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Romeo and Juliet

Different ending

Destiny.Destiny is impossible to change.Whatever path you

choose to take,it all leads to one inevitable end.Choices are a mere
illusion,a false sense of control that hides the terrible and horrible
truth.That life...isn’t in our hands.Take for example the two star-
crossed lovers,Romeo and Juliet,that tried to fight destiny,change
it.Unfortunately...Destiny doesn’t like to lose,hence our tragic ending of
their love story.Today,I am going to play destiny by preventing our
lovers’ doom.
A lovely night on the streets of Verona.A masked ball
organized by the Capulets was taking place.A ball where Romeo
Montague fell in love with Juliet Capulet.The night that ignited the
flame between the lovers.A night to remember,as Romeo,after the
ball,had to climb a tree in order to reach his loved one,ultimately
showing what people do for love sometimes.They both decided that
they are going to get married in secret in the morning.
Morning came and both teenagers were ready to get
married.They reach Friar Lawrence and exchange vows.Everything is
going great for the two.In the town square,a brawl is set in motion by
Mercutio and Tybalt,but...this time Mercutio doesn’t die.Romeo is not
there to intervene and both Tybalt and Mercutio get out of the brawl
with small bruises and cuts.Due to the fact that nobody dies in the
brawl,Prince Escalus is not going to exile Romeo.The death of Mercutio
was the event that flipped “Romeo and Juliet” from the comedy side to
the tragic one.
Romeo and Juliet invited both houses,Capulet and Montague,to
a dinner “party” where none of the houses knew the other was
invited.It was quite a surprise that it didn’t end up in a massacre in the
first ten minutes.The lovers explained their situation and the useless
fighting between the families.None had any reason to hate eachother,it
was just a stupid family feud.One that had to be stopped in order for
both houses to grow and for Romeo and Juliet to have their happy
ending.And so,the Capulets and Montagues buried the hatchet.
The two star-crossed lovers finally get to have their peace and
happiness.They solved the family hatred,prevented unnecessary
deaths,and most importantly...ended up living togheter...happily ever

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