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Name : Nguyễn Như Quỳnh

Class : 19e17


Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to express my disappointment with noise nuisance from my
neighborhood. This condition has happened several times and I have no choice but to
report it to you.

Recently, my next-door neighbor in room 202 has been keeping noisy and having late-
night parties with many people. There are a lot of loud noises including music,
screaming, even the slam-door which go on through the night and well into the
morning. The evening is the time when people need peace and relaxation after a tiring
day of work, so making such loud noises like that is unacceptable. This makes not
only me but also people around affected by the noises. Actually, I have to study late
into the night because my exams are coming up next month so the noises make me
feel uncomfortable and unable to concentrate on studying. I tried several times to say
this problem to my neighbor, even wrote some notes and posted them on his door but
they didn’t work at all.

Therefore, I need to ask for your help in solving this problem. Please see what you
can do immediately to rectify this situation. I know my neighbor is conservative and
stubborn so your solution can change their minds. You can give him a disciplinary
record of disorder and fine him to warn him. If he still goes on, serious penalties
should be applied.

I insist that you give this matter your urgent attention, otherwise I will be forced to
take legal action.

Yours faithfully,.
Nguyen Nhu Quynh

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