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Essence of Rig Veda

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1 of 10 12/20/2010 1:14 PM
Essence of Rig Veda

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02-17-2004 08:46 AM #1

Senior Member Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 1,209

Essence of Rig Veda

The word Veda means knowledge, and the Vedas are considered the most sacred scripture of Hinduism
referred to as sruti, meaning what was heard by or revealed to the rishis or seers. The most holy hymns and
mantras put together into four collections called the Rig, Sama, Yajur, and Atharva Vedas are difficult to date,
because they were passed on orally for about a thousand years before they were written down. More recent
categories of Vedas include the Brahmanas or manuals for ritual and prayer, the Aranyakas or forest texts for
religious hermits, and the Upanishads or mystical discourses.
The Richas of the Rigveda comprise of prayers and praises of the gods. The Yajurveda speaks of the different
types of Yagya (religious sacrifices). The Samveda consists of many a richas from the Rigveda, which are
indeed lyrical and musical. The Atharvaveda contains a lot of knowledge of the physical world and spirituality.

Now let us know more about Rigveda. What is Rigveda? And what does it comprise of?

Rig Veda

The hymns of the Rig Veda are considered the oldest and most important of the Vedas, having been composed
between 1500 BC and the time of the great Bharata war about 900 BC. More than a thousand hymns are
organized into ten mandalas or circles of which the second through the seventh are the oldest and the tenth is
the most recent. The Hindu tradition is that even the Vedas were gradually reduced from much more extensive
and ancient divine revelations but were perverted in the recent dark age of Kaliyuga. As the only writings from
this ancient period of India they are considered the best source of knowledge we have, but the ethical
doctrines seem to have improved from the ancient hymns to the mystical Upanishads.

Essentially the Rig Veda is dominated by hymns praising the Aryan gods for giving them victories and wealth
plundered from the local Dasas through warfare. The Aryans apparently used their advances in weaponry and
skill in fighting to conquer the agricultural and tribal peoples of the fading Harappan culture. Numerous hymns
refer to the use of horses and chariots with spokes which must have given their warriors a tremendous
advantage. Spears, bows, arrows, and iron weapons are also mentioned. As a nomadic and pastoral culture
glorifying war they established a new social structure of patriarchal families dominated by warriors and,
eventually with the power of the Vedas themselves, by priests also.

Generally the hymns of the Rig Veda praise the gods and ask them for worldly benefits such as wealth, health,
long life, protection, and victory over the Dasa peoples.

He, self-reliant, mighty and triumphant,

brought low the dear head of the wicked Dasas.
Indra the Vritra-slayer, Fort-destroyer,
scattered the Dasa hosts who dwelt in darkness.
For men hath he created earth and waters,
and ever helped the prayer of him who worships.
To him in might the Gods have ever yielded,
to Indra in the tumult of battle.
When in his arms they laid the bolt,
he slaughtered the Dasyus Advertise Here
and cast down their forts of iron.

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Rigveda is a Veda in form of Sukti's, which mean 'beautiful statements'. A collection of very beautifully
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composed incantations itself is a Sukta. The Sukta is also synonymous to Richas. 'Rit' means - an incantation
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The Rigveda Richas comprises mainly of the praises of God. Other than this it also has incantations containing · Improve Intelligence
thoughts which are evolved by the sages through their minute observation, contemplation and analysis. Every · Acne and Pimples
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Rigveda is the oldest Veda. It comprises of 10 Mandals, 102 Suktas and containing 10,552 mantras. These

2 of 10 12/20/2010 1:14 PM
Essence of Rig Veda

mantras are filed with good thoughts and they have the ability to inspire us greatly. The ultimate aim of all these mantras is to purify
the human mind through knowledge. Darkness is symbol of lack of knowledge or illusionary living, which makes us devoid of justness
and sagacity.

The Rigveda is divided into 2 parts-

(i) Mandal, Anuvak and Sukta
(ii) Ashtak, Adhgaya and Sukta

According to the first division, the Rigveda consist of 10 Mandalas. There are Suktas that comprise the Mandalas. In every Sukta there
are mantras or Richas. The quantity of Suktas is 1017 and the other additional Suktas account to 11. In this way, the total number is
unequal. There seem to be maximum Suktas in the 1st and 10th Mandala and there are very few Suktas in the 2nd Mandala.

The following tables show the no. of Suktas and mantras in every Mandala

Mandala Sukta Number of Mantras

1 191 2006
2 43 429
3 62 617s
4 58 589
5 87 727
6 75 765
7 104 841
8 103 1716
9 114 1108
10 191 1754
10 1028 10,552

Inclusively in 10 Mandalas there are 1028 Suktas which in turn comprise of 10,552 mantras.

The Brahmanas stand second to the Vedas. The ultimate aim of these books is procedures of performing Yagya and rituals. The
Brahmanas are divided into 3 parts.
(i) Brahmana,
(ii) Aranyaka,
(iii) Upanishad

There are 2 Rigveda Brahmin texts i.e. Kausheetki and Aitereya. These 2 texts share a very intimate relation. In both these texts
critical appreciation is done of the same subject and the meaning of the mantras is surprisingly contradictory. These Brahmana speak
about the Soma and Rajasuya Yagya.

A big portion of the Upanishads seems to have been taken in the Aranyaka. The Aitereya and Kausheetki are the 2 Aranyakas of the

There are 5 texts of the Aitereya and each of these is known as Aranyaka. The 2nd and 3rd are independent Upanishads. In the 2nd
half of the last 4 paragraphs are counted as Vedanta texts that is why they are referred to Aitereya Upanishads. There are 3 parts of
the Kausheetki Aranyaka. The 2 parts of this Aranyaka are filled with rituals. The 3rd part is referred to as Kausheetki Upanishad.

Rig veda First Mandala



-------------(3/12, Rigveda)

Only education can help us to understand the knowledge of the universe, which is alike, an ocean. It enlightens everyone's minds.

It is because of education that one can absorb knowledge. The best method to imbibe maximum knowledge is reading and self study
and as a result of knowledge, the mind becomes enlightened. We should regularly study books having a lot of knowledge because it is
through study only that the mind is filled with good thoughts, that inspire us to seek good company which is equally beneficial in
acquiring knowledge. This is the sure way for growth of the mind and also to acquire eternal happiness and peace.



3 of 10 12/20/2010 1:14 PM
Essence of Rig Veda

O radiant! Inspire the diligent and the successful only to yearn for wealth.

Those who are industrious and successful only, earn wealth. Those who try, definitely acquire wealth. One who is having, their aims
fixed are the ones who are prosperous, wealthy and successful. They should realise that efforts never go in vain.


-------------(13/9, Rigveda)

The 3 goddesses Earth, Saraswati and Vani are the givers of happiness who never become less. They are seated on their seats.

One should regularly worship your motherland, the basic culture and the mother tongue because they are givers of happiness. That
person who has a humanistic approach towards his land, civilization and Vani realises the greatness and he acquires all the happiness.
He should indulge in those types of deeds that make the motherland, the culture and language proud.


---------(15/12, Rigveda)

The householders who can do good work only if he remains like seasons.

If a person (householder) moulds himself alike a season and indulges in the Karma of householder then only shall he acquire
happiness. One should understand the meaning of seasons and should love his family. As a result he shall benefit monetarily and
materially. A householder who practices restraint in taking care of his family only shall acquire family happiness and achieve higher
social status.


---------(15/12, Rigveda)

A person who desires godliness should worship gods.

A person who desires godliness should respect scholars. By doing so they can attain some knowledge and can be inspired to do good
Karma. By attaining godliness one shall be blessed with happiness and growth.


(14/4, Rigveda)

May all our energies become one and may all the good thoughts come together and may we become the greatest amongst the mighty.

Scholars who are intelligent, valiant who are brave, and businessman who donate food, if come together and have no difference of
opinion then the nation shall grow.

The intelligent on the basis of their knowledge shall become mighty and great as a result of the fusion of food and energy.


(18/7, Rigveda)

May that divine knowledgeable person inspire us without whose inspiration the knowledgeable does not attain complete knowledge.

Without the blessings of the knowledgeable even the knowledgeable shall cease to attain complete knowledge. It is knowledge only
that enlightens our mind. It is well known that, the president of the league of scholars himself is very knowledgeable and it is this
authenticity which proves that the knowledgeable has attained total knowledge.

Only scholars can decide whether the knowledgeable has imbibed complete knowledge or no.


---------(22/8, Rigveda)

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4 of 10 12/20/2010 1:14 PM
Essence of Rig Veda

The sun, the giver of all Siddhis (powers) is rising. The rising sun is the giver of Energy, heat and is the giver of all powers. In the
same way you also alike the rising sun (Sun God) give all equal knowledge and inspiration by which we benefit. Alike the energy and
heat of the sun which beneficial, you also can realise the importance and be blessed by happiness and prosperity.


------------(27/6, Rigveda)

You bless the donor instantly with wealth.

One who donates definitely gets something or the other in return. By imparting knowledge there is a rise in knowledge. So one
definitely benefits by donation. Only after giving does the feeling of gaining something come to the mind, By performing Karma we do
Shram Dan meaning donation of hard work. The benefits or returns of hard work are relative to the good or bad deeds performed,
which one shall definitely gain sooner or later.


----(31/14, Rigveda)

You give good and anticipated wealth to those who worship, praise you with devotion.

When a person chooses a deed and performs it with devotion, he as a result of that benefits accordingly. He who yearns with mind and
soul for his aim or goal, attains totality and attains his objective. In true worship a good objective is priorly determined and
accordingly good Karma is performed to result in its fruits.


-----(36/2, Rigveda)

May you be pleased with us and protect us. The protector himself should be of good nature and disposition otherwise, he would end up
as the destructor. One should always remain in the company of people that facilitate in making the mind pure and protect the goods
thoughts in our mind, those who help us to be neutral in all states of happiness or pain.

Those who do not help us in this way can never be our protectors. Let him be anyone but he should be a person of good intellects and
thought. Then only shall one be blessed with happiness, peace and be successful.


--------(36/3, Rigveda)

Your flames are spreading which are great and are like embodiments of truths. Your rays are reaching the sky.

It is the inherent characteristic of fire to throw its flames and illuminate all the four directions as far as possible. Those great souls who
tread on the path of truth become famous and successful. Those who owe allegiance towards truth are called great and exalted souls.
Even though we may try to hide the truth, it cannot be concealed. It destroys the darkness of untruth and comes into light sooner or


--------(46/11, Rigveda)

One can emancipate oneself only by treading on the path of truth.

Satya Yagya basically means treading on the path of truth. It is by this only that one can be liberated from pain and misery and this
path is undoubtedly the best path.

One should never fear unhappiness because unhappiness is the stepping stone to happiness, One shall have to undergo suffering to
reach truth. That is why it is said that truth is eternally victorious.


5 of 10 12/20/2010 1:14 PM
Essence of Rig Veda

6 of 10 12/20/2010 1:14 PM
Essence of Rig Veda

Fire is the one who inspires and protects truth. He who acquires humbleness and knowledge from him becomes wealthy according to
merit. Without knowledge's humans are ignorant and devoid of wisdom. By acquiring knowledge he becomes desirous of something All
and consequently achieves the fruits and benefits of that.


----------(73/3, Rigveda)

A person only having trust worthy friend's lives and dwells in happiness on this earth, one should make good people their friends. One,
who keeps good friends, benefits and dwells in peace.


--------(89/8, Rigveda)

O Lord! May we listen to good by our ears, may we see good by our eyes, may be have healthy bodies and praise you, and be blessed
with long life.

By doing so only can one benefit. Those who detach themselves from bad and yearn for the good of gods and scholars for life only
shall be blessed.


------------(94/4, Rigveda)

O Agni! May we offer oblation to you, please make our minds sharp and good so that we may be blessed with good long life, may we
benefit by your worship and be devoid of sorrow and pain.

All the work done is only possible because of our sharp intellect and relentless Karma. A healthy body results in happiness and is
primary to everything else.


------------(145/2, Rigveda)

Only Scholars question Agni because others cannot do so. Patient people who are working incessantly and have perseverance perform
the work before itself and do not defer things because they are most influenced by others remarks. A person devoid of ego and pride
acquires the strength of Agni.

Only the person having firm conviction and iron volition can attain strength and energy. At no stage of Karma does he ever hesitate.


----------189/2, Rigveda)

O Agni! You are absolutely new, please eliminate all our evil sins committed on the path of welfare and good.

It states that one can be liberated from all sins only by treading on the path of good. Those who do so keep the good of others as the
first priority and consequently free themselves from sorrow and pain

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7 of 10 12/20/2010 1:14 PM
Essence of Rig Veda

02-17-2004 12:18 PM #2


Glories of God Vishnu in Rigveda

idaM viSNurvi cakrame tredhA ni dadhe padam

samULhamasya pAMsure || RV 1.22.17 ||

trINi . vi cakrame viSNurgopA adAbhyaH

ato dharmANi dhArayan || RV 1.22.18 ||

As you can see, these mantras name Vishnu as the preserver of the world, and indicate that He traversed the whole world, which is
collected as the dust in His footprints. All attributes of a Supreme Deity, wouldn't you say?

tad viSNoH paramaM padaM sadA pashyanti sUrayaH

divIva cakSurAtatam || RV 1.22.20 ||

This states that the seers see always that "Supreme Abode" of Vishnu. Hmmm, "supreme abode..." does that, like, mean He's God or

tad viprAso vipanyavo jAgRvAMsaH samindhate

viSNoryat paramaM padam || RV 1.22.21 ||

And yet another reference to the "Supreme Abode" of Vishnu. Is it me, or do you see a trend here?

Now here is a reference to Vishnu as the creator of the three worlds:

viSNornu kaM vIryANi pra vocaM yaH pArthivAni vimamerajAMsi

yo askabhAyaduttaraM sadhasthaM vicakramANastredhorugAyaH || RV 1.154.1 ||

Hmmm, so not only is He the preserver, but also the creator? All functions of a supreme Deity, wouldn't you say?

pra tad viSNu stavate vIryeNa mRgo na bhImaH kucaro giriSThAH

yasyoruSu triSu vikramaNeSvadhikSiyanti bhuvanAni vishvA || RV 1.152.2 ||

Now this says that the three worlds abide in Vishnu's three paces. So, again, we have an explicit reference describing Lord Vishnu as the
maintainer of the three worlds. That hardly sounds like the function of an administrative devata. Or maybe you think such a position can be
applied for?

pra viSNave shUSametu manma girikSita urugAyAya vRSNe

ya idaM dIrghaM prayataM sadhasthameko vimame tribhirit padebhiH || RV 1.154.3 ||

And another reference to Vishnu, "who alone made, by three steps, these three worlds." Gee... He did that all by Himself with three steps?
Does that make Him, OMNIPOTENT or something? And what is one of the qualities of a Supreme God?

8 of 10 12/20/2010 1:14 PM
Essence of Rig Veda

yasya trii puurNaa madhunaa padaanyakShiiyamaaNaa svadhayaa madanti ya u tridhaatu pR^ithiviim uta dyaam eko daadhaara
bhuvanaani vishvaa || RV 1.154.4 ||

And yet again, Vishnu as the maintainer of the three worlds. Hey, Atlas only held up one world. Vishnu holds up all three!

tA vaM vAstUnyushmasi gamadhyai yatra gAvo bhUrishRN^gAayAsaH

atrAha tadurugAyasya vRSNaH paramaM padamava bhAti bhUri || RV 1.154.6 ||

And yet again, the "Supreme station" of Vishnu. Hey, who does this Vishnu guy think He is living in that Supreme Station? Oh wait, He's the
Supreme God. That's right.

agnirvai devAnamavamo viShNuH paramaH || aitareya brAhmaNa 1.1.1 ||

Oh wait, that says that among devatas, Agni is "lowest" and Vishnu is "highest."

aniravamo devatAnAM viShNuH paramaH || taittirIya saMhitA 5.5.1 ||

Err, wait a minute! That's also saying the same thing, that Vishnu is the highest devata!

asya devasya mILhuSo vayA viSNoreSasya prabhRthe havirbhiH

vide hi rudro rudriyaM mahitvaM yAsiSTaM vartirashvinAvirAvat || RV 7.40.5 ||

This makes it abundantly clear that Rudra derives his power from worship of Vishnu!

Rig Veda: 10:136:7

vAyurasmA upAmanthat pinaSTi smA kunannamA
keshIviSasya pAtreNa yad rudreNApibat saha

Lord Vayu powdered the Visha, most hard to break, churned out of the ocean and gave it to Lord Rudra and drank it along with Him

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