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Student Name

Student No.

Trimester n, 202n

Professional Issues Assignment 1

Due Date: time, dd/mm/yy

Lecturer: David Tuffley
Campus (NA, LG, GC):
Professional Issues Assignment Introduction

1. Introduction 2

2. Analysis 3
2.1. Legal factors...............................................................................3
2.1.1. Scenario 1.1.........................................................................3
2.1.2. Scenario 1.2.........................................................................3
2.2. Professional factors....................................................................3
2.2.1. Scenario 1.1.........................................................................3
2.2.2. Scenario 1.2.........................................................................3
2.3. Employment and Social factors..................................................3
2.3.1. Scenario 1.1.........................................................................4
2.3.2. Scenario 1.2.........................................................................4
2.4. Personal factors..........................................................................4
2.4.1. Scenario 1.1.........................................................................4
2.4.2. Scenario 1.2.........................................................................4
2.5. Intrinsic factors............................................................................4
2.5.1. Scenario 1.1.........................................................................4
2.5.2. Scenario 1.2.........................................................................4
2.6. Prioritisation................................................................................5
2.6.1. Scenario 1.1.........................................................................5
2.6.1. Scenario 1.2.........................................................................5
2.7. Decision......................................................................................6
2.7.1. Scenario 1.1.........................................................................6
2.7.2. Scenario 1.2.........................................................................6

3. Discussion 7
3.1.1. Scenario 1.1.........................................................................7
3.1.2. Scenario 1.2.........................................................................7

4. Conclusion 7
4.1.1. Scenario 1.1.........................................................................7
4.1.2. Scenario 1.2.........................................................................7

<note, use the automatic Table of Contents update when

finished – right click mouse over the ToC, then select ‘Update
Field’ then ‘Update entire table’>

(Student Name, Course, Semester, Year)0 Page

Professional Issues Assignment Introduction

1. Introduction

Professional problems are very normal as we operate in

this professional community. They may cause difficulties,
both explicitly and indirectly, in the execution of tasks.
Such problems are both intended and accidental. We
reviewed two separate small case studies for this study.
In both of the case studies, characters encounter a variety
of professional problems. Such problems are examined
and debated in conjunction with the EDM, and judgments
are made on the basis of reasonable justification.

(Student Name, Course, Semester, Year)0 Page

Professional Issues Assignment Introduction

2. Analysis

<create a list, based on the case study, assigning events

and facts to the various categories below>
<this section might contain up to a thousand words>

2.1. Legal factors

<Legal always takes precedence over the rest since
breaking the law will get you into serious trouble, even
time in prison. There will be no conflict between Legal and
Professional factors since no profession wants its
members to break the law.>

2.1.1. Scenario 1.1

2.1.2. Scenario 1.2

2.2. Professional factors

<which imply that the obligation to your profession takes
precedence over the obligations you have to your
employer in the event that your employer requires you to
do something unprofessional. >

2.2.1. Scenario 1.1

2.2.2. Scenario 1.2

(Student Name, Course, Semester, Year)0 Page

Professional Issues Assignment Introduction

2.3. Employment and Social factors

<The organisations that exist in the larger context of a
society are a product of that society, so there will usually
be agreement, at least in principle, between the ideals of
the organisation and those of society. There will be some
exceptions to this in the case of organisations that exist at
the periphery of society, that do not share its mainstream
ideals. >

2.3.1. Scenario 1.1

2.3.2. Scenario 1.2

2.4. Personal factors

<include what you acquire from your family, religious
community and close personal friends, your peer group.
Much of a person’s moral development will be the product
of their personal environment. >
<Since personal factors are those acquired from social
conditioning, they are part of the “nurture” component of
Nature/Nurture. Our personalities are always a composite
of these two factors, though the degree of each will vary
with every individual. Strong-minded independent people
will be more influenced by the “nature” component >

2.4.1. Scenario 1.1

2.4.2. Scenario 1.2

2.5. Intrinsic factors

<include the unique spectrum of a person’s attributes;
their level of moral development, personal goals, what
motivates them, their position and status in society, their
self-concept – factors inherent in the nature that were not
acquired from their environment.>

(Student Name, Course, Semester, Year)0 Page

Professional Issues Assignment Introduction

2.5.1. Scenario 1.1

2.5.2. Scenario 1.2

(Student Name, Course, Semester, Year)0 Page

Professional Issues Assignment Introduction

2.6. Prioritisation
<based on the list developed in the previous section,
create a prioritised list in the table below. Refer to the
textbook chapter on the EDM for guidance on how to

2.6.1. Scenario 1.1

Factor Related Issue

1 <most import factor> <if applicable>
13 <when finished delete vacant rows>
15 <least import factor>

Table 1: Priority List Scenario 1

1.1.1. Scenario 1.2

Factor Related Issue

1 <most import factor> <if applicable>

(Student Name, Course, Semester, Year)0 Page

Professional Issues Assignment Introduction

13 <when finished delete vacant rows>
15 <least import factor>

Table 2: Priority List Scenario 2

2.7. Decision
<a statement of your decision, based on rational
<this section might contain up to 200 words>

2.7.1. Scenario 1.1

2.7.2. Scenario 1.2

(Student Name, Course, Semester, Year)0 Page

Professional Issues Assignment Introduction

3. Discussion

<the previous section should detail your application of the

model. As word limits allow, this section should discuss in
detail (a) what you thought were the important factors
inherent in this scenario, (b) why you prioritised the list as
you did (why were some factors more important than
others), and (c) overall why you came to the decision you
<no need for any references at end of assignment unless
you have accessed material external to the course>
<Submit through TurnitIn>

3.1.1. Scenario 1.1

3.1.2. Scenario 1.2

4. Conclusion

<summarise your conclusions>

4.1.1. Scenario 1.1

4.1.2. Scenario 1.2

(Student Name, Course, Semester, Year)0 Page

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