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Export actual parameters using CM Operations Manager

2. Open this tool and go to the "Main_Page" sheet
3. Click on the "Show XML Plan Window" to open the XML plan form
4. Select the "XML Parser" and select the network objects that you want to parse (note: click select all
objects if you want to select all)
5. Click the "Parse XML Dump" button to parse the exported parameters

1. Perform the task to parse XML dump on the site you want to check (see procedures above)
2. After parsing the XML dump select the tab "Consistency Checks"
3. Select the object (or all) that you want to do the check.
4. You can correct discrepancies by clicking on the "Correct Discrepancies" button
(Note: clicking the button on step 4 will only correct the values and remove lines with no discrepancies
for all objects except the RNC)

With all the parameters populated on each object sheet you can create the XML plans to perform
several tasks:

1. Open the main XML plan form

2. Select the "Plan Generator" tab
3. Select the object you want to create the XML plan (e.g. RNC, WBTS, WCEL, etc.)
(Note: select the "All" option if you need to create just a single XML plan for all objects in the
4. Select the operation type (see description below for the different operation type)

5. Provide the XML filename and the directory where you want the XML plan to be saved
6. Click on the "Generate XML Plan" button to create the XML plan

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