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A Death, A Departure, and a Dingy Bird

The land was in chaos.

The government, which had formerly been ruled equally by all tiers, had been
overrun by the Ubers, an all-powerful group of Pokemon who knew no equals. Several
resistance groups had formed to combat the corrupt government as they took over the
land and razed down all who opposed them. One such group had risen up in a small area
once inhabited by humans, but was now deserted. Route 32...
"Hurry up, Gavin, we're going to be late."
"Yeah, you try running around with such stubby legs..."
A duo was trudging down a dirt road to a now-deserted Pokemon Center. An Absol
gracefully skipped over the overgrown road and landed gracefully on a boulder to watch
his companion, a rather flat-footed Bibarel, struggle to even walk three feet without
"Should I get Ala? He should be able to Telepo-"
"I can manage on my own, thanks." said the Bibarel, Gavin.
Finally, he managed to crawl over to the charred remains of the Pokemon Center in
which the resistance group USSBBR was based.
"After you."
The two walked through the threshold of the Pokemon Center, upon which they were
immediately greeted.
"Gavin, Kain, welcome back. Have you met trouble on the road? You are very
near late..." The deep voice of an Alakazam reverberated from the counter.
"Well, if you count some vines as some trouble, I suppose so." Kain glanced at his
Ala let out a chuckle, mustache quivering. Upon seeing the inquiring looks upon
their faces, he relayed the location of the other members of USSBBR immediately.
"Titan and Mr. H&C went out into Union Cave for scouting duties. Mierda should
be close by, he hasn't left base. I haven't a clue where Photos might've went off to, he was
supposed to have returned by now.....oh, Titan and Mr. H&C return!"
And so they had, the Scizor and Tyranitar traipsing towards the ruined building.
Something flashed in the latter of the two's eyes as he glanced northward, but even as he
moved to push Mr. H&C out of the way, a great burst of flame smote the Scizor in the
abdomen. Titan stared at Mr. H&C in utter disbelief. The Scizor was dead before he hit
the floor. Titan unleashed a roar full of rage and summoned a circle of pointed rocks.
With tremendous force he hurled each one toward an unseen enemy in the distance. Kain,
Gavin, and Ala rushed out to meet the enemy, but they seemed to have withdrew, though
a faint rainbow was visible in the distance.
"Ho-Oh..." Titan growled, "Rotten scum..."
Ala, however, noticed a pair of specks growing closer, a red and a blue speck. As they
came closer, Ala gave a start as he recognized the pair.
"SHIT, everyone, into Union Cave, Latios and Latias are coming!" Everyone
stared at Ala, glanced at the two dragon Pokemon growing closer, and without another
second's hesitation, rushed into the cave. As soon as the members of USSBBR entered
the cave, a voice rang out:
"Mierda, NOW!"
A sudden rockslide startled the group as it crashed down upon the opening, blocking all
entry or exit from that opening.
"Close call, huh? Did you get H&C?" A Swampert leaped down from a ledge
overlooking the cave mouth, deftly landing on all fours next to a boulder upon which a
Mightyena sat upon.
"Hey, Mierda. Photos." Gavin said shakily. "Yeah, we've got H&C r-right here..."
Titan placed the corpse, charred from Ho-Oh's brutal Sacred Fire, in front of Mierda to
inspect. The Swampert sighed and addressed the rest of the group.
"His death was sad, but we'll have to move on. My rockslide will keep out the
Latis, but it'll be hopeless against someone like Groudon, and I'm sure they planned
ahead and brought along someone who could force their way through.
Everyone nodded, though Ala's eyes remained on the corpse of their leader before
nodding as well. USSBBR trudged through the cave, dodging the occasional angry Zubat,
re-emerging on Route 33.
Titan remained behind as the rest of the group made for Azalea Town. As they
noticed the absence of his quaking steps, the members of USSBBR looked back at the
"We can't just carry him forever." Titan clawed the ground and sculpted it into a
box shaped hole. Then Ala understood. "Ah, you wish to bury him..." Ala murmured. "I
agree, it is fitting, he founded USSBBR, after all. It is only right that he gets a proper
burial." Everyone nodded. Gavin lifted the body and gently dropped it into the hole. The
members of USSBBR stared at their leader's lifeless body until Mierda had covered the
grave with soil. He ripped a piece of stone from the cave and carved a message into the
"Rest in Peace, Mr. H & C..." recited Ala, as Mierda planted the gravestone firmly
into the ground. Ala sighed. "This does not bode well.....already, one of our most
powerful members has fallen.....can we even survive this madness?"
"That depends. He sacrificed himself for a good cause. The question is: are you
ready to possibly do the same?"
An Altaria, perched on a tree, inclined his head slightly. "The name's Dallas. May
I have yours?"

Kain's Plan

"Ala." "Gavin." "Kain." "Titan." "Photos." "Mierda." Each member recited their
name, one after the other. "We're the members of USSBBR, a resistance group...or at
least, what's left of it." Ala gestured at the grave.
"I see..." Dallas shuffled his wings. "I don't think you'd object to a little help,
would you?"
Mierda's eyes widened. "You mean it? You're going to join us?" Dallas nodded. "But
first, where exactly are you planning on going now? Azalea may be a town for the
resistance, but I'm sure you know Goldenrod and Violet City are both under the rule of
the Ubers. You're trapped either way."
Kain spoke up. "Actually, I have a plan for that." Everyone turned to Kain. "As
we all know, Union Cave has an entrance to the Ruins of Alph. We could take the
shortcut through the Ruins, go south down Route 32, and find the remains of the Magnet
Train's railway. We could use it to walk to Kanto, there's not as many Ubers running
around there."
Ala thought about it. "We'd need quite a bit of supplies. And Titan is so tall that
Ubers from Violet City might recognize him." Kain sighed. "I know it's risky, but it's the
best we've got. the only other plan is to march right through Violet City, in which case
we'll DEFINITELY be noticed." Ala held up his hand. "Enough, I see your point. Titan,
Mierda, and I will set up camp. Gavin, Photos, Kain, and if you'd consent, Dallas shall go
into Azalea to buy supplies. We leave tomorrow." Gavin, Photos, Kain, and Dallas
agreed without an argument and set off for Azalea at once. Titan and Mierda merely
began setting up camp.

Prelude to Battle

Dallas roosted on a tree on the outskirts of Azalea and addressed the others. "We
should split up and each get something we need. Photos, find any berries you can. Kain,
get as much equipment as possible, Gavin, help me find food." Photos and Kain nodded
and set off towards their destinations, while Gavin and Dallas headed over to the nearest
food vendor. Meanwhile, back on Route 33, Ala, Mierda, and Titan had already set up
camp, and were keeping watch over the area. "They're back." Titan growled. Dallas
landed, leaving a sack upon the floor. Shortly after, Kain and Photos dashed into camp,
each dropping another bag as they passed Ala and Titan. Gavin brought up the rear,
dropping a bulging bag at Ala's feet and saying, "We've got more than just supplies, too."
Ala gave Gavin a puzzled look until Titan pointed and said, "Look."
A small group of five Pokemon was walking towards the USSBBR camp.
"Uhh..." Kain said slowly. "Who are all of you?" A Weavile stepped up. "Delrith. My
name's Delrith." He listed the rest of the group's names. "Game_ROB, that's the
Magneton, Lostmagic, the Xatu, and Usoki, that Cherrim over there." A Spinda piped up.
"And I'm Tails, hi."
"Err, not to be rude, but why are you here?" Mierda had joined them. "Well, I
assume you're a resistance group..." Lostmagic said. "We're joining." Ala looked startled
but pleased. "It shall be far more difficult to manuever while remaining concealed now,
but if it comes to a fight, we shall at the very least be able to hold Ubers off."
"Okay, for now, we sleep. Photos and...Delrith, make sure you wake early
tomorrow, we need you to scout for enemies within Union Cave before the main body
sets out. Titan, Mierda, and Gavin, you'll assist me in packing the supplies and
dismantling camp before we leave Route 33." Photos, Titan, Mierda, and Gavin nodded.
Delrith hesitated before nodding as well. "Good. Sleep well, everyone. You'll need the
rest, we have a long day ahead of us." With that, Ala departed for his tent. Everyone
followed suit, and Dallas settled on top of Mierda's tent.
The next morning, Photos and Delrith had already left, and Titan, Mierda, Gavin,
and Ala were already taking down camp. Delrith arrived and reported. "Photos is waiting
at the Ruins of Alph exit. There's no one between here and there." Ala brightened.
"Excellent! Go and alert the others, and prepare to advance to the Ruins of Alph. Mierda,
Gavin, Titan and I shall be there shortly as well." Delrith nodded and ran through camp,
rousing the others. Soon, most of USSBBR was heading into Union Cave. They greeted
Photos as they approached the Ruins, and re-emerged from the cave. In a matter of
minutes, Ala's small team had rejoined the main force as well. "Mmm, everyone's here."
Ala said. "Let's move o-"
"WAIT!" A Quagsire leapt out of a nearby pond and began talking quickly. "You
know the Magnet Train railway, right?" Ala looked at the Quagsire in surprise. "Yes. In
fact, that's where we're all headed now." The Quagsire became a bit wary. "You'd better
watch out, then. Some jerk is refusing anyone to pass through that area. I was going to
ask you to try and get him to leave so I could get to Kanto. By the way, my name's
Tingle." Ala inclined his head. "I'm Ala, and this is my resistance group, USSBBR. We
hope to eradicate the Ubers in Kanto so we can use it as a base for ridding Johto of
them." Tingle looked excited again. "Can I join? I want to help!" Ala laughed and said,
"Can you? Of course you can, we need all the help we can get. Come on, let's go." Ala
led USSBBR south, coming to a stop at an area of railway that had rusted and caved in.
As soon as Ala came within a yard of the railway, a Metagross appeared from the
rubble, hidden under rusted railway parts. "Why are you here? This is my property. Take
the bridge around like you always do." Ala was startled by the Metagross's knowledge of
USSBBR's scouting duties, but displayed none of his surprise as he said, "We need to use
the railroad. Route 46 is beyond our reach and Goldenrod is under the watchful eye of the
Ubers. We cannot pass to Kanto through any way but this. Who are you to claim this
piece of land, anyway?" The Metagross straightened proudly. "I am Todbot. I am of the
Steel AND Psychic typing. You have no attacks that could hope to do much damage to
me. I-"
Darkrai had appeared.

Bomber Jet Battle

"So, what's up, resistance members? Wanna play a game?" Darkrai grinned evilly.
"I call it, 'KILL EVERYONE ON SIGHT'!" Darkrai laughed maniacally and began firing
Shadow Balls at USSBBR. Gavin rolled forward and blocked the hit with his Normal
typing. Ala stepped out from behind Gavin and concentrated, firing a Focus Blast at
Darkrai. Darkrai sidestepped the attack, laughing. "There's a reason you shouldn't rely on
attacks with 70 accuracy, fool!" Darkrai swiped the air, sending a pulse of dark energy at
Ala. Ala gasped and put up a Light Screen, blunting the attack. Darkrai grinned again and
raised his arms, forming a field of darkness around the members of USSBBR. Dallas and
Lostmagic took off, avoiding the attack, and Ala sidestepped out of the circle and fired
another Focus Blast at Darkrai.
"OH, FU-" Darkrai's Dark Void had worked, sending nearly everybody to sleep,
but the moment it took to complete the attack prevented him from dodging Ala's
powerful Fighting attack.
"Need a little help?" A blue blur flashed past Dallas, then landed next to Darkrai.
"Latios," Ala growled. "Come to finish us off, huh?" Latios grinned. "That was a narrow
escape you had. Lucky for you we decided to wait a bit before killing you. Well, you
lasted another day, but it's over now. You're tired, and all you have to help are a psychic
bird and an Al-" Latios stopped and suddenly whirled around. Dallas was humming
softly. "No you don't!" Latios gathered energy and fired a Dragon Pulse at Dallas. Dallas
took the hit, yelling in pain, but his Heal Bell worked; the other members of USSBBR
had awoken. Lines of hatred formed on Latios's face.
"LUSTER PURGE!" He sent a wave of psychic energy at Dallas, who was once
again blown back from the force of Latios's attack and slammed into a tree. Darkrai took
advantage of Ala's distraction to fire another Dark Pulse at Ala, who noticed just in time
and ducked under the attack. Darkrai leapt to the top of a tree and began firing Shadow
A blue sphere of energy hit Darkrai in the face. "Argh!" Darkrai gave a cry of
pain and fled towards Violet City. Latios halted his fierce charge at Dallas and saw
Darkrai fleeing, and was hit by Dallas's own Dragon Pulse. Flung onto the ground, he
looked up at Dallas angrily, but instead of Dallas, a white, jet-shaped Pokemon was
grinning at him: a Togekiss. Latios gathered energy for another Dragon Pulse, but with a
flick of his wing, the Togekiss slashed Latios across the face, causing him to flinch in
pain. Latios quickly recovered and made a quick slash at the Togekiss - but he had
disappeared. Latios looked around in frustration, eyes darting around, when the Togekiss
performed a powerful Sky Attack, knocking Latios far back. Latios gave a howl of rage
and began charging energy. "DRACO METE-" The Togekiss sped toward Latios and
knocked him back once again with Extremespeed, causing him to slam against a rusted
railway column.
Panting, Latios lay on the floor. "Alright, alright, you got win." Tod
suddenly appeared at Latios's side. "Surrender or not, you're on private property. Now
you're leaving private property. Have a nice day!" Tod flung Latios up into the air
effortlessly. "Ugh.....someone's gonna be sore in the morning....." Latios grimaced. Tod
yelled out. "METEOR MAAAAAAAAASH!" Tod's fist connected with Latios, sending
him flying.
Ala gazed at Tod and the Togekiss in shock. He walked up to the Pokemon who
had effortlessly defeated both Darkrai and Latios and tilted his head. "Uhh, hello, who are
you? How the hell did you beat those two without even trying?" The Togekiss looked at
Ala happily and responded, "Toge togekiss, toge toge, kiss kiss, KIIIIIIISS!" Ala looked
utterly perplexed. "Erm, WHAT?! I asked you who you are...your name?" The Togekiss
nodded. "Kiss, togekiss kiss." Ala began to get a little frustrated. "Can you even speak
proper English?!" The Togekiss looked confused. "Of course I can. What made you think
I couldn't?" Ala stared at the Togekiss in disbelief, then facepalmed. "Look, can you just
do me the favor of telling me who you are?" The Togekiss nodded. "Sure! My name's
MICD. An as for how I beat Latios and Darkrai, it's simple. I was waiting for Darkrai to
jump up there, I've watched him, I know his style. With Latios: simple. Just knock him
around before he builds up momentum, he gets discouraged and frustrated." Ala looked at
MICD in amazement. "How do you know the battle strategies of Ubers?" MICD
shrugged. "Simple. I just stalk them." Ala stared at MICD blankly, then shook his head.
"No comment..." He turned to the rest of USSBBR. "Are any of you hurt?" Usoki spoke
up. "I got hit by Darkrai's Shadow Ball, m'alright though...I think Dallas is in more
trouble though."
Ala's eyes widened as he saw Dallas lying on the ground unconscious, and
immediately rushed over to him. "Lostmagic, come here, we need to heal him."
Lostmagic obediently soared over to Dallas and began using Recover with Ala. Dallas
stirred sleepily and looked up. "Are you alright, Dallas?" Ala said concernedly. Dallas
mumbled, "Yeah, I'm alright..." Ala shook his head. "You can't fly with us in this
condition, someone needs to carry you." Dallas grunted. "I suppose..." Heavy footsteps
signaled Mierda's presence. "I'll do it." Ala looked at Mierda in surprise. "Oh, of course.
Thank you, Mierda." Dallas smiled weakly at Mierda and thanked him as well as Mierda
lifted him and began carrying Dallas on his back. Ala nodded and turned to the rest of the
group. "Well, now that Darkrai and Latios are gone, we need a way to get to Kanto since
Tod refu-"
"Nah, you can pass."
Ala looked at Tod, startled. "You mean it? We can pass?" Tod nodded. "Yes, you can.
Seeing as I'm going with you." Ala looked delighted. "This is great! We can get to Kanto,
AND we recruited a powerful member into USSBBR." Tod grinned. "Glad to be of use."
He roared at the other members of USSBBR. "You heard us, what are you waiting for?
Get on the railway!" The group jumped, startled, and those closest to the railway began
climbing up onto it and marching eastward, with Ala, Tod, Lostmagic, and Mierda with
Dallas in the rear. Ala noticed a familiar white Pokemon drifting alongside them.
"MICD? What are you doing?" MICD grinned. "After that pitiful performace, you think
I'm letting you guys go on without me? I'm joining up." Ala glanced at Mierda and said,
"Thanks...?" MICD merely winked.

Onward to Kanto

USSBBR was traveling along the Magnet Train railway, fast approaching Route
46, when Ala stopped the group. "We need more supplies if we're going to make it to
Saffron. We picked up a lot of supplies at Azalea, but we don't have enough to reach
Saffron." He seperated the members. "Gavin, Photos, Titan, Lostmagic, Usoki, Tails,
Tingle, Delrith, Game_ROB, and Tod, go east to Kanto, wait for us at Route 2. Dallas,
Mierda, Kain, and MICD, follow me, we're going north to Blackthorn to gather supplies."
Ala handed over most of the supplies to Gavin's group. "You'll need this until we return
with more, we can manage on this little amount of supplies. Okay, move out." Gavin's
group began traversing the railway once more, and Ala turned to his team. "Let's go."
Ala's team traveled to Route 46, bypassing the ledges by taking a shortcut through
Dark Cave, finally arriving at Blackthorn City. Ala addressed the others. "MICD and
Mierda, keep Dallas safe while he recovers. Kain and I shall get the supplies. MICD
merely hummed and looked southward for attackers, while Mierda settled next to Dallas
and watched Ala and Kain enter the city.
"That went rather smoothly." Kain remarked as they left the market with several
bags of supplies. "MUCH easier to haggle with than Azalea's vendors, they were
nightmares. $50,000 for an Expert Belt? No thank you." Ala chuckled as they neared the
bridge to Route 45. "Ow, what the-" Ala accidentally kicked a smooth rock. "That thing's
heavier than it lo-"
"WHO DARES TO KICK ME?!" What looked like a purple wisp of smoke
drifted out of a crack in the stone, then swirled to form a purple cloud with green eyes,
spots, and a mouth. "A Spiritomb? I had no idea these things were so heavy..." Ala
scratched his head. The Spiritomb swayed and said, "FOOL! You see before you ZERO!
The Black Knight! Now hand over your supplies, or I shall make yoooooooooooou!"
Kain coughed, walked up to Zero, and slashed at the Spiritomb's stone. "OWW,
PAAAAAAAIN!" The Spiritomb retreated into its stone as it rolled away with the force
of Kain's Night Slash. "Ugh, what did you do now, Zero?" A Sableye suddenly appeared
from behind a ruined tree. "Hi, I'm wearewe. Did he try robbing you too?" Kain rolled his
eyes. "If that was a robbery, I pity him." Wearewe laughed nervously. "Well, I'm sorry
for his actions, he's kinda.....weird." Ala smiled at Wearewe, and said, "Well, this has
been, but we really must be going now. Farewell, Wearewe." Wearewe
became excited. "Ooh, where you going?" Ala looked farther down the bridge. "We need
to return to my friend, to see if he recovered, he was badly hurt. Then we must return to
the other members of my resistance organization."
"A resistance?" Zero barreled over to Ala. "I didn't know you were part of a
resistance! Can I join?" Ala looked surprised, but acquiesced. "Very well. Wearewe,
would you like to join as well?" Wearewe nodded fervently. "And you can just call me
Wear." Ala inclined his head. "Very well. Come, we have to travel quite a distance." Ala
led Kain, Wear, and Zero down to Route 45, where MICD and Dallas were circling
around Mierda's head, though they halted in midair and hovered on either side of Mierda
once Ala appeared. "Dallas says he's recovered, " Mierda reported. "He's ready to travel
without assistance now." Ala looked at Dallas, who confirmed Mierda's words with a
nod, and nodded back at him and Mierda. "Come, the others await us."
As the ledges were passable going south, they had no need to pass through Dark
Cave, and eventually they had reached the broken down area of the Magnet Train's
railway where USSBBR had split, where they found Photos.
"Photos?" Ala inquired. "Why are you still here?" Photos looked uncomfortable.
"We Route 2...we thought maybe...I should tell you...oh, forget it.
Just follow me and look for yourself." Photos raced down the railway. Ala gave his team
a puzzled look before hurrying after Photos. Soon, they reached the area where the
railway had broken down in Route 2, and Photos wagged his tail in an agitated sort of
way. Ala looked around before noticing something strange. "Where's Usoki? Or
Game_ROB and Lostmagic?" Photos paced around. "Some Vigoroth named GigaRaver
passed by, and Usoki followed him for some reason. Game_ROB went north, and
Lostmagic followed him. But that's not the point, look up!" Ala peered at the sky. "What
is it? I don't see anythi-" Dallas interjected. "You need to be up here, Ala. Look at Saffron
City." Ala climbed back up onto the railway and looked eastward. "I still don't see
anything wro.....o-oh."
A flag was flying off the top of the old Silph Co. building. Circling around the
flag were two Salamence. The Ubers had taken Saffron City.

The Siege of Saffron City

"No...this can't be possible..." Ala said in utter disbelief. "Saffron can't
be..." Titan growled. "It can't be helped. There's no way we can just get in through the
railway, they're sure to be watching it. We could go through Diglett's Cave, go north from
Vermilion, and attack from the south. They're going to have major protection around
there, though. It's surrounded by enemies on all four sides. Our only hope is that other
resistances wil attack at the same time as us and distract them from focusing all our
efforts on us." Ala nodded, barely registering what Titan had said. Gavin sighed, ran up
to the small tree that blocked off Diglett's Cave, and Cut it, opening up the way to
Diglett's Cave. Everone rushed into Diglett's Cave with the exception of Ala, Kain, and
Dallas. Dallas called out, "ALA, come on! There's no use in staring at Saffron like that,
we'll take it back!" Dallas rushed into the cave. Kain nudged Ala. "Come on, Dallas is
right, there's no use in gaping like that." Ala shook his head wearily and made his way
into Diglett's Cave, Kain following in his wake.
MICD led the group, looking serious for the first time USSBBR had seen him. He
floated up into the next cave, looked around for any danger, and gestured at the rest of
USSBBR to ascend the ladder. He squinted as he came into the bright light shining on
Vermilion City. He turned to the members of USSBBR. "So, what's the pla-" Titan shook
his head. "Don't discuss it here. If Saffron's guards see us talking here, they'll raze this
whole town down. We'll discuss tactics on Route 6." MICD nodded and took off for the
northern entrance of Vermilion City, with the other members close behind.
Once they had reached Route 6, Ala cleared his throat and spoke. "We should
mount two attacks on Saffron, one in the north, and one on the south. I'll lead the
southern atta-" MICD interrupted. "Shouldn't you lead a northern attack?" Ala looked
confused. "Why should I?" MICD looked at Gavin and nodded; Gavin spread out a map
of Kanto. MICD gestured at the north of Saffron. "Only Cerulean City is up there. Pretty
much no threat, that city's relatively passive. They won't expect an attack in that
direction; their defenses should be minimal. You'd crush their defenses easily and break
right into the city, making it easier for a southern force to break in as well. There's much
more threat from the south, they'll definitely be on guard for an attack from this
Ala smiled for the first time since Blackthorn. "All I can say is, I'm glad we
recruited you." MICD smirked and said, "My pleasure." Ala returned his attention to the
group at large. "Okay, MICD, you will lead the southern attack, with Tod, Kain, Titan,
Tails, and Gavin. My team will be Mierda, Dallas, Photos, Tingle, and Delrith: we'll be
attacking in the north. Once we break through their defenses, we shall cut through to the
south, break open the gate, and let our entire force in. Then we'll all enter the Silph Co.
building, there's sure to be an Uber there, looking over the city's affairs. Everyone, move
Circumventing the city took several days, including traversing the long Rock
Tunnel, and they were relieved to stop by Cerulean City. However, a glimpse of a long,
purple tail disappearing into Cerulean Cave unnerved Ala. "Oh no, Mewtwo's here...let's
just hope he doesn't find out about us..." Ala's team went south onto Route 5, and each
member began taking watch shifts until evening.
"It's time." Photos sat unnaturally straight, staring at Saffron's north gate. The
others, suddenly awake, looked out for any guards. "Coast is clear, let's go." Ala led the
resistance members to Saffron's northern gate and burst into the building, Ala preparing
to set up a screen if needed-
"WOBBA WOBBA!" Ala dropped his guard. A Wobbuffet guarded the door. Ala
and the Wobbuffet stared at each other, then the Wobbuffet spun around, a veil of light
surrounding it. Ala, seizing his chance, performed Encore, preventing Wobbuffet from
using its fatal Counter or Mirror Coat. "Delrith, Photos, do the honors?" Delrith and
Photos nodded, and a few Night Slash and Crunch filled seconds later, Wobbuffet was
unconscious. Mierda stored Wobbuffet behind a crumbling counter, and Ala's team
entered the city. The streets, which Ala expected to be filled with guards, were
completely empty. Ala, confused by this, motioned for his team to sneak over to the
southern half of the city.
Before they even made it a yard from the guardhouse, an alarm sounded, and the
two Salamence circling Silph Co. shot toward the guardhouse like bullets. Ala's eyes
widened and his team quickly sped towards a side alley. Fortunately, the Salamence were
intent on reaching the guardhouse and did not notice Tingle's tail whip out of sight behind
a building. Ala gestured away, and he led his team to the southern gate. A roar of rage
told the Pokemon that the Wobbuffet guard has been discovered. Ala threw open the
southern gates, pushed aside the Wobbuffet guard and paralyzed it with Thunder Wave,
opened the gate door, and yelled out: "Everyone, let's go!"
MICD started as Ala threw the gate open. He called to his team. "Come on, it's
time!" MICD himself sped off to Saffron's gate as fast as possible, with each of his
companions rushing along as well. MICD entered the city to find Ala's team in fierce
combat with two Salamence, and immediately went to assist Ala, Photos, and Tingle, as
their attacks were either evaded or too weak to take down the Salamence, while the
second was almost defeated by Mierda's, Dallas's, and Delrith's Ice Beams, Dragon
Pulses, and Ice Punches. MICD struck the first Salamence with Air Slash, distracting it
long enough for Ala to paralyze it with Thunder Wave and Photos to finish it off with
Crunch. Meanwhile, the second Salamence had already fallen to Delrith's Ice Punch, and
they rejoiced at their defeat, until they saw a horrifying sight coming from the top of the
Silph Co. building. Another 10 Salamence had appeared and were speeding toward them.
"Well, this isn't good." Ala set up Reflect to blunt any attacks. "Everyone, get
ready!" Photos Howled to raise his attack, and Tingle used Recover to mend his injuries
from his fight. As soon as the Salamence entered the range of his attacks, Delrith hopped
onto the top of one of Saffron's many buildings and fired Ice Shards at the horde of
Salamence. He badly injured two, and one fell with a crash into the Pokemon Center. The
rest swooped down upon the members of USSBBR, and fighting broke out.
Delrith began setting up with Swords Dance, and began weaving through the
battles, throwing Ice Punches and Ice Shards wherever he could. Dallas's high defenses
allowed him to survive the Salamence's powerful attacks, and he responded with super
effective Dragon Pulses that severely damaged the Salamence. However, while 3
Salamence had been downed, there were 7 left, and several of USSBBR's members were
down, namely Tingle, Gavin, Photos, and Tails. Delrith slipped beneath another
Salamence's defenses and struck it with an Ice Punch, defeating it, but failed to register
the large shadow looming over him until it was too late. Delrith turned in time to see the
Salamence use Brick Break, shattering Reflect and doing major damage to Delrith,
knocking him out. Ala defeated the Salamence with Psychic, and proceeded to prevent
another Salamence from knocking Dallas out with another Psychic.
Kain was so busy fighting one Salamence that he failed to notice another
Salamence performing Draco Meteor "By the time I warn him, it'll be too late!" Ala
thought quickly, and took a desperate measure. He threw himself in front of the attack,
blocking the powerful move from hitting Kain. Dallas's eyes widened as he saw what Ala
had done.
"ALA!" He fired a Dragon Pulse at the offending Salamence, which crumpled
instantly from the ferocity of the attack, and Kain finished off the Salamence he was
fighting to examine Ala. "Ala...?" Dallas said quietly. Ala looked at Dallas. "Heh...don't
worry about me...focus on the mission." Ala smiled. "See ya later, Dallas." Ala shivered,
then lay still. MICD saw Ala lying on the ground and called those standing to come over.
MICD, Titan, and Mierda rushed over, Tod still attempting to finish off the last
Salamence. "Is he...? Can't someone use Recover on him...?" Mierda asked. Titan and
MICD seemed unable to speak. Dallas sighed. "I don't think so...he's gone."
Kain growled. "He's right, though. We'll come back for him later. We need to
focus on taking out whoever's in charge of the city. We'll revenge ourselves on the
bastards who killed our leader." Dallas gulped, then glanced at the flag over Silph Co.
The sight seemed to stiffen Dallas's resolve, and he nodded. He soared over the buildings
and landed in front of Silph Co. MICD soon landed next to Dallas, and Kain, Titan, and
Mierda soon appeared next to him. "Shall we?" Mierda extended a hand to the door-
"RAAAAAAAWR!!!" Tod's yell echoed in the night, and a large, blue thing
hurtled into the door, smashing a large, gaping hole where the front door was. Mierda
peered through the smashed door to see a Salamence knocked out against the wall. Titan
looked in Tod's direction. "Overkill, mate." Mierda shook his head and led USSBBR into
the building.

The Winsome Southern Skarmada

Dallas, Kain, Titan, Mierda, and MICD entered the building, which was devoid of
guards. "Strange..." Dallas surveyed the area. "Let's go." USSBBR charged up the
staircase and warily looked around the room. "Where is everybody?" Dallas said in
confusion. "Don't worry about it, it makes it easier for us." Mierda commented. "And
don't get so confused, you'll hit yourself." Dallas shook his head and raced upstairs to the
third floor, which was empty as well.
"You know," MICD stopped. "I think they're trying to lull us into a false sense of
security...I don't think there's even anyone past this point. They may even have been
waiting for us to go up this stairway to check before checking the elevator exclusive
areas, maybe we should head ba-"
"Well, you figured me out." Deoxys floated lazily up the stairs. "I was supposed
to ambush you downstairs, but I guess you're too smart for that." Deoxys swayed in
midair. "Look, I don't wanna have to do this. But I'm obligated as an uber to strike down
the resistances. So sorry, but..." He transformed into Attack Form. "It's all over." Before
anyone could react, Deoxys fired a Focus Blast at Titan, who fell with a crash onto the
floor. Deoxys zipped through the members of the organization, unable to be caught, and
fired another Focus Blast at Kain, fainting him as well. "Heh, is this all you got? I
expected more from even you. Well, this is good-bye." Deoxys shot forward, propelled
by his powerful Psycho Boost attack. Dallas and Mierda braced themselves for the hit...
A large crash caused Dallas and Mierda to open their eyes. Deoxys lay against the
opposite wall, unconscious, while MICD hovered in midair. "H-how?!" Dallas spluttered.
"Extremespeed. +1 Priority. Gotta love it." MICD looped in midair. "I highly doubt he's
in control of the city, we better check the top before we leave." Dallas nodded, and the
standing members of USSBBR, reduced to three, entered the elevator. Without prompt,
the elevator began rising up. "Where are we goi-" Dallas started, before he was
interrupted by a smooth voice. "Top level: Saffron's Uber Headquarters." The elevator
doors opened. Dallas led MICD and Mierda out of the elevator, then led them to a pair of
doors. "Ready?" MICD and Mierda nodded, and Mierda blasted the door open with his
Two Salamence stood guard in front of a stairwell to an elevated platform. Sitting
atop the platform was-
"Ah, resistance members. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, I assure you." A
green, serpentine Pokemon uncoiled slightly and glided down to eye level. "Should've
guessed it was you, Rayquaza..." Dallas muttered. "Who else would enlist Salamence as
their guards?" Rayquaza's eyes narrowed. "Dallas...? I thought I killed you back in
Hoenn!" Dallas grimaced. "You overestimated your power. I'm alive and well."
Rayquaza slowly smiled. "I've become stronger and wiser since then. You think you can
defeat me now? Let's go, then. Three on three, your team versus me and my guards.
You'll be commended if you last a minute against us." Mierda chuckled and slammed the
floor. Pointed stones appeared, and shot at Rayquaza and his Salamence guards.
"Wha-?!" Rayquaza yelled in pain as Mierda's Stealth Rocks damaged him. Rayquaza
and his guards rose into the air and began flying in a certain pattern. Dallas recognized
their moves and began to perform Dragon Dance as well. Mierda began firing Ice Beams
at them, and they scattered but continued to perform Dragon Dance. MICD shot a weak
jolt of electricity at Rayquaza, who dodged it, allowing one of his guards to get hit by
Thunder Wave and falling to the ground, paralyzed. Dallas shot toward the Salamence
and used Dragon Claw. Dallas's powerful attack was too much for the Salamence to
handle, and it lay there, twitching, growing closer to death. Dallas gazed at the dying
dragon, sympathy for it welling up in hs chest as it stopped twitching and lay still. He
turned away and glided away to assist Mierda and MICD, who were struggling against
the powerful Salamence. Finally, MICD was overcome by the Salamence's Dragon Rush,
while Mierda blocked it with Protect. Dallas flew in and fired a Dragon Pulse at the
Salamence, who looked at Dallas, distracted, with the result of being frozen by Mierda's
Ice Beam. Dallas and Mierda turned to face their final opponent.
Rayquaza grinned, and the next moment he had shot at Mierda using
Extremespeed, Mierda was knocked backward by the force of the attack, and glanced up
at his adversary. Rayquaza roared, and a second later he rushed forward at Mierda and
slammed into him, thrashing. Rayquaza's Outrage was far too much for Mierda to handle
in his weakened state, and he lay still against the opposite wall. Dallas panicked at the
sight of the thrashing Rayquaza coming at him, and began stuffing Haban Berries as fast
he could before he collided with him. Rayquaza's Outrage was powerful, but Dallas's
high defense along with the Haban Berries allowed Dallas to remain conscious after
being smacked by Rayquaza's tail. However, Dallas had no energy left, and braced
himself for impact again-
Breaking glass, raucous shouting, and a loud bang notified Dallas that Rayquaza
had been stopped, and he opened his eyes to find no less than 20 Skarmory zooming
around the room. Rayquaza had been knocked back by a group of them, and was
recovering from being slammed into a wall. A shiny Skarmory appeared at a broken
window. "ATTACK!" He hovered over the room for a bit before zooming at Rayquaza,
corkscrewing through the air. "Shit." Rayquaza attempted to slide away, but the
Skarmory altered his course and aimed slightly ahead of Rayquaza. Rayquaza noticed
him a split second before he got hit, and was thrown backward, out of a particularly large
window and fell to the street below. Dallas gazed at the Skarmory in amazement, and
suddenly ran out of energy. The last thing he saw before blacking out was a taloned gray

Groudon Appears

Dallas awoke with a start. He lay in a building he recognized as a Pokemon

Center. "Sir, he's up!" The same shiny Skarmory that had knocked out Rayquaza strode
through the door. He acknowledged Dallas and walked over to him. "Greetings, my name
is Link, captain of the Southern Skarmada." Dallas made to shake hands, before realizing
he nor Link HAD hands. Link looked at Dallas's outstretched wing inquiringly; Dallas
passed it off by stretching his other wing out as well. Dallas looked around. "Hey,
where's everyone else?" Link looked slightly uncomfortable. "Well, everyone else was
discharged from the Pokemon Center, I heard they were gathering on Route 5. But there
WAS this Mightyena running around yelling 'WHERE'S ALA?!' but I'm sure there's
nothing to wo-HEY!" Dallas had sprang up at the mention of Ala, and zoomed out the
door. He glided over to where Ala's body had been, but nothing was there. Link soared
over, seconds later. "What's the matter? Is this Ala guy important?" Dallas nodded. "He
was pretty much the leader after our original leader he's gone too." Link shook
his head. "That's too bad. You can't just give up. You have to move on."
Dallas had a sudden flashback of himself perched in a tree on Route 33. He had
offered to help USSBBR then. Would Link do the same? "Hey, uhh, Link..." Link
inclined his head slightly to show he was listening. "Since Ala's gone, we-"
"Need someone to lead? Join? I'd be quite happy to do the latter." Dallas nodded
in amazement: how had Link known what he was thinking? Link, as if he knew what
Dallas was thinking, winked. "I just know. Come on, there's a group at the guardhouse
who refuse to leave until you arrive." Dallas followed Link into the air, wondering who
was waiting for him. Link pushed open the guardhouse gate, said "He's here.", then
moved to the side. Dallas flew in to meet Mierda, Titan, Photos, and Gavin: the members
of the original team that were still alive. Mierda rushed forward. "Whew, you're okay.
For a while I thought Rayquaza..." Mierda trailed off. Dallas looked around at the group.
"Thanks for waiting for me, guys. Come on, let's go meet the others." Dallas led the team
out of the guardhouse and up Route 5, where they found the rest of USSBBR just outside
of Cerulean City.
"Hey guys, I'm be-" Dallas stopped as he saw their distressed expressions. "What
happened?" Tod stepped forward. "Game_ROB and Lostmagic passed by, they said
they've been through Viridian Forest and said that the Pokemon there are in distress for
some reason, they said another Uber is coming to Kanto, that may be the reason." A look
of sudden comprehension came over Link's face. "THAT'S where they sent him?! Ugh, I
thought Lugia and Mewtwo were enough..." Dallas looked at Link, confused. "What, who
was sent?" Link grimaced. "You'll see, in seconds."
Right when Link finished his sentence, an intense heat beat down on Dallas. He
glanced around at USSBBR to find that they all seemed to have felt it as well.
Furthermore, waves of heat were visible, and even as Dallas looked around, grass began
to wilt. Link, who seemed unaffected by the heat, followed Dallas's gaze. "Not pretty, is
it? Yup, that's what happens when Groudon feels like showing off. At this rate, Cinnabar
isn't going to be an island." Dallas's eyes widened. "We have to get rid of Groudon.
Where could he be?" Link rolled his eyes. "Obviously in a place with lots of magma, or at
least a cave. That leaves Victory Road or Cinnabar Island." Dallas nodded. "I doubt he's
in Victory Road, actually. Cinnabar Island seems far more likely. We'll check there first.
We'll go through Mount Moon and Viridian Forest, then we'll cross the o-wait.....some of
us will have to remain behind. We can't bring everyone to Cinnabar." Link thought for a
bit. "Some of us will remain behind, those who can fly will fly there, the rest will take as
many boats as we can sail without attracting attention. About one or two small boats."
Dallas looked around at the group. "I think those weak to fire or ground should remain
here, at Cerulean, until we return, along with a few others." Dallas hovered over the
members of USSBBR. "Tod, Gavin, Photos, Titan, We-hey, Wear? I didn't see you
before Saffron, what happened?"
Wear stepped up and Zero appeared as well. We got lost when you headed
through Diglett's Cave, so we went back and found that Magneton and Xatu pass by, so
we followed them and ended up here. "Okay, then..." Dallas said. "Stay in Cerulean with
the others, please." Wear and Zero looked unwilling but acquiesced. MICD cleared his
throat. "Well, now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's go already!" He flew over to
a tree, looped around it once, and disappeared. Dallas took flight, and those going to
Cinnabar followed, while the group staying at Cerulean began finding places to stay
within the city.
Dallas landed in front of the entrance to Mount Moon. "Link and MICD want to
spend the night at Mount Moon Square. I don't see any reason why not, I'm tired already,
let's go." Dallas soared away to the square while the rest of USSBBR went through the
cave on foot to arrive at the square. They all fell asleep watching the Clefairy play in the
square, while a Furret darted through the trees.

A Flashy Entrance

"WAKE UP!" Mierda's yell echoed around the mountain square. "WHA-?!"
Dallas fell out of the branch he had perched on. "Morning, Sleeping Beauty." Mierda
chuckled. "Or should I say 'Good afternoon'? Dallas shook his head and stared. "A-
afterNOON?!" Mierda nodded. "Almost everyone's waiting at Pewter City, come on, let's
go!" Mierda rushed into the cave, and Dallas took flight, arriving at Pewter City's
southern gate just as Mierda entered the city. Link, MICD, Kain, and Tingle greeted
Dallas as he arrived. "There's no need to worry about supplies, we bought some in
Pewter." Kain said. Dallas nodded and looked southward. "Viridian Forest...Tingle, you
better hang back a bit, I don't think you'll agree with that place. Tingle nodded as Mierda
caught up, panting. "We all ready?" Dallas inquired. Everyone nodded, and Dallas
opened the Viridian Forest gate.
Dallas barely had time to register his surroundings before a cloud of dusty powder
flew into him. He coughed, then felt strangely sleepy, and fell over, snoring. MICD,
Mierda, Kain, Tingle, and Link entered the forest to find a Parasect staring at them. It
grinned and sent another dose of Spore at USSBBR. Mierda stepped up and used Protect,
shielding them all from the sleep-inducing powder. MICD swung his wing, and the Air
Slash knocked the Parasect out. Mierda pulled a can out of a bag and sprayed the Full
Heal onto Dallas, who instantly awoke. However, the Parasect had awoken. As he got up,
Tingle noticed him out of the corner of his eye, and fired a Mud Shot at the Parasect, who
deftly dodged the blast of mud and pleaded, "Stop! I surrender!" He scuttled forward and
introduced himself. "I'm TB. Sorry, I wasn't myself. A bunch of Pokemon in Viridian
Forest are going crazy. I was fighting them at first too, but...I don't remember much."
USSBBR surveyed the forest, and saw TB was right. Pidgeot were clawing at
each other in midair, two Venusaur were butting heads, and a Caterpie was involved in a
violent wrestling match with a Wurmple. Dallas said, "We'd better be careful." Dallas
took a step, then flinched backward as a tree fell after a Venusaur missed and knocked it
over. "That was REAL careful." Link commented, snickering. Dallas ignored Link and
soared over the wrestling match as the Caterpie started biting the Wurmple. MICD and
Link followed him through the air, while Mierda, Kain, TB, and Tingle attempted to pass
the two bugs without getting mauled. Finally, the Wurmple stabbed the Caterpie with a
thorn, and as it tittered in victory, Mierda, Kain, TB, and Tingle passed the violent bug.
"Wait!" A cry came from an alcove in the rock. Dallas, MICD, and Link halted
their flight, and soared down to where Mierda, Kain, TB, and Tingle were distracted. A
Torterra crawled out of the alcove; he had quite obviously dug a hole in the rock to hide
in. "I wanna get out of here, but it's too crazy in the forest, everyone's fighting and stuff."
Dallas glanced up at the tree on the Torterra's back. We'll escort you out of the forest...on
the condition that I can roost up in the tree on your back." The Torterra beamed. "Thank
you, and of course you can. My name's Overdrive, by the way." Dallas fluttered over to
the tree and perched himself on it. Other than a short distraction in the form of a female
Parasect who seemed to think TB was her husband, USSBBR reached the southern gate
of Viridian Forest. Overdrive walked as fast as he could toward the exit.
A short blast of light caused USSBBR to turn their heads away. When they looked at the
southern gate again, a Pikachu stood in the way.
"You can not pass."

Through The Forest and the Flames

Mierda stepped forward. "And why not?" The Pikachu stood its ground. "There's
a disease running through the forest. I, FP, cannot let it spread. If you must pass, either
wait, or try and defeat me." FP's cheeks cracked with electricity. Dallas sighed. "You
have good intentions, but we have to pass, we have more things to worry about than a
disease in the forest. Tingle, take him." Tingle stepped forward and fired several Mud
Shots at FP. He easily dodged the blasts of mud and zipped past Tingle, using Grass
Knot. Tingle tripped over the vine produced and fell onto his stomach, as FP landed in
front of him. FP raised his arms, and energy crackled around him as he used Hidden
Power, knocking Tingle away.
"Is that the best you got? Come on, you can do better than that." Mierda stepped
forward once again. "I'll take you." FP looked discouraged at the hulking Pokemon; his
defenses were too pitiful to take much from Mierda. Mierda raised his fist and fired an
Ice Punch at FP, who backflipped out of the way and fired off a Hidden Power. Mierda
ran at FP, blunting his attack with his high defenses, and swung his arm at him. FP was
thrown into a tree by the force of the Hammer Arm, and re-focused to see Mierda
charging at him once again. FP took out an electric blue surfboard, conjured a wave of
water out of nowhere, and Surfed over Mierda. Mierda shrugged off the attack, but FP
had managed to regain his footing. He charged at Mierda, electricity coursing through his
body, while Mierda Protected himself to blunt the tackle. However, inches away from
Mierda, FP backflipped and dove into the ground. Mierda realized what he was going to
do and hopped out of the way. As FP re-surfaced, Mierda fired a Hydro Pump at him,
hitting him directly in the chest and sending him flying into a boulder.
"Enough..." FP said. "You've won. Go, Viridian City awaits." FP collapsed onto
the ground, panting. Mierda gazed at FP for a moment before following USSBBR
through the gate. FP sighed, though he got up and started firing Thunderbolts at the tree
he was sitting at when the Wurmple began poking him with its tail thorns in an attempt to
stab him.
The trip to Viridian City was entirely uneventful, as was the trip through Route 1
to Pallet Town. However, when they reached the shore of Pallet Town, they found it to be
much hotter than before. "So, Groudon IS at Cinnabar..." Link's eyes narrowed as he
began to take off.
"HEY, WAIT!" Link heard the call and tried to take off and tried to stay on the
ground at the same time, with the result that he nearly fell over. He recovered quickly,
and no one noticed Link's trip because a distraction appeared in the form of FP. "I'm
coming with you." Dallas gave FP a quizzical look. "I thought you were supposed to stop
others from getting past that gate?" FP grinned. "They can get along without me. 'Sides,
sounds as if you're going overseas, and I come down here for a surf on break times
anyway. Pewter City won't miss me." Dallas shrugged and said. "If you'd like. Alright,
MICD, Link, get ready to fly. For everyone else, Mierda, you bought a raft in Pewter
City, right?" Mierda nodded and produced an inflatable boat, which formed as soon as
Mierda took it out. Dallas looked at the puny raft and sai, "Thank god Tod isn't here..."
He took off with MICD, Link leading the way. Mierda, Tingle, Kain, and TB climbed
into the boat. Overdrive glanced at the boat and said, "I don't think I'll fit in that, I'll stay
around Viridian City for a bit." Overdrive walked away as fast as his short legs could take
him. FP produced his surfboard and jumped into the water, a wave immediately
appearing out of nowhere to carry him. Tingle jumped out of the boat, grabbed onto the
back, and used his tail as a rudder to propel the tiny boat forward.
Halfway to Cinnabar, they heard Dallas yell, "Be careful, Groudon knows we're
coming! Mierda, use Protect whenever possible!" Mierda grunted and peered out into the
horizon. Suddenly, a fireball soared into view, heading straight towards the tiny boat.
Mierda gasped and put up protect, the attack glanced off the shield but nearly hit FP as he
surfed by. FP growled and summoned a wave to carry him to Cinnabar faster. A few
more fireballs came their way, but none came close to hitting FP or the boat, and
eventually the flaming rocks ceased as Dallas, MICD, and Link distracted Groudon. FP
slowed down slightly as he landed on shore and put his surfboard away. He waited as the
boat hit land, and Tingle rushed for land. Mierda and Kain hopped out, perfectly fine, but
TB looked queasy and tottered as he followed Mierda, Kain, FP, and Tingle up the
volcano's side. The volcano was dormant, but Groudon had settled itself in a crater on the
mountainside, and was shooting Fire Blasts at the three Flying types circling around him,
not daring to get any closer. Mierda, Kain, FP, TB, and Tingle began running at Groudon,
prepared to fight.
Sunny Side Up

Groudon glared at it's new challengers, and slammed it's fist into the volcano.
Huge boulders cascaded down the side of the volcano, and USSBBR scattered, trying to
avoid the hail of rocks. Taking advantage of Groudon's distraction, Dallas fired an Ice
Beam at Groudon, who was frozen solid. However, the intense sunlight immediately
defrosted Groudon, and it summoned a circle of pointed rocks from the ground and began
hurling them at Dallas. Dallas attempted to swerve out of the way out of all of them, but
one managed to slip past his notice until the last second and was heading straight at
Link flew in the way of the pointed stone, which barely dented his steel armor and
saving Dallas. Dallas said, "Thanks" and shot towards Groudon to fire Dragon Pulses at
the legendary Pokemon. Meanwhile, FP was setting up Light Screen to protect Mierda
and Tingle from Groudon's deadly Solarbeam, Mierda and Tingle themselves were firing
Ice Punches and Ice Beams at Groudon, and Kain was swiping at Groudon with Night
Slash. TB had attempted to weaken Groudon with Seed Bombs, but his defense was too
high to do much, and was lying on the ground. Tingle halted his Ice Beam and ran over to
Parasect to keep him replenish with Water Guns every few seconds. Groudon seemed
impervious to their attacks, or they had little effect on the monstrous Pokemon. Dallas
shouted, "Keep at it! He'll tire out eventually." FP snarled and began using Hidden Power
Ice, Their relentless Ice attacks seemed to be doing well in keeping Groudon at bay, but
there was no stopping it. "Damn it all, why the hell did I pass up learning Rain Dance..."
FP growled. Even MICD's Tri Attacks and Air Slashes were failing to do much to
Groudon began to get enraged by the combination of all these attacks hitting him
at once, and used Earthquake. Kain was thrown into the rocky wall and lay there,
unconscious. FP jumped over the shockwave, but was still knocked out, as Kain had
flown into him from the force of the attack. Mierda stood his ground, though he was
shaken by the Earthquake. Link dove at Groudon, corkscrewing through the air, and
managed to knock him off balance for a second. Groudon quickly recovered and shot a
burst of flame at Link, who rolled in the air to avoid the attack. Energy began to gather in
Groudon's mouth. "Ha, Solarbeam? On a Steel/Flying Pokemon? Thing is dumber than it
Groudon turned and fired its Solarbeam at Mierda, knocking him out instantly.
Only Dallas, Link, and MICD were left. Dallas and MICD were weakened by Groudon's
rock attacks; Link couldn't defend them from multiple Stone Edges and Ancientpowers.
Finally, MICD was defeated as Groudon's continuous Rock Slides overwhelmed him.
Dallas circled around Groudon, trying to figure a strategy to defeat Groudon, but it
seemed he was undefeatable for them. Link and Dallas were both tired, but Groudon was
still full of energy.
"HYAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG!" A Blaziken jumped out from behind the
volcano. "FIRE PAWNCH!" The Blaziken slugged Groudon on the snout, and it fell over
backwards, landing on its back with a crash. The Blaziken slid on the ground, then turned
to look at Groudon. He backflipped onto Groudon's belly and fearlessly gazed at its face.
Groudon glared at the Blaziken and raised a claw. Groudon swiped at the fiery chicken,
but it had already jumped beyond its reach into the air. The Blaziken's heel caught fire as
it dove, with one leg sticking out, shooting directly at Groudon's belly. Blaziken's foot
connected, and he hopped off the ancient Pokemon's stomach to admire the effect. Link
muttered, "Holy crap, deus ex machina alert." He swooped down with Dallas and
addressed the Blaziken. "Err, hello, who are you?"
The Blaziken grinned and replied, "Hi, my name's Eggs. I was training behind this
volcano, heard fighting, and looked around to see you guys battling Groudon. So, I
figured I'd wait to see when you guys were in trouble before coming in." Dallas smiled
and inclined his head. "Thank you." Link cleared his throat. "How did you finish
Groudon off so quickly anyway?"
Eggs shrugged. "Kill it with fire."

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