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Faith is the

8 10 1 2020
● ●
strength by which a
shattered world shall
emerge into the light.


T k
HOSE who saw recent national benchmark Brent crude soar- impeachment, with the latest polls
BY JOHN WOJCIK demonstrations against the ing above $90 a barrel and the price showing now that 52% of Americans
theocratic regime ruling of gold reaching a seven-year high, favour his removal from office.
Iran as a good sign had their according to the Associated Press. Iran’s Tudeh Party, the Left Socialist

hopes setback when the The danger for war involves not just party in that country persecuted by
funeral for the assassinated Iranian the possibility of direct military con- the theocratic Government, has issued
They are slaves who dare not be General Qassem Soleimani drew mil- flict between Iran and the U.S. but for a statement saying thatTrump’s action
lions into the streets of Tehran, that conflicts that can break out between strengthens the hand of the theocra-
In the right with two or three nation’s capital. A sea of humanity the U.S. and pro-Iranian forces in cy in Iran and that persecution of Left,
Lowell turned out to demonstrate its anger Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and else- trade union, and Opposition forces
with the illegal U.S. killing of the num- where. can be expected to increase.Many
Nakshatra Ardra 14H 46M
ber two person in their country’s
In Lebanon, the leader of the Iran-
supported Hezbollah said Trump’s
observers say attacks on Iran have
been the intention of the Trump
Moon Mithun (Rajandekar Panchang)

Paksha Poush Shukla Tithi Pournima 24H 48M Likewise, where only weeks ago, action makes American military bases, administration all along and that the
there were anti-Iranian protests in warships, and service members across Soleimani assassination was the type ESEARCHERS
Muslim Jamadilawal 14th Hijree 1441 Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, this week- the Mideast fair game for attacks. of move that could have been expect- from a
end, thousands marched in unity there Trump, in violation of internation- ed ever since Trump pulled out of the Denmark uni-
against the U.S. presence in that coun- al law, has threatened to destroy cul- nuclear deal.It should be noted that versity have

try. The Iranians honoured Soleimani tural sites in Iran if the Iranians retal- although no country with the excep- come up with
for his work as leader of the country’s iate for the killing of Soleimani. The tion of Israel has actually come out in a disconcerting finding
Quds Force, which has extended Iran’s Iranians, in turn, have threatened support of the assassination, there that the greater the

influence in a number of Mideast “hard revenge” and even the flatten- are a number of Mideast countries that amount of exposure to
ERTAIN hope, no matter how much tentative, is emerg- countries, including Iraq, Lebanon, ing of the Israeli cities of Haifa and espouse policies with which Trump’s pollution of growing
ing on the horizon that the current hostilities between Yemen, and Syria, and which has Tel Aviv. In the wake of the assassi- action is perfectly aligned. Those children the greater the

the United States of America and Iran could come to played a major role in battling ISIS. nation, Iran announced its immedi- countries, including Saudi Arabia, the risk of their developing
an end in some time, thanks to a probable realisation The Iranians Soleimani’s replacement, Esmail ate withdrawal from a nuclear deal United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and, Schizophrenia. This dis-
on the part of both the sides that the confrontation honoured Ghaani, stood on the podium shoul- with restrictions on fuel enrichment, of course, Israel, backed Trump’s elec- order could prove to be
may not lead to anything tangible and that both the parties may der to shoulder with Iran’s President on the size of its enriched uranium tion in 2016 and are supporting his life-debilitating in young
be heading to a no-win situation. True, certain domestic politi- Soleimani for his Hassan Rouhani, considered a mod- stockpile, and on its research and re-election now. The U.S. and these age, affecting a person’s
cal goals may get served for the leaders of both the countries. work as leader of erate, and other leaders of Iran. While development. Iran said, however, that countries have been focused on thinking ability, behav-
Having achieved those, as the observers are beginning to antic- the country’s the country recently saw those nation- it remains open to negotiating with regime change in Iran ever since the iour and even feelings.
ipate, the two sides may seek some mediation so that a cease- Quds Force, which wide demonstrations over gasoline European countries over its nuclear ouster of the Shah decades ago and Thus one more danger
fire could be achieved despite continued tensions. has extended prices and calling for more democ- programme. very openly so ever since President to man’s health and qual-
The statement of Mr. Ali Chegeni, Iran’s Ambassador to India, racy, Soleimani’s killing has muted The current war danger precipitat- GeorgeW. Bush declared that Iran was ity of life has been added
that his country would welcome any peace initiative by India, Iran’s influence in the protest movement as millions— ed by Trump stems from his unilat- part of the so calledAxis of Evil in 2002. to many more caused by
has a deep message with multiple dimensions. This Iranian desire a number of from both pro-regime and anti-regime eral decision in 2018 to withdraw from This particular and extreme neo-con air pollution. And there
that India may be a mediator the Americans, too, may not reject, Mideast countries, sectors of society—condemn the the international treaty concluded policy has been advocated by seems to be no end to the
highlights well the importance India has earned for itself in the including Iraq, U.S. attack. with Iran during the Obama admin- Republicans and some Democrats, amount of health risks
global diplomacy in the past five years. It is from this Iranian Lebanon, Yemen, Mohammad Milad Rashidi, a 26- istration and his decision to re-impose but it is not a united policy of the entire pollution is going to
suggestion that certain hope has raised its head in an otherwise year-old university graduate, told the harsh sanctions against Iran last year. ruling class. There are significant sec- cause to human soci-
disappointing scenario triggered by haughty ambitions of the and Syria, and Associated Press that more tension and Almost all the Democratic candi- tions even of big business in both the eties. Environmental
world’s biggest superpower and a regional player with global which has played conflict was coming. “Trump demol- dates for President in 2020 have ques- U.S. and Europe that prefer the inte- degradation is already
reach due to its grip on a few critical factors of international eco- a major role in ished the chance for any sort of (pos- tionedTrump’s moves, especially what gration of Iran, to one extent or the upon us because of high
nomics. If India can play the mediator’s role and stave off imme- battling ISIS. sible agreement) between Tehran and they call his unconstitutional exclu- other, into the world economic and levels of pollution.
diate trouble, much good work could be done for the interna- Soleimani’s Washington. There will be more con- sion of Congress from the decision- political community. The situation is Australia is battling
tional community. flict in the future for sure.” making process in matters of war. Sen. one in which it is almost impossible unprecedented bush-
If India took the step, which it appears to be in a condition to replacement, In Baghdad recently, the Parliament Bernie Sanders has taken the strongest to predict outcomes. As with all dan- fires for the last more
do, there will be other nations to chip in and help in sorting Esmail Ghaani, voted for the expulsion of all American position and has announced the intro- gerous moves in the direction of war, than one month and
things out, like Germany. If Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi stood on the troops from Iraq. As the action taken duction of legislation that would pro- things can quickly spin out of con- consequently high
has the stature necessary to play a lead role in mediation, German podium shoulder by the U.S. against Soleimani took hibit the U.S. from going to war against trol, with dire consequences. In this degree of warming of
Chancellor Mrs. Angela Merkel, too, is a stateswoman with appro- place on Iraqi soil without permission, Iran. With Americans really worried case, it could mean a wider war in the atmosphere so much so
priate gravitas to force both, the US and Iran, to come to the
to shoulder with the country’s Government sees the now about the war danger, it is clear region and possibly the world. The that snow on the moun-
negotiating table. For, it was Germany that was among the first Iran’s President killing as a violation of its sovereign- that Trump’s action will have a major presence of nuclear weapons mustalso tains of neighbouring
nations to caution the US against any hasty action and avoid Hassan Rouhani, ty. A possible indicator of the source effect on the 2020 elections. And so be kept in mind. Destabilisation of New Zealand is rapidly
long-term ramifications. Right when the atmosphere was heat- considered a of at least some of the support for far, it doesn’t look like the “rally round democratic countries and strength- melting causing prob-
ing up, Russia, too, had advised caution. In case of the need of moderate, and Trump’s march to war in the Mideast, the flag” unconditional support for ening of Right-wing forces everywhere lems there as well. Unless
an expanded range of mediation, Russian President Mr. Vladimir however, was the increasing price of war for which he was hoping is mate- is very much a possibility when situ- human society takes the
Putin, too, can become an ally in the effort.
other leaders of oil stocks in the world’s major mar- rialising. Most see his move as being ations like this get out of control. threats from pollution
No matter the accurate US drone strike that eliminated the Iran kets the last few days, with the inter- designed to deflect attention from his (IPA) seriously and takes mit-
Iranian General Soleimani and no matter the Iranian missile igating efforts there
attack on two American bases in Iraq, it is obvious that both the appears to be no escape

Shashi Tharoor Syndrome!

sides do not seem to envisage an escalation of the hostilities in from the disastrous con-
a full scale war, at least at this stage. If a weighty mediation steps sequences.
in, both the sides may be ready to accept to sit down together
for some talks.

The most critical factor, however, is the scrapping of the Nuclear
Deal by Iran -- that actually frees it from the cumbersome restric-
tions of the pact. No matter what Washington may have to say
O JOKES to begin with. A profes-
sor friend of mine, who teaches
from the so-called Shashi Tharoor Syndrome.
They labour under the misconception that by
but he’s no Naipaul or Czech great Milan
Kundera, perhaps the next year’s Nobel laure-

about this development, it is obvious that the bigger responsi- English at a premier Indian uni- using exotic and esoteric inkhorn terms, they ate in literature.
bility of the bombing of the N-Deal lies with the US President versity, informed me that sweep their readers off their feet. While most Those who’re having Shashi Tharoor NDIA’S latent tal-
Mr. Donald Trump refusing to envision his own peril in one of logophiles will soon get to hear a of the readers indeed get swept off, the effect Syndrome, must remember T.S. Eliot’s sane and ent that is making
the ugliest episodes in diplomacy. new syndrome, known as Shashi Tharoor is not lasting. World literature is full of mas- sage advice to aspiring writers/authors: “Great waves in world
No matter the explanations and reasonings of both, the US Syndrome, coined after our very own incorri- terpieces written in extremely simple language. are words but greater is the import. The essence cricket and the
and Iran, the world is yet to understand the actual reason of the gible wordsmith Dr. Shashi Tharoor!Yes, there’s Simple language, like beauty, when unadorned, of your creativity must not be eclipsed by tor- ecosystem in place
current flair up. For, whatever the arguments, most other nations a great likelihood of it because Tharoor is one is adorned the most. rents of words.” By the way, when one talks to nurture young play-
see the conflagration as an unnecessary outburst and brazen hell of a logophile who draws sadistic (or con- Dr. Somerset Maugham (he was a medico, about this specific syndrome of using out-of- ers is becoming a new
display of power that is not likely to take them to any logical cul- descending?) pleasure to stump his readers who never practised!) had a very limited vocab- practice, nay circulation, words, one also thinks template for other
mination. In fact, what has happened in the past three years -- with his endless repertoire of archaic and arcane ulary but he created masterpieces like ‘Of as to what drives a person to mouth and vom- nations to follow. The
since the time President Mr. Barack Obama reached the last phase words. Where does he get those words from is Human Bondage,’ ‘The moon and six pence,’ it such outlandish and newfangled words. Derek emergence of India’s
of his eight-year regime -- is nothing but an example of how indeed a matter of doctoral research and who Spencer of Ontario University studied such pace stock in the last

obstinacy can flounder diplomacy in a senseless manner. else uses them barring him, should also be seri- people for many years and concluded in his couple of years has wok-
However, the fact that both the sides appear willing to take a ously researched and explored. A couple of research paper, published in 2018, that, “Users en up the English and
step back. is a good sign that needs to be exploited through a years ago, he foxed (Tharoor would certainly of bizarre words suffer from Linguistic Australian boards as they
peace initiative -- by India or any other nation. have used ‘flummoxed’ or ‘bamboozled’!) the BY SUMIT PAUL Superiority Complex (LSC) and they keep using wholeheartedly accept-
netizens with the words ‘Farrago’ and them to show their upper hand over their lin- ed the Indian model of
‘Rodomontade.’ ‘The razor’s edge,’ etc.V.S. Naipaul never boast- guistically ‘poor’ and ‘backward’ peers. Often tapping raw talent at
No one uses these words despite Tharoor dig- ed of a humongous vocab but is known as one such users resort to unheard-of words as red grassroots and putting it

ging and excavating them out from the inner- of the greatest novelists of all time. He once herrings to divert people’s attention from cer- through a well-designed
most bowels of English language. He’s indeed famously said, “Too many words and too many tain weaknesses they’re riddled with.” In oth- system to channelise a
a veritable word-archaeologist! Using the most limitations go hand in hand.” Polish Nobel lau- er words, they suffer from Attention Deficiency solid bench strength. Sri
recondite words seems to be his hobby-horse. reate Joseph Conrad, started learning English Syndrome and it’s their peculiar way to attract Lankan coach Mickey

Had there been a Nobel Prize for this discipline, in his early twenties and went on to win the people’s immediate attention. We’re all atten- Arthur is the latest to be
OULD you like to experience yourself liv- Tharoor would have got it hands down! While Nobel for his masterpiece, ‘The Heart of dark- tion-seekers.The practitioners of ShashiTharoor floored by India’s ability
ing today at your highest level of fulfillment? this ‘quality’ enriches readers’ word-power, it ness.’ Examples of great writers having a lim- Syndrome are even greater attention-seekers. to nurture young play-
Then make yourself useful. Even the most also invites criticism. “The most difficult thing ited vocabulary are aplenty. The point is: Those Let’s see, in 2020, how many new words tum- ers and empower them
luxurious luxury gets tedious and boring after is to write in a simple language,” aptly observed who somewhere lack the ultimate creative ble out of Shashi Tharoor’s exclusively private with responsibilities at
a short while. Don’t let yourself settle for Francis Bacon. Plain words, couched in a sim- genius, often resort to using a lush, gush and lexicon. Mind you,Tharoor will never use‘hum- critical junctures. Lanka
mere opulence, overconsumption and overindulgence. ple language, stay with the readers and strike rush of uncommon words to cover up their drum’ ‘dictionary’ in place of pompous ‘lexi- has seen India’s growth
Instead, put your skills, your knowledge, your discipline, your a rapport that lasts forever. Many of us suffer Achilles’ heel. Tharoor is an exceptional writer, con’! What do you say? from close quarters as it
competence and persistence to use. Figure out what you can has engaged with the
do to make a positive difference, and then do it. Men in Blue the most in
There are things you are passionate about, people you
love, ideas you believe in. Engage that passion, that love, that
belief in worthwhile endeavours. No matter what burdens
Every Man in his Humour Letters to the Editor last decade or so. India’s
proficiency in churning
out a new crop of play-
you face, or how much or how little you have, one thing is ers regularly has left the
always true. You can instantly make your life better by work-
Tragic Islanders in awe which
ing to make life better for others. Lift yourself far above the
dreary indifference that saps life out of your spirit. Make
yourself useful, and enjoy the fulfilling life that you deserve
The crash of a Ukrainian airliner in Iran shortly after it Sir,
Justice to Nirbhaya is visible in Arthur’s
acknowledgement. It all
boils down to the sys-
to give, and to live. Perfection is a worthy goal which we can took off from Tehran is profoundly saddening and unfor- Final verdict in the Nirbhaya case has been delivered and the four accused will tem of age-group tour-
only hope to reach through accepting imperfection. In order tunate. All 176 people on board, including 82 Iranians and finally meet their end on January 22. We all wish one of the brutes had not escaped naments and exposure
to get it exactly right, you must be willing to repeatedly get 63 Canadians, perished in the tragedy. The crash which because of his age. How could he be dealt with differently when he was old enough through emerging teams
it wrong. Success is achieved only by accepting the very real occurred amid high tension in West Asia and shortly after to commit a crime of a major is worth pondering. Anyway justice, though delayed, which has laid founda-
possibility of defeat. It is highly unlikely that you’ll ever get Tehran launched missiles at bases in Iraq housing US troops has finally been provided to Nirbhaya and her parents. Even her soul must have tion for India’s rise as a
anything right on the first attempt. Or the second, third, or has raised eyebrows. However, there is no immediate indi- now rested in peace. Hats off to the patience, trust and perseverance of Nirbhaya’s top power worth its salt
fourth. Achievement is a process of continual learning and cation of foul play. Presently, global airlines would do well family, especially her mother. in international cricket.
improvement.Those who come closest to perfection are those to avoid Iranian and Iraqi airspace. Lata Devi Chawhan (Via email)
who have experienced the most imperfection. In order to N.J. Ravi Chander, Bengaluru
find your dream house, you must look through a lot of not-
so-dreamy homes. Readers please note the change in e-mail address. TheHitavada welcomes Middles (upto 550 words), letters for this page, and contributions to other sections
also by e-mail at:; The editors may rephrase letters for clarity of thought and constraints of space.

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