Wiley - The Structure of Materials - 978-0-471-00082-2 PDF

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The Structure of Materials

Samuel M. Allen, Edwin L. Thomas

Paperback 978-0-471-00082-2 February 1999 $239.95


Allen and Thomas offer a concise approach to teaching and learning the structure of materials. Their presentation is consistent with

the way future scientists and engineers will need to think about materials in order to select, design, and use materials to their best


This text focuses on three different states of condensed matter#glasses, crystals, and liquid crystals#and is developed through the

same set of tools, describing all three states.

This text is suitable for an undergraduate or graduate course in materials structure. The text can be used as a main text or as

supplemental material.


SAMUEL M. ALLEN is Professor of Physical Metallurgy in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at M.I.T. He

earned a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Stevens Institute of Technology and an S.M. and a Ph.D. from M.I.T. His research

interests include phase transformations, solid/solid interfaces, structure/property relations in high-temperature alloys, three-

dimensional printing of metal tools for plastic injection molding, and alloys for high-strain actuators. He is also co-authoring a

graduate textbook, "Kinetic Processes in Materials," with Robert W. Balluffi and W. Craig Carter.
EDWIN L. THOMAS is the Morris Cohen Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at M.I.T. He received a B.S. in

Mechanical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts and a Ph.D. in Materials Science from Cornell University. His

research interests include processing, microstructure and mechanical property relations of polymers, and optical properties of

liquid crystals and polymeric-based photonic band gap materials. Professor Thomas' honors and awards include the High Polymer

Physics Prize of the American Physical Society and the American Chemical Society Creative Polymer Chemist Award.


• Breadth of coverage. Text presents coverage of all types of materials. Teaches students to be materials scientists/engineers

rather than specialists in only one material.

• Distills structural principles common to all materials. Makes student learning more efficient by focusing on principles and not

on specific details.

• Atomic and molecular models made with state-of-the-art modeling software. Models are made to indicate relative atomic/

molecular sizes using appropriate atomic/ionic radii.

• Many example problems, exercises, and figures.

• References and additional readings at the end of chapters point to other treatments and more details.

• Part of the Wiley MIT Series in Material Science. Other titles in the series include:

• Rangone: Thermodynamics of Materials Vols. I and II

• Chiang: Physical Ceramics: Principals for Ceramic Science and Engineering

• Livingston: Electronic Properties of Engineering Materials

To purchase this product, please visit https://www.wiley.com/en-us/9780471000822

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