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Detailed Lesson Plan in Consumer Electronic Servicing

I. Objectives: At the end of the session, learners are expected to:

A. Discuss the operation of Electric Flat iron

B. Identify the parts and functions of electric flat iron

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Operation Of Electric Flat Iron, Parts and Function

III. Learning Resources:

A. Reference: Teachers guide in Electronics servicing NCII

Learner’s materials in Electronics servicing NCII

B. Materials:

Visual aide, electronic tools, Flat Iron

IV. Procedures:

A. Preliminary Activities: (3minutes)

1. Prayer

2. Checking of Attendance

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

3. Review: (3minutes)

*By the way class, do you still remember the last

lesson that we have discussed? Yes sir!
*It is all about what?
*Sir! The past lesson that we’ve discussed is all about
Very good! Tools, materials and Equipment that is being used in repairing
Flat Iron.
*Again class? Why is it that Basic electronic tools,
materials and equipment are very important in Maintaining
and repairing electronically controlled appliance as well as *Because, without the aid of the tools materials and
becoming familiar with their function? equipment we cannot perform our task, like repairing
electronic appliance. And you should also be familiar with
their function and uses, so that your work would be faster,
easy and accurately.
Very good!

4. Motivation: (3minutes)

*Ok class, since you already know the different kind *Sir! Operation of an appliance parts and functions.
of tools, materials and equipment in repairing and
maintaining electric appliance. What is the next thing that
you have to learn about an appliance that you will need to

Very Good!
*Why is that it is important to know how the *Sir! So that we can easily identify the defect of the
appliance being operated? And also the parts and their appliance.
Very Good!

*In addition class, as a technician, it is very important

that you will know the operation of one appliance and also
the parts and their function. So that you can easily trace or
identify the defects, especially during receiving a defective

*Ok class, I have here an appliance. What do you *Sir! Electric Flat Iron
think is the name of this appliance?

Very Good!

B. Development of the Lesson:

1. Presentation: (5minutes)

*This afternoon we will discuss about the operation

of electric flat iron, parts and function.

*Who among of you have an experience in ironing *Sir! You have to plug in the electric flat iron to outlet or
clothes? to the power source and sit to the desire temperature or type
*How does electric flat iron being operate? of cloth, and electricity will flow to the thermal fuse and going
to the heating element. Heating element will heat up the sole
plate for the purpose of removing wrinkles from fabric. With
the heat and the weight of the ironing plate, the fibers are
Very good! stretched and the fabric maintains its new shape when cool.

*Ok, since you already know how flat iron being

operates, we will proceed to the parts and their function.

*Now we will have an activity to make you easily

know the parts and their function.
*But before we start with your activity I will group you
first into two.
*In my left side will be group 1 and in my right side
will be group 2. Since you already in a group. I will give
you one electric flat iron for your group. If you will observe
the flat iron, the parts are being numbered according to the
name and function here on the board.
* Now, I want you to familiarize the parts of electric
flat iron according to their names and function.

*I will give you five minutes in familiarizing the parts

and function of electric flat iron that I will give to your

2. Performing Activities: (15 minutes)

*Now, since you are already familiar with the parts of

electric flat iron according to their names and function. And
you already in your group, I will give you an activity. But
before we start with our activity, I want you to know that
you are rated according to a criterion.

I have here the rubrics to be followed. This is how your Criteria

output being rated points 5 4 3 2
accuracy All Only 7-8 5-6 1-3
answers answers Answers Answers
are are are are
correct correct correct correct
cooperation All the One pupil Two Three
group did not pupils did pupils did
members cooperate not not
cooperate cooperate cooperate
time The The The The
group group group group
finish finished finished 2 finished 5
before on time minutes minutes
Directions: identify the name and function of electric flat the after the after the
iron that I will give it to your group. Then you have to write allotted allotted allotted
it in a manila paper you have to arrange it according to time time time
their number. I will give 10 minutes to do your activity.

*After you finish the activity one or two on your group

will report your output.

3. Processing the activity: (15 minutes)

(every group leader will report)
* Ok class you will now report your output, each
group will have a representative to report.
*how did you feel about the activity?

*have you already familiar with the name and Yes sir!
function of each part of electric flat iron?

Very good!

4. Generalization/ Abstraction: (5minutes)

*sir! The lesson that we’ve discussed this morning is all
*class, the lesson that we’ve discuss this morning is about operation of electric flat iron, parts and functions
all about what?

Very good!
* Why is that it is important to know how the *Sir! So that we can easily identify the defect of the
appliance being operated? And also being familiar with the appliance.
parts and their function?

Very good!

*What is the operation of electric flat iron? *Sir! You have to plug in the electric flat iron to
outlet or to the power source and sit to the desire temperature
or type of cloth, and electricity will flow to the thermal fuse and
going to the heating element. Heating element will heat up the
sole plate for the purpose of removing wrinkles from fabric.
With the heat and the weight of the ironing plate, the fibers
are stretched and the fabric maintains its new shape when
*What are the parts of electric flat iron? 1. AC line cord
2. Selector switch
3. Thermal fuse
4. Heating Element
5. Sole Plate
6. Handle
7. Body/Case
8. Neon/ Pilot Lamp
9. Thermostat Assembly
Very good!

5. Application: (5minutes)
(Call students and let them point out one part of electric
flat iron on the table and let them identify the name and
function each part and discuss it in front of his/her
Direction: Identify the following based on the cited uses or
6. Assessment: Identification (4minutes) function.

1. It is used to connect the unit to the power source.

2. It is a type switch used to select the amount of heat
required in ironing different types of fabrics.
3. It is a safety protective device used to cut-off the circuit
when the temperature rises at above normal as designed for
the unit. It also protects the unit from damage when
overheating and short circuit occurs.
4. It is a form of nichrome wire that assembles properly inside
the high temperature metallic tube in flat iron and it provide
5. It is the base metal part of electric flat iron that serves as a
fabric pressing part.
6. It is a part of flat iron by which it is carried or controlled.
7. It is used to protect the internal parts of the flat iron and
serve as a shield for the heat and protection of the hand of
the user.
8. Is used to indicate that electricity is flowing along the
heating element.
9. It is used to regulate the temperature.
10. It is used to remove wrinkles from a fabric.

7. Assignment: (2minutes)

Directions: Search in the internet the possible defect and remedy of electric flat iron. Write it in a ½ sheet of

8. Remarks:

Department of Education

Region VIII

Borongan City Division

Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School

Borongan City


Prepared by:

Alvic B Arma
Teacher Applicant

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