Topic 6 - 7 Average Values

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Topic of the practical lesson: Average values and criteria

of various variation series

Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

Department of Social Medicine, Economics and Organization of
Health Care


Methodical recommendation for the practical lessons

on educational discipline “Social medicine, public health”
for the 3-year English-speaking students of the second / master level
of the higher education of the branch of knowledge 22 "Health care"
specialty 222 "Medicine"

L v i v – 2018
Topic of the practical lesson: Average values and criteria
of various variation series
Topic of the practical lesson:
ACTUALITY OF THE TOPIC. In the study of public health (for example: indicators of physical development),
analysis of the activity of health care institutions during the year (for example: study of the function/bed turnover, the
average length of stay of patients on bed in the inpatient department, etc.), assessment of the work of medical staff
(for example, load of the doctor at the admition, etc.) quite often there is a need to get knowledge about the size of
the investigated feature in a certain statistical aggregate to identify the main regularity of this phenomenon.
It is established in biostatistics, that to rate the volume of the feature in in the aggregate, which changes by its
own value/size, allows only its generalized characteristic, know as the average value.
Besides, for more detailed analysis of the studied population by any feature except the average value, it is also
necessary to calculate the diversity criteria of the feature, which allow to determine how typical for the
mentioned aggregate is its generalized characteristic.
All this together, makes this topic of practical training relevant, in context of in the context of acquiring many
practical skills and abilities by the future physicians of various specialties concerning the calculation of the
average values and the criteria of the diversity of variation series, which has a direct influence on the
qualitative analysis of the performed professional work.
А) Studying: To acquire practical skills and abilities of the the main types of average values and criteria of
diversity of variation series conserning the method of their construction and application in
practical health care.
B) Educational: Formation of a professional social-medical and analytical thought of the future doctors during
performing the research and analyzing obtained biostatistical data, using the average values
and the diversity criteria of the variation series.
The students have to:
- with a theoretical presentation of educational and methodological and scientific
Know: (α=I)
material in accordance with the topics of practical lessons.
- the theoretical bases for the formation of average values and criteria of the
diversity of variation series in biostatistics;
Know: (α=II) - the types of the average values;
- the peculiarities of the formation of the degree average values;
- the methodology for calculating ordinal / structural average values.
- to calculate degree, structural average values;
Be able to: (α=III) - to interpret the obtained average values and criteria of the diversity of variation
- creatively use the necessary types of average values and criteria of the diversity
Be able to: (α=IV) of variation series in the process of analyzing the practical activities of a physician
and a medical institution / management authority.


V. 4.1. The essence of average values and conditions of their scientific application
In the context of the announced topic of the practical lesson, it is appropriate to emphasize, that any statistical
research, regardless of its volume, always has to be finished by the calculation and estimation of generalizing
statistical criteria.
The variation of this or that feature, inherent in the elements of the statistical aggregate, formed by the
influence of many factors.

Topic of the practical lesson: Average values and criteria
of various variation series
The average value in statistics – the generalizing index, which characterizes the typical level of varying
feature in qualitatively similar aggregate of quantitative features, which is usually marked by the letter М or Х.
During the study of any statistical aggregate the main problem is the determination of generalizing
characteristics and studying them by the means of patterns of distribution. The average value is such
generalizing characteristic.
The features of the average as the index is typical, generalizing and at the same time abstract (the value of the
average value may not coincide with any individual value of the index).
Requirements and certain principals, that have to be followed to determine the typical average:
1. The arithmetic mean must be determined for the aggregates, which consist of qualitatively similar units (all
the units of observations belong to one type of phenomenon. For example: the height of children of certain age,
head circumference of infants).
2. The average value must be determined for the aggregate, which consists of quite large number of units of
3. The average value must be determined for the aggregate where numbers of observation which are in
symmetric / Gaussian distribution.
4. The average value must be determined taking into account the economic content of observed index.
The average value in biostatistics – is the generalizing value, which characterizes the level of the feature,
which varies in qualitatively similar summation. The variation of individual denotations of the feature, caused
by the influence of complex of factors, balanced in the average value.
One of the main requirements for the scientific use of the average values in biostatistics is the qualitatively
similar statistical aggregate concerning the averaged feature, only by following this requirement, the average
value will express all general, typical, regular which is inherent to all the numbers of the studied aggregate.
It is necessary to group the items of the studied aggregate, marking qualitatively similar groups, before
calculating the average values.
It follows from here that there is an organic connection between the method of calculating the average value
and the method of grouping the aggregates by the certain features. The typical level of the phenomenon,
which is studied, appears only in case of generalization of mass facts. The average value allows to compare
the level of the feature, which varies in different aggregates. It characterizes similar aggregates regardless the
form of distribution of the items of aggregate, both in symmetric and asymmetric distributions.
The average values allow to:
express typical characteristics of varying features of the investigated phenomena;
compare statistical aggregates of 2 and more objects, which have different variability of features;
study the connections between phenomena and their features;
use them to characterize changes in the levels of phenomena in time, which allows you to obtain the most
important comparative laws of development of the studied phenomenon;
carry out factorial analysis of the phenomena, to reveal unused reserves;
effectively manage, plan and predict the main goals of the medical branch for public health, and also for
the economy of the country in general or for other branches of economics.
In health care practice the average values are used for:
a) estimating the state of health of person by analyzing physiological, biochemical parameters of the
organism (for instance, the level of blood pressure, frequency of heart contractions, body temperature, average value of
ESR, respiration rate, average blood sugar levels, other levels of biochemical indexes, the amount of hormones, etc);
b) characterizing physical development (for instance, height, weight, circumference of chest, dynamometry, etc.);
c) analyzing activity of medical organizations, for example:
- during analysis of the activity of inpatient departments such indexes are calculated: the average number of bed-days
work per year, the average duration of patients staying on bed, the average beds occupation, the average number of surgeries
- evaluating work of ambulatory-polyclinic organization and doctors - the average number of visits per one resident in a year, the
average duration of one case of morbidity with temporary disability loss, the average number of visits of doctor by one-year old
child, the average number of visits per one doctor, the average doctors hourly load on admission in the clinic, the average
Topic of the practical lesson: Average values and criteria
of various variation series
number of laboratory researches, the average number of visits to the dentist per resident, the average number of plugs per
working day of the dentist, etc.;
d) evaluating data of medical and social, sanitary and hygienic researches (for example: the average number of
laboratory researches, average norms of the food ration (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, calories) in daily
ration of children of different ages and adults, the average numbers of sanations per doctor, the average terms of
prostheses production, etc.).
e) evaluating the state of the environment (for example, the average level of radiation pollution of a particular
administrative territory, etc.).
Thus, the significance of the average value lies in its generalizing function. The average value replaces a large
number of individual values of the feature, revealing general characteristics, inherent to all the units of the
aggregate. It allows to avoid the accidental causes and reveal general regularities, caused by the general
4.2. Types of average values
The average values are calculated both from absolute and relative values, are the nominated indexes and are
expressed in the same units of measurement as the feature. They characterize the value of analyzed
aggregate. The objective and typical the level of phenomena and processes are expressed through the
average values.
The theory of the average values occupies one of the central places in theory of biostatistics. The average
values are the basis in calculating the indexes if variation, the mistakes of sampling, dispersion and correlation
These types of average values are used most frequently during studying medical and biological data:

arithmetic mean (М) mode (Мо);

simple (Мs.),
weighted (Мw.),
median (Ме).

Degree average values

The use of some class or type of the average values in each particular case depends on data of statistical
values, the content of the feature and the purpose of use. The main types of the average values are:
arithmetic mean, quadratic mean.
Among the degree average values in biostatistics, the arithmetic average is most often used, less often —
harmonic mean, geometric mean — only for calculating the average tempo of the development of the
phenomenon when calculating dynamic indexes, and quadratic mean—in calculating the variation.
Each of the noted above averages can be expressed in two forms: simple and weighted.
Simple average is used when calculating the average using primary (ungrouped) data,
weighted — using grouped data.
Arithmetic mean (М). One of the most common types of the average values is the arithmetic mean. It is used
in those cases, when the amount of varying feature for all aggregate is formed as a sum of values of individual
units of researched aggregate.
The arithmetic mean is divided into simple (Мs) and weighted (Мw).
Arithmetic mean simple (Мs) is used in the practice of biostatistics in cases if there are ungrouped individual
values of the feature, which do not repeat and their calculation is carried out for the average levels of the
features, which are expressed through absolute indexes and in simple variation series.
Arithmetic mean simple (Мs) is calculated as a relation of sum of the general volume of values of feature to the
amount of aggregate according to the formula (1):

Topic of the practical lesson: Average values and criteria
of various variation series

Ms = , (1)
where, Мs – simple arithmetic mean value;
V - variant (the studied feature);
N - amount of frequencies (number of observations).

An example of calculating arithmetic mean simple (Мs):

Output data:

Outpatient clinic of family medicine, where 5 GP/FM work, is servicing the next amount of population (the
number of people), namely: 890; 1920; 1530; 1636; 1982 persons.

а) analyze the variation series;
b) calculate simple arithmetic mean (Мs) using the formula (1);
c) interpret the obtained data.

1) in accordance to the data of situational task the simple arithmetic mean is calculated by the formula (1):
Мs =890 + 1920 + 1530 + 1636 + 1982= == 1591,6 persons

Interpretation of the obtained results:

а) analized variation series by the feature is discrete, and by the frequency is simple (each variant V-number of
population) occurs only once (f=1), and not ranged (features are not systematized in order of increasing or decreasing their
numerical value);

b) the average number of perons, serviced by one GP/FD in outpatient polyclinic of family medicine is 1592,6 persons.

Arithmetic mean weighted (Мw) in weighted variation series. It is calculated in the weighted variation
series of distribution where the values of varying feature are expressed taking into account their frequency,
and the number of units of observations by the variants is not similar.
Weighing is carried out by the frequencies in this case, which show how many times the variant is repeated.
The formula of arithmetic mean weighted (2) is:

Topic of the practical lesson: Average values and criteria
of various variation series

∑ Vx f
Mw = n (2)

where, Мw - arithmetic mean weighted;

V- variant (studied feature);
f – frequency;
n - sum of frequencies (number of observations).

An example of calculating arithmetic mean weighted (Мw) in weighted variation series:

Output data:
Statistical data
on results of the exams by the students of two academic groups of the 5-year of medical
university, who undergo a course of studies on specialty "Pediatrics"
on educational discipline "Biostatistics"
V- feature (mark in points) 2 3 4 5
f – frequency (number of students) 2 14 11 3
а) to analyze the given variation series;
b) to calculate arithmetic mean weighted (Мw);
c) to interpret the obtained results.
Solution: according to the data of the situtional task, arithmetic mean weighted is calculated by the formula (2) where,
during the calculation of arithmetic mean it is necessary to multiply all the values of variants by their frequency, and the
obtained results must be summed up, the obtained sum should be divided by the general volume of frequencies:

Мw = 2x2+3x14+4x11+5x3 = 105= 3,5 points

2+14+11+3 30

Interpretation of the obtained result:

а) given variation series by the feature (V – mark in points) are discrete, but by the frequency (f) number of students –
weighted and ranged (since the features are systematized in order of increasing their numerical value);
b) average mark of the result of the exams by the students of two academic groups of the 5-year of medical university, who
undergo a course of studies on specialty "Pediatrics" on educational discipline "Biostatistics" is 3,5 points.
Arithmetic mean weighted (Мw) according to the data of the interval series of distribution. Arithmetic
mean weighted (Мw) is also used in calculating the average value in the interval variation series of
distribution and in calculating the general average of group average.
The result of the calculation of the arithmetic mean weighted (Мw) from the interval series is somewhat close.
Variants of such an interval series will be the average values of each interval.
An example of calculating arithmetic mean weighted (Мw) according to the data of the variation series:

Output data:

Statistical data
on the number of days of disability of workers of PJSC "Hoverla" due to
acute respiratory viral infection (in days)
V – feature (number of days) 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15
f – frequency (number of workers) 5 6 12 8 3

а) to analyze the given variation series;
b) to calculate arithmetic mean weighted (Мw);
c) to interpret the obtained results.
Solution: according to the data of the situtional task the average number of days of disability of workers is calculated by

Topic of the practical lesson: Average values and criteria
of various variation series
the formula (2) where, while calculating the average value in the interval variation series, average values of intervals are
used as variants, which are calculated in every group as a half sum of upper and lower limits of the certain interval (1+3/
2=2, etc.).
It is necessary to multiply all the mean values of the intervals by their frequency and all obtained product must be
summed, then their sum must be divided by the sum of their frequencies, namely the total volume of the aggregate. If the
interval is opened, then it has to be closed, orienting on the step (value of the interval) of the adjoining group.
Number of days Number of workers Middle of the interval Product (V × f)
1-3 5 (1 + 3)/2 = 2 10
4-6 6 (4 + 6)/2 = 5 30
7-9 12 (7 + 9)/2 = 8 96
10-12 8 (10-12)/2 = 11 88
13-15 3 (13 + 15)/2 = 14 42
Total 34 - 266

5 x 2 + 6 x 5 + 12 x 8 + 8 x 11 + 3 x 14 266
М= = = 7,8 days
5 + 6 + 12 + 8 + 3 34

Interpretation of the obtained result:

а) the given variation series by the feature (V) (number of days of disability) are interval, by frequency (f) the number of
workers – weighted and ranged (since the features are systematized in order of increasing their numerical value);
b) average number of days of disability due to the acute respiratory viral infection in workers by the formula (2) is 7.8 days.
Properties of arithmetic mean:
а) algebraic sum of deviations of all variants of arithmetic mean equals zero;
b) if every variant is divided or decreased by any stable value, then the meaning of the average value changes
by the same value;
c) if every variant is divided or decreased/increased by any number, then arithmetic mean will not
increase or decrease in many times;
d) if the frequencies of all variants increase/decrease in the same number of times, then the arithmetic mean
will not change;
e) the product of the average arithmetic mean multiplied by the sum of frequencies equals the sum of products of
variants by frequencies;
f) the sum of squares of deviation of the variants of arithmetic mean is less than any other value.

Structural average values

The indicators of descriptive character are used in the process of analysis of generalizing characteristic of the
studied statistical aggregate in biostatistics, which arecdetermined only by the distribution structure.
Thats why they are called structural ordinal average values, the most frequently used among them are
mode (Мо) and median (Ме), which allow to characterize the values of the trends of certain variants as units
of distribution of aggregate in ordered distribution series, by a certain feature.

The index value of Mode (Мо) or Median (Ме) depends only on the nature of frequencies, i.e. on the structure
of distribution.
If the value of arithmetic mean (М) depends on all the meaning of the feature, then the value of Mode (Мо) and
Median (Ме) does not depend on the marginal values of the feature. It is especially important for the series of
distribution, where the marginal values of the feature have unclear limits (before and over).

Topic of the practical lesson: Average values and criteria
of various variation series

Mode (Мо) and Median (Ме), unlike degree average values, are specific characteristics of the variation series,
have certain meaning, so there are also known as descriptive characteristics and they are used in variation
series with a large number of units of observation. Such quality is related to the individual deviations do not
smooth in these values, just like in the average values. As a rule, mode and median differ from the arithmetic
mean, but in the case of research in qualitively similar aggregate (in normal distribution) the value of these
three quantities can coincide.
Mode (Мо) in biostatistics is also known as value of the feature (V), which appears the most in the distribution
series. It is a variant with the highest frequency (f).
Rules of calculating the Mode (Мо):
Mode (Мо) is calculated only for weighted variation series, since no variant in simple variation series is
repeated and all the frequencies equal one.
Rule No 1: if all the value of frequencies (f) of features in the variation series appear the same number of
times, then in such variation series Mode (Мо) is not calculated, because Mode (Мо) is absent.
Example of calculation:
Output data:
Statistical data
on the results of calculation of pulse frequency (beats in a minute) of six students
V - feature (pulse frequency) 62 64 66 68 70 72
f - frequency (number of persons) 1 1 1 1 1 1
а) to analyze the given variation row;
b) to calculate Mode (Мо);
c) to interpret the obtained results.
Interpretation of the obtained result:
1) analyzed variation row ‒ simple (every variant (V- pulse frequency) appears only once (f=1), and the number of
observations (n) is less than 30) and ranged (the features are systemized in order of increasing of their value);
2) it is not possible to calculate Mode (Мо), because the frequency (f- the amount of people) is the same in all variants (V).
Rule No 2: if two adjacent values of frequency(f) of the feature (V) appear the same amount of times in the
variation series, then the Mode (Мо) is calculated just like an arithmetic mean(М);
Example of calculation:
Output data:
of calculation of the frequency of breathing (respiratory movements per minute) in 21 men at the age of 35 years
V- feature (number of respiratory movements per minute) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
f – frequency (number of men at the age of 35 years) 3 1 5 5 4 2 1
а) to analyze the given variation row;
b) to calculate Mode (Мо);
c) to interpret the obtained results.
According to the data of situational task the Mode (Мо) of the given variation row is calculated by the method of arithmetic
mean (М) of two neighboring variants: V - 18 respiratory movements per minute and V - 19 respiratory movements per minute,
18 +19
Мо = = 18.5 respiratory movements per minute

Topic of the practical lesson: Average values and criteria
of various variation series

Interpretation of the obtained results:

1) the analyzed variation row is discrete by the feature, and weighted by the frequency (every variant V- quantity of respiratory
movements) has its own frequency (f-quantity of men aged 35) and ranged, because features are systematized in order of
increase of their numerical value;
2) Mode (Мо) in the given variation row is (Мо) 18.5 respiratory movements per minute in men at the age of 35
Rule No 3: if two non-neighbored values of frequency (f) of the feature (V) appear the same amount of times
in variation row, then the variation row has two Modes (Mo) and is bimodal;
Example of calculation:
Output data:
of the outpatient admission of GP/FM of one patient (in minutes)
V- feature (number of minutes of admission of one patient) 10 12 14 15 16 17 20
f – frequency (number of patients) 2 5 1 5 4 3 2
Interpretation of the obtained results:
1) the analyzed variation row is discrete by the feature (numbr of minutes of admission of one patient), by the frequency
(f) number of patients – weighted and ranged (the features are systematized in order of increasing their numerical
2) in given variation row Mode is polymodal, as it has one great mode, since it is characterized by the presence of two
modes Мо1 =12 minutes of admission of one patient and Мо2=15 minutes of admission of one patient by the GP/FM,
which occur in the variation series by f=5 times.
Rule No 4: when non-neighboring values of frequency (f) feature (V) in the variation row occur more than two
times and are characterized by the great Mode (Моg) and small Modes (Моs1; Моs2; etc.), then such a variation
series is called polymodal.
Example of calculation:
Output data:
The number of days
of taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs by the patients with radiculitis
V- feature (number of days of taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
f – frequency (number of patients) 2 3 3 1 7 3 1 4
Interpretation of the obtained results:
1) the analyzed variation row is discrete by the feature (number of days of taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
by the frequency (f) number of patients – weighted, each variant has its own frequency and is ranged as features are
systematized in order of increase their numerical value);
2) given variation row is polymodal, as it has one great mode (Моg) = 6 days of taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs, which occur with the frequency (f) = 7 times and two small Modes, namely:
first small Mode (Моs1) ‒ feature (V) in 9 days of taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, wich occurs with
frequency f = 4 times;
second small Mode (Моs2) ‒ 3.5 days of taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs by the patients, which is
calculated by the formula of arithmetic mean, as its feature (V) is adjacent (3 and 4 days of taking nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs) and occurs with frequency (f) by three times, namely:
3 days of taking drugs + 4 days of taking drugs
Моs2 = 2
= 3.5 days of taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Method of Mode calculation (Мо) depends on what form the values of the feature are given: discrete or
interval distribution row.
In discrete variation series Mode (Мо) is calculated without additional accountings by the value of the variant
with the biggest frequency:

Topic of the practical lesson: Average values and criteria
of various variation series

Example of calculation:
Output data:
The measurement results
frequency of cardiac contractions in eight patients (n=8) in minutes
V - feature (number of cardiac contractions in minutes) 80 84 86 90 94
f - частота (number of patients) 1 2 3 1 1
Interpretation of the obtained results:
1) the analyzed variation row b y the feature (V) (number of cardiac contractions) is discrete, by frequency (f) –
weighted and ranged;
2) the value of Mode (Мо) is 86 cardiac contractions per minute, since this variant occurs three times, hence its
frequency (f) in this situation is the largest (f=3).
While calculating Mode (Мо) in the interval variation row of distribution, first is necessary to calculate modal
interval, within which the Mode (Mo) is located, and then calculate the value of modal magnitude of the feature.
In an interval variation series of distribution Mode (Мо) is considered the central variant of modal interval, the
interval with the most frequency. It is necessary to to find that value of the feature within modal interval that is
the Mode (Мо).
In the interval variation row with the same intervals the Mode (Мо) is calculated by the formula
(3) R. М. Orzhetskyi:
Mо = VMo + h x (3)
(P Mo -PMo- 1)+(PMo -PMo+l )

where, VMo – lower border (the value of the variant) of modal interval;
h- length of modal interval;
fMo - frequency of modal interval;
fMo-1 - frequency of pre-modal interval;
fMo+1 - frequency of post-modal interval.

Formula is based on the hypothesis, that the distance from the lower border of modal interval to Mode (Мо)
and from Mode (Мо) to the higher border of modal interval are directly proportional to the difference between
numbers or frequencies of modal interval and intervals, adjacent to it.
The calculation of mode in an interval variation series of distribution will be shown on the example of average
life expectancy data of people (in years) from different countries.
Example of calculation:
Output data:
on the average life expectancy of people (in years) from different countries of the world
V- feature Years
(life expectancy) 60.8-63.53 63.53-66.26 66.26-68.99 68.99-71.72 71.72-74.45 74.45-77.18 77.18-79.91 79.91-82.64
f – frequency
6 13 12 18 37 22 27 15
(number of countries)
1. Modal interval, which contains Mode (Мо), is within 71,72 - 74,45 years, because this interval of variation row has the
highest frequency – f=37. Frequency of pre-modal interval f = 18, frequency of post-modal interval is f = 22.
Substituting data of the interval variation series for the formula of Mode (3), we obtain:
Мо = 71.72 + 2.73 x = 73.24 years in different countries of the world

Interpretation of obtained results:

1) The analyzed variation row is interval by the feature (V) (life expectancy), weighted and ranged by frequency (f) (number of

Topic of the practical lesson: Average values and criteria
of various variation series
2) Mode (Мо) in the given case is 73.24 years, which is the highest frequency (f) in this variation row – f = 37 countries, when
the interval 71.72- 74.45 years is modal.
3) Mode (Мо) in this case is 73.24 years, that is the highest frequency (f) in this variation row – f = 37 countries, the
interval 71.72- 74.45 years is modal.
4) So in analyzed aggregate the average life expectancy of people from different countries is 73,24 years.
Mode (Мо) in contradistinction to the average value (М) characterizes the analyzed statistical aggregate in the
next way:
1) Mode (Мо) defines directly the volume of the feature, inherent to the significant part of the aggregate, but not the
whole aggregate.
2) Mode (Мо) by its generalizing value is less accurate in contradistinction to arithmetic mean, which characterizes
the aggregate as a whole considering all the elements of the aggregate.
Median (Ме) – as a structural ordinal average value: a concept and calculation rules
Median (Ме) (from Latin mediāna - middle) is called such value of variant/feature (V), which occupies central
position in distribution of series and divides the ranged row into two equal parts (by number of units). On both
sides of it is an equal number of variants, some with features of values, lesser than median (Ме), others with
features values, bigger than median (Ме).
While calculating the Median (Ме) it is necessary to build a ranged row, variation row systematized in order of
growth or decrease of individual values of the feature (V), which will further allow to define the location
(number) of Median (Ме).
If the quantity of features of variant (V) in the variation row is odd-numbered, than the median will occupy the
central position and will be calculated by the formula (4):
Me = (4)
where, Мe - median;
n - number variation in the variation
Example of calculation:
Output data:

of measuring air temperature (С0)
in the last five days of April was (n=5)
V - feature (air temperature С0) 2 3 5 6 7
f – frequency (number of days) 1 1 1 1 1
Me = = 3 variants
Interpretation of the obtained result:
1) the given variation row is discrete by the feature (V) (air temperature С0), simple and weighted by the frequency (f).
2) the value of Median (Ме) is 5 С0, because the given variant - is 3 variants from the beginning and to the end of the
variation row and divides the row into two equal parts.
In case, when variation row contains pair-numbered value of variants (V), then Median (Ме) is calculated as a half-
summ of two variants, which occupy middle position in ranged variation series and is calculated by the formula (5 or
Me + Me+ 1
Me = (5)

n+ n+l
Me = 2 2 (6)

Topic of the practical lesson: Average values and criteria
of various variation series

where, Me - median;
V - variant;
n - ordinal number of the variant.
Example of calculation:
Output data:
Results of measuring
height (in sm) of students from the 1st group (n=12)
V - feature height of students (in sm) 163 165 167 168 171 174 175 178 180 185 187 190
f - frequency (number of students) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

174 + 175
Me = = 174,5 sm
Іnterpretation of obtained results: 1) the given variation row – height of students is discrete by the feature (V), simple
and ranged by the frequency;
2) value of Median (Ме) is 174.5 sm, because the given variant is the half-summ of 6th and 7th value of features in the
variation row. Median will be an arithmetic mean of two adjacent variants, which are in the center of row. So, the half of
students have the height less than 174.5 sm, аnd the other half - more than 174.5 sm.
Besides median devision of the variation row into two equal parts in biostatistics, based on the cumulative
frequencies, more fractional divisions are used: quartiles, deciles and percentiles that allow to obtain more
accurate and compact description of researched phenomenon.
Quartiles (Q1, Q2, Q3) – are variants, which divide the variation row into four groups, which contain
approximately the same quantity of observations. Total volume is divided into 4 equal parts: 25%, 50%, 75%
Quartiles by the value Q1, Q2 and Q3 are classified:
0.25 - the first quartile (or lower) (Q1);
0.5 – the second/median quartile (Q2);
0.75 – the third quartile (or higher) (Q3).
The value of Q2 always coincide with the value of median.
Decile (D) characterises the distribution of values of aggregates (ranged series), at which nine values of decile
are divided into 10 equal parts. Any of these 10 parts is 1/10 of the whole aggregate. The first decile separates
10% of the smallest values, that are located lower than decile, from 90% of the biggest values, located higher
than decile.
Percentile (Xp) - is the characteristic of the data set, which are expressed through the ranks of elements of
the array in the form of numbers from 1 to 100 and is the indicator of what percent of values is located lower
some certain level.
Thats why, percentiles - are variants, which divide volumes of aggregate (ranged variation series) into 100

Example of calculation:
Output data: A group of students from 20 people got such marks on biostatistics: three students - 5 points, 8 students - 4
points 6 students - 3 points and 3 students – 2 points. Calculate percentile of achievements of students.
As a result of specially carried out calculations it was discovered, that for achievements of students with 5 points
percentile comprises 100%. The mark of 4 points equals 85 percentiles; mark 3 points – 45 percentile, and knowledge
level of students marked 2 points was equal 15 percentile. The achievements of students at the exams in 4, 3 and 2
points were lower by 85%, 45% and 15% from the first level, where achievements of students were rated at 5 points (100

Topic of the practical lesson: Аverage values and criteria
of diversity of variation series
Besides, it is important to note, that usually percentiles are considered for the whole statistical aggregate,
which is studied, although this condition is not obligatory. Accordingly, median is the 50th percentile, the first
and the third quartile ˗ 25th and 75th percentile. In general, a concept of quantile and percentile are
interchangeable, just like calculation scale of probability - absolute and percentage.
Percentiles are also called centiles.
4.3. The indexes of variation
The average values do not express the individual characteristics of examined aggregate, which generate the
variation of feature and its particular elements, so they have to be complemented by the indexes, which
characterize fluctuation of values of features in stydied aggregate.
Biostatistics deals with different variation (fluctuation) of features, while studying massive socio-economic
phenomenons and processes, which characterize particular units of aggregate. Values of features change
under the influence of many different factors. Obviously, the more different the conditions which influence the
value of the feature, the bigger its variation.
The term "variation" ˗ a Latin word means a change, fluctuation, difference. The variation is a quality of
statistical aggregate.
Feature of variation is a presence of differences in numeric values of features in studied units of aggregate,
and indexes, which characterize these fluctuations are called indexes of variation. They show variability of
values of features in statistical aggregate relative to their mean value.
Studying the volume of deviations / fluctuations of values of feature of particular aggregate units
relative to their mean value are used to evaluate the quantitive homogeneity of the aggregate. The less
variation of the feature, the more homogeneous is aggregate.
All indexes of variations are divided into two groups: absolute and relative.
Absolute indexes include an amplitude (variation swing), average linear deviation, dispersion, average square
deviation. The second group of indexes is calculated as a ratio of absolute indexes of variation to arithmetic
mean (or median).
Relative variation index is an oscillation coefficient, variation, relative linear deviation and others. Each of
these indexes has certain analytical advantages during solution of these or other statistical tasks. A choice of
this or that index depends on specific tasks of statistical analysis and available information.

Topic of the practical lesson: Аverage values and criteria
of diversity of variation series

Formulas for calculating the indexes of variation

Statistical Form
characteristic of variation Simple Weighted
2 2
∑(V - M) ∑(V - M) x p (7)
Dispersion (σ2/s2) σ2 = σ2=
n n

Average square deviation (σ/s)

Coefficient of variation (С) C = σ × 100% (9)


4.3.1. Method of determination of statistical indexes of variation

Dispersion (σ2) is an average square of deviation of individual values of features from arithmetic mean.
Dispersion is used not only to evaluate variation and for calculating connections between stydied factors;
distribution of dispersion on components allows to evaluate the influence of different factors, which cause the
variation of the feature.
Depending on the output data, dispersion can be calculated by the formulas of arithmetic mean (simple or
Simple dispersion is calculated (σ2s.) by the formula (7):

8пр (7)

where, σ2 _ index of dispersion;

v - variant (value of feature);
M - arithmetic mean;
n - volume of aggregate (sum of frequency).
Example of calculation:
Output data:
Frequency of pulse
(number of beats per minute) among 8 medical students of the 5-year after 10 sit-ups
V- feature (number of beats per minute) 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90
f – frequency (number of students) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
а) to calculate the simple arithmetic mean(М) according to formula (7);
b) to calculate the deviation of variants from arithmetic mean according to formula d=Vs - M;
c) to the obtained deviation of variation from arithmetic mean d to the square;
d) to calculate the index of simple dispersion according to the formula (7);
e) to interpret the obtained results.
1. According to the data of situational task, calculate simple arithmetic mean using the formula (7):
76 + 78 + 80 + 82 + 84 + 86 + 88 + 90
М= = 83 beats per minute
2. Calculate the deviation of variation from arithmetic mean by the formula d=Vs - M: 76 beats per minute – 83 beats per
minute = –7 beats per minute; 78 beats per minute – 83 beats per minute = –5 beats per minute.

Topic of the practical lesson: Аverage values and criteria
of diversity of variation series
3. Obtained deviations of variant (Vs) from arithmetic mean (M) to the square: (-7 beats per minute)2 =49 beats per
minute; (-5 beats per minute)2 = 25 beats per minute; and determine their sum (∑), which is ∑= 49 + 25 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 9 +
25 + 49 = 168 beats per minute;
4. The results for visualization are included in the table.

Frequency of pulse
(number of beats per minute) among 8 medical students of the 5-year after 10 sit-ups
V- feature (number of beats per minute) 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90
f – frequency (number of students) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Difference (d=Vs-M) -7 -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 7
d2 49 25 9 1 1 9 25 49
∑ d2 168
5. According to the obtained data, calculate the simple index of dispersion (σ2) by the formula (7);

2 168 beats per minute

8пр = = 21 beats per minute
8 students

Interpretation of the obtained result: in analyzed , ranged, variation row the simple arithmetic mean, as for quantity of pulse beats per
minute among 8 medical students of 5-year after 10 sit-ups ˗ 83 pulse beats per minute, and dispersion index of pulse frequency
among examined students is 21 pulse beats per minute.
The weighted dispersion is calculated (σ2.) by the formula 8:

where, σ2 _ dispersion;
v - variant (value of feature);
M – arithmetic mean;
f – frequency;
n - volume of aggregate (sum of frequency).

Example of calculation:
Output data:
Frequency of pulse
(number of beats per minute) among 23 medical students of the 4-year after 10 sit-ups
V- feature (number of beats per minute) 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90
f – frequency (number of students) 2 1 4 6 2 1 3 4
а) to calculate weighted arithmetic mean (М) according to the formulas;
b) to calculate the deviation of variants from arithmetic mean according to formula d=Vn - M;
c) to expose the obtained deviation of variation from arithmetic mean d to the square;
d) to find the product of the squares of deviation for the corresponding frequencies according to the formula d2 х р;
e) determine the sum of the products of the squares of the deviation for the corresponding frequencies according to the
formula ∑= d2 × p;
f) to calculate the weighted dispersion by the formula.
g) to interpret the obtained results.
1. Calculate weighted arithmetic mean:
76 x 2 + 78 + 80 x 4 + 82 x 6 + 84 x 2 + 86 + 88 x 3 + 90 x 4
М= = 81 beats per minute

Topic of the practical lesson: Аverage values and criteria
of diversity of variation series
2. Then calculate the deviation of the variant from average arithmetic mean d: 76 beats per minute – 81 beats per minute = –5
beats per minute; 78 beats per minute – 81 beats per minute = - 3 beats per minute; and so on;
3. Obtained deviations of the variant from the arithmetic mean to square: (-5 beats per minute)
= 25 beats per minute; (-3 beats per minute) = 9 beats per minute;
4. Calculate the product of the squares of deviations on respective frequencies: 25 beats per minute × 2 = 50 beats
per minute; 9 beats per minute × 1 = 9 beats per minute; 1 beat per minute × 4 = 4 beats per minute; and so on;
5. Calculate the products sum according to the formula ∑= d2 × p;
50 beats per minute + 9 beats per minute +4 beats per minute +6 beats per minute +18 beats per minute + 25
beats per minute +147 beats per minute + 324 beats per minute = 583 beats per minute;
6. The results for visualization are included in the table.

Frequency of pulse
(number of beats per minute) among 23 medical students after 10 sit-ups
V- feature (number of beats per minute) 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90
f – frequency (number of students) 2 1 4 6 2 1 3 4
Difference (V-M) -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9
d 2 25 9 1 1 9 25 49 81
Product (d × p)
2 50 9 4 6 18 25 147 324
∑ (d2 × p) 583
7. Calculate dispersion by the formula:
σ2 = = 25.34 beats per minute

Interpretation of the obtained result: in the analyzed, ranged variation row the average arithmetic mean is 83 beats per
minute, and dispersion is 25.34 beats per minute.
The main measure of fluctuation of numeric feature within variation of row is an average square deviation /
signal deviation, σ).
Average square deviation (σ) is obtained by the extraction of the root square of dispersion. The meaningful
value of the average square deviation is the same as the meaning of average linear deviation. It shows how
much the individual values of variants deviate from their average value. The average square deviation is
always bigger than the average linear deviation.
The advantage of average square deviation during calculation it is not allowed to sum up deviations without
taking features into account, because every feature is squared, compared to average linear deviation.
Average square deviation is a reliability criterion of average value. The less is its value, the less is the variation
and more typical is the arithmetic mean, therefore, examined statistical aggregate is qualitatively
The square root of dispersion is called the average square deviation (σ) from the average, and is calculated
by the formula (8):

2 2 (8)
(v – Marith.) with n > 30; σ (v – Marith.) with n ::: 30
σ = with =
n n-1

where, σ _ mean square deviation;

v – variant (value of feature);
M – arithmetic mean;
f – frequency;
n- volume of aggregate (sum of frequencies).

Topic of the practical lesson: Аverage values and criteria
of diversity of variation series
Example of calculation of average square deviation (σ).
Output data:

Term of
outpatient treatment in GP/FM of patients due to ARVI
V- feature (number of days) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
f – frequency (number of patients) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
а) to calculate simple arithmetic mean (М) according to formulas;
b) to calculate the deviation of every variant from arithmetic mean according to formula d=Vn - M. Sum of every deviation equals
c) to square every obtained deviation of a variant from arithmetic mean d2;
d) to calculate the product of deviation squares by multiplying them on respective frequencies according to the formula d2 х fn;
e) to calculate the sum of products of square deviations according to the formula ∑= d2 × f;
f) to calculate an average square deviation by the formula;
h) to interpret the obtained results.
1. According to the data of the task calculate simple arithmetic mean (М):
5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13
М= = 8 days of outpatient treatment
2. Then calculate the deviations of variant from arithmetic mean d: 5 days of outpatient treatment – 8 days of outpatient
treatment = –3 days of outpatient treatment; 6 days of outpatient treatment - 8 days of outpatient treatment = - 2days of
outpatient treatment; 7days of outpatient treatment – 8days of outpatient treatment = - 1day of outpatient treatment;
3. Square the obtained deviations from arithmetic mean: (-3days of outpatient treatment)2 = 9 days of outpatient treatment; (-2
days of outpatient treatment)2 = 4 days of outpatient treatment and so on;
4. Calculate the sum of square deviations ∑= 9 days of outpatient treatment +4 days of outpatient treatment +1 day of
outpatient treatment + 0 days of outpatient treatment + 1days of outpatient treatment + 4 days of outpatient treatment
+ 9 days of outpatient treatment + 16 days of outpatient treatment + 25 days of outpatient treatment = 69.days of
outpatient treatment;
5. The results for visualization are included in the table.

Term of
outpatient treatment in GP/FM of patients due to ARVI7.

V- feature (number of days) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

f – frequency (number of patients) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Difference (V-M) -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
d2 9 4 1 0 1 4 9 16 25
∑d 2 69
6. Calculate an average square deviation by the formula;

9 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 9 + 16 + 25 69
σ. = =
9-1 8

Interpretation of the obtained results: analyzed variation row is discrete by the feature, simple by the frequency, because every
variant (number of days) occurs with a frequency of p=1 and ranged, because features are systematized in order of increase of
their numeric value. The average number of days of outpatient treatment of patients with ARVI is 8 days, and average square
deviation is ± 2,93 days

Topic of the practical lesson: Аverage values and criteria
of diversity of variation series

Average square deviation in weighted variation series:

∑( - M) 2xp
σw= n

where, σ _ mean square deviation;

v - variant (value of feature);
M – arithmetic mean;
f – frequency;
n - volume of aggregate (sum of frequencies).
Example of calculation:
Output data:

Term of
outpatient treatment of students due to ARVI 7

V - feature (number of days) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14

f – frequency (number of students) 1 3 6 4 2 1 2 1

а) to analyze the given variation row;
b) to calculate weighted arithmetic mean (М) according to formulas;
c) to calculate the deviation of variants from arithmetic mean according to formula d=Vn - M;
d) to square the obtained deviations of variants from arithmetic mean d;
e) to calculate the product of square deviations on respective frequencies according to formula d2 х p;
f) to calculate the sum of products of square deviations according to formula ∑= d2 × f;
g) to calculate an average square deviation according to formula;
h) interpret the obtained results.
1. According to the data of the task calculate weighted arithmetic mean:

6 + 7 x 3 + 8 x 6 + 9 x 4 + 10 x 2 + 11 + 12 x 2 + 14
= 9 days of outpatient treatment

2. Then calculate the deviation of variants from arithmetic mean d: 6 days of outpatient treatment: – 9 days of
outpatient treatment= – 3 days of outpatient treatment; 7 – 9 = - 2 days of outpatient treatment; 8 – 9 = - 1 day of
outpatient treatment; 9 – 9 = 0 days of outpatient treatment;
3. Square the obtained deviations of the variant from arithmetic mean: (-3)2 =9 days of outpatient treatment; (-2)2 = 4 days of
outpatient treatment;
4. Calculate the product of square deviation of the variant on respective frequency: 9 ×1 = 9 days of outpatient treatment; 4 ×
3 = 12 days of outpatient treatment; 1 × 6 = 6days of outpatient treatment;
5. Calculate the sum of products of square deviations on the frequency: 9 +12 +6 +0 + 2 + 4 + 18 +16 = 67 days of outpatient
6. The results for visualization are included in the table.

Term of
outpatient treatment of students due to ARVI

V- feature (number of days) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14

f – frequency (number of students) 1 3 6 4 2 1 2 1
Difference (V-M) -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
d2 9 4 1 0 1 4 9 16
Product (d2 × f) 9 12 6 0 2 4 18 16
∑ (d2 × f) 67

Topic of the practical lesson: Аverage values and criteria
of diversity of variation series

7. Calculate an index of average square deviation according to the formula;

Interpretation of the obtained results: analyzed variation row is discrete by the feature (number of days), and weighted by the
frequency (number of students), because every variant (number of days) occurs with different frequency, and ranged, because
features are systematized in order of increase of their numeric value. The average number of days of outpatient treatment of
students with ARVI is 9 days, and average square deviation is ±1,87 days.
Average square deviation is also known as standard deviation. It is a named value, just like amplitude and
average linear deviation, and is expressed in the same units of measurement like variants of examined feature
and average values (for example kg, sm, mmol/l). The given index characterizes the absolute variation measure
of variation – the more variable the values of variants are, the lesser the typical arithmetic mean and,
respectively, qualitatively homogeneous aggregate of values.
The purpose of average square deviation:
1) Average square deviation characterizes the variability of variants regarding the average value, i.e.
characterizes the fluctuation of variation series.
The bigger the average square deviation, the higher degree of diversity of the given variation row.
2) Average square deviation is used for comparative assessment of the degree of compliance of arithmetic
mean and variation series.
Variation of mass phenomena submit the law of normal distribution. The curve, which depicts this distribution, looks
like smooth, colloidal, symmetric curve (Guass curve). According to the theory of probability in phenomena, which
submit the law of normal distribution, theres a strict mathematical dependence between the values of arithmetic mean
and average square deviation.
Theoretical distribution of variants in homogeneous variational series submit the rule of three sigmas:
68.3% of values the variant is located within М ± 1σ;
95.5% of values the variant is located within М ± 2σ;
99.7% of values the variant is located within М ± Зσ.
The deviation ± 3σ can be considered as the most possible, because it covers the whole variation row.
Particular variants – before 0.3% of examined agregate of values may not correspond to the general law of
distribution and fall out, because of too low or high level ("falling out" variants). Average square deviation plays
an important role in analysis of the series of distribution, it is established, that in normal distribution of features:
if put the value of numeric feature (variant) in the system of rectangular coordinates on the abscissa, and the
frequency of variants in variational series on the ordinate system, then on all sides of arithmetic mean there are
evenly placed variants with big and small values.
Such distribution of variants allows to assume, that the given variation series is homogeneous, and arithmetic
mean - typical.
3) Average square deviation allows to define the value of norm for clinical, biological indicators. In medicine,
an interval М ± 1σ is usually taken as normal boarders for explored phenomenon. The deviation of estimated
value from arithmetic mean more than 1σ indicates the deviation of explored parameter from normal borders.
The given criteria of feature distribution (“sigmal assessment”) are used in pediatric practice for individual
assessment of indexes of physical development, defining the standards of clinical and physiological
parameters for developing clothes for children, shoes, standards of furnitures for schools. The interval of
indexes assessment within M ± 1σ in most cases defines their average levels; within M ± 2 - higher/lower
than standards; within M ± 3 - very high/low levels of indexes.
The frequency of distribution laws of variation series can be used for solving practical tasks. (For example:
during planned laparoscopy in surgical department of the hospital No 1 an average duration of treatment is M = 4.1 days;
σ ±0.2 days. Analysis of 200 cases of treatment allows to make such conclusion: nearly

Topic of the practical lesson: Аverage values and criteria
of diversity of variation series
68.3 % of patients (136 people) will be treated for 3.9 –4.3 days (M ± 0.2). 95.5% of patients (nearly 191 people) for 3.7 – 4.5
days (M ± 2×0.2). Interval 3.5 – 4.7 days (M ± 3 ×0.2) will describe the treatment duration for almost every patient.
The average square deviation is necessary for characterizing the degree of variability of stydied feature and
calculating the mistake of arithmetic mean.
Variation coefficient depends not only on the degree of variation, but on the absolute levels of variants
and average values.
That is why it is impossible to compare average square deviations of variation series with different levels and
units of measurement, which characterize unhomogeneous phenomena (for example: the length of body in sm,
body weight in kg ). For comparison of variation series with different units of measurement, it is necessary to
determine the ratio of average square deviation to arithmetic mean for every row in percents, i.e. determine
the variation coefficient (С).
It is a relative measure of variability, expressed in abstract (%), not named numbers.
Variation coefficient (С) – is a ration of the average square deviation to average values, expressed in percents
and calculated by the formula (9):

where, С – variation coefficient;

σ – mean square deviation;
М - arithmetic mean.

Example of calculation:

Output data: Measurements of BP and frequency of heart contractions among 50 people aged 25-30 years were
made after dosed physical load. An average frequency of heart contractions among examined is M = 92 per minute,
σ = 9 beats per minute., and BP M = 135 mm.hg., σ = 6 mm Hg.
а) to calculate the coefficient of variation by the formula for the first row (by frequency of heart contractions, units of
measurement: beats per minute);
b) to calculate the coefficient of variation for the second row (by BP, units of measurement: mm Hg,)
c) to interpret the obtained results.

Interpretation of the obtained results: variation coefficient for the first row (by frequency of heart contractions, units of
measurement: beats per minute is 9.78 %; for the second row (by BP, units of measurement: mm.hg.,) - 4,44%. For the given
example BP is a more stable feature, than frequency of heart contractions. The bigger the variation coefficient, the bigger is
the variability of the given feature.
Variation coefficient is the assessment of reliability of the average value, which point to more accurate
assessment of variability of the phenomena and defines the most (least) variability of their features.
Oriented criteria of variability assessment by the variation coefficient we may consider, that:
value of variation coefficient (С) up to 10% – low level of variability or diversity of feature;
medium level С – 10 – 20%,
high level С – higher than 20%.
High level of coefficient reveals low accuracy of arithmetic mean (features strongly differ from average mean),
nonparametric (nonsymmetric) distribution of variants is typical for this variation row.

Topic of the practical lesson: Аverage values and criteria
of diversity of variation series
1. Describe the meaning of average values and conditions of their scientific use.
2. List the requirements and principles, which must be observed in the determination of average values.
3. Name the main branches of healthcare, where average values are used.
4. Explain the division of average values and types.
5. Briefly characterize the degree average values and their types.
6. Describe the main types and properties of arithmetic mean.
7. Name the criteria of average harmonic usage.
8. Name the cases of average geometric usage.
9. Briefly define the meaning of structural average values and their usage.
10. Concept and rules of Mode calculation in different variation series.
11. Concept and rules of Median calculation in different variation series.
12. Describe the concept of «variation», list the variation indexes.
13. Describe the concept of «dispersion», and its usage.
14. Specify the goal of average square deviation usage. Briefly describe the rule of «three sigmas».
15. Describe the content of coefficient of variation, its usage and methods of its calculation.
In order to acquire the professional practical skills and abilities students are recommended:
а) to use theoretical material of relevant chapters on the given topic;
b) program Microsoft Excel was used to calculate the obtained statistical values and build graphic
An assessment of physical development was made during periodic medical inspection of 25 girls aged 12 in
one of schools of city. М. and the obtained data about the height of pupils are (in sm):
Data on height of 25 girls aged 12 in one of schools of the city. of М. (in sm):
Height (in sm) 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153
К-ть girls 2 4 1 2 3 4 3 5 1
According to the data of the situational task you need to:
А) Characterize the given variation row.
B) Calculate weighted arithmetic mean (Мw).
C) Calculate an average square deviation (σ).
D) Analyze the obtained results.
Body weight (kg) for girls (7 years old) of the second grade of school No 5 of the city of Z.
Body weight (kg) 20.0-21.9 22.0-23.9 24.0-25.9 26.0-27.9 28.0-29.9 30.0-31.9 32.0-33.9
Number of girls 6 8 12 16 9 5 4
According to the data of the situational task you need to:
А) Characterize the given variation row.
B) Calculate Мо and Ме of the given variation row.
C) Analyze the obtained results.
An average duration of treatment of patients after surgical intervention due to umbilical hernia in
inpatient department of the hospital No 1 is 5 bed-days with σ = ± 0,8 day, in hospital No 2 is 5,6 bed-
days with σ = ± 0,2 day.
According to the data of the situational task you need to:
А) Characterize the given average values and point out which of the given values is more typical.
B) Define the biggest and the least value of variants in the given values of arithmetic mean (М) and average
square deviation (σ) in the given task.
Topic of the practical lesson: Аverage values and criteria
of diversity of variation series
C) Calculate the variation coefficient (С).
D) Analyze the obtained results.
Result of measurement of body length of 43 boys at birth (in cm)
Height (in cm) 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
Number of boys 3 5 9 12 7 4 2 1
According to the data of the situational task you need to:
А) Characterize the given variation row.
B) Calculate Мо and Ме of the given variation row.
C) Calculate weighted arithmetic mean (Мw).
D) Calculate dispersion (σ2) and average square deviation (σ).
E) Analyze the obtained results.
Results of pulse frequency study (number of beats per minute) of students of the 1-year of medical university
Number of beats per minute 66-68 69-71 72-74 75-77 78-80 81-83 84-86
Number of students 7 12 16 8 5 3 2
According to the data of the situational task you need to:
А) Characterize the given variation row.
B) Calculate Мо of the given variation row.
C) Calculate weighted arithmetic mean (Мw).
D) Analyze the obtained results.
During targeted medical examination of 150 students of the 1-year of medical university it was found
out, that an average blood sugar level is М = 4,5 mmol/l, with = ± 0,5 mmol/l.
According to the data of the situational task you need to:
А) Define the biggest and the least value of variants in the given values of arithmetic mean (М) and average
square deviation (σ) of the given task.
B) Determine the number of students, with blood sugar level within 3,5 - 5,5 mmol/l.
C) Analyze the obtained results.

The average number of teeth affected by caries in workers of one of the shops of the
industrial enterprise according to the medical examination is:
Number of affected teeth 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of persons 5 32 23 16 11 6 3
According to the data of the situational task you need to:
А) Characterize the given variation row.
B) Calculate Мо and Ме of the given variation row.
C) Calculate weighted arithmetic mean (Мw).
D) Calculate dispersion (σ2) and average square deviation (σ).
E) Analyze the obtained results.
Days of treatment in therapeutic department in hospital No 5 of the city of L.
Number of days 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15
Number of patients 3 15 21 17 4
According to the data of the situational task you need to:
А) Characterize the given variation row.
B) Calculate Мо and Ме of the given variation row.
C) Analyze the obtained results.
Topic of the practical lesson: Аverage values and criteria
of diversity of variation series
During periodic medical examination of 200 workers of ІТ company aged 25-35, a measurement of
systolic BP was made, and the obtained results are: М =145 mm Hg, = ± 5 mm Hg.
According to the data of the situational task you need to:
А) Define the biggest and the least value of variants in the given values of arithmetic mean(Мw) and average square
deviation (σ) of the given task.
B) Calculate the variation coefficient (С).
C) Determine the quantity of workers with BP within 135 - 155 mm Hg.
D) Analyze the obtained results.

Duration of temporary disability because of
ARVI (in days) among workers of clinic No 2 of the city of L. is
Number of days 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Number of workers 3 6 11 15 12 10 6 2
According to the data of the situational task you need to:
А) Characterize the given variation row;
B) Calculate Мо and Ме of the given variation row.
C) Calculate weighted arithmetic mean (Мw).
D) Calculate an average square deviation (σ).
E) Calculate the variation coefficient (С).
F) Analyze the obtained results.

Data on respiratory depression (in seconds) among 60 women aged 30-40

Number of seconds 18 -22 23-27 28-32 33-37 38-42 43-47 48-52 53-57
Number of persons 5 8 9 12 15 7 3 1
According to the data of the situational task you need to:
А) Characterize the given variation row.
B) Calculate Мо and Ме of the given variation row.
C) Calculate weighted arithmetic mean (Мw).
D) Analyze the obtained results.
Duration of treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarction in inpatient department (in days)
Number of days 14-16 17-19 20-21 22-23 24-26 27-29
Number of patients 6 12 8 4 3 2
According to the data of the situational task you need to:
А) Characterize the given variation row;
B) Calculate weighted arithmetic mean (Мw).
C) Calculate an average square deviation (σ) and variation coefficient (С).
D) Analyze the obtained results.
Number of visits of pregnant women (number of times) of the gynecologist
of the female consultation No 5 in the city of N. in the N year
Number of visits 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Number of women 3 7 11 15 10 9 6 2
According to the data of the situational task you need to:
А) Characterize the given variation row;
B) Calculate Мо and Ме of the given variation row.
C) Calculate weighted arithmetic mean (Мw).
D) Analyze the obtained results.
Topic of the practical lesson: Аverage values and criteria
of diversity of variation series
Basic references
1) Akimova O. V, Dubynskaya O. S. Statistics in drawings and diagrams: Textbook / O. V. Akimova, O. S. Dubinskaya.
- K .: Center for Educational Literature, 2007 ‒ 168 p.
2) Biostatistics: textbook / [B. F. Moskalenko, O. P. Gulchii, M. V. Golubchikov and others.]; ed. by
V. F. Moskalenko. ‒ K .: Knyha Plus, 2009. - 184 p.
3) Public health: textbook for students of higher medical education institutions / [B. F. Moskalenko, O. P. Gulchii, T. S.
Gruzieva, and others.]; ed. by V. F. Moskalenko. ‒ 3rd reissue. - Vinnitsa: Nova knyha, 2013. ‒ 560 p.
4) Methodical instructions for practical lessons on the discipline "Medical statistics" / Compiled by M. S. D., prof. T. V.
Eroshkina. ‒ Dnipropetrovsk, 2014. ‒ 34 p.
5) Manual on Social Medicine and Organization of Public Health / Ed. Yu. V. Voronenko - K.: "Health", 2002. ‒ 359 p.
6) Social Medicine and Organization of Health Care: Teach. manual for higher medical education institutions/ [Yu. V.
Voronenko, V. F. Moskalenko, O. G. Protsek and others]; for ed. Yu. V. Voronenko, V. F. Moskalenko. - Ternopil:
Ukrmedkniga, 2000. ‒ 680 p.
7) Health statistics: teaching method. manual for independent work / G. S. Stolyarov, Yu. V. Voronenko,
M. V. Golubchikov. ‒ K.: KNEU, 2000. ‒ 187 p.

Additional references

1) Indicators of health of the population and use of health care resources in Ukraine for 2015-2016 // Statistical Manual,
Ministry of Health of Ukraine, SI "Center of Medical Statistics of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine". ‒K., 2017. ‒ 325 p.
2) Lecture material.

Electronic resource of the department



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