A Detailed Lesson Plan On Grammar/Writing I. Objectives: Everybody Stand Up and Let Us Pray

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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. write a well-structured paragraph, effectively and creatively;

b. identify the different steps and important terms to remember in writing;
c. organized their collected thoughts or ideas into a well written paragraph;
d. appreciate the lesson by discovering their hidden skills and talents in
writing, with all the joy it could bring to them.


Topic: Grammar/Writing


Introduction to paragraph writing hand out

Paragraph writing worksheets:
- Jack and the beans stalk scrambled paragraph (motivation activity to test what they
already know about organizing a paragraph)
- paragraph writing templates and more scrambled paragraph worksheets (practice and
Visual aids (paragraph writing template and vocabulary chart)
Mini-journal for writing personal thoughts



Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Everybody stand up and let us pray.

Anyone who wants to lead the prayer? Heavenly father….

Good morning class! Good morning Teacher!

Is there any absent today? None sir.

Wow that’s good! Everybody will be a part of

another exciting day of learning. Is everybody ready

to think, have fun and learn? Yes sir!

B. Motivation

Okay, 1 – 2 – 3 pretty eyes and sharp ears on me.

Before we start with our lesson,
I want you to group yourselves into six. (students will start grouping
Each group will cooperatively work on this activity.
(Distributing the worksheet for each group)
This is a story of a boy, but everything seems screwed
up and making no sense. So, each group will fix it and
name the title of this story. First group to finish will
get a prize.
Any questions bunch of honeybees? None sir!
Five minutes to do this ok? Ready? Start!
Okay class times up and we have a winner!
Group leader of the winning group, how did
you fix the story? Do you know the proper steps
or structure of organizing a paragraph? Or you
did it because you know the story and very familiar
on all the events and details of the story?

We know the story.

And what is the title of the story? “Jack and the


okay very good! What if the story is someone

else’s story? and you are not familiar with it, what if it
is about a certain topic or ideas? Will it be easy for you
to organize a certain paragraph that you will be reading
for the first time? No sir.

That is why it is important for us to learn the steps in writing

a paragraph. Just like your own life story, every detailed
things should start with a good paragraph, and everything on
it should be composed of a well written paragraph. Just like
our own life, our story, thoughts or ideas should be written
properly. Anything that is scrambled and cannot be
understand will forever remain misunderstood, and we don’t
want our life to be like that. Right? Yes sir.

Now pay attention and listen to every details of our

lesson, you will discover how enjoyable writing is and may
also discover your own hidden talents in writing.

C. Presentation

Why do we write? Do you know that writing is full

of fun and it can help you to be more confident and
be proud of yourself? May or may not answer.

Let’s open our WOW BOOK HERE! You like it?

Is it really WOW? Wow! Yes sir!

According to our book, there are bunches of reasons

on why we need to write (read the visual aids and
explain further). Exciting right? Yes sir.

Those reasons were all part of all the events or possible

events of our life. There should be no reasons for us to run
out of thoughts or ideas, and no reason at all to stop
anybody from expressing himself/herself. All we need to
do is write right now, and let the world hear our voice
through writing. Here are the steps in writing and we will
start with learning to write the super effective and creative
paragraph and all the rest will follow. Any idea
on how to write a paragraph? Answer may vary.

Writing a paragraph is just like making your own

sandwich, the bread, the filling, veggies and everything in it.
It start with the topic sentence, the details compose of 3 to
5 more sentences and then the closing sentence.
Describe it in the visual aids and explain more.
And never to forget that the first sentence of
every paragraph should always be indented.

I have here a mixed parts of a paragraph, and we’ll

fix it as if we’re making a hamburger. Can somebody
help me with this? (call a student) are you ready? Yes sir.

Now what do you think is the topic sentence? Here sir

Put in on our burger template. Do the same thing
with all the other mixed sentence part. That was
perfect! Very good! And this is the paragraph form of it. Student will sit.

Before we practice for some more here are some terms

To remember (read the visual aid and explain further).
It is important that you know the meaning of all this new

the sentence is the doer of the action

Let’s start with a very simple sentence.

The boykickedthe ball.

In the following sentences, note the form of the verb

when the subject is the doer of the action.
A student wrote the winning essay.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
The chef prepared a delicious meal.
What are the subjects in the sentences? Student, Alexander Graham
Bell, Chef
Correct. Observe that the subjects’ students,
Alexander Graham Bell, Chef are the doers of the
action. What are the verbs used? Wrote, invented, prepared

Very good! Those verbs are transitive verb with directs

objects, thus when the subject of the sentence does
The action and the verb has a direct object, we say that the
verb is in the active voice.

The Passive Voice

The passive voice is created when the subjects is
acted upon, this time my subjects is going to be
The ball, because the recipient of the action,
What happen to the ball? The ball kicked.
Good. Now who kicked the ball? The ball kicked by the boy.

Very good! Now, study the following sentences:

The winning essay was written by a students
The telephone was invented by Alexander
Graham bell.
A delicious meals was prepared by the chef. In each
sentence above, observe that the subjects is the receiver instead of
being the doer of the action. Note that the form of the verb when
the subjects is the receiver, not the doer of the action is made up of
was+ past participle of the verb. Thus if the subjects is acted upon,
the verb is in the passive voice. Let us have
an exercise.
Identify the voice of the verb in each sentence.
1. Raul presented an interesting report. 1. active
2. Baseball was played by Joseph. 2. passive
3. Martin removed the old paint. 3. active
4. The national budget was approved by congress. 4. passive
5. She cooked the breakfast. 5. active


Changing the voice from active to passive. Study the changes

in the following sentences:

Active Voice Passive Voice

1. The mother carried the baby. 1. The baby was carried by the
2. Father repaired the old chair 2. An old chair was repaired by
3. He invented a breathing device for 3. A breathing device for firefighters
Firefighters. was invented by him.
4. Sam explored the famous underground river. 4. The famous underground river
Was explored by Sam.

5. She interviewed the school president. 5. The school president was

interviewed By her.

What happened to the subjects, verbs, and

Direct object in the sentences in the active voice? The subject mother and father
became the receiver in the by- phrase
In passive voice.The action word
carried and repaired became verb
The direct objects baby and chair
Became the subjects in the passive

Very well said!

I’m glad that you understand our topic today
So let’s give ourselves a round of applause.

D. Application
Change the sentences below to the active voice.
1. I was taught by my brother the principles
of barbecuing.
2. My father was given the title by the
former head chief.
3. The house was wrecked by the party and
the cat was let loose by the guests.
4. The house is a mess, the cat is lost, and the
car has been stolen by Justin.
5. Unfortunately, my plan was ruined by
Gerald, the building superintendent.
6. The roof was leaking. It had been
leaking all week.
7. The ball was thrown by Lucy, who had
been hiding in the bushes.
8. Francesca was placed on the first flight
to Boston. Her father put her there.
9. “To be or not to be?” That is the question.
10. A feast had been created from nothing.
I was astounded.
1. My brother taught me the principles of barbecuing.
2. The former head chief gave the title to my father.
3. The party wrecked the house and the guests let the cat loose.
4. The house is a mess, the cat is lost, and Justin has stolen the car.
5. Unfortunately, Gerald, the building superintendent, ruined
my plan.
6. No change.
7. Lucy, who had been hiding in the bushes, threw the ball.
8. Francesca’s father placed her on the first flight to Boston.
9. No change.
10. A feast had been created from nothing. This astounded me.

Very good!.

E. Generalization

Therefore when can you say that a sentence is in The

active or in passive voice? How will you change
The passive from active to passive voice? A verb that ha s direct objects is in
The active voice. If the subjects is
Acted upon, the verb is in the passive
voice. In changing a sentence from
active to passive, the direct objects
becomes the subjects or doer in the
by- phrase.
Very well said!

F. Evaluation

A. Write A in the blanks before the number if the sentence is active and P if passive.

__A____1. Rommel presented an interesting report.

__A____2. He submitted the annual report of the organization.
__P____3. The town was destroyed by fire.
__P____4. That skyscraper was built in 1934
__P____5. The new product design has been finished.

B. Rewrite each sentence changing the verb from active to passive.

1. He wrote a novel. 1. A novel was written by her.

2. Many people admired Ninoy Aquino. 2. Ninoy Aquino was admired by
3. He repaired the dripping faucet 3. The dripping faucet was repaired
4. The doctor examined the patient. 4. The patient was examined by the
5. She sponsored the education of many 5. The education of many poor
Poor students. Was sponsored by her.
6. My boss made the decision yesterday. 6. The decision was made by my
Boss yesterday.
7. We proposed the change last week. 7. The change was proposed(by us)
Last week.
8. John delivered the message. 8. The message was delivered by
this afternoon. John this afternoon.
9. Doug coordinated the meeting in Paul’s 9. The meeting was coordinated by
Absence. Doug in Paul’s absence.
10. James collected the shells. 10. The shells was collected by


Write a brief description of art that you or one of your friends created. Use
both active and passive voice verbs. Circle each verb and identify its voice.

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