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The Rise of Robotics in Hospitality

ome may think the title of
By Galen Collins, Ph.D. this article is an oxymoron.
How could robots replace the
warmth and personal attention from
Increased functionality and declining costs raise well-trained employees? And why
would hospitality businesses even
the appeal for service-oriented robots contemplate pursuing this course
of action? Because robots have
the capability of performing basic,
repetitive tasks unsupervised 24
hours per day in a world with an
inadequate workforce. A 2015 World
Travel & Tourism Report predicts a
decade-long global shortage of “the
right people, in the right place, with
the right skills” to meet the growth
of the global travel and tourism
industry, which roughly employs
266 million workers. Perhaps robots
could be part of the solution in fill-
ing the workforce gap.
Robots have a come a long way
since the first digitally operated and
programmable robot, invented by
George Devol in 1954, was installed
in 1961 in an auto plant in Trenton,
N.J. to lift hot pieces of metal from a
die casting machine and stack them.
Robots can now take inputs from on-
board sensors (e.g., camera, sound,
proximity, biometric, contact, light,
temperature, navigation, etc.) and
send outputs to the their effectors
(e.g., wheels, speech, legs, arms, fin-
gers, propellers, etc.), enabling them
to perform behaviors or tasks with
a high degree of autonomy. They
can move and work for an extended
period without human intervention
and assistance. They can also gain
information about the environment,

Galen Collins, Ph.D. (Galen.Collins@nau.edu) is a professor at the School of Hotel & Restaurant Management at Northern Arizona University
in Flagstaff, Ariz.

22 HITEC 2015 Special Report


interact with people and systems, the gestures of Roberto Bolle, princi- sity. In the increasingly competitive
manipulate objects and tools, and lo- pal dancer with the American Ballet healthcare environment, hundreds of
cate and connect to charging stations. Theater, periodically go into dance hospitals are using robots to deliver
One way of characterizing robot mode when not making drinks. linens and medications to patients’
design is by appearance: human ori- At Starwood’s Aloft hotel in rooms. Thoughtfully designed robot
ented or product-oriented. A human- Cupertino, Calif., a product-oriented systems, however, will be required
oriented robot resembles a human’s robot resembling R2-D2 delivers for service environments where
appearance or behavior, whereas a items to rooms (e.g., snacks), aids customers may not even know what
product-oriented robot appearance the check-in process during rush robots are and what they are trying
maximizes the robot’s dedicated periods, and moves towels and linens to do, says Chris Jones, director of
functions (e.g., Roomba vacuum from the laundry room to guest- strategic development at iRobot.
cleaner). Several studies have shown rooms. The robot, called Botlr, uses
that the human-oriented robot is navigation technology to find its way Robot Challenges
more effective in social interactions throughout the property and cameras Challenging problems in human-
with customers. However, a 2014 to avoid people and other obstacles. robot interaction (HRI) exist, both
study conducted by Korean univer- The manufacturer of Botlr, Savioke, technically and socially. The goal
sity researchers found that product- will offer it as a service and charge of HRI research is to define models
oriented robots were accepted more a monthly fee that includes mainte- of humans’ expectations regard-
than the human-oriented robots. nance of the devices. ing robot interaction to guide robot
Customers may initially perceive In most industries, robots are design and algorithmic development
robots as an impersonal technocratic being recruited for applications that that would allow more natural and
intrusion, much like they did when have generally been performed by effective interaction between humans
wireless handhelds were first intro- humans because of their increased and robots. Socially interactive
duced in restaurants during the '70s functionality and the declining cost human-oriented robots, for example,
and '80s. The public did not accept of making and supporting them. A must be proficient in areas such as
them. At some restaurants, servers 2015 study by the Boston Consult- perceiving and interpreting human
were instructed to step away because ing Group predicts that over the next activity and behavior, regulating so-
of customer complaints. decade robots will become more cial interactions using dialogue and
prominent in the U.S. labor market action at human interaction rates,
Robots in the Field as they improve productivity and cut and providing informationally and
Huis Ten Bosch, a theme park in costs. The Asian hospitality industry emotionally responsive feedback.
Japan, will open a hotel in 2017 is already taking advantage of this It is clear that robots are about to
employing three human-oriented trend. Thousands of noodle-making do much more than pickup dust and
receptionist robots, called actroids, robots have been purchased by dirt particles. Hospitality businesses
that will have the appearance and restaurants in China. A number of around the world are beginning to
mannerisms (e.g., blinking) of a restaurants in Singapore use drones, dip their toes in new robotic tech-
young Japanese woman. They will pilotless flying robots, to ferry food nologies, which might not make
be multilingual with the ability to from the kitchen to serving sta- sense for those positions that deliver
make eye contact and respond to tions. Robot servers, costing under highly personalized services.
body language and tone as they $10,000, can be found waiting tables Many believe that affordable ro-
engage in intelligent conversations at restaurants in China, Japan, South bots will soon be able tackle an array
with customers. The hotel will also Korea and Thailand. A restaurant of tasks with greater degrees of au-
use other human-oriented robots for located in Ninbo, a city in China’s tonomy and intelligence. This trend
other tasks, such as cleaning rooms northeastern Zhejiang province, is is obvious to Google who bought
and carrying luggage. staffed with two robot servers that eight robotics companies in 2013.
Two product-oriented, headless can take orders, serve food, and While there have been significant ad-
industrial robots, originally devel- speak to customers with a 40-phrase vances in robotic technologies, there
oped for manufacturing cars, are Mandarin Chinese vocabulary (e.g., is still much work ahead. Experts
now used as bartenders at the Bionic “enjoy your meal,” “I’m blocked, agree that we have a long way to go
Bar on Royal Caribbean’s Quantum please give way to me, thank you”). before robots are omnipresent in ser-
of the Seas ship. Together, they They travel through the restaurant vice establishments. But I can imag-
can make two drinks per minute, using an optical sensing system and ine the possibilities, such as robotic
delivered in plastic cups via four can work for eight hours at a time. drones taking orders and delivering
conveyor belts, but cannot yet handle Their expected life span is five years. food and drinks beachside or roving
garnishes. Passengers input drink The hospitality and travel indus- security robots taking lost guests to
orders via smart tablets. The robot try may eventually find the deploy- their rooms, detecting and reporting
arm movements, which are based on ment of robots a competitive neces- intruders, and saving lives.
HITEC 2015 Special Report 23

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