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CLASS ID: CU-545-2016



DATE: 3/23/2020
Importance of HRM:

Human Resource Management manages issues identified with pay, execution the
board, association advancement, wellbeing, health, benefits, worker inspiration,
preparing and others. HRM assumes a vital job in overseeing individuals and the
working environment culture and condition.

• Fulfil the Human Resource Requirement: The human resource

management fills in the gap between the openings or vacancies in the
association/organization and the appropriate contender for such positions.
That is the right person for the right job, in order to avoid any incapable
candidate which may catastrophic for an organization.

• Employee Retention: HRM capacities to gain labor as well as focuses on the

support and maintenance of the human capital in an organization. The
retention can imploded in various ways.

• Enhance the Quality of Work Life: It focusses on the ceaseless

improvement of the job facilities, consequently improving the nature of the
representatives of an organization’s work life.

• Redressing Grievance and Conflict: HRM addresses the issues among

employees of an organization or with the administration/management since it
is fundamental and pivotal for any association to determine its interior clashes
between employees (low-level with low-level) or top-level with low-level and
complaints to guarantee a sound and co-usable workplace.

• Achieving Organizational Goals: To get on at the set destinations and

focuses on schedule, it is important to coordinate the worker's endeavors
towards the authoritative objectives. This is conceivable just through the act
of human resource management.
• Long-term Existence in the Market: As we as a whole realize that workers
are the unavoidable part of any organization, consequently to get by in the
opposition in the market, it is basic that the association brings HRM into

• Developing Team Spirit and Feeling of Belongingness: It unites the various

workers/employees of an organization as a group to achieve the objectives of
the association/organization. HRM additionally causes the representatives of
the organization to feel significant to the association.

• Employee Satisfaction and Welfare: HRM works for the workers'

assistance/welfare, wellbeing and security of the association. It is significantly
worried about the degree of fulfillment got by a worker from his job.


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