Junk Food Eaters Never Grow Old (Science)

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Junk Food Eaters Never Grow Old…

By: Michael A. Villanueva

Hmm… Tasty! Truly, eating junk food is a satisfyingly craving but don’t you know that it has no
real value and only has a negative impact to your body? The term “junk food” itself defines completely
that they are unimportant wastes to your body.

Nowadays, junk foods have gone global for better or for worse. It is available all over the nation,
so be it internationally. We see it mostly in everywhere we go, in groceries, convenient stores, fast food
restaurants and on television ads which is inviting and appealing.

In a research conducted by Michael F. Jacobson of Center for Science in the Public Interest it was
found out that junk food manufacturing companies are fooling the people by showing deceptive ads
that market show it healthier. Most of it falls into the categories of either “snack food” or “fast food”
and they are thing like breakfast cereals.

Junk food is a pejorative term for food containing a large number of calories from sugar or fat
with little fiber, protein, vitamins or minerals. And according to the study stated earlier, children aged
between 3-5 years old are most prone to chronic diseases and hormonal imbalances because junk food
is not easy to digest and consume larger amounts of energy from the body which causes them to
experience lack of oxygen level and causes the brain to function poorly.

If you are one of those who thinks junk food is delicious and a regular consumer of this
products, you need to change your ways and substitute them with healthier food like fruits and
vegetables. Start now or you will not grow old because you will die young.

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