Module 2.1: Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary Sources I. Learning Objectives

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Module 2.

1: Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary Sources

I. Learning Objectives:
1. Analyze the context, content, and perspective of selected primary sources and
determine how they affected the history of the Filipino people.
2. Assess the primary sources in reconstructing and analyzing the history of the
Filipino people from pre-colonial times to 20 th century;
3. Develop critical and analytical skills as they are exposed to primary sources.
4. Display the ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team and can contribute to a group
II. Core Value:
MAY MALASAKIT – Valuing the identity of Filipino people.
III. Selected Materials for groupings:
1. Antonio Pigafetta. First Voyage Around the World, (pp. 23-48) [Chronicle]
2. Juan de Plasencia, Customs of the Tagalogs, (Garcia, (1979). pp. 221-234) [Friar
3. Emilio Jacinto, “Kartilla ng Katipunan” (Richardson, (2013). pp. 131-137) [Declaration of
4. Emilio Aguinaldo, Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan. (pp. 78-82; 95-100; 177-188; 212-227)
5. National Historical Institute. (1997). Documents of the 1898 Declaration of Philippine
Independence, The Malolos Constitution and the First Philippine Republic. Manila:
National Historical Institute. (pp. 19-23)[Proclamation]
6. Commission on Independence, Filipino Grievances Against Governor Wood (Zaide, 11.
pp. 230-234). [Petition letter]
IV. Activity
A. Introduce the topic to the students. Present the following distribution of the readings of
primary sources for Prelim and Midterm periods:

1. Antonio Pigafetta. First Voyage Around the World

2. Juan de Plasencia, Customs of the Tagalogs
3. Emilio Jacinto, “Kartilla ng Katipunan”
4. Emilio Aguinaldo, Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan.
5. National Historical Institute. (1997). Documents of the 1898 Declaration of
Philippine Independence, The Malolos Constitution and the First Philippine
6. Commission on Independence, Filipino Grievances Against Governor

B. The six (6) Textual primary sources would be final chunk topics of your Prelims.
1. Textual Primary Sources (Prelim)
a. Your group would be having one (1) topic to research on.
b. Make research on the assigned topic and prepare a written report and video
documentary (8-10 minutes only) containing and discussing the following elements:
Title of the Document and the name
of the Author

I. Background of the Author

A. What is the occupation or position of
the author? Provide a brief description of
B. What are some of the facts about the
author that makes him dependable in
writing the document?

C. What were the author’s motivation in

writing the document?

II. Historical Background of the Document

A. What period in Philippine History did
the document tackled?
B. What are some facts that the
document tells about Filipinos and life in
the Philippines at the time it was written?
C. What world/regional/ domestic events
affected the Philippines in general during
this period?

III. Content Presentation and Analysis of the Important Historical Information

A. How were the Filipinos and the
Philippines portrayed in the document
and why do you think so?
B. Provide important terms or concepts
and their meanings in relation to the
content of the document.
C. What previous misconception in
Philippine History was debunked? What
new information have you learned
through the document?

IV. Contribution and Relevance of the Document

A. How relevant the document in
reconstructing the past of the Philippines
and its people?
B. Provide the significance of the
document with the following (Choose all
that applies);
2. Economy
3. Socio-cultural
4. Political
5. Religious
6. Geography
7. Filipino Youth
V. Assessment Part I: Rubrics for written output and video documentary
A. Written Report
Group Name/Members: ________________________________
Section: _______________

Written Report
Levels of Quality
Criteria 40 30 20 10

Demonstrated a Demonstrated a Demonstrated a Demonstrated a

Content conscious and thorough basic very limited
thorough understanding of understanding of understanding of
understanding of the subject the subject the subject
(40pts) the subject matter but lacks matter and matter. This
matter. This key points. limited main reflection needs
written report points. revision and
can be used as further review.
a model for
other students.

Criteria 40 30 20 10

Used specific Used relevant Used examples Used incomplete

Evidence and and convincing proof from the from the topic to or vaguely
Historical proof/evidence topic studied to support most developed proof
context from the topic support claims in claims in the to only partially
  studied to own words, topic with some support claims
(40 pts) support claims in making connections with no
own applicable made between connections
words/thought, connections arguments. made between
making insightful between arguments.
and applicable arguments.

Criteria 20 15 10 5

  Introduction, Introduction, Introduction, Introduction,

detail detail detail detail
Organization arrangement, arrangement, arrangement, arrangement,
  transitions, transitions, transitions, transitions,
(20 pts) conclusion and conclusions and conclusion and conclusion and
coherence are coherence are coherence are coherence are
superior. very good. satisfactory. limited.
Total Score: /100
B. Short Video Documentary Rubric
Group Name/Members: ______________________
Section: ____________
Title of the Film: ____________________________

Short Description of the Video:




Short Video Documentary

Levels of Quality

Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited 

20 15 10 5

Demonstrated a Demonstrated a Demonstrated a Demonstrated a

Content conscious and thorough basic very limited
thorough understanding of understanding of understanding of
(20 pts) understanding of the subject matter the subject matter the subject matter.
the subject matter. but lacks key and limited main This reflection
This documentary points. points. needs revision
and further
film can be used
as a model.

Criteria 40 30 20 10

Achievement of Used specific and Used relevant Used examples Used incomplete
the Purpose and convincing proof from the from the topic to or vaguely
Understanding proof/evidence topic studied to support most developed proof
of the Topic from the topic support claims in claims in the topic to only partially
studied to support own words, with some support claims
(40 pts) claims in own making applicable connections made with no
connections between connections made
between arguments. between
making insightful
arguments. arguments.
and applicable

Criteria 15 10 5 3

Editing Introduction, detail Introduction, detail Introduction, detail Introduction, detail

arrangement, arrangement, arrangement, arrangement,
(15pts) transitions, transitions, transitions, transitions,
conclusion and conclusions and conclusion and conclusion and
coherence are coherence are coherence are coherence are
superior. Satisfy very good. Satisfy satisfactory. But limited. Failed to
the number of the number of failed to meet the satisfy the
minutes being minutes being number of minutes required.
required. required but failed minutes required
Sources/credits to provide some of (min. or max.)
are properly cited. the Lack to limited
sources/credits. credits.
Group’s film was Group’s film was Group’s film was Group’s film was
very much creative. There not very creative. not creative. No
Creativity creative. Much was attention to Little attention attention to detail
(25pts) attention to detail. detail. Utilized was given to was given. Did not
Utilized surroundings and details. Did not utilize
surroundings and available fully utilize surroundings and
available equipment. Film surroundings and available
equipment very was interesting to available equipment.
well. Film was watch. equipment. Film Project was not
very interesting to was not very interesting to
watch. interesting to watch.


Total score: /100

VI. References:
Antonio Pigafetta. First Voyage Around the World, (pp. 23-48) [Chronicle]uan de Plasencia, Customs of the
Tagalogs, (Garcia, (1979). pp. 221-234) [Friar account]

Emilio Jacinto, “Kartilla ng Katipunan” (Richardson, (2013). pp. 131-137) [Declaration of Principles]

Emilio Aguinaldo, Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan. (pp. 78-82; 95-100; 177-188; 212-227) [Memoirs]

National Historical Institute. (1997). Documents of the 1898 Declaration of Philippine Independence, The
Malolos Constitution and the First Philippine Republic. Manila: National Historical Institute. (pp. 19-23)

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