (given by Alcatel); it is a read-only field.
ort shall be used for level 2 traffic only, thus avoiding transmitting L1 packets. Note that the flag shall be set to No if some other

of the NE in the Ethernet LAN is displayed.

Yes (specially when the NE is directly connected to an SH)
dified; leave the default values

ave the default value.

onfiguration change of the data.


Abbreviation Description

LOS Loss of Signal

OOF Out of Frame Alignment

LOF Loss of Frame Allignment

LOP Loss of Pointer

AIS Alarm Indication Signal

REI Remote Error Indication

RDI Remote Defect Indication

RDI Remote Defect Indication

RFI Remote Failure Indication

B1 error B1 error

B2 error B2 error

B3 error B3 error

BIP-2 error BIP-2 error

Loss of Sequence

LOS is raised when the synchronous signal (STM-N) level drops below the threshold
at which a BER of 1 in 103 is
predicted. It could be due to a cut cable, excessive attenuation of the signal, or
equipment fault.
The LOS state will clear when two consecutive framing patterns are received and no
new LOS condition is detected.
OOF state occurs when several consecutive SDH frames are received with invalid
(errored) framing patterns (A1 and
A2 bytes). The maximum time to detect OOF is 625 microseconds. OOF state clears
within 250 microseconds when two
consecutive SDH frames are received with valid framing patterns.
LOF state occurs when the OOF state exists for a specified time in microseconds. The
LOF state clears when
an in-frame condition exists continuously for a specified time in microseconds. The
time for detection and clearance
is normally 3 milliseconds.
LOP state occurs when N consecutive invalid pointers are received or N consecutive
New Data Flags (NDF) are received
(other than in a concatenation indicator), where N = 8, 9, or 10. LOP state is cleared
when three equal valid pointers
or three consecutive AIS indications are received.
LOP can be identified as:
• AU-LOP (Administrative Unit Loss of Pointer)
• TU-LOP (Tributary Unit Loss of Pointer)
AIS is an all-ONES characteristic or adapted information signal. It’s generated to
replace the normal traffic signal when it
Signal contains a defect condition in order to prevent consequential downstream
failures being declared or alarms being raised.
AIS can be identified as:
• MS-AIS (Multiplex Section Alarm Indication Signal)
• AU-AIS (Administrative Unit Alarm Indication Signal)
• TU-AIS (Tributary Unit Alarm Indication Signal)
An indication returned to a transmitting node (source) that an errored block has been
detected at the receiving node (sink).
This indication was previously known as FEBE (Far End Block Error).
REI can be identified as:
• MS-REI (Multiplex Section Remote Error Indication)
• HP-REI (Higher-order Path Remote Error Indication)
• LP-REI (Lower-order Path Remote Error Indication)
A signal returned to the transmitting Terminating Equipment upon detecting a Loss of
Signal, Loss of Frame, or AIS defect.
RDI was previously known as FERF (Far End Receiver Failure).
RDI can be identified as:
• MS-RDI (Multiplex Section Remote Defect Indication)
• HP-RDI (Higher-order Path Remote Defect Indication)
• LP-RDI (Lower-order Path Remote Defect Indication)
A failure is a defect that persists beyond the maximum time allocated to the
transmission system protection mechanisms.
When this situation occurs, an RFI is sent to the far end and will initiate a path
protection switch if this function has
been provisioned.
RFI can be identified as:
• LP-RFI (Lower-order Path Remote Failure Indication)
Parity errors evaluated by byte B1 (BIP-8) of an STM-N shall be monitored. If any of
the eight parity checks fail,
the corresponding block is assumed to be in error.
Parity errors evaluated by byte B2 (BIP-24 x N) of an STM-N shall be monitored. If any
of the N x 24 parity checks fail,
the corresponding block is assumed to be in error.
Parity errors evaluated by byte B3 (BIP-8) of a VC-N (N = 3,4) shall be monitored. If
any of the eight parity checks fail,
the corresponding block is assumed to be in error.
Parity errors contained in bits 1 and 2 (BIP-2) of byte V5 of a VC-m (m=11,12,2) shall
be monitored. If any of the two
parity checks fail, the corresponding block is assumed to be in error.
Out-of-service bit error measurements using pseudo-random sequences can only be
performed if the reference sequence
produced on the receiving side of the test set-up is correctly synchronised to the
sequence coming from the object
under test. In order to achieve compatible measurement results, it’s necessary that the
sequence synchronisation
characteristics are specified. The following requirement is applicable to all ITU-T O.150
Recommendations dealing
with error performance measurements using pseudo-random sequences.
Sequence synchronisation shall be considered to be lost and re-synchronisation shall
be started if:
• The bit error ratio is ≥ 0.20 during an integration interval of 1 second; or
• It can be unambiguously identified that the test sequence and the reference
sequence are out of phase.



9 Pin Male Straight cable NORTEL TN4XE,TN16XE

9 Pin Male Cross cable NORTEL TN16X, ECI XDM100

9 Pin Female Cross cable TELLABS DXC,DWDM,ECI uSDM

25 Pin Male cross Cable NORTEL TN1X

RJ45 Straight Cable Alcatel DXC,DWDM

RJ45 Cross Cable ECI BG 40

9 Pin Straight

9 Pin Female 9 Pin Male

1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9

RJ45 Straight

1.OrangeWhite 1.OrangeWhite
2.Orange 2.Orange
3.GreenWhite 3.GreenWhite
4.Blue 4.Blue
5.BlueWhite 5.BlueWhite
6.Green 6.Green
7.Brown 7.Brown
8.BrownWhite 8.BrownWhite

9 Pin Cross

9 Pin Female 9 Pin Male

1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9

RJ45 Cross

1.OrangeWhite 3.GreenWhite
2.Orange 6.Green
3.GreenWhite 1.OrangeWhite
4.Blue 4.Blue
5.BlueWhite 5.BlueWhite
6.Green 2.Orange
7.Brown 7.Brown
8.BrownWhite 8.BrownWhite

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