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B/O19/04/00 LAGOS-STATE UNIVERSAL BASIC EDUCATION BOARD 2ND TERM UNIFIED EXAMINATION, APRIL 2019 PRIMARY SIX NAME OF SCHOOL: — —-+——- .—— a Sis PUPIL?S NAMI : CLASS: PRIMARY SIX SECTION A COMPREHENSION. INSTRUCTION: Read the passeege carcfully and answer the questions below: Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher made a study of unimals and showed great interest in the creatures of the sea. He described the catfish which lived in the water near his home, telling, us how the male guarded the eggs until they hatched, He also discovered thet fishes can muke noisc, not in their throats, but by rubbing together some scales of their skin and making a kind of squeak, Later, scientists simply disbelieved this. They even laughed at it until recently an American found out what Aristotle had said was truc, Another good example of exact obscrvation by him is his account of the whale, which he wrote after examining a dead one. Ie noted that in spite of their outward likeness to fishes, thoy difter from them becausc they have red bload and feed their young ones on milk, No other scientist bad diseavered fact for nearly nwo thousand years, Whenever Aristotle wrote about animals, which he hiniself was able to observe, his werk was remarkable for exactness which has seldom becn equalled. When we remember that Aristotle lived morc than two thousand years ago, his results seem really wonderful. QUESTIONS. 1, Where did Aristotle live? (@) He lived in America (b) He lived in New Zealand (ce) He lived in Guinea (d) He lived in Greece 2, Where did Aristotle show great interest? (a) In outward likeness of fishes @&) Inthe creatures of the sca (©) Inmaking a kind of squeak (@) —Inother scientists statements 3. Why was Aristotle able to study the catfish well? (a) The fish can make a noise Aristotle could hear (b) Aristotle was a philosopher and could understand (c) It lived in the water near Aristotle's home (d) Aristotle saw the male which guarded the exe 4. How does the catfish make a noise? (a) By rubbing together some scales of their skin (6) By their throats as they swim in water (©) By making a kind of squeals with their tails (4) By the males that guard the egg 5, Who disbelieved what Aristotle said? (a) Philosophers (b) (c) Scientists (a) AGE. B Read the passage carefully and answer the questions below Last month, my brother came home ftom Lagos, unexpectedly in an unsual way, He had just bought a new car that day and he was very anxious that the rest of us should scc it. He was so excited about it that he could not wait till another day to make the long journey. So he set off from Lagos at about three O’clock in the aftemoon, Tbillo is about six hundred kilometres from Lagos, and it is beyond Ore and Benin. The road passed through ‘dense’ forests with tall trees and green leaves, And the road is very rough. My brother drove for ¢ight hours and when he finally arrived at Ibillo rather worn out, all the village was already asleep. My brother is always very considerate, he therefore decided to sleep in his car rather than wake everybody up. He parked his car close to the wall of the house and slept off, Next morning, my mother got up carly as she usually does to clean tthe compound. As she ‘opened the front door af the house, she saw a strange car and a familiar figure lying inside, she immediately shouted far help and the noise woke my brother up QUESTIONS 6. Whydidthe writer's brothergo home? (x) Hisparentshad asked him tecomehome (b) He likes driving very much {c) He wamtedtosleep at home that night (¢) He wanted toshow his new car tohis relat sback at home 7, Whichother word hasthesame meaning as dense forest (a) thick (b) evil (ce) scamered = ()_— wood 8. Whereis the brother’shome town? (a) Thillo (b) Benin ©) Ore (@) Lagos 9, Whydidn’tthe writer's brother wake uphis parents? (a) Helikessleeping incars (6) Hecouldnot leave his new car (c) Hedidn’t like todisturb people who we: (d) Te wastoo tiredto knock at the fromt door aleady sleeping 10. What does the write’s motherdo every morning? (a) Sheinspectsthecompound {b) Shewakesup everyone else inthehouse (©) Sheshoutsevery moming {@) — Shekeeps thohouse surroundings tidy SECTION-B Choose from the given list of words lettered AD, the anes which have almost the opposite meaning so she underlined words in the sentences IL. Ittookus three days toreach the summit (a) boundary (6) zenith (©) bottom (@ side 13. Choove from the list of wards lettered AD, the one wh: Biola isthe geniusin hisctass, (a) mediocre (bb) dullard. (c) captain (@ David gave the teacheranaccuraleanswer to the question, (2) “example = (b) wrong (©) exact a Jide accepted the man’s gift (a) helped (b) collected = (c) beat (a The speaker used the microphone very well (a) usher (6) gate-keeper (c) —_istener cc) underlined in each sentences 16, o 18. 20. ‘The guests are expected anytime from now. fa) hosts. (bh) inspectors. te) strangers: a) ‘The children were curious to soe their parents. (a) eager (>) happy (©) prepared Jam confident of success inthe examination (2) ashamed = (b) sure () afraid @ He was awarded a prize for honesty. (a) left (b) shown (c) given (a) The [ead teacher commended to the pupils" actions. (a) commanded (h) ordered (©) admitted = (a) SECTION C, Choose from the alternatives lettered A-D, the word that is correctly spelt, 21 2, B 24, (a) Chemical (6) Chemical = (c)—-Kemical (a) (a) Opportunity (b) Oportunity (ec) Opputunity —(d) () Dangros (6) Dangeris. = (c)_—-Dentigerioux (dp (a) Sawgean (b) Surgeon (c) Surgion. td) (a) Headtecher (b) Headtacher {c) Headteacher (d) SECTION D. prefect ood rejected spectator ich have almost the same meaning «x the word Visitors (6) ready peaceful found praised Chemical ©potunity Dangerous: Surgecon Head teher Complete each af the following statements with the maxi appropriate options lettered 4-D, 26. Pa The criminal case was decidedat the... (a) bar (b) chambers (c)— hospital, «(a Aftera long trial, the judge... (a) acquitted (by the innocent man, convicted — (c) dismissed (d) Taweourt remanded 28. [ris always good fo... qualified doctor when one is ill (a) approach = (b)— consult (© inform a) visit 29. 'mtrying to make my writing. 20 that people can read it without difficulty. (a) appropriate (b) bold (c) legible (qd) suitable 30, Please,........... that radio to FRCN, I want to listen to the national news. (a) move (b) roll (c)— swite (d) tune From the options lettered A-D, choose the best interpretations far the statements. 31, My friendarrived atthe venue ofour meeting in the nick of time. This means he came... (a) atthoexacttime (>) justabitcarly fc) justalittle late «@)— looearly 32, Myunclesethis face against the proposal. This meanshe.........ulhe proposal. a} didnotrespect. (b) disregarded (c)—wasopposedto (d)— putup 33, Mary's people see’her once ima blue moon. This means they SS BEF se sre (a) every fullmoon (b) often (e) veryrarely 4d) once imamonth Haruna is the black sheep of the family, This means Harunatis...n.0 (a) dark skinned (by ajewel (c) adisgrace (@) apride 35. Moses was the flyin the ointment in the family. This means that Moses was the im the family. (a) ont (b) only badboy (©) only flying captain (@)— prideofeveryone From the options given below, choose the words that best fill the following spaces. The roots of most plants grow in the. out in the soil to help the plant... 38 They do not just sitthere, but seem 0 .o...8Th nn ing our thei tips.....{09.....are always coming in touch withnew.......40. of soil. 36, @) plant (b) soil (©) river WW) ground 37. (a) grow (o) absorb: (©) hang (dy reach 38, (a) inserted «= (Bb) digged fe} pulled (d) layer 39, (a) taproot, = (6) plant (c) rotten (a) leaf 40. (a) part (b) pattern (plain (4) place

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