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Casanova Kissing

From Coach Lexi

So many guys are Terrible Kissers and this is a real shame.

When a girl is kissed the WRONG way her response is very predictable…

She won't go any further and you won't have sex with her! Oh No! :(

On the other hand, we all know how passionate women are. For many of us, kissing is as
good as sex! (But only when a guy is a good kisser)

When it's that good, we have to keep kissing the guy but also have to have him inside us
right then and there!

Have you ever made out with a woman and then not had sex with her? Maybe your
kissing skills weren't up to par.

I want to give you this quick report with 3 very important principles that most guys
totally overlook.

Use these combined with the foreplay techniques in your new 2 Girls Teach Sex 2.0
program to have Total Confidence that once you start making out with a girl, sex is
definitely going to occur.

Let's dive right in!

Casanova Kissing Secrets – Lexi - Copyright 2 Girls Teach Sex 2.0 2011 All rights reserved
Casanova Kissing
Secret #1
Be The First To Pull Away

Women love being teased. We love the anticipation and the excitement. When you are
kissing your girl (Especially if it’s a new girl) be the first to pull away.

Be the first to pull away to take a breath. Be the first to pull away and end the kissing.
You need to have her chasing you ;)

When you do this it drives us crazy! Your girl will want to keep kissing you over and
over again.

Also try this more advanced technique. After you have been kissing her, end the kiss
abruptly and playfully to tease her and keep it exciting.

Then you can do it again 5 or 10 minutes later!

It Is Far Better To Kiss A Girl 5 Times For Brief Moments Than

It Is To Have One Loooong Make Out Session.

Spread it out and you will notice each time she gets horny and hornier to keep kissing you.

Casanova Kissing Secrets – Lexi - Copyright 2 Girls Teach Sex 2.0 2011 All rights reserved
Casanova Kissing
Secret #2
Don’t Be Rough Or Sloppy!

Many guys in an attempt to be super passionate ram their tongue down their girl’s throat.

This Totally Turns Us Off And We Just Want To Get Out Of


Think of girls like a present to unwrap. Take your time and slowly reveal each layer :)

A great way to do it is to start out with a few kisses on the cheek. Get her wondering why
you aren't trying to kiss her (For real) yet. Then SLOWLY make strong eye contact and
go in for the first kiss.

Move slow. Let her come to you the last inch. Make her work for it, and she will. :)

Then spend a few minutes on just her lips with slow kisses. NEVER move like a fast,
rabid animal, it is NOT romantic. I know every guy AND girl has made that mistake. Lol

After you have kissed her lips for a bit take a break. Go back to holding her or whatever
other physical contact you have going on.

THEN, after a minute or so go back in for another kiss. This time slip in a little tongue.
Just a little. See how it goes.

At this point she will probably start kissing you harder :) Gauge how much tongue she is
using and use just a little less. Let her be the one to escalate how much tongue you are
using. This is one of the rare times to let your girl dictate the pace… And most guys
never even realize it :)

Then if she is going totally crazy, just match her pace, keep going and then when it’s
really heating up you can begin to undress her (while still kissing). Girls love that!

Casanova Kissing Secrets – Lexi - Copyright 2 Girls Teach Sex 2.0 2011 All rights reserved
Casanova Kissing
Secret #3
Always Keep Your Hands On Her Body While Kissing Her
(And Usually Moving Up And Down)
It is super important that you keep your hands on your girl’s body when you are kissing
her if you want it to lead to sex right then.

For Many Girls, Kissing Is Actually The Emotional Stimulation

And When A Guy Touches Us At The Same Time That Is The
PHYSICAL Stimulation.

It's crazy but it’s true.

The kiss is like the spark but the touching is the fire.

Here's what I suggest to get your girl super riled up :)

When you start kissing her have your hands on her hips. After you have been kissing for
a little bit, move your hands up and hold her face for just a bit. (Like a few seconds)

After that super romantic (But not cheesy, lol) move she will really want more. Move
your hands back to her hips but pull her in super close to you.

Now escalate the kissing to be a little bit harder as you slowly move hands all over her
body. Be sure to avoid touching her between her legs or her breasts. (Only for now,

Keep your hands moving but go very slowly.

As the kissing intensifies increase the pressure in which you are touching her. Start
touching her with a little more strength.

And finally...

When it's going SUPER HOT and steamy start pulling her REALLY close to you and
kiss her really hard and deep. If she is still into this (Which she will be if you follow the
Casanova Kissing Secrets – Lexi - Copyright 2 Girls Teach Sex 2.0 2011 All rights reserved
steps) now you can lightly rub her breasts and between her legs while you move down to
kissing her neck.

At this point, sex is very likely. She will be super turned on and so will you. There are a
variety of moves to do here to get it to sex (And many of them are covered in your 2 Girls
Teach Sex 2.0 program) so I am just going to give you one solid “Go To” move.

At this point simply put her hands on YOUR shirt and let her take it off. Often times its
less pressure than taking off hers and having yours off first initiates sex. If this is a new
girl it’s a great move since it makes her very comfortable since you are already shirtless!

Be sure to use this secret as it is written your first time with a new girl.

Alright, now we have covered 3 very simple but effective “Casanova” Kissing
Techniques. Use these 3 techniques to make sure that you not only actually kiss a new
girl but you get some great action with her the first night!

And… if you are in a relationship use these techniques to rekindle the passion and you
will soon find yourself having WAY more sex then you are used to.

Remember, for many women kissing IS sex! :)

Talk with you soon and I hope you enjoyed this special bonus report I put together for

Your coach,


p.s. Watch me kissing on 2 Girls Teach Sex 2.0, it was soo sexy.

Casanova Kissing Secrets – Lexi - Copyright 2 Girls Teach Sex 2.0 2011 All rights reserved

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