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Transistor Mixer-Up/Down convertor Experiment No: 4 + To conduct an experiment to study the characteristics of transistor mixer Components Required: SL100, IFT, Resistors, Capacitors, Apparatus required: Signal Generators, CRO. Regulated power supply Procedure: 1. d the tuned frequency of IFT 2. Down conversion: Adjust the carrier frequency more than the tuned frequency of IFT and then adjust the local oscillator frequency Fro=Fe-Firr and observe distortion free output repeat the above steps for different carrier frequencies. 3. UP Conversion: Adjust the carrier frequency less than the tuned frequency of IFT and then adjust local oscillator frequency Fe+Fis=Firr and observe distortion free output. Repeat the above steps for diferent carrier frequencies. Theory: In Processing of signals in communication systems. It is often convenient to translate the modulated wave upward or downward in frequency, so that it occupies a new frequency band. The frequency translation is eccomplished by multiplication of the signal by a locally generated sine wave and subsequent filtering .A device that carries out the frequency translation of the modulated wave is called a mixer. The operation itself is called mixing or heterodyning. Results The mixing or heterodyning of frequencies has been done successfully. aw Transintor Miter a Down Conversion « SL.No | f fio ffi. fier io" + 4GoRNZ 4 8ki2 36K N2 60k 3) fe 4 UP Conversion : a if fio fet fio fr 7 Qbokhe | jHQene SbIkN2! 5 4 =e are ound fro . D) Vou re Ghoaw ofp oe around 2asent elt Shas op Sow Cl ay ee Pulse Amplitude Modulation A experiment NO* duct an experiment to obtain pulse a aun T faiso verify the nyquist theorem, sign’ aunts Required: $1100 Transistor, Resistors, Capacitors mplitude modulation and demodulate the comp’ Apparat quired Signal Generators, CRO, dure: in the ci Pepi up te circuit as shown inthe circuit diagram, jy the cartier signal C(t) and message signal m(t) as shot H a forthe PAM and demodulate waveforms, » ita Theory: Pulse amplitude modulation is the simplest form of analog pulse modulation. In pulse amplitude modulation, the amplitudes of regularly spaced pulses are varied in proportions to the corresponding sample values of a continuous message signal; the pulses can be of rectangular form or some other appropriate shape These are two operations involved in the generation of the PAM signal. 1. Instantaneous sampling of the message signal m(t) every Ts seconds where the sampling rate f=1/T, is chosen in accordance with the sampling theorem 2. Lengthening the duration of each sample so obtained to some constant value T. Result; ‘The PAM signal has been modulated and demodulated successfully and Nyquist theorem satisfied, Cirvait Dragon — Gud enle) = HV pete with ore her 2. ark 4” gu? Pam 12v Pepe lo Kua Giord Cand Demedaletna :— R o_o S ae + Pars Te mt) v v EEE EEE ° Dew F2 Von oe Foe CHR CHOKE Hey pe ic cee D Fe = PF metbye cant be obleincol 2) Se 2hm Mtge Can be abbunch 3) & > 2m Ty Gn be obtinel a FM Using IC 8038 Experiment No: 5 Aim: To cond in duct an Experiment to Generate Frequency Modulated wave using IC 8038. Components Required: 1C8038, Resistors, Capacitors, Apparatus required: Signal Generator, CRO. Regulated power supply Procedure: 1. Rig up the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram 2. Without applying modulating signal observe the square waveforms, triangular waveform, and sinusoidal waveforms at pin number 9, 3 and 2 respectively. 3, Measure the amplitude and frequency of all the three waveforms. 4. Switch on the signal generator (message) and slowly increase the amplitude of the modulating signal and observe the FM modulated signal at pin 2. 5, Measure the frequency of the FM wave (Fnac and Fs) for various amplitude of the message signal. 6, Calculate the frequency deviation, modulation index B and Bandwidth. Design: £=0.3/RC Ra=Rb-R Let = 25 KHz and C= 0.002uf ‘Then R= 6KQ. select R-5.6KQ Frequency deviation f= fimax-fimin/2, B= falfm Bandwidth= 2(fa +a) Te=fmax-fmin?2 [Bandwidth ‘SLNo Am Civeuit Pliage 7 6-8kp- 7 , Mey ook. Choose =82K 0-22 AF me) in Vees-12yV C=0.002 micro farad Carrier Signal Modulating sin Wave Signal DSBSC and SSB Generation Experiment No: 2 Aim: To generate DSBSC and SSB signal using Ring Modulator and record the DSBSC and SSB waveforms Components Required: AFT Transformer, Resistors, Capacitors, Apparatus required: Signal Generators, CRO. Procedure: 1. Rig up the circuit as shown 2. Apply the sinusoidal message signal m (t) of frequency I KHz to the primary of the AFT 3. Apply the square wave c () of frequency 10K Hz as shown 4, Observe the DSBSC at the output of the secondary AFT. 5. LPF the DSBSC wave using an RC -network to generate the SSB 6. Observe and record the SSB for sinusoids ¢ (t) of 10 KHz. Theory: L. Ring Modulator is the circuit which is used to generate a DSBSC signal S(0) by multiplying high frequency carrier signal c(t) with low frequeney m((). 2. Effective Switching of the diodes arranged in Ring Pattern will generate the DSBSC signal. 3. DSBSC is an over modulated signal and the characteristic feature of the signal is that the carrier wave is suppressed and there by the power required to transmit the carrier is saved. 4, DSBSC bandwidth is occupying upper sideband and lower sidebands of message signal m (t) which has duplication will be eliminated in the SSB wave. Result: DSBSC signal and SSB signal of a desired frequency have been obtained using a ring modulator followed by a low pass filter. eats pees el chase Geetne = ESL Soup 2 b= OE ye ras Amplitude Shift Keying Experiment No: 7 ‘Aim: To conduct an Experiment to Generate and demodulate amplitude shift keying (ASK) signal Components required: IC-741, SL-100 Transistor, diode, Resistors, Capacitors, Apparatus required: Signal Generator, CRO, Regulated power supply Procedure: 1. Rig up the Modulation circuit as shown in the figure. 2. Apply a message, square wave of 5 volt peak to peak at transistor base at a frequency of 250Hz. 3. Apply a carrier, sine wave of 10V peak to peak of 10 kEz at collector of transistor. Observe and record ASK waveform at collector output. 4, Construct demodulator circuit and apply ASK signal to input of demodulator circuit 5. Vary the potentiometer to get the output demodulated waveform. 6. Observe and record it with respect to message signal. ‘Theory: In Digital communication systems modulation process changes amplitude, phase and frequency of carrier signal. The three basic binary modulation schemes are ASK, PSK and FSK In ASK the amplitude of carrier will have a value of A volts for binary symbol | and a value zero for symbol is equivalent to switching a sinusoidal signal on or off and process is also on off keying. Here detection is done by non therefore this modulati coherent method. Waveforms: Flat top Sampling Experiment No: 6 ‘Aim: To conduct an Experiment to obtain sample Flat Top samples of a message signal and verify Sampling theorem. Components Required: 1C4016, SL-100, Resistors, Capacitors, ‘Apparatus required: Signal Generator, CRO. Regulated power supply Procedure: 1. Rig up the circuit 2, Give carrier pulse of | KHz, 8VP-P to pin 13 of IC 4016. 3, Give input sinusoidal m ()) with 100Hz IV P-P with 0.5 offset to pin I and observe the flat top samples at collector of the Transistor. 4, Design RC demodulation ciruit and connect at the collector ofthe transistor 10 observe demodulated output across the capacitor. 5. Vary the frequency of the message to verify the sampling theorem. Theory: When a signal is sampled naturally it is multiplied by a pulse train, the variation in the signal me interval is reflected in the samples. Where as in flat top sampling variation in the in that time interval is rounded-off to the maximum value of the signal in that time it is given mathematically by S() = a(nTs) h(tsiTs) where h(@)= 1 for Os t= T and h(Q)=0 elsewhere. In the expression g(nTs) represents the weight of the impulses, The original signal can be recovered ffom flat top samples by passing the samples through low pass filter and equalizer-LPF Suppress the spectra of flat to samples. Flat Top Soop flaé Vee25V — engl Epeanylts Ik \ sa Demedalabed Sgnal T olte Sine Zz bow m) loot’. wer = Squece, ue be Paar Biller Dew Deg Fin loos Fea on oe Oly Raa Stosug

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