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GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 39, NO. 5 (OCTOBER 1974), P. 607-618, 10 FIGS.

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The velocity and attenuation of ultrasonic different models. The closest agreement is ob-
waves are measured in suspensions of solid tained for the dynamic interaction model given
spherical particles in fluid matrices as a function in Part I by Kuster and Toksiiz (1974) and for
of the concentration of inclusions. Polystyrene the Reuss model.
and glass beads were used as inclusions and they The theoretical formulas ior the attenuation in
were suspended in pure water, oil, or acetylene composite media are given. The observed at-
tetrabromide. Velocities were measured by a pulse tenuation agrees reasonably. well with th, theo-
propagation technique. Attenuation in mixtures retical values computed by including geometrical
was measured relative to attenuation in pure scattering, viscous absorption in the fluid matrix,
matrix fluid. The observed velocities were com- and the anelasticity of the solid inclusions.
pared to theoretical values calculated using six

INTRODUCTION suspensions or emulsions by other investigators

Experimental data on the velocity and attenua- and compared with some theoretical models.
tion of elastic waves in two-phase media are crick (1947) measured the sound velocity in a
available in the literature. Most of the expcri- water-kaolin suspension and in xylcne-water
mental results have been obtained on partially emulsions. The data of Knudsen (1916) on the
or fully saturated porous rocks (Born, 1941; attenuation of sound in fogs were used by Epstein
Wyllie et al, 1956, 1958; Shumway, 1960; Xur and Carhart (19533 to test their theoretical
and Simmons, 1969; Hamilton, 1972), or on models. Allegra and Hawley (1972) extended the
media where partial melting takes place (Spetzler same theory to compare it to their measurements
and Anderson, 1968). However, such two-phase of the attenuation in water-polystyrene suspen-
media are not optimal for the comparison of ex- sions. Piotrowska (1971), starting from Urick’s
perimental data with theoretical models, pri- formulations, investigated particle site depen-
marily because one has little control on the prop- dence of the attenuation coefficient. Crawford
erties of the matrix and the shape or the concen- ct al (1972) measured velocities in an epoxy-lead
tration of the inclusions. In order to circumvent mixture.
this difficulty, we measured velocity and attenua- In this paper we first present the measure-
tion of elastic waves in two-phase media whose ments of the velocity and attenuation of ultra-
characteristics can be chosen to match the as- sonic waves in three different suspensionsof solid
sumptions involved in the theoretical models. spheres in fluid media. Then we compare these
For these ultrasonic measurements, we used data to theoretical models given in Part I (Kuster
solid spherical particles suspended in fluids. and Toksoz, this issue) as well as some other
Velocity measurements have been made in standard models available in literature.

Manuscript receivedby the Editor July 10,1973; revisedmanuscriptreceivedFebruary 22,1974.

* I’ormerly MIT, Camhridge, Mass. Presently, Lahoratoire de Detection et de Geophysique,Bretigny sur Orge,
5 MIT, Cambridge, Mass. 02139.
@ 1974 Society of Exploration Geophysicists. All rights reserved.

608 Kuster and Toks6z

SUSPENSIONS USED IN THE EXPERIMENTS Nujol. Its density and viscosity were measured
The choice of suitable solid particles to be sus- in the laboratory at 20°C. We mixed benzene and
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pended in a fluid matrix is limited by a number acetylene tetrabromide in order to obtain a mix-
of constraints if one wants to make accurate and ture whose density is slightly lower than that
precise measurements and compare them with of glass. Since benzene evaporates faster than
theoretical results. These include (a) the inclu- acetylene tetrabromide, the matrix composition
sions should be spherical and of small diameter changed slowly with time For this reason, the
compared to the wavelength to minimize the ap- experiment was carried out in a few hours, and
proximations made in theoretical formulations; no attenuation measurements were performed
(b) the properties of the inclusion material should since these require a longer time The size dis-
be either known or measurable (the latter condi- tribution of the polystyrene spheres (Figure 1)
tion implies that it must also be available as a was obtained by sieving a sample through 16
bulk material and not only as a powder); (c) the sieves ranging from 707 to 53 microns. It can be
densities of the matrix and inclusions must be approximated by a Gaussian distributior) with
close so that the inclusions remain in suspension mean of 140~ and standard deviation of 30~. The
for a period sufficiently long for the measure- glass beads used were smaller than 50~ in radius,
ments; and (d) both materials must be miscible and their size distribution was not determined.
yet chemically nonreacting. We used the follow-
ing three combinations of materials for our lab-
oratory measurements: polystyrene beads in
water (WE’S), polystyrene beads in oil (OPS),
and glass beads in a mixture of benzene and
acetylene tetrabromide (ATBG). The physical
constants of the constituents are given in Table 1.
They are used in calculating the theoretical
The polystyrene spheres were provided by Sin-
clair-Koppers Co.; soda-lime glass beads were
obtained from Potters Brothers, Inc. The densi-
ties of both materials were measured in the lab-
oratory. For soda-lime glasswe adopted the elastic
velocities tabulated by Press (1966). For poly-
styrene WC measured the velocities on a disc of
polystyrene provided by the manufacturer. To
obtain the Q values we measured attenuation in
lucite and used these as representative for poly- FIG. I. Distribution of the radiusa (in microns) of the
styrene. The trademark of the oil we used is polystyrene beads used in the experiments.

Table 1. Physical constants’ of the materials used in the experiments

Liquids Suspended Particles

Parameter -- ___-
Water Oil ATB* Polystyrene Glass

Density p (g/cm”) 0.9982 0.8794 2.365 1.045 2.405

Compressionalvelocity ol (km/s) 1.4632 1.4554 1.025 2.334 6.790
Shear velocity p (km/s) 1.163 3.265
Bulk modulus K (lOlodynes/cm2) 2.137 1.863 2.485 3.808 76.71
Shear modulus p (lOlo dynes/cm2) 1.413 25.64
Q for compression Q= 5.5
Q for shear Qo 40
Viscosity 7 (poise) 0.01 1.8

1 All values are valid at a temperature of 20°C.

* ATB refers to the acetylene tetrabromide-benzine mixture.
Seismic Waves in Two-Phase Media: Experimental


The experimental set-up is illustrated in Figure

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2. The suspension was contained in a 10 gallon

tank. The transducers were PZT-5 compressional
discs. The transmitter and receiver were moveable
along a rail fixed on the top of the tank and were
submerged in the suspension. They were located
so that all waves reflected and refracted by the
tank boundaries arrived at the receiver well after
the direct wave. The input signals shown in Fig- TRIGGER
ure 3 were provided by a pulse generator for
velocity determinations. For attenuation mea-
surements, a tone-burst generator was used which
produces a sine wave train of constant amplitude
and several cycles duration. A delay line incor- FIG. 2. Experimentalset-up for velocityand attenua-
tion measurementsin suspensions. TRMX is the source
porated in the oscilloscope was used for traveltime and REC is the receivertransducer.
measurements, and the peak-to-peak amplitudes
were read on the scale of the oscilloscope screen.
Two electric stirrers were used to maintain the
solid spheres in suspension throughout the mea-


FIG. 3. Typical input (transmitted)and receivedsignals:A) Input signal, pulse

generator;B) input signal, tone-burstgenerator:C) out ut signal, pulsegenerator;
D) outputsignal,tone-burstgenerator.Vertical scaleis arg.Itrary. time scaleis shown
separatelyfor each signal.
610 Kuster and Toksiiz

1 1 1
I the ATBG suspension because all measurements
were made in a few hours under a hood.
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The volume concentration of inclusions was

determined by the ratio of the volume of solid
put into suspension to the total volume. It was
determined with less than 1 percent relative error.

fl ttenuation meusuvemzenls

The damping characteristics of the suspensions

were determined from the amplitude of sinusoidal
wave packets as a function of frequency. Absolute
amplitudes were difficult to use because they were
strongly affected by geometric spreading and the
directional response of the transducers. We used
the amplitude ratio technique to eiiminyatx tlrese
unwanted effects. The amplitudes A of com-
pressional waves propagating in pure matrix ma-
terial (subscript nz) and in a suspension of con-
centration c (subscript S) can be written as func-
tions of frequency 1‘ as

100 140 180 A,,,(f) = G,(x) T,(f)e-Ym(.‘).‘.ei(z~~f-~~r~,

TRAVEL time (/Js)
FIG. 4. Distance between the transducers versus d,(f) = G,(~)T,(f)e-Y8(J).rei(2rjl--L.r),
traveltime of the wave. Data points and least-squares
line are shown. where x is the distance between the transducers
and k is the wave number. G is a factor depending
only upon geometry, T is the frequency response
surcments. The uniformity of the concentration
of the recording system, and T(f) is the attenua-
\vas tested b;- repeating the measurements;.
tion factor. If the geometry and recording system
are kept the same for measurements in the suspen-
sion and in the pure matrix, we would obtain
The velocity was determined by measuring the
traveltime of the first peak of the received signal
as a function of distance. These measurements
were made at twenty distances, with the other
parameters of the suspension held constant. A For a wide variety of materials 7 is approxi-
straight line was fitted to the measured values by matelp a linear function of frequency (Knopoff,
linear regression (Figure 4) to obtain the velocity 1964). This is not the case for suspensions if a
from the slope of the distance-time curve. A broad frequency range is considered. However,
typical value for the standard error of estimate of our data indicate that we can use the linear ap-
the slope is 2 out of 1500. For the sake of clarity proximation at least over the limited frequency
and consistency, we adopted the 90 percent con- range from 200 to 450 khz. With a linear fre-
fidence limits on the fitted slope as the error quency dependence for _S,we can write
bounds on the measured velocity. All velocity
measurements were reduced to a common tem- s(j) = rf + 6, (4
perature of 20°C. We used the tabulated values where y and 6 are independent of frequency. y
of the temperature dependence of the velocity is commonly referred to as the “attenuation
and density of both components of the suspension coefficient” and is related to the quality factor Q
and computed the dependence of the effective by
velocity on temperature. Temperature variations
were generally less than 3”C, and the corrections
were very small. No correction was needed for ?=)v’
Seismic Waves in Two-Phase Media: Experimental 611

where I’ is the wave velocity. Combining (2) and spherical. In the formulas given below, b is the
(3), we obtain ratio of the bulk modulus of the inclusion to that
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of the matrix, r is the ratio of the density of the

1lZ ;;i = (ym - ys)f.r + (6, - 6,)s. (5) inclusion to that of the matrix, and c is the volume
concentration of the inclusions. The normalized
effective velocity cy\- is given below for the six
We measured the Q of a suspension relative to
the Q of pure matrix from the slope of a line
(1) The model of Ma1 and Knopoff (1967) :
fitted to the logarithm of the amplitude ratios
versus frequency. b + (b - 1)~ 1/Z
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND aN = ( b[l + (r - l)c] > ’
(2) The propagation model of Kuster and
Toksoz (1974) :
The normalized values of effective velocity (~,v,
i.e., the ratio of the measured velocity at concen- b[1+2r+2c(l-r)]
tration c to the measured velocity of the matrix, ffN = ( ~+~Z)cl[1+GZ~-_rll (7)
are plotted versus concentration in Figures 5, 6,
and 7 for the three suspensions. The solid curves (3) The Reuss (1929) average:
represent the values calculated with different
b I/Z
theoretical models by using the parameters given
in Table 1. ayN= ( [l+oC][b+(l-b)c] > ’ (‘)
For all of the six theoretical models considered
below. the matrix is a fluid and the inclusions are (4) The Hill (1952) average:



IO 20 30 40 50 60 70
FIG. 5. Normalized effectivevelocityversusvolumeconcentrationof inclusionsfor a water-polystyrenesuspension.
Normalized velocity is the ratio of the observedvelocity to the velocityof pure matrix material (water in this case).
Experimentaldata are shownby solid circles.The numbersnext to the theoreticalcurvesindicatethe model number
given in the text (e.g. “I” is Mal and Knopoff, “2” is Kuster and ToksGz).Model 3.IScloseto model 2 and not shown
612 Kuster and Toksijz
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i 1.20 _
d I.15

i -
z Ii05

IO 20 60 70
FIG. 6. Normalized effective velocity versusconcentrationfor an oil-polystyrenesuspension.
All other parameters same as those in Figure 5.

2b+c(l--c)(l--b)* 112 I

---__ -_- ___ 5
cyN= [lf(r-l)c][2c(l-b)+2b] > . (9)

(5) The Voigt (1910) average: _

(6) The time average model: _

1. (11)

In equation (ll), LYand cr’ refer to the Y-wave

velocity in matrix and inclusion, respectively.
Models (1) to (5) contain the long wavelength
approximation, whereas model (6) is valid when
the wavelengths are much shorter than the size
of the inclusions. The values predicted by models < I I I I I
0 IO 20 30 40 50
(2) and (3) are very similar if the density ratio r
is close to unity. Since this was the case for all
three suspensionswe used, our data will not allow FIG. 7. Norma&d effective velocity versus concen-
tration for an acetylenetetrabromide-glasssuspension.
a discrimination between these two models:. On Other parameterssame as those in Figure 5.
Seismic Waves in Two-Phase Media: Experimental 613

theoretical grounds (see Part I), however, we centration of 50 percent, this uncertainty on the
favor model (2) over model 13). It is not clear theoretical values is about 0.5 percent. From
whether experimental data which would allow Figures 5, 6, and 7, it is clear that models (4),
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such a discrimination could actually be obtained, (S), and (6) do not fit the data. Model (1) also
since suspensions with a large density ratio be- appears unsatisfactory especially at large con-
tween inclusion and matrix are difficult to main- centrations. Model (2), and thus model (3), fall
tain. [Urick (1947) reports velocity measure- closest to the data for all three suspensions, but
ments in a water-kaolin suspension with a nom- they are consistently above the measured values.
inal density ratio of 2.60. However, kaolinite ab- The discrepancy increases with concentration and
sorbs water and the solution becomes a viscous is undoubtedly significant since it is larger than
model rather than the elastic spheres in an ideal the combined uncertainties on the measured and
fluid treated theoretically.] computed values.
In all models given above, it is assumed that The observed systematic difference between the
the matrix is nonviscous. Of course, this does not measured and computed values is most likely due
correspond to the reality of our experiments. to some theoretical limitations and the assump-
Ament (1953) showed that matrix viscosity has a tions involved in- die derivation of model (2).
negligible effect on the effective P-wave velocity There are two possible causes. One is the effects
when the wavelength of the S-waves in the fluid of multiple scattering and interaction between
is much smaller than the radius of the inclusion. inclusions. The other is the dispersion in a two-
This is the case in our experiments, and we may phase medium where the velocity may be depen-
safely use the velocity models derived with the dent on frequency. Both of these subjects were in-
nonviscous matrix assumption. However, the vestigated theoretically by Kuster (1072). Both
matrix viscosity plays an important role in the mechanisms would tend to decrease the theoret-
attenuation of seismic waves in suspensions, as ical velocities and improve the fit between ob-
will be shown later. served and theoretical values in Figures 5, 6, and
The uncertainty on our velocity data is about 7. A calculation with higher order terms is com-
0.2 percent. There is also some uncertainty on the plicated and was carried out for only one case.
theoretical values since they are computed from The results arc demonstrated semiquantitatively
parameters measured in the laboratory. At a con- in Figure 8. The velocity curve at very long wave-


FIG. 8. Effective P-wave velocity versuswavelength( x ) to inclusionsize ratio
for the WPS (water-polystyrene)suspensionat a concentrationof 50 percent.Long
wavelength and short wavelength hmits are computed with models (2) and (6),
Kuster and ToksSs

40, 50, and 62 percent concentration, are shown.

They illustrate the fact that a linear dependence
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on frequency is not valid over the full irequcncl

range. There seems to bc a systematic increase
in attenuation at low frequencies, and an ob-
vious deviation from linear behavior in the 01’S
suspension at 40 percent concentration. No expla-
nation could be found for this behavior. But for
the highest concentrations, where the attenuation
is most significant, the plots exhibit fairly well the
expected linear variation. It is also clear from
Figure 10 that attenuation increases significantly
when concentration exceeds 40 percent and that
the viscosity of the matrix is not a negligible
parameter, since the attenuation observed in the
0 20 40 60 80 100
WPS suspension is quite different from that ob-
served in the OPS suspension for approximate11
FIG. 9. Effective F-wave velocity in an epoxy-lead,
two+hase medium. Data from Crawford et al (1972).
the same concentration.
The curves are computed with our noninteraction‘modkl In Table 2 we compare theoretical Q values to
with spherical inclusions for three values of the matrix
the values of Q obtained from the fit of a linear
shear wave velocity (p = 0, 0.5, 1.0 km/set).
law [equations (1) and (s)] to the data over a
limited frequency band for c 240 percent.
lengths is calculated using model (2). The solid The theoretical Q values of our suspensions arc
portion of the curve incorporates a higher order computed by taking into account the three major
approximation (Kuster, 1972). The short wave- sources of attenuation: the scattering, the viscos-
length limit (X<<tr) is determined from the time- ity of the matrix, and the anelasticity oi polyst!.-
average model (6). The dashed portion is an ex- rene. The contribution of the scattering is evalu-
trapolation showing how these limits may bc con- ated from the expression derived by Yamakawa
nected. (1962) as given in the Appendix. The contribution
The extension of our experimental results to of the matrix viscosity is calculated with the
higher density contrasts between the matrix and formula of Epstein (1941). The attenuation due
inclusions can be made by considering the epoxy- to polystyrene anelasticit), is calculated following
lead data of Crawford et al (1972). They mea-’ the method described in the Appendix by letting
sured the P-wave velocity in a two-phase medium the inclusion shear and bulk moduli be complex.
consisting of an epoxy matrix and lead inclusions. The part of the total attenuation stemming from
These data are shown in Figure 9, along with each mechanism is given in Table 3 for various
theoretical curves with diRerent values for the frequencies.
matrix shear velocity @). The curve for /3= 0 was Table 3 shows that the contributions of scatter-
calculated by Crawford et al (19i2) using the ing and matrix viscosity are significant although
Reuss model. Curves for fl= 0.5 and /3= 1.0 km/ the dominant mechanism is the polystyrene
set are calculated with our model (2), except using anelasticity. The combination of the three mecha-
the solid-solid formulation given in Part I. The nisms results in a slightly frequency dependent Q.
best fit seems to bc for p=O.S km/see, a reason- For comparison with the observations, however,
able value for shear velocity in soft epoxy. we averaged Q over the frequency band of interest
(180-350 khz). The agreement between the com-
Attenuation puted and the observed Q values (Table 2) is
Attenuation in suspensions relative to that in satisfactory, except that the discrepancy increases
pure fluid was measured from spectral ratios of at the largest concentration. \Vithout the con-
the waves in pure fluid and in the suspension. tributions of scattering and matrix viscosity, the
In Figure IO the amplitude ratios measured for observed and measured Q values could not bc
the OPS (oil-polystyrene) suspension at 5, 20, matched.
Seismic Waves in Two-Phase Media: Experimental 615

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c = 5 % c = 20 %


L 1 I I I I I I I I I

4- c = 40 % 4 c = 50 %

2- 2
O- . 0
. \ .
-2- . -2



4 c = 68 %



1 I I I I I I I I I I
.I .2 .3 4 .5 .I .2 .3 .4 .5
f, MHz f, MHz
FIG. 10.Natural logarithm of the ratio of amplitudesmeasuredin a suspension
and in the pure matrix fluid versus
frequencyfor oil-polystyrene(OPS) and water-polystyrene(WPS) mixtures. Observedpoints and linear fits (solid
line) to these are shown for different concentrations,
616 Kuster and Toks6z

Table 2. Observed and calculated Q in water-polystyrene (WPS) and oil-polystyrene (OPS) suspensions

Volume concentration
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(percent) Qcalcu
Ned Qobserved Frequency band (khz)
-___ -__
OPS 40 200 230 24&440
OPS 50 147 150 200-440
OPS 2; 111 80 160-440
WPS 119 160 200-440

Table 3. Contribution of different mechanisms to the total attenuation factor y.’

Geometrical Matrix Polystyrene

l’frequency scattering viscosit) anelasticity Total
(khz) (lo-” s/cm) (1OF s/cm) (1OF s/cm) (1OF s/cm) Q
100 0.3
200 ;: 124 174
165 109
OPS c= 62 percent 300 5.;
400 16:7 :“o 124 164
lil 115
480 29.0 27 124 180 105

100 0.2 0.5 147 148 125

200 1.6 0.5 147 149 123
WPS c= 68 percent 300 5.4 0. 147 153 120
400 12.8 0 147 160 116
480 22.0 0. 147 160 110

1 c is the volume concentration of inclusions. 0 is related to the total attenuation factory hy Q=r/vr, where I’
is the wave velocity.

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS in the frequency range used in the experiments,

In this paper we have presented laborator) comparison of the attenuation in the watcr-
data on the velocity and attenuation of ultra- polystyrene and oil-polystyrene suspensions indi-
sonic waves in huspenaions and compared these cates that the viscosity of the matrix is a non
data with the values calculated with different negligible parameter. At lower frequencies the
theoretical models. The velocity data on three scattering effect diminishes, and the total attenu-
different suspensions of spherical particles in ation is controlled by the intrinsic properties of
liquids can best be fitted by either the Keuss the matrix and inclusion materials.
average model or the dynamic model derived b)
Kuster 8r Toksiiz (1974). There is a systematic
difference between the observed data and the This research was supported by American
theoretical values which, most likely, is due to the Petroleum institute Research Project r.29. Dur-
limitations of the long wavelength approximation ing part of this study, Guy Kuster was the recipi-
in the theoretical models. ent of a Chevron Oil Co. graduate fellowship.
The velocity in the composite medium varies WC are grateful to Drs. Keiiti Aki, Sean Solo-
with concentration nearly uniforml?, where the mon, Joseph Walsh, and Uon Weidncr for man)
density contrast between the suspended particles beneficial discussions during the course of this
and the fluid is small. Where the density contrast work.
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1056. Elastic wave velocities m heterogeneous and length (1 s’7.T) is much longer than the radius of an
porous media: Geophysics, v. 21, p. 41-70.
inclusion. For shear waves, this condition implies
\Vyllie, ;\I. II. .I., Gregory, .I. I<., and Gardner, G. 51. I’..
1958, An experimental investigation of factors af-
fecting elastic wave velocities in porous media: PI
Geophysics, v. 23, p. 459-193. ----a<<1 . (A3
Jyamaka\va, 5.. 1962, Scattering and attenuation of B PR )
elastic waves Geophysical Magazine (Tokyo), v. 31,
,>. 63-103. For the general case oi a two-phase medium
618 Kuster and Toksiiz

(with solid anelastic matrix and solid anelastic where d is the thickness of the inclusion.
inclusions) we must set In a two-phase medium there are other sources
of attenuation besides anelasticity of the constit-
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K = KR + iKr, P = PR + +I
uent phases, The attenuation coefficient due to
and geometrical scattering was computed by Yama-
kawa (1962). For a P-wave in a solid-solid, two-
K’ = K’, +iK:, /A’ = /.lz +ip:. phase medium
The effective bulk and shear moduli are complex
2B: + $(l + 2v3)B;
and can be found from

K* - K K’-K 1
-_= c------- - Tiijj
3K* + 4p 3K’ + 4p 3

P* - P where
6r*(K + 2~) + p(9K + 8~)
K - K’
B. =---,
= $f4z [Tijij - +Tiijj], 3K’ + 4~
where T;ijj and Tij;j are scalars depending on the
matrix and inclusion properties and on the shape
of the inclusion (see Part I, Kuster and ToksGz, crG’ - cr)
& ~20
this issue).
3 W(K + 2~) + d9K + 8~)
To determine the effective anelastic properties
(Q values) of the two-phase medium, we use the v = a/P, and
real and imaginary parts of the effective moduli f = frequency.
K* and p* and equations (A3) and (A4).
Because of the algebraic complexity of (A7), In a suspension where the matrix is a Newtonian
it is difficult to derive analytic expressions for Q fluid with viscosity TJ,part of the attenuation of
values. However, the effective velocities and Q the wave train stems from the absorption of the
values can be calculated by a computer using com- scattered S-waves in the very neighborhood of
plex algebra routines. This procedure was fol- each inclusion. The attenuation coefficient for
lowed in this paper. P-waves was derived for this case by Epstein
The particular cases of viscous fluid inclusions (1941)
or matrix can be treated as shown above by
letting the shear modulus become purely imagin-
y = c _”(p - p’)
a (All)
/.l = iwn, (A@ i + b. - ib;/3

where r~ is viscosity and w is angular frequency.

In this case condition (AS) becomes
. Real
~(1 - &I -
(P + 2p’%‘9 1’

UP 57
J a<< 1, (L49) ba = (1 +i)a __

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