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Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF)

Name of Employee: Name of Rater: Principal

Position:   Position: __________
Review Period: June 2018-March 2019 Date of Review:
Bureau/Center/Service/Division: __________________ Elementary School/ General Santos City
KRA (Quality, Efficiency, Timeliness)
35% Daily Lesson Plan and Instructional
Prepared Daily 5-OUTSTAN DING Q E T AVE
A. Materials characteristics:
lesson Plans and -Has met the five(5) characteristics of LP/DLL
a. It has five parts
Daily Logs of June 2018 4-Very Satisfactory
TEACHING b. Objective is SMART, based on the
activities including to -Has met the four(4)characteristics of LP/DLL
LEARNING desired learning competencies
appropriate, April 2019 3- Satisfactory
PROCESS c. It has adequate and appropriate
adequate and -Has met the three(3)characteristics of LP/DLL
instructional materials
updated instructional 2- Unsatisfactory
d. Develop Higher Order Thinking
materials (15%) -Has met the two(2) characteristics of a LP/DLL
1-Poor.Has met the one(1) characteristics of a LP/DLL
e. Developing 21st Century Skills
-Has met the five(5)characteristics of Facilitated Learning a. Teaching methods and interactive
4-Very Satisfactory methods and strategies elicit
• Facilitated learning
June - Has met the four(4) characteristics of a Facilitated interaction from a class
in the school through
2018 Learning b. Participative learning-project-based
functional lesson
to 3- Satisfactory c. Cooperative Learning strategies
plans, daily logs and
April 2019 - Has met the three(3) characteristics of Facilitated d. Information and Communication
innovative teaching
Learning Technology (ICT) integration (i.e.
strategies (10%)
2- Unsatisfactory Multimedia etc.)
-Has met the two(2) characteristics of Facilitated Learning e. Provision of individualized
1-Poor interaction
-Has met one(1) characteristics of Facilitated Learning
•Monitored June 2018 5-OUTSTANDING • Class Rules and well-behaved
attendance, diversity to -Presence of all five(5) evidences students
appreciation, safe, April 2019 4-Very Satisfactory • Positive/ productive/ safe learning
positive and Presence of four(4) evidences environment
motivating 3- Satisfactory . SF 2
environment, overall Presence of three (3) evidences Required Evidences:
physical atmosphere, 2- Unsatisfactory a. Inclusive/multi-cultural/accepting
cleanliness and - Presence of two (2) evidences environment: stress free classroom
orderliness of 1-Poor setting
classrooms including -Presence of one( 1)evidence b. Well-structured well kept, orderly,
proper waste and well ventilated classroom
disposal daily (10%) c. Presence of bins for waste
d. Updated attendance chart
5-OUTSTANDING Required Evidences:
•Monitored, evaluated -Presence of all five(5) evidences a. Class Record/E-Class Record
and maintained June 2018 4-Very Satisfactory b. Learners Portfolio
pupils progress within to -Presence of four(4) evidences c. Table of Specifications (TOS) of
the rating period. April 2019 30% 3- Satisfactory Test Questions(TQ)
(10%) -Presence of three (3) evidences d. Assessment Tools and Analysis
2- Unsatisfactory Reports
- Presence of two (2)evidences e. Test Item Bank
1-Poor. Presence of one( 1)evidence f. Updated School Forms ( SF-1,SF-2)
5- Outstanding
- Remediation/ Enrichment Program is offered to 100% of
students who need it.
4- Very Satisfactory
- Remediation/ Enrichment Program is offered to 88-99%
B. •Conducted
June 2018 who need it.
to 3- Satisfactory
PUPILS/ enrichment programs  Remediation/enrichment
April 2019 -Remediation/ Enrichment Program is offered to 77-87%
STUDENTS to improve programs conducted
who need it
OUTCOMES performance
2- Unsatisfactory
indicators (10%)
- Remediation/ Enrichment Program is offered to 39-76%
who need it.
- Remediation/ Enrichment Program is offered to 38%
and below who need it
5- Outstanding -100% updated pupils school records
4- Very Satisfactory
June 2018 -88-99% updated the pupils school reports
•Maintained updated to 3- Satisfactory
pupils school records April 2019  Updated pupils school records
-77-87% updated the pupils school reports
2- Unsatisfactory
-39-76% updated the pupils school reports minimal
1-Poor -38% pupils reports are not updated
C. 20% 5-Outstanding-Presence of all five(5) evidences
4-Very Satisfactory a. Notice/Letter to parents/guardians
COMMUNITY •Conducted Periodic June 2018 -Presence of all four(4) evidences b. Agenda/Schedule
INVOLVEMENT PTA Meetings/ to 3- Satisfactory c. Minutes of the meeting
Conferences (10%) April 2019 -Presence of three (3) evidences d. Record of Attendance duly signed
2-Unsatisfactory by attendees
-Presence of two (2) evidences e. Documentation/Pictorials
1-Poor -Presence of one( 1)evidence
•Visited parents of June 2018 5-Outstanding -Presence of all five(5) evidences Required Evidences
students needing to 4-Very Satisfactory -Presence of four(4) evidences a. Letter to Parents/ Guardians &
academic monitoring/ April 2019 3- Satisfactory -Presence of three (3) evidences Principal /Permission for home
follow-up within the 2- Unsatisfactory -Presence of two (2) evidences visitation
b. Anecdotal Records
rating period (5%) c. Home Visitation Form
1-Poor - Presence of one( 1)evidence d. Record of Attendance
e. Feedback/ Progress Report with
5- Outstanding
-100% and above project accomplishment with full
•Undertaken/ initiated
June 2018 documentation report on completion
to 4- Very Satisfactory
activities with
April 2019 -88-99% project accomplishment with partial completion  Projects/ events/ activities
external funding/
3- Satisfactory initiated/ undertaken
sponsorship within
-77-87% project initiative only with no completion report
the target date (5%)
2- Unsatisfactory
-39-76% project initiative only with no completion report
1-Poor No project/event/activity initiated
15% 5- Outstanding
D. -3 Action research conducted with full documentation on
PROFESSIONAL completion and interventions
GROWTH AND 4- Very satisfactory
Conducted action -2 Action research conducted with full documentation on
research related to June 2018 completion and interventions
school or classroom to 3- Satisfactory
 Action research
concerns/ problems April 2019 -1 Action research conducted with full documentation on
during the year (5%) completion and interventions
2- Unsatisfactory
-Identified classroom/learning problems with research
1 - Poor
-Only classroom / learning problems/issues identified
Initiated / Participated June 2018 5- Outstanding  Professional Membership and
in co-curricular/ to -Initiated at least 2 co-curricular/ school activities with or community linkages
school activities April 2019 documented results
within the rating 4- Very Satisfactory
period (3%) - Initiated and participated in co-curricular/school activities
with documented results
3- Satisfactory
-participated in most of co-curricular/school activities with
documented results
2- Unsatisfactory
-Participation only without documented results
1-Poor - No participation in school activities
Earned relevant
June 2018 5-Outstanding -Earned at least 30 units in MA degree
4-Very Satisfactory -Earned at least 27 units in MA degree
trainings, earned to  Transcript of Records
April 2019 3-Satisfacotry -Earned at least 18 units in MA degree
units or graduated  Certification
2-Unsatisfactory -Earned at least 9 units in MA degree
from a higher
1-Poor -Earned at least 6 units in MA degree
relevant degree (3%)
Required Evidences:
-At least one(1) training / seminar abroad
a. Certificate of Appearance/
3. Attended 4-Very Satisfactory
June 2018 Participation
-At least one(1) national and Regional seminar /training
trainings, seminars, to b. Official Receipt
workshops, or April 2019 - At least one(1)Division/ District seminar /training/
c. Memorandum
conferences (2%) d. Travel Order/Authority to Travel
e. Pictures/Official Documentation
f. Narrative Report
-At least one (1) school seminar/ training/ conference
g. Echo Seminar
1-Poor -No Seminar/training/conference attended
Received special 5- Outstanding -National Award/Citation/Recognition
June 2018 4- Very Satisfactory -Regional Award/Citation/Recognition
to 3- Satisfactory -Division Award/Citation/Recognition
recognition for April 2019  Trophies / Certificates
exemplary 2- Unsatisfactory -District Award/Citation/Recognition
1-Poor -School Award/Citation/Recognition
performance (2%)
* To get the score, the rating is multiplied by the
weight assigned. DESCRIPTIVE

________________________ ________________________
Ratee Rater

Certified true and correct:

Adjectival Rating Scale
Outstanding 4.500 - 5.000 _____________________
Very Satisfactory 3.500 - 4.499 Principal
Satisfactory 2.500 - 3.499
Unsatisfactory 1.500 - 2.499
Poor 1.000 - 1.499

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