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3 Extra Writing Practice Name

An Informal Letter / E-mail

1 Complete the sentences with the adverbs below.

quickly • really • luckily • a bit • unfortunately

1. I was …………………… pleased to get your e-mail. I was thinking of you all week.
2. …………………… , we couldn’t go to Tom and Alison’s wedding.
3. I’m feeling …………………… tired. Can we sit for a few minutes?
4. Thank you for replying so …………………… .
5. Peter missed the last bus, but …………………… he found a taxi.

2 Look at the expressions below and answer the questions that follow.

I’m writing to tell you about… • Hi ... , • Write soon! • How are you? • Regards, • That’s all for now.
1. Which three expressions are used at the beginning of an informal letter or e-mail?
…………………………… , …………………………… , ……………………………
2. Which three expressions are used at the end of an informal letter or e-mail?
…………………………… , …………………………… , ……………………………

3 Number the following parts of an informal letter or e-mail in the correct order.
…… Closing remarks
…… Body: information, news or details
…… Greeting
…… Signing off
…… Opening remarks, reason for writing

4 These sentences and expressions are taken from different informal letters or e-mails. Write where they
belong: G (greeting), O (opening remarks), B (body), C (closing remarks) or S (signing off).
…… 1. Write soon!
…… 2. I’ve got a new puppy and she’s adorable!
…… 3. Dear Emily,
…… 4. I haven’t heard from you for ages!
…… 5. Love,
…… 6. How are things?
…… 7. All the best
…… 8. Sorry I haven’t written for so long.

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