Healthy Choices Syllabus

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​ ​Inspiring and challenging students through   

​diverse opportunities 

​ Mrs. Mosbach

Room 127

319- 753-2211, ext. 1127

Purpose: ​ To recognize and support the social behaviors necessary to work as part of a team,
make good decisions, communicate well with others, and engage in problem solving to handle
conflict in peaceful ways.

Focus: ​ Instructional principles of learning: behaviors, cognitions, and emotions through

modeling, role-playing, feedback, and transfer

Text:​ ​Skillstreaming for the Adolescent

Why Try
Prepare: Empathy and Social Competence Training
Asset: Social Skills Program for Adolescents
Aggression Replacement Training

❏ Beginning social skills
❏ Advanced social skills
❏ Skills for dealing with feelings
❏ Skill alternatives to Aggression
❏ Skills for dealing with stress
❏ Planning skills
❏ Moral reasoning

Rules: (all rules stated in the student handbook apply)

● Respectful
➢ to others
-appreciate diversity
-show kindness
-work collaboratively
-listen and be attentive
➢ to property
-care for the building,lockers, textbooks, uniforms, classroom items, etc.
➢ to self
-be confident in your abilities
- dress appropriately
1. No hats (baseball, cowboy, doo-rag, skull, hoodie)
2. Cover ALL body parts
3. No items of clothing with offensive language or innuendoes that
promote: alcohol, drugs, racial bias, gang activity/colors, or
sexual references)
4. No blankets or bulky jackets (leave these in your locker)
● Responsible
➢ punctual
-attend class daily
-three tardies will result in a detention
- six unexcused absences will result in an office referral, intervention, possible
removal from the class
➢ prepared
-bring all supplies to class (will not be allowed to leave after class begins)
-be attentive and ready to learn
➢ productive
-show pride in all work
-be present...willing to participate and help/guide fellow classmates
-turn your work in on time
-Chromebook etiquette
● Safe ​(remember, the way you practice is the way you perform)
➢ emergency procedures
-fire evacuation (printed directions in the classroom)
-storm evacuation (printed directions in the classroom)

Classroom procedures
● entering/exiting classroom
● borrowing items
● missing work policy
-two school days per excused absence
-late work will not receive full credit
● Assembly behavior
● Labeling work/turning in work
● *no backpacks in the classroom (leave it in your locker),may bring Chromebook bag
● *no food or drink in the classroom
● *no headphones/earbuds in the classroom (unless teacher directed)
● * no cellphone use during instructional time...phones need to be out of sight
*indicates “teacher discretion” per student handbook

● The outcome of your poor choices will result in a teacher detention, office referral, or
removal from class. Interventions will be implemented before removal from the class.
● Internet usage is a privilege and a needed tool for this class; please use common sense
and maturity.

Grading Policy:​ standardized grading

“ It’s not about being best; it’s about being better 
than you were yesterday” 

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