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A. Research Design

This research is experimental research because it will find

out the effect of debate technique toward students’ speaking

ability at class XI of MAN 1 Padang.

According to Sukardi (2009: 54), experimental research attempts to

determine the influence of one or more variables to other variables. This research

used pre-experimental design with one group pre-test and post-test. According to

Gay (1992:298) defines that the experimental method is the only method of

research that can truly test hypotheses concerning cause and effect relationships.

The experimental design must have two groups: an

experimental group and control group. The students will be

treated in different ways, the experimental group is taught

through debate technique, and the control group is taught

through teacher technique.

This research will use post-test on design. The post-test

scores are compared to determine the effect of the treatment.

According to Gay, Mill, and Airasian (2009: 257) this design

takes the following form:

Group Treatme Post-

nt test
C X2 O

Ex= experimental class

C = control class

X1= treatment through idebate technique

X2= treatment through teacher technique

O = post-test.

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

According to Gay, Mill, and Airasian (2009) state

that population is the group to which a researcher would

like the results of a study to be generalize. In addition,

Arikunto (2010) population is the entire research subject.

The population of students at class XI IPA in MAN 1 Padang

is 120 students. There are four classes, they are as follow:

Table 1:

Population of the Students at the eleventh grade at

Islamic Senior High School 1 Padang

Class Amount of the students

XI- IPA 1 30
XI- IPA 2 30
XI- IPA 3 30
XI- IPA 4 30
Source: English Teacher of MAN 1 Padang

2. Sample

This research will use cluster sampling technique.

Arikunto (2010) states that cluster sampling is randomly

selected groups, not individuals.

Shortly, this research will use cluster random sampling

to select the sample in which it will use lottery to decide

experimental class XI IPA 1 that treated by using debate

technique and control class XI IPA 2 will be treated using

teacher technique.

C. Instrumentation

Instrument is a tool to collect data from the sample.

According to Brown (2010) a test is a method of measuring

a person’s ability, knowledge, or performance in given

domain. Performance test is used to collected the data.

This test is conducted to know whether there is significant

effect of debate technique toward students’ speaking skill

or not.

In order to get students’ speaking scores, oral

proficiency scoring is categorized by Brown (2001) into

some indicators for speaking assessment such as

grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency,

pronunciation, as table below:

Table 2: Oral proficiency scoring categories, Brown

(2001: 406-407)

Aspect of Score Description of English rating

evaluatio level sheet

Grammar 5 Equivalent to that of an educated

native speaker.

Able to use the language accurately

on all levels normally pertinent to

4 professional needs. Error in grammar

is quite rare.

Control of grammar is good. Able to

3 speak the language with sufficient

structural accuracy to participate

2 effectively in most formal and

informal conversation on practical,

social, and professional topics.

Can usually handle elementary

1 construction quite accurately but

does not have through of confident

control on the grammar

Error in grammar are frequent, but

speaker can be understood by a

native speaker used to dealing with

foreigner attempting to speak his

Vocabulary 5 Speech on all level is fully accepted

by educated native speakers in all its

features including breath of

vocabulary and idioms, colloquialism,

4 and pertinent cultural references.

Can understand and participate in

any conversation within the range of

3 his experience with a high degree of

precision of vocabulary.

Able to speak the language with

sufficient vocabulary to participate

effectively in most formal and

2 informal conversations on

practicalsocial, and professional

1 topics. Vocabulary is broad enough

that he rarely has to grope for a


Has speaking vocabulary sufficient to

express himself simply with some


Speaking vocabulary inadequate to

express anything but the most

elementary needs.
Comprehen 5 Equivalent to that of an educated

-sion native speaker.

Can understand any conversation

4 within the range of his experience.

Comprehension is quite complete at

3 formal rate of speech.

Can get the gist of most

conversations of non-technical

2 subject (i.e., topic that require no

specialized knowledge).

Within the scope of his very limited

language experience, can

1 understand simple questions and

statements if delivered with slowed

speech, repetition, or paraphrase.

Can get the gist of most

conversations of non –technical

subject (i.e., topics that require not

specialized knowledge).
Fluency 5 Has complete fluency in the

language such that his speech is fully

accepted by educated native

4 speakers.

Able to use the language fluently on

all levels normally pertinent to

professional needs. Can participate in

3 any conversation within the range of

this experience with a high degree of

2 fluency.

Can discuss particular interests of

competence with reasonable ease.

1 Rarely has to grope for words.

Can handle with confidence but not

with facility most social situations,

including introductions and casual

conversations about current events,

as well as work, family, and

autobiographical information.

(No specific fluency description.

Refer to other four language areas

for implied level of fluency.)

Pronunciati 5 Equivalence to and fully accepted by

on educated native speakers.

4 Errors in pronunciation are quite rare

3 Errors never interfere with

understanding and rarely disturb the

native speaker. Accent may be

2 obviously foreign.

Accent is intelligible though often

1 quite faulty.

Errors in pronunciation are frequent

but can be understood by a native

speaker used to dealing with

foreigners attempting to speak his


Based on the table above, the score that given is

from one point to five point based on the competence that

had by students. This research uses indicator of speaking

skill that stated by Brown. It is helpful to assess students

speaking skill because it measures how better students in

speaking English. It also has detail indicators criterion for

instance, each indicator has mentioned its own level score.

As a result, it helps the scorer to give the score clearly to

the students’ performance.

The researcher conducts this activity with measuring

students’ speaking skill using speaking test. Gay and

Airasian (2009) state that if the researchers’ interpretation

of the data are valuable, the measuring instruments used

to collect the data must be valid and reliable.

1. Validity

According to Brown (2004) that validity is the extent to

which inference is made from assessment result which

consist of appropriate material, meaningful and useful in

terms of the purpose of the assessment in teaching.

2. Content Validity

Content validity is looking at the relevance between the

items of the instrument and the curriculum. Sugiyono

(2012: 176) states that to test content validity of a test

instrument can be done by comparing between content of

instrument with lesson that has been taught.

3. Reliability

Reliability of the test is the degree to which a test

consistency measures whatever it is measuring, Gay and

Airasian (2009:158). Reliability is use to measure whether

the test constant or not. It means that the test will be use

for different class, however the result of each class is the

same or the average of each class is not different. To know

how reliable the test, the research will be helped by English

teachers at the school.

D. Procedure of the Research

1. Preparation Phases

a. Making the research schedule.

b. Doing negotiation with the school about the schedule of


c. Preparing the legal letter of research.

d. Preparing the appropriate material based on the


e. Designing the group of the experiment class to use

debate technique as conducive as possible.

f. Making the lesson plan.

g. Preparing all of elements that are needed in experiment

2. Application Phases

The teaching programs that would be given to

experimental class and control class referred to curriculum

2013, however both classes get different treatment. The

experiment class will be taught through debate technique,

and control class will be through teacher technique. The

treatment that will be given to experimental class and

control class is as follows:

Teaching Procedure/Treatment

Experimental Class Control Class

Pre-Teaching Pre-Teaching

(Apperception and (Apperception and

motivation) motivation)

 Greeting  Greeting

 Praying  Praying

 Teacher Checks  Teacher checks

student’s students’

attendance attendance

 Teacher asks  Teacher asks

students about the students about the

last material last material

 Teacher  Teacher

encourages encourages

students to speak students to speak

English by asking English by asking

questions that questions that

related to the related to the

material and material and

Students respond students respond

based on their based on their

experience experience.

 Teacher introduces  Teacher introduces

learning objective learning objective

to students to students

 Teacher writes a  Teacher writes a

topic of the lesson topic of the lesson

on the whiteboard on the whiteboard

Whilst Teaching Whilst-Teaching

Observing Observing

While teaching While teaching

 The teacher shows Teacher Technique

students the three

topics on the board

to build students'



 Students observe
the topic
Teacher Technique

 The teacher asks

students to choose

a topic
 Students choose

the topics they

want to debate.

 The teacher guides

students to make

comments or ask

questions based on Exploring

topic Teacher Technique


 The teacher gives

explains how to

start debate

 The teacher guides

students to identify

the advantages of Associating

debate in English Teacher Technique


 Teacher are divided

two group of

students pro and

contra .

• The teacher has

copied one topic.

• each group

discusess abaout the


• Both groups argue

about topics that give

according to facts and Communicating

knowledge Teacher Technique

• Finally, the teacher

asks each one of the

groups to present their



 The teacher

provides supporting

comments to


 The teacher gives

feedback to

students about

topic of debate

 The teacher

improves students'

speech by

considering the


Post-Teaching Post-Teaching

 Teacher review and Teacher Technique

conclude the lesson

 Teacher asks



about material

 Teacher gives

enrichment home


 Teacher tell the

students the topic

for the next

meeting and then

close the class.

3. Final Phase

a. Giving test to experimental and control class in the last


b. Processing data toward experimental and control class

that will be seen in chapter IV.

c. Taking conclusion from the authentic material data

collection that will be seen in chapter V.

E. The Technique of Data Collection

The data of this research will be collected from

students’ performance-test of post-test. The test will be

given before and after treatment conducting for six or eight

meetings. The data will be collected through the following


1. Both classes (experimental and control) will be asked to

speak about a topic.

2. The students’ speaking skill will be recorded by using

camera to evaluate the appropriateness of

pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and


3. The scorers will evaluate students’ speaking skill by

using speaking rubric.

4. All the scores of five indicators will be counted to get

the final score, the following formulation according to

Arikunto (2010:24):

s=¿RN × 100 ¿

Explanation: S= scores

R= total score of the students

N= maximum ideal score

F. Techniques of Data Analysis

1. Normality Testing

The normality testing will be used to see whether the

data is normal or not. Normality testing will be analyzed by

using Lilliefors testing. To find normality of test, the

researcher will use formula that stated by Sudjana (2005:

466) as follow:

Xi− X́ (n¿¿ 1−1)S12 +(n2−1)S22

√ n1 +n2−2

Where : Zi = total score

Xi=students’ score i

X́ = mean score

S= standard deviation

n1 = the number of subject of control group

S12 = Standard deviation of experiment

S22 = Standard deviation of control

The normality of each groups the experiment and the control

group will be compared with L observed and L table. If Lo < Lt

the data is normal. In other hand, if Lo > Lt the data is not


2. The Homogeneity Testing

The homogeneity test will be conducted to know whether

the data is homogeny or not. The homogeny test will be

analyzed with formula by Sugiyono (2011:197).

great variance
F calculate =
small variance

To see the data from both classes homogenity,

Fcalculate is compred with Ftable. If Fcalculate < Ftable,

the variance of data is homogeny and if Fcalculate > F

table, the variance of the data is not homogeny.

Then, this research will be compared with the mean

score from both of groups, experimental class and control

class. For obtaining, the mean score, the researcher will

use formula suggested by Gay (2000:307) the formula as


X́ 1 =
∑ X 1 And X́ = ∑ X 2
n1 n2


x́ 1 = mean score of experimental group

x́ 2 = mssean score of control group

n1 = number of student in experimental


n2 = number of students in control group

∑ X1 = sum of score in experimental group

∑ x2 = sum of score in control group

3. Hypothesis Testing

To find the effectiveness of treatment in analyzing

data, the research will use the formula developed by

Sudjana (1996: 239), the formula as follow:

X́ 1− X́ 2
t= (n1−1) S21 + ( n 2−1 ) S 22
√1 1
n1 n2
√ n1 +n2 −2


t = the value of t calculated (observer) obtained

X́ 1 =¿Mean score of experiment sample

X́ 2 = Mean score of control class sample

n1 = the number of subject of experiment group

n2 = the number of subject of control group

S21 = standard deviation of experiment group

S22 = standard deviation of control group

In this research, hypothesis testing is:

Hi = if t-table is smaller than t-test, it means that debate

technique gives positive effect on the students’

speaking skill.

H0 = if t-table is bigger than t-test, it means that debate

technique does not give positive effect on students’

speaking skill.

As stated before, if the result of t-test is smaller than

t-table at the level of significance ∝0,05. It can be

concluded that there is no positive effect of information

gap technique on speaking skill. In other word, if the result

of t-test is bigger than t-table, it shows that the null

hypothesis is rejected.


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