1-13-20 Official Minutes

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Burlington Community School District 1429 West Avenue Burlington, lowa ‘MINUTES Meeting of the Board of Education January 13, 2020 Call to Order ‘The Board of Education held a regular meeting on Monday, Jamuary 13, 2020 in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 1429 West Avenue, President Dean Vickstrom called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m, In attendance: Tom Courtney, Nancy Hoelzen, Darven Kendell, Anike McVay, Joel Sieren, and Dean Vickstrom, Absent: Deborah Hatteberg. Closed Session ~ Expulsion Hearing ‘* Director Kendell motioned to go into Closed Session under fowa Code Section 21.5 (A)@) to conduct a hearing to suspend or expel a student, unless an open session is requested by the student or a parent or guardian of the student if the student is a minor, Director Courtney seconded the motion. A roll cal] vote was taken. Ayes: Courtney, Hoelzen, Kendell, McVay, Sieren, and Vickstrom. The Board went into closed session at approximately 5:00 p.m, The Board went back into open session at approximately 5:18 p.m, Director Kendell ‘moved that the student be excluded for one calendar year. Director Courtney seconded the motion, A roll call vote was taken, Ayes: Hoelzen, Kendell, MeVay, Sieren, ‘Vickstrom and Courtney. ‘The Board went into recess at 5:20 p.m, and returned from recess a 5:30 p.m. losed Session — Expulsion Re-admittance Request + Director Hoelzen motioned to go into Closed Session under Iowa Code Section 21.5(2) to review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to bbe kept confidential. Director Courtney seconded the motion, A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: Courtney, Hoelzen, Kendell, McVay, Sieren and Vickstrom, The Board ‘went into closed session at approximately 5:30 p.m. ‘The Board went back into open session at approximately 5:40 p.m. Director Kendell moved that student be readmitted immediately. Director MeVay seconded tlie motion. A roll call vote was taken, Ayes: Courtney, Hoelzen, Kendell, McVay, Sieren and Vickstrom, josed Session — Expulsion Hearing * Director Kendell motioned to go into Closed Session under Jowa Code Section 21.5 (1)(e) to conduct a hearing to suspend or expel a student, unless an open session is requested by the student or a parent or guardian of the student if the student is a minor Director McVay seconded the motion, A roll call vote was taken. Ayes: Hoelzen, Kendell, McVay, Sieren, Viekstrom, and Courmey. The Board went into closed session at approximately 5:45 p.m. ‘The Board went back into open session at approximately 5:50 p.m, Director Kendell ‘moved that the student be excluded for one calendar year with access to online courses and to be considered for readmission the student must complete aggression replacement training, make progress with online courses, have no further charges or incidents of violence and comply with all Juvenile Court requirements, Director MeVay seconded the motion, A roll call vote was taken, Ayes: Kendell, McVay, Sieren, Vickstrom, Courtney, and Hoelzen, ‘The Board went into recess at 5:50 p.m. and retumed from recess at 6:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance: ‘The Board and all others present recited the pledge of allegiance. Adoption of the Agenda: Director Courtney moved to approve the agenda. Director MeVay seconded the motion, It ‘was approved on a 6-0 voice vote. Public Comments: Jemy Sherwood addressed the Board representing the Purple and Gray Foundation and has been a member of the group addressing the rebranding. He asked the Board to consider taking more time before taking action on the branding logo to give the Foundation time to discuss with the University of Indianapolis continued use of the existing logo. He believes the current logo has value to the community and the Foundation has given a lot of funds to the District for Bracewell that uses the current logo. Consent Agend: Director McVay moved to approve the consent agenda including payment of bills previously paid in the amount of $879,459.01, unpaid bills in the amount of $141,479.31, P-Card Purchases - BMO Harris Bank in the amount of $31,982.55 and gifts in the amount 0f $9,019.60, Director Courtney seconded the motion, The motion passed on a 6-0 voice vote. CONSENT AGENDA Minutes — December 9, 2019 Bills ending January 7, 2020 Financial Report November 30, 2019 Human Resources Report Gifts/Grants EMPLOYMENT Certified Staff Positions: Deanya Birdsell — Strat II Teacher at Edward Stone Middle School. BA/01 $37,424.00/yr., 187 days/yr. (when full year). Effective January 6, 2020. (New) Darei Pettit - School Nurse at Sunnyside and North Hill Elementary School. BA/O7 $47,735.00/yr. 187 days/yr. (when full year), Effective date TBD. (Position available due to the resignation of Stacy Kerr) Support Staff Positions: Hailey Gray -Communication Coach Associate at Grimes Elementary School. Class B-4 $11,97/hr., 7 hrs./day, 176 days/yr.(when full year). Effective December 18, 2019. (Position available to the transfer of Kathy Furnald) Samantha Ferguson ~ Level II Special Education Associate at Grimes Elementary School. Class B-4 $11.97/hr., 7 hrs./day, 176 days/yr.(when full year). Effective December 16, 2019. (New position) Alyson Adamire — Regular Education Associate at Sunnyside Elementary School. Class A-4+ $11,42/hr., 5.3 hrs./day, 176 days‘yr (when full year). Effective January 2, 2020. (Position available due to the transfer of Katy Hinman) Amanda Guyton ~ Level II Special Education Associate at Edward Stone Elementary. Class B-4 $12.37/hr. 7 hrs./day, 176 days./yr.(waen full year). Effective January 2, 2020. (Position available due to the resignation of Tiffany Jones) Danielle Gapen —Level I Special Education Associate at Aldo Leopold Intermediate School. Class B-4 $11.97/hr. 7 hrs/day, 176 days/yr.(when full year), Effective January 2, 2020. (Position available due to the resignation of Maureen Rowland) Karla Kellen ~ Bus Associate at Transportation, Class A-4 $11.02/hr., 3.5 hrs/day, 176 days/yr.(when full year). Effective January 2, 2020. (Position available due to the resignation of Chelsea Travis) Auston Renteria— Night Custodian at Edward Stone Middle School. Class 2-1 $17.38/hr., 8 hrs./day, 262 days/yr.(when full year), Effective January 2, 2020. (Position available due the transfer of Pamela Bartimus) Dustin Kaczinski — Night Custodian at Edward Stone Middle School, Class 2-1 $17.38/hr., 8 hrs/day, 262 days/yr.(when full year). Effective January 2, 2020, (Position available due the transfer of Matthew MeVey) Coaching Positions: William Stewart ~ Middle School Boys Basketball Coach at Edward Stone Middle School. $3279.00/yr. Effective January 3, 2020. Austin Boyd — High School Boys Assistant Wrestling Coach at Burlington Community High School, $2,762.00/yr. Effective January 2, 2020. Certified Staff Positions - Change Melissa Richards - 68 At Risk teacher at Burlington Community High School to 1,00 At Risk Teacher at Burlington Community High School, Increase in pay to $40,522.27 (Prorated to 125 days). Effective November 18, 2019 Support Staff Positions-Supplemental Duti Montel Timmons — Minority Scholars Sponsor. $690.30/yr. Effective December 18, 2019. Administrative Staff Positions- Transfers: Stacy Hatten ~ Interim Principal at Black Hawk Elementary School. Temporary pay increase to $93,000/yr. (prorated to 129 days). Effective January 2, 2020. pport Staff Positions-Transfers: Jessica Lunsford-Lee ~ Regular Education Associate at Edward Stone Middle School, Class A-4 $11.02/hr, 5.5 hrs./day, 176 days/yr. to Level II Special Education Associate at Edward Stone Middle School. Class B-4 $11.97/hr., 7 hrs/day, 176 days/yr.(when full year), Effective December 11, 2019, (New position) Kathryn Furnald — Communication Coach at Grimes Elementary School. Class B-6 $12.28/hr, 7 hrs.day, 176 days/yr. to Clinic Clerk at Sunnyside Elementary School. Class B-6 $12.28/hr., 7 hrs./day, 176 days/yr.(when full year). Effective December 12, 2019, (Position available duc to the transfer of Paula Gerhardt) Anna Ertz ~ Level I Special Education Associate at Edward Stone Middle School. Class B-7 $12.44, 7 lus./day, 176 days/yr, to Level I Special Education Associate at Grimes Elementary School. Class B-7 $12.44, 7 hrs./day, 176 days/yr.(when full year). Effective January 6, 2020 (New position) Pamela Bartimus ~ Night Custodian at Edward Stone Middle School. Class 2-5 $20.17/hr., 8 hrs/day, 262 days'yr. to Night Custodian at Black Hawk Elementary School, Class 2-5 $20.17/hr., 8 hrs./day, 262 days/yr. (when full yeer), Effective January 2, 2020. Bonnie Moyers ~ Night Custodian at Burlington Community High School. Class 2-1 $17.38/hr., 8hrs./day, 262 days’yr. to Night Custodian at Aldo Leopold Intermediate School. Class 2-1 $17.38/hr., 8hrs./day, 262 days/yr.(when full year). Effective January 2,2020 ‘Matthew MeVay ~ Night Custodian at Edward Stone Middle School. Class 2-3 $18.76/hr,, Shrs./day, 262 days!yr. to Night Custodian at Burlington Community High School. Class 2-3 $18,76/br., Sirs /day, 262 days/yr. RESIGNATION/TERMINATIO! Certified Staff Position: Madeline Finch — Level I Special Education at Edward Stone Middle School, Resigning after 4 months of service. Effective December 11, 2019. Kristen Madigan — Level I Special Education Teacher at Grimes Elementary School, Resigning after 6 years of service. Effective January 2, 2020. Stacy Kerr ~ School Nurse at North Hill and Sunnyside Elementary School. Resigning after 1.5 years of service. Effective December 19, 2019. Support Staff Positions: Rossie Wendland — Level Il Special Education Associate at Burlington Community High School. Resigning after 5 months of service. Effective January 7, 2020. Brittany Silverio ~ Level I Special Education Associate at Edward Stone Middle School. Resigning after 5 months of service. Effective January 18, 2020. ‘Tara Septer ~ General Education Associate at Edward Stone Middle School. Resigning after | month of service. Effective January 8, 2020. District Positive Accomplishments — Grimes Student Cou Abe Maske introduced the third and fourth grade student couneil members who discussed the accomplishments this year. Victoria Royer, Jaylee Hollenbeck, Nikolas Schroeder, Norah Harris, Jashiah Thompson, Camden Klein, Aurora Critser, Naomi Lewis, Ariannah Hierstein introduced themselves and spoke about the council’s activities, The students held a nonperishable food drive for the Lend a Paw Pantry and collected over 1698 items in November. ‘The council is also selling bracelets for Grimes Schoo! and have sold over one hhundred bracelets so far, An upcoming activity will be for the Pennies for Patients program, jent Representative Report: Brynn Casady reported that it has been a busy year after the break with the student council preparing for the two dances. A beach night will be held after the basketball game on Friday. The Junior Class will be holding a bake sale at the basketball game,. Both girls’ volleyball teams won first in their brackets last weekend, The boy’ and girls basketball teams, bowling teams and swim teams are doing very well. The National Honor Society is collecting donations for the animal shelter. Superintendent’s Report Superintendent Coen discussed the activities from the past week including work with Cory on labor management committee meetings and teacher leadership programs. Sara McKee wrote an article on systemic literature that is being published. Another book covering Daily Five showing Burlington students using the Daily Five program was published, The Grayhound Parade of Excellence was held at Edward Stone Middle School and Black Hawk Elementary, Other activities during the week included attending the basketball games and swim meets, Kiwanis Club meeting where Sheyenne Phillips discussed Club M and adult mentoring, met with Becker and Associates on health insurance and met with Dr. Carlson to discuss science clubs at the intermediate and middle schools, Items for Dis jon or Actios * Contracted Nutrition Services co Greg Reynolds introduced Greg Frost with Opa, a food management company. Mr. Frost gave a presentation to the Board discussing their company and the benefits of using a contracted food management company. Opa been in operation for 42 years serving schools in the Midwest region including Hudson, Midland and Sigourney in Towa. They have a ninety-five percent retention rate in schools. ‘Their purchasing power allows schools to increase participation as a result of increased quality and options for student meals, Discussion was held about different omployment models for staffing food service and the bid process, A feasibility study was done showing the Burlington Schools would have immediate cost savings due to the purchasing power and increased participation rates, Brian Johnson, Food Service Director discussed the current menu preparation, Director Hoelzen moved to send out proposals for food service management, Director Kendell seconded the motion. A roll call vote wes taken with Directors McVay, Couriney and Vickstrom voting nay and Directors Hoelzen, Sieren and Kendell voting in aye. Motion failed, «Letterman Creative School Logo ©. David Ruchs reviewed the school logo and branding process recommendations from Letterman Creative who worked with representatives of the branding committee, Annabel Neumann reviewed the staff and student survey results that were submitted. Besty Wolf spoke about the history of the current logo and Stephanie Reusch represented the music boosters, Mr. Ruehs stated the main issue is to get consistency across the district for a logo and colors. Director Courtney motioned to table. Director Vickstrom seconded the motion, Director Vickstrom and Courtney voted aye and Directors Hoelzen, Kendell, MeVay and Siren voted nay, The motion failed. Director Kendell motioned to approve the logos as presented tonight. Director Hoelzen seconded the motion, After farther discussion Director Kendell withdrew his motion. Director Kendell moved to approve the new logo design with implementation of the logo for new purchases. Director Hoelzen seconded the motion. Motion passed on a 6-0 voice vote, + Resolution to Approve Revenue Purpose Statement © Greg Reynolds reviewed the Revenue Purpose Statement asking the Board to approve and direct the County Commission of Elections to call for an election on March 3, 2020, ‘The Board Secretary presented a Revenue Purpose Statement, which must be approved by the Board and submitted to the County Commissioner of Elections at least forty-six days prior fo the date of the election. Board Member Vickstrom introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption. Board Member Courtney seconded the motion to adopt. The roll was called, and the vote was: AYES: Courtney, Hoelzen, Kendell, MeVay, Sieren and Vickstrom NAYES: None Whereupon, the President declared the resolution duly adopted as follows: RESOLUTION APPROVING REVENUE PURPOSE STATEMENT, ORDERING AN ELECTION ON A REVENUE PURPOSE STATEMENT TO AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURES FROM REVENUE RECEIVED FROM THE STATE SECURE AN ADVANCED VISION FOR EDUCATION FUND, AND ORDERING THE PUBLICATION OF A NOTICE OF ELECTION WHEREAS, the School Disiriet receives revenue from the State of lowa Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund ("SAVE Revenue) pursuant to Towa Code Section 423F.2, as amended; and WHEREAS, by operation of law, the School District's current Revenue Purpose Statement governing the use of SAVE Revenue will expire on January 1, 2031; and WHEREAS, the School District wishes to adopt a Revenue Purpose Statement that includes all proposed uses of SAVE Revenue, will take immediate effect upon voter approval, and will extend beyond the expiration of the current Revenue Purpose Statement; and WHEREAS, Jowa Code Chapter 47 requires that the District submit this election resolution to the County Commissioner of Elections at least forty-six days prior to the date of the special election: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BURLINGTON COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT, IN THE COUNTY OF DES MOINES, STATE OF IOW. ‘That the Board wishes to authorize spending SAVE Revenue for the following purposes and, in doing so, must approve the following Revenue Purpose Statement. ‘That the following Revenue Purpose Statement shall be approved, and the Secretary is authorized and directed to submit and file the Revenue Purpose Statement with the Des Moines County Commissioner of Elections at least forty-six days prior to the date of the election. Revenue Purpose Statement Burlington Community School Distriet Pursuant to the provisions of Iowa Code Section 423F.3, the Burlington Community School District hereby adopts and submits to the Commissioner of Elections of Des Moines County, lowa, this Revenue Purpose Statement to be submitted to the electors at an election to be held March 3, 2020. Money received by the Burlington Community School District from the State of Iowa Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund may be spent for any one or more of the following purposes: To provide funds to acquire or install informetion technology infrastructure (including improving buildings or sites for the purpose of accessing broadband digital telecommunications) and school safety and security infrastructure To provide funds to build and fumnish » new school building or buildings; to build and furnish addition(s) to school buildings in the District; to remodel, reconstruct, repair, expand, and improve the school buildings in the District; to purchase and improve grounds; for demolition work; to furnish and equip district facilities. To provide funds for the purchase, lease or lease-purchase of buildings, equipment (including transportation and recreation equipment), or technology and to repair transportation equipment for transporting students as authorized by law, to implement energy conservation measures, sharing or rental of facilities including a joint infrastructure project for the purposes of offering classes under a district-to- community college as authorized in lowa Code Section 423F.3(3(c), procuring or acquisition of libraries, or opening roads to schoolhouses or buildings. To provide funds to purchase land as part of start-up costs for new student construction program or if the sele of the previous student construction was insufficient to purchase land, and to purchase construction materials and supplies for a student-constructed building or shed intended to be retained by and used by the District. To provide funds to make payments to a municipality of other entity as required under Iowa Code Section 403,19(2), ‘To provide funds for demolition, cleanup, and other costs if such costs, are necessitated by, and incurred within two years of, a disaster. To provide funds to establish and maintain public recreation places and. playgrounds; provide for supervision and instruction for recreational activities; or for community education purposes. To provide funds for the payment of principal and interest or retirement of general obligation bonds issued for school infrastructure purposes, energy improvement loans, loan agreements authorized by Towa Code Section 297.36, sales, service and use tax revenue bonds issued under Iowa Code Section 423E.5 or Iowa Code Section 4238.4, To provide funds for property tax relief; and To provide funds for other authorized expenditures and purposes as now or hereafter permitted by law and designated by the Burlington Community School District. ‘That an election is called of the qualified electors of the Burlington Community School District, in the County of Des Moines, on Tuesday, March 3, 2020. The following Proposition is approved, and the Secretary is authorized and directed to submit and file the following Proposition for the Ballot with the Des Moines County Commissioner of Elections at least forty-six days prior to the date of the special election: PROPOSITION _ Summary: To adopt a Revenue Purpose Statement specifying the use of revenues the Burlington Community School District will receive from the State of lowa Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund. In the Burlington Community School District, the following Revenue Purpose Statement which specifies the use of revenues the Burlington Community School District will receive from the State of Iowa Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund shall be adopted. To provide funds to acquire or install information technology infrastructure (including improving buildings or sites for the purpose of accessing broadband digital telecommunications) and school safety and security infrastrueture, To provide funds to build and furnish a new school building or buildings; to build and furnish addition(s) to school buildings in the District; to remodel, reconstruct, repair, expand, and improve the school buildings in the District; to purchase and improve grounds; for demolition work; to furnish and equip district facilities. To provide funds for the purchase, lease or lease-purchase of buildings, equipment (including transportation and recreation equipment), ot technology and to repair transportation equipment for transporting students as authorized by law, to implement energy conservation measures, sharing or rental of facilities including a joint infrastructure project for the purposes of offering classes under a district-to- community college as authorized in Iowa Code Section 423F.3(3)(c), procuring or acquisition of libraries, or opening roads to schoolhouses or buildings. To provide funds to purchase land as part of start-up costs for new student construction program or if the sale of the previous student construction was insufficient to purchase land, and to purchase construction materials and supplies for a student-constructed building or shed intended to be retained by and used by the District To provide funds to make payments to a municipality or other entity as required under lowe Code Section 403.19(2) To provide funds for demolition, cleanup, and other costs if such costs are necessitated by, and incurred within two years of, a disaster. To provide funds to establish and maintain public recreation places and playgrounds; provide for supervision and instruction for recreational activities; or for community education purposes. To provide funds for the payment of principal and interest or retirement of general obligation bonds issued for school infrastructure purposes, energy improvement loans, loan agreements authorized by Iowa Code Section 297.36, sales, service and use tax revenue bonds issued under Towa Code Section 4235, 5 or lowa Code Section 423F 4. To provide funds for property tax relief; and To provide funds for other authorized expenditures and purposes as now or hereafler permitted by law and designated by the Burlington Community School District. It being understood that if this proposition should fail to be approved by the voters, such failure shall not be consirued to terminate or restrict authority previously granted by the voters to expend receipts from the Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund. If approved, this Revenue Purpose Statement shall remain in effect until replaced or amended by the Burlington Community School District [END OF BALLOT LANGUAGE] That the notice of the election and ballot form used at the election shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Iowa Code and Towa Administrative Rules. ‘That the Election Board for the Voting Precinct or precinets be appointed by the County Commissioner of Elections, not less than 15 days before the election. The Commissioner of Blections is requested and directed to make publication of the Notice of Election at least once, not less than four days nor more than twenty days prior to the election, in a newspaper that meets the requirements of lowa Code Section 49.53(2). That, in addition to the ballot proposition, the Notice of Election must include the following starement: "Ifa majority of eligible electors voting on the question fail to approve this Revenue Purpose Statement, then upon expiration of the current Revenue Purpose Statement, revenues received by the School District from the Secure an Advanced Vision for Education fund shall be expended in the following order: ‘The payment of bonds for which SAVE Revenue has been pledged; Reduction of bond levies under Iowa Code Sections 298.18 and 298.18A and all other debt levies; Reduction of the regular and voter-approved physical plant and equipment levy under Towa Code Section 298. Reduction of the public educational and recreational levy under Towa Code Section 300.2; For any authorized infrastructure purpose of the school district as defined in Iowa Code Section 423F.3(6); and For the payment of principal and interest on bonds issued under Towa Code Sections 423E.5 and 4238.4." That the Secretary is authorized and directed to publish the Notice of Election on the Burlington Community School District's intemet site at least once, not less than four days nor more than twenty days prior to the election. This election will be conducted by the County Auditor of Des Moines County, as Commissioner of Elections. ‘That the County Commissioner of Elections shail prepare all ballots and election registers and other supplies necessary for the proper and legal conduct of this election and the Secretary of the Board is directed to cooperate with the Commissioner of Elections in the preparation of the necessary proceedings. That the Secretary is directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution in the Office of the County Commissioner of Blections to constitute the "written notice" to the County Commissioner of Elections of the election date, required to be given by the governing ody under the provisions of Iowa Code Chapter 47, PASSED AND APPROVED this 13" day of January, 2020, * Bloodborne Exposure Control Plan 2 Reading © Laci Johnson presented the second reading of Board Policy 405.3 regarding the Bloodborne Exposure Control Plan, Director Sieren moved to approve the second reading of Board Policy 405.3. Director McVay seconded the motion. Motion passed on a 6-0 voice vote. « Allowable Growth SBRC At-Risk/Dropout © Greg Reynolds discussed the allowable growth request for the At-Risk/Dropout prevention program. ‘The programs and services provided with these funds including the Burlington Innovative Learning Academy, Young House, outreach programs, and resource officers, Greg Reynolds reviewed the funding for the application, Director Courtney moved to approve the allowable growth request in the amount of $927,595. Director Kendell seconded the motion, It ‘was approved on a 6-0 voice vote, * New Job Description, Director of Career and Technical Education © Cory Johnson reviewed the job description and duties for the Director of Career and Technical Education position. The District has been meeting with SCC and other local organizations to discuss sharing this position with other entities. Director Courtney moved to table the job deseription, Director MeVay seconded the motion, It was approved on a 5-1 voice vote with Director Kendell voting nay. ‘The members have the opportunity to share items and events, Director Sieren encouraged the community to reach out fo board members as they have questions noting the district website needs to be updated. It was noted Major Grimshaw from the Burlington Police Department will be missed with his retirement, Director Sieren stated he was disappointed that the board voted not to proceed with nutrition services and gave a shout out to Mr. Richards end Tatum Ross. Director Kendell thanked Mr. Ruchs and those that served on the branding committee. He noted it was good to see the students from Grimes and their work and gave his deepest condolences to Mr. Richard's family and is proud of the district and community for the support given to the family, Director MeVay attended basketball games, the music program st Aldo Leopold and echoed comments as parent of Blackhawk student for how well the Parade of Excellence was done. ‘The service for Mr. Richards was wonderful and gave a shout out to the maintenance and custodial staff. She encouraged the other schools student councils to come share with the board, Director Vickstrom asked that people continue to remember the Richards family and noted he is hearing good things about the school system, Adjournment Director Courtney made @ motion to adjourn, Director Sieren seconded the motion. The motion passed on a 6-0 voice vote. Time was approximately 8:37 p.m, Board President Seoretmy

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